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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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Not really fretting unless PA becomes a very close race (i.e. within 2-3 points), you'd be out of your mind to not worry at that point. The whole ordeal in general makes me very angry and frustrated more than anything else.

Don't talk to me like I'm five.
I noticed you saw the WI poll. Your response was surprisingly measured. For you, at least.

Sorry. Your ready defeatism warrants needling.
I wouldn't be surprised by this, considering all the GOP victories there in the past (and the current leads in the congressional race). I'm more surprised that Obama was still in the lead there, all things considered.

Bought time we extract Wisconsin and let Lakes Superior and Michigan fill up that space. We can connect Wisconsin to the gulf states or something.
I wouldn't be surprised by this, considering all the GOP victories there in the past (and the current leads in the congressional race). I'm more surprised that Obama was still in the lead there, all things considered.

Depends on the lead in the poll. Romney + 1-2 doesn't worry me much. Romney +4-5 is worrying.


I just assumed it. Telecoms fucking over their consumers? Of course he supports it.

I suppose I would assume that's where he stands, but actually knowing it makes me even more worried. Is there really anything this dude won't try to fuck up if he gets into power?
I'm a little late on the "Legitimate Rape" discussion, but it's not just Akin who's said that. It's been a thing with Republicans for a while:

I would hope that when a woman goes into a physician, with a rape issue, that that physician will indeed ask her about perhaps her marriage, was this pregnancy caused by normal relations in a marriage, or was it truly caused by a rape.
Senator Chuck Winder, R- Idaho, 2012

Most women either are not fertile during assault or do not become pregnant because the trauma prompts a hormonal response that prevents ovulation.
Dr. Richard Dobbins, 20-year GOP contributor, 2006

The facts show that people who are raped — who are truly raped — the juices don't flow, the body functions don't work and they don't get pregnant. Medical authorities agree that this is a rarity, if ever . . . to get pregnant, it takes a little cooperation. And there ain't much cooperation in a rape.
Rep. Henry Aldridge, R- North Carolina, 1995

The odds that a woman who is raped will get pregnant are one in millions and millions and millions [...] The traumatic experience of rape causes a woman to secrete a certain secretion that tends to kill sperm.
Delaware state Rep. Stephen Freind, R-Delaware County, 1988
Yup, pretty clear this is a way to oppose all abortions by de-legitimizing the idea that yes, a woman can be impregnated during rape; ever heard of the Moors? If you can create doubt about the victims, it's easier to justify ethical and political stances against abortion. Notice, Romney/Ryan put out a statement saying abortion in the case of rape should be legal; being opposed to it remains a controversial, losing argument. But this whole thing has exposed a long standing far right battle on this issue.

Akin's sin isn't that he believes this nonsense, at least in the eyes of many on the right - it's that he said it out loud.
Was that not the exact responses to the latest Rassmussen? I honestly don't know, I was out of town, but it generally tracks.
Oh what, did rasmussen start being a good pollster or something? Sorry I don't believe Wisconsin and Florida's Senate contests have had 20 point swings in the last month.

Romney leading WI is a bit frightening. Hopefully it encourages OFA to get off their ass and start campaigning there.


Oh what, did rasmussen start being a good pollster or something?

Romney leading WI is a bit frightening. Hopefully it encourages OFA to get off their ass and start campaigning there.

I'm thinking the latest events might move them to Missouri? I mean, Wisconsin has been a bloodbath for the Dems the last three years, is that something they are really going to want to throw money at when there is fresh meat in Missouri?

Say what you want about Thompson, but he is certainly not some political newb prone to idiotic statements. It's going to be tough for someone as far left as Baldwin to beat a relative centrist like Thompson in today's Wisconsin.
I'm thinking the latest events might move them to Missouri? I mean, Wisconsin has been a bloodbath for the Dems the last three years, is that something they are really going to want to throw money at when there is fresh meat in Missouri?

Say what you want about Thompson, but he is certainly not some political newb prone to idiotic statements. It's going to be tough for someone as far left as Baldwin to beat a relative centrist like Thompson in today's Wisconsin.
I get the feeling Missouri would be tougher territory for Democrats than Wisconsin has, in spite of whatever's going on there now. In light of the Akin comments though, I could see them going for it it to salvage McCaskill's campaign if nothing else.

As for Thompson vs. Baldwin, I never said it'd be easy but every respectable polling outfit (i.e. not Rasmussen) has it close or tied. We'll see what PPP has to say I guess, but it's certainly not the landslide you've been projecting, though don't get me wrong, that could easily change too. Just like Romney's lead over Obama.

Crossroads is pulling out of Missouri -

The conservative outside-spending powerhouse Crossroads GPS is pulling its ads from the Missouri Senate race, three sources confirmed to POLITICO.

The group had originally booked a new round of ads to start Wednesday but began canceling them earlier today. The decision comes in the wake of comments by Missouri Rep. and GOP Senate nominee Todd Akin questioning how often women can get pregnant from “legitimate rape.”

Contacted about the decision to withdraw its resources from Missouri, Crossroads spokesman Nate Hodson responded: “The act speaks for itself.”

Akin has faced calls from multiple Republican senators to drop out of the Senate race and allow another candidate to run in his place. In a radio interview with Mike Huckabee on Monday, Akin said he had made a mistake but that he intends to stay in the race.
Stay in the race! Come on, we need a true conservative warrior!


I get the feeling Missouri would be tougher territory for Democrats than Wisconsin has, in spite of whatever's going on there now.

As for Thompson vs. Baldwin, I never said it'd be easy but every respectable polling outfit (i.e. not Rasmussen) has it close or tied. We'll see what PPP has to say I guess, but it's certainly not the landslide you've been projecting.

Let's see what the first Marquette Poll says before claiming it won't be a landslide. If Romney really is winning even you have to admit it will be a slaughter for Baldwin.

In 2008 Ryan's district went for Obama, in 2010 he took 70% of the vote. If this PPP poll leak is legit, the dems aren't going to spend nearly enough in Wisconsin on that senate seat.
Let's see what the first Marquette Poll says before claiming it won't be a landslide. If Romney really is winning even you have to admit it will be a slaughter for Baldwin.

In 2008 Ryan's district went for Obama, in 2010 he took 70% of the vote. If this PPP poll leak is legit, the dems aren't going to spend nearly enough in Wisconsin on that senate seat.
Not necessarily. If the Senate and Presidential results track closely together, Baldwin could just lose by whatever margin Obama does.

I think it's funny how no one's discussing this:

PPP said:
Out of Obama, Romney, Biden, Ryan only one Wisconsin voters have a positive opinion of is Ryan

Last month we had Romney at 87% of GOP vote in Wisconsin, now 93%. That is probably the true Ryan effect- party unification
Hmm, it's almost like Romney's VP choice is giving him a sort of... bounce in the polling.

Diablos said:
PPP? Pfft. Biased pollster. It's within the MoE; Obama will win by 12!
You don't get to play this game.


WI is really tighetning up and I almost expect it to stay that way, but I'm hoping time will tell me otherwise.

Rarely does a VP pick add that kind of momentum to the ticket long term; Palin did briefly, but that faded once everyone saw how dumb she was. Ryan is much smarter than that.

Looks like Paul Ryan wasn't such an awful choice after all. Even if it only gives Mitt a boost in WI, in a tight election that could make most if not all the difference. I bet Portman wouldn't have done shit, and Rubio is not exactly popular with the folks they would have picked him for to balance out the ticket.


WI is really tighetning up and I almost expect it to stay that way, but I'm hoping time will tell me otherwise.

Rarely does a VP pick add that kind of momentum to the ticket long term; Palin did briefly, but that faded once everyone saw how dumb she was. Ryan is much smarter than that.

Looks like Paul Ryan wasn't such an awful choice after all. I bet Portman wouldn't have done shit, and Rubio is not exactly popular with the folks they would have picked him for to balance out the ticket.

Just what Romney needed, Wisconsin!


Supposedly Hovde is going to dump a ton of money into one of the active PAC's in order to show he is a team player and get party support to take over Thompson's seat in 2016. If he puts $4-5 million it would really prime the pump there. It'll be interesting to see. The last big spender who failed miserably in his Wisconsin attempt was Russ Darrow and he bitterly withdrew from politics completely. It doesn't look like Hovde will do the same.

Just what Romney needed, Wisconsin!

Let the spin begin! Wisconsin? Big deal!


Let the spin begin! Wisconsin? Big deal!
I know, right? We'll just act like the electoral math is somehow owned by Obama and reality can't take that away from him.

But if the lead in WI is maintained then it tells me Walker, as much as I hate him, has done an incredible job of setting a new trend in the state that breaks for the GOP when it's time to vote.

Gotta hand it to the GOP there. I hope the other states maintain the electoral status quo thus allowing Obama to make it up elsewhere. Don't forget about bullshit voter ID laws trolling the electorate. Does it matter, generally speaking? Maybe not. But in close races, sure.
A interesting story from Politico this morning. Obama's campaign staff is full of bickering and in-fighting. A complete turn-around from the 2008 campaign:

An interesting point that stands out, they say Obama despises Romney, downright hates him. Unlike McCain who he respected.

It's funny that Biden being Biden and forcing Obama's hand early on gay marriage was ultimately a good thing. I think Obama might have irrevocably pissed off the left if he'd waited this long, plus not given socially-conservative Democratic groups enough time to adjust.

Unless you make beloved Hollywood films.

Is this Whoopi? What films has she made that are beloved? Sister Act? Theodore Rex? The Color Purple was almost 30 years ago!


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Reference courtesy Roman Polanski via Whoopi Goldberg

People are able to forgive almost anything that anybody does, as long as that person is in a position of fame or power. It is sick, but how many spouse abusers are given a free pass because they are famous?
Aaron Blake said:
Source: NRSC chair John Cornyn has told Todd Akin that NRSC will not spend money on him and that he is endangering GOP's majority hopes.
Burn, baby, burn!

I don't think Akin will give it up simply because he already gave up a safe House seat to do this.

So assuming MO is a keep and NE and ME cancel each other out, Republicans would need a clean sweep in Montana, North Dakota, Wisconsin, Virginia and/or Florida (all toss-ups at worst) while holding MA, NV, and IN (again, toss-ups) to win the Senate.

If you ever wondered why I'm so bullish about Democrats holding onto the Senate, there you go.
My impression from Twin City news is the people of Wisconsin are desperate to be in the limelight and will do whatever it takes to take center stage...including voting Romney/Ryan or Thompson into office. They're so average that they're willing to sell their souls like the latest mass gunman in the nation for their 30 seconds of fame. I saw this around recall time and after Ryan was picked.


Wow, Akin really dropped the ball, didn't he? Did he not think beforehand that saying that could possibly be a massive screw up?

It really turned the attention away from Biden's gaffe and any Medicare discussion. Romney campaign can't be pleased at all.


No Scrubs
Wow, Akin really dropped the ball, didn't he? Did he not think beforehand that saying that could possibly be a massive screw up?

People have been saying similar things for years now, he just took it too far across the stupid line (apparently just saying there is such a thing as legitimate and illegitimate rape isn't enough to get you on the news and ridiculed, you also have to fail middle school biology).
Wow, Akin really dropped the ball, didn't he? Did he not think beforehand that saying that could possibly be a massive screw up?

I imagine that the position that abortion should not be allowed, even in the case of rape, is so indefensible that you really have to do mental gymnastics to convince yourself that it is all logical. Might as well just say "Bible says so" (who gives a fuck if it doesn't) and call it a day instead of trying to justify it otherwise.
My impression from Twin City news is the people of Wisconsin are desperate to be in the limelight and will do whatever it takes to take center stage...including voting Romney/Ryan or Thompson into office. They're so average that they're willing to sell their souls like the latest mass gunman in the nation for their 30 seconds of fame. I saw this around recall time and after Ryan was picked.
Wisconsin and Minnesota do have a long history of voting for opposite parties in the governor's mansion. Maybe that will now be brought to federal elections as well.

Oh wait, Fox News said Minnesota's a toss-up, nvm


Burn, baby, burn!

I don't think Akin will give it up simply because he already gave up a safe House seat to do this.

If he was half smart (he's not, at all, but...) he'd know that these threats from Rove and Cornyn are empty. If they're stuck with him after the next few days, whenever that deadline is, they'll resume spending money on him. They're not going to just stop trying to win Missouri/the senate.

I guess this would be considered a legitimate rape of one's political career.

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