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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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Just heard a female guest on South Carolina's NPR network that Obama's response regarding men getting involved in women's health care decisions is "laughable" because of the Obamacare contraception thing.

...and wasn't called out on it.

Liberal media.

Giving voice to people that continually make bad arguments is an effective tool in promoting a bias.

See: Colmes, Buchanan


So there's apperantly no excemption for abortion in the case the mother's life is in danger?
If the GOP have it their way, we're looking at stuff like this in the near future.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Someone probably mentioned about how they were posting from a Chik-fil-A

Actually it looks fairly tame, both sides to the argument are already stated.

What he has going for him:
Openly Gay
Sex was Consensual and Legal Age

Public Restroom, not legal.
Kinda Creepy age difference.

No idea what is up with the urinating though, hehe.


RNC's @Reince on abortion in GOP platform: 'This is the platform of the Republican Party; this is not the platform of Mitt Romney."


BTW: Did my good deed for the day, talked with an 18 year old and got him informed and registered. More campus work this weekend.
Ouuuuch. That MA poll is terrible.

Baffles my mind how Mass voters can be like "Yeah, we want Democrats to run the Senate" while voting for Brown. Ughhh.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions

BTW: Did my good deed for the day, talked with an 18 year old and got him informed and registered. More campus work this weekend.

I'm doing that this semester too :)
Same way people can despise congress yet vote for their incumbent representative 70-30.
Well hating Congress is a pretty nonpartisan thing, but yeah. This is "Every Republican sucks except ours!"

PPP said:
Right now Warren is only winning 76% of voters who want Dem controlled Senate- upping that is key for her
Yeah, I'd just love to meet these people and ask them what makes Scott Brown so appealing in spite of that.
Same way people can despise congress yet vote for their incumbent representative 70-30.

That's not entirely comparable. It's been a long trend that people dislike Congress as a whole but really like their individual representatives.

That doesn't say anything to which party people want control of Congress.
Ouuuuch. That MA poll is terrible.

Baffles my mind how Mass voters can be like "Yeah, we want Democrats to run the Senate" while voting for Brown. Ughhh.

Brown in the sensible type of republican that can win in MA and other north eastern states (see: Snowe, Collins). I think dems screwed up big time by assuming anyone could defeat him (see: Coakley).

Mike Capuano would have been a more logical choice to get behind imo


The chairman of the Republican National Committee is trying to spare the Republican presidential candidate from the shitty Republican platform?

This might be my favorite news cycle so far.


That's not entirely comparable. It's been a long trend that people dislike Congress as a whole but really like their individual representatives.

That doesn't say anything to which party people want control of Congress.

It's the abstract vs. the concrete. People hate congress but love their incumbent. Massachusetts wants (D) generically, but can't stand a sourpuss like Warren.
Brown in the sensible type of republican that can win in MA and other north eastern states (see: Snowe, Collins). I think dems screwed up big time by assuming anyone could defeat him (see: Coakley).

Mike Capuano would have been a more logical choice to get behind imo
Redistricting seemed like a perfect opportunity for one of the 10 democrats to take a shot at the Senate race. Instead they were all stuck squabbling over who has to retire, and in the end 2 of them did anyway rendering the whole thing pointless.

I think Warren is a decent candidate but you're right about Brown. He's the faux-moderate snake charmer who wins over liberals who put their political views as moderate or Independent on Facebook to sound less extreme.

Anyway, NBC/WSJ will be out with a poll soon, they teased party favorability numbers - Democrats are actually positive, 42% fav/40% unfav. Republicans are at 36/45.

Dax01 said:
That's not entirely comparable. It's been a long trend that people dislike Congress as a whole but really like their individual representatives.

That doesn't say anything to which party people want control of Congress.
My district (MN-03) would probably vote for a Democrat in a generic open seat contest (D vs. R, no independent mucking things up like in 08 either), but I'd bet money Erik Paulsen is going to win with 60% of the vote or more this year in spite of his voting record. He's as conservative as Bachmann, he just keeps his mouth shut and incumbency+money trumps any dissatisfaction with Congress.
It's the abstract vs. the concrete. People hate congress but love their incumbent. Massachusetts wants (D) generically, but can't stand a sourpuss like Warren.

Your comparison still doesn't fit too well. You would have been better off saying that people still largely vote for their incumbents despite one party leading the generic congressional ballot. And that's true: only a small number seats change parties in comparison to the rest of the House.
It's the abstract vs. the concrete. People hate congress but love their incumbent. Massachusetts wants (D) generically, but can't stand a sourpuss like Warren.

Exactly. Politics are local - even staunch conservatives support spending and earmarks that directly benefit their district/neighborhood.

Brown is moderate enough for MA voters to believe he can continue to work with Obama. Warren would probably be defeating him if he remained the tea party advocate he sold himself as to voters in 2010.


Your comparison still doesn't fit too well. You would have been better off saying that people still largely vote for their incumbents despite one party leading the generic congressional ballot. And that's true: only a small number seats change parties in comparison to the rest of the House.

Except I don't think this has as much to do with incumbency as I do with people really not liking Warren. They want the Democrats to control the Senate but they want other people to make that happen.
She is good on paper but God damn she is poison on the campaign trail (or in any public speaking role, really). She is a wonk's-wonk.
I guess I haven't really heard her speak much, I thought her proto-"you didn't build that" speech was pretty good.

Who knows, maybe the DNC will give her a boost like it did for Obama in 2004.
Except I don't think this has as much to do with incumbency as I do with people really not liking Warren. They want the Democrats to control the Senate but they want other people to make that happen.
You're trying to twist what you were saying earlier, which had nothing to do with, or didn't imply at all, anything about Warren's favorable/unfavorable margin.

Additionally, this has much to do with incumbency. Brown would be getting trounced, or Warren would be ahead by a decent margin, had Kennedy been retiring this year and this were an open race.

I also think it's jumping the gun a bit to sign off the race after one poll.


You're trying to twist what you were saying earlier, which had nothing to do with, or didn't imply at all, anything about Warren's availabilities.

Additionally, this has much to do with incumbency. Brown would be getting trounced, or Warren would be ahead by a decent margin, had Kennedy been retiring this year and this were an open race.

I also think it's jumping the gun a bit to sign off the race after one poll.

It's been pretty consistent bad news for her though. It isn't like this is just one poll it's a continuation of the narrative that she's not really working for the average MA voter -- they don't really buy her.

This is coming from somebody that really likes her and thinks she should get a shot too. Her campaign has just been terrible.


You're trying to twist what you were saying earlier, which had nothing to do with, or didn't imply at all, anything about Warren's favorable/unfavorable margin.

I thought talking about congresses awful approval ratings was enough to cover that?

I guess I haven't really heard her speak much, I thought her proto-"you didn't build that" speech was pretty good.

Maybe she is better. I haven't seen her give a speech in 4 years.
You're trying to twist what you were saying earlier, which had nothing to do with, or didn't imply at all, anything about Warren's favorable/unfavorable margin.

Additionally, this has much to do with incumbency. Brown would be getting trounced, or Warren would be ahead by a decent margin, had Kennedy been retiring this year and this were an open race.

I also think it's jumping the gun a bit to sign off the race after one poll.

Have to emphasize this. The writing off of Warren in a late August poll is crazy. Its a little too early to pat yourself on the back at this juncture.
It's been pretty consistent bad news for her though. It isn't like this is just one poll it's a continuation of the narrative that she's not really working for the average MA voter -- they don't really buy her.

This is coming from somebody that really likes her and thinks she should get a shot too. Her campaign has just been terrible.
What consistent bad news? The Native American thing? Polling done at that time showed that wasn't affecting anything, and the last poll before this one had Warren up by two points. I'd kind of be worried if she didn't have a speaking slot at the DNC, but as of now, it's just one poll.

I thought talking about congresses awful approval ratings was enough to cover that?
Oh, yes. Silly me for not connecting the dots on the approval of an institution somehow translates to the approval rating of individual representatives.

As I originally said: Your comparison was flawed.


What consistent bad news? The Native American thing? Polling done at that time showed that wasn't affecting anything, and the last poll before this one had Warren up by two points. I'd kind of be worried if she didn't have a speaking slot at the DNC, but as of now, it's just one poll.

Oh, yes. Silly me for not connecting the dots on the approval of an institution somehow translates to the approval rating of individual representatives.

As I originally said: Your comparison was flawed.

no YOURS IS!!!

Also, the polls have her negatives jumping 10 points. That's troubling to say the least.


Brown leading by 5% and taking 20% of MA democrats is kind of astounding. Warren really should have stayed behind the curtain.
If Brown wins again he's going to be Presidential material someday.

Really unfortunate for Warren. And while it sounds somewhat sheepish it sucks to see Kennedy's seat filled by this guy.


Obama's up 5 in Virginia, 50-45.

It's cool guys, we're still in this!

That Virgil Goode number is the most interesting unimportant news ever. Makes me think back fondly on the days I used to think my candidates poll numbers would actually hold up come election day.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
If Brown wins again he's going to be Presidential material someday.

Really unfortunate for Warren. And while it sounds somewhat sheepish it sucks to see Kennedy's seat filled by this guy.

"Presidential" LOL.

He will have to turn into Romney 2.0, contorting himself in 9 different positions at once to appeal to the unwashed masses of the GOP electorate. Ronald Reagan himself would have been ostracized from today's GOP. Unless the GOP changes to match some level of sanity, no one sane or electable will get the GOP nomination.


Mitt in his, shall we say, heart of hearts would probably tell you it's pretty easy even if self-deprecating to have turned into Romney 2.0. Brown could do the same thing. Especially if Romney wins. Pavin' the way.

Gotta wonder if Brown being the likely winner in MA will benefit Romney at all at some point?


Wow, I guess #InObamasAmerica is trending on twitter now. Go take a look if you ever want to lose faith in humanity some more.

#InObamasAmerica the government controls every aspect of the individual & that's still not enough for liberals.
#InObamasAmerica The Double Standard is the Standard #Mediabias
#InObamasAmerica you are not a good citizen if you are not depending on the government for some level of sustenance.
#InObamasAmerica it's "Creating Jobs" to double food-stamp rolls
#InObamasAmerica George Orwell would be turning in his grave at the use of media and his adminstrations double speak. @CNN @NBCnews
#InObamasAmerica Christians and Jews can ride in the back but his Muslim Brotherhood buds sit up front and Allah called "shotgun!"
#InObamasAmerica dead people can vote, but soldiers can't.
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