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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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How can you be worried about that? PPP has her down 8 points. The poll's four weeks old, but come on. She's up against a 3-term representative in a blue state.

I wouldn't be worried. Shays can always just dangle the fact that she and Vince treat the majority of their employees like shit to remind voters how the McMahons see the common worker.


No Scrubs
How can you be worried about that? PPP has her down 8 points. The poll's four weeks old, but come on. She's up against a 3-term representative in a blue state.

She's been bombarding the TV with ads, it's insane how much she seems to be spending. Honestly when we talk about trying to buy an election she's a prime example except it doesn't seem to be working.


Seriously, how does it make any sense for the GOP to be against Medicare, and universal health care in general? The only demographic that still turns out for them is old white men, why would they let them die?


No Akin questions, please


Reporter Shaun Boyd: “You know, I had about five minutes with him, and we got through a fair amount of material, actually, in that five minutes. The one stipulation to the interview was that I not ask him about abortion or Todd Akin – he’s the Missouri Republican who created a firestorm after saying women’s shut down in a legitimate rape to prevent pregnancy. I did ask him about health care, the female vote, and energy.”
How can you be worried about that? PPP has her down 8 points. The poll's four weeks old, but come on. She's up against a 3-term representative in a blue state.

I'm not worried at all. She can spend all she wants but its not gonna go her way. She lost handily to Blumenthal, a far inferior candidate who straight up lied about being in Vietnam.
There will be way, way, way more angry and violent reactions if Romney wins Wisconsin if recent history is any indication.
It depends on if Obama wins in spite of that, really.

It's hard to be mad about your state voting for a Republican if the Democrat wins anyway.

Four_Chamber said:
I'm not worried at all. She can spend all she wants but its not gonna go her way. She lost handily to Blumenthal, a far inferior candidate who straight up lied about being in Vietnam.
CT being competitive is the same kind of wishful thinking that makes Hawaii and New Mexico toss-up states.


So Huckabee came out in full support of Akin:

The deadline came and went on Tuesday for Missouri Senate candidate Todd Akin to drop out over an incorrect comment he made about rape. The Republican establishment put unprecedented and intense pressure on Todd to quit, including five current and past Missouri Senators. But in an exclusive interview on my radio show, Akin said he’s “in this race to the end.” He said he admitted he misspoke and that his statement was not accurate, but he’d sincerely apologized. You can listen to the audio from that interview here.

The Party’s leaders have for reasons that aren't rational, left him behind on the political battlefield, wounded and bleeding, a casualty of his self-inflicted, but not intentional wound. In a Party that supposedly stands for life, it was tragic to see the carefully orchestrated and systematic attack on a fellow Republican. Not for a moral failure or corruption or a criminal act, but for a misstatement which he contritely and utterly repudiated. I was shocked by GOP leaders and elected officials who rushed so quickly to end the political life of a candidate over a mistaken comment in an interview. This was a serious mistake, but it was blown out of proportion not by the left, but by Akin's own Republican Party. Is this what the party really thinks of principled pro-life advocates? Do we forgive and forget the verbal gaffes of Republicans who are "conveniently pro-life" for political advantage, but crucify one who truly believes that every life is sacred?

Who ordered this "Code Red" on Akin? There were talking point memos sent from the National Republican Senatorial Committee suggesting language to urge Akin to drop out. Political consultants were ordered to stay away from Akin or lose future business with GOP committees. Operatives were recruited to set up a network of pastors to call Akin to urge him to get out. Money has changed hands to push him off the plank. It is disgraceful. From the spotlights of political offices and media perches, it may appear that the demand for Akin’s head is universal in the party. I assure you it is not. There is a vast, but mostly quiet army of people who have an innate sense of fairness and don't like to see a fellow political pilgrim bullied. If Todd Akin loses the Senate seat, I will not blame Todd Akin. He made his mistake, but was man enough to admit it and apologize. I'm waiting for the apology from whoever the genius was on the high pedestals of our party who thought it wise to not only shoot our wounded, but run over him with tanks and trucks and then feed his body to the liberal wolves. It wasn't just Todd Akin that was treated with contempt by the thinly veiled attack on Todd Akin. It was all the people who have faithfully knocked doors, made calls, and made sacrificial contributions to elect Republicans because we thought we were welcome in the party. Todd Akin owned his mistake. Who will step up and admit the effort being made to discredit Akin and apologize for the sleazy way it's been handled?

I’ve always believed and still do, that if you don’t honor your friendships, you don’t honor yourself. And I consider Todd a friend. So I will join Todd as often as I can, in his fight for our Party’s pro-life policies, traditional marriage and our efforts to rein in the massive expansion of government under President Obama. Todd is being systematically scourged for one thing he said. Is that more important than what Claire McCaskill has DONE over her 6 years in the Senate? If you’d like to join the fight, and help defeat a Democrat Senator standing in the way of a conservative majority, I encourage you to join me. The party has decided it won't help. In fact, it has decided that it will try to cut off the supply lines to Akin to pressure him to exit and let the party bosses overturn the voters of Missouri and pick their own candidate. If this can happen to Todd Akin, who is next?

I’ve heard the talk of new deadlines and the nonsense about the Republican Party running a 3rd party candidate, but I am no longer listening to that noise. The idea that our Party would continue to play games behind the scenes and feed the Democrats make-believe narrative of the GOP’s fictional war on women is equally ridiculous. Now is the time to focus on electing a conservative Senate Majority. And if the NRSC and RNC and the money-rich PACS won't help Todd Akin get us to the majority, then we'll do it without them. And his seat will not have been sold to the highest bidder, but obtained by the highest principles.

Pretty much locks up Akin staying on the ballot, I would say.
You know, regardless of how much I disagree with Akin, I at least respect the fact that the guy has a set of beliefs and does not waver. I think a big reason people don't like Romney is that he has no real principles and is Mr. Etch-a-sketch. I can see where Huckabee is coming from and, if I was in his place, I too would be royally pissed at the GOP establishment.


I don't think anyone doubts Barrett is a shoe-in for Milwaukee mayor though.

foisted petard

Though a friend told me Sue Black might push now.
Dat voter ID law. These pollsters should be asking the voters if they have a valid photo ID, especially in and around Philly.

If not, they should be asking if they know how to get one and if they are prepared to do so.

I meant that is why it is considered close, because it is within the margin of error.


Huckabee digs in behind Akin
The Party’s leaders have for reasons that aren't rational, left [Akin] behind on the political battlefield, wounded and bleeding, a casualty of his self-inflicted, but not intentional wound. In a Party that supposedly stands for life, it was tragic to see the carefully orchestrated and systematic attack on a fellow Republican. Not for a moral failure or corruption or a criminal act, but for a misstatement which he contritely and utterly repudiated. I was shocked by GOP leaders and elected officials who rushed so quickly to end the political life of a candidate over a mistaken comment in an interview. This was a serious mistake, but it was blown out of proportion not by the left, but by Akin's own Republican Party. Is this what the party really thinks of principled pro-life advocates? Do we forgive and forget the verbal gaffes of Republicans who are "conveniently pro-life" for political advantage, but crucify one who truly believes that every life is sacred?

He continues to ramble on in the email

Edit:thefro already posted it.


Don't count out McMahon to take it. She's been fire bombing the TV during nightly news and into prime time with some very well made ads. She must have a new campaign staff vs last run or atleast she seems to have learned the game of thrones from her failure last go that has really turned it around. Lots of people that despised her last election now have positive sentiments towards her, her campaign, and Murphy is no where to be seen.


No Scrubs
Don't count out McMahon to take it. She's been fire bombing the TV during nightly news and into prime time with some very well made ads. She must have a new campaign staff vs last run or atleast she seems to have learned the game of thrones from her failure last go that has really turned it around. Lots of people that despised her last election now have positive sentiments towards her, her campaign, and Murphy is no where to be seen.

She's got a lot more money so Murphy can't afford to waste any of his, I doubt he'll put any adds out before mid-September or October.


Monkey angrily rejects unequal pay for same work.



You know, regardless of how much I disagree with Akin, I at least respect the fact that the guy has a set of beliefs and does not waver.

Romney has a set of beliefs he doesn't waver in. He just doesn't want to talk about them, ever. Which is actually not a bad idea for beliefs you aren't willing to examine.


You know, regardless of how much I disagree with Akin, I at least respect the fact that the guy has a set of beliefs and does not waver. I think a big reason people don't like Romney is that he has no real principles and is Mr. Etch-a-sketch. I can see where Huckabee is coming from and, if I was in his place, I too would be royally pissed at the GOP establishment.

You want more ideologically rigid politicians that never can change their mind about anything?

Well, that's where we're at now.

And no, I don't agree.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
You want more ideologically rigid politicians that never can change their mind about anything?

Well, that's where we're at now.

And no, I don't agree.

Devil's advocate, would you believe he was being genuine if he changed his mind? I'd just cynically assume he was doing what was politically easiest.
Don't count out McMahon to take it. She's been fire bombing the TV during nightly news and into prime time with some very well made ads. She must have a new campaign staff vs last run or atleast she seems to have learned the game of thrones from her failure last go that has really turned it around. Lots of people that despised her last election now have positive sentiments towards her, her campaign, and Murphy is no where to be seen.

Maybe she's letting Vince run it? Oh man would that be hilariously funny to see ads developed by him.
I fucking hate this guy

Referring to the meat plant shut down because of animal cruelty...

Three Valley members of Congress on Thursday called on Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack to reopen the Central Valley Meat Co. beef processing plant to save jobs.

The letter was signed by Republicans Devin Nunes of Visalia, Jeff Denham of Turlock and Kevin McCarthy of Bakersfield.

"The video was posted by extremists who are actively working to undermine production agriculture in the United States," Nunes said in a statement accompanying the letter sent to Vilsack.


Yes Nunes, its the people who filmed the abuse who are the extremist, not those abusing the animals.


Devil's advocate, would you believe he was being genuine if he changed his mind? I'd just cynically assume he was doing what was politically easiest.

I wouldn't believe it in this case, no.

However, I wouldn't mind politicians in general not being so ideological; I'd much prefer they be pragmatic about solutions that work.

Not like that will ever happen in the current climate, heh.

I fucking hate this guy

Referring to the meat plant shut down because of animal cruelty...


Yes Nunes, its the people who filmed the abuse who are the extremist, not those abusing the animals.

I like how they totally disregard the fact that animal cruelty was going on and immediately blame the people who leaked the video as 'extremists destroying America's agriculture industry'.
You respect his unwavering belief that rapes do not cause pregnancy?

Not so much on that, just more of a general remark about the candidate. I disagree strongly with his political (and scientific) positions (I'm a doctor just for reference). However, I think I can respect the guy for at least sticking to his guns.

Don't get me wrong, I think the guy is an idiot. When you look at other right-wing guys like Paul Ryan, we find out everyday that he's a grade A hypocrite which is a stark comparison to guys like Huckabee and Akin.
Just looked on the FEC, too, as of 7/25 McMahon's outspent him 10:1 just to get within 8 points.

Just from my experience in Washington St. with Dino Rossi, losing begets losing.

Guy ran for governor in 2004, lost by just 129 votes.
Ran against the same person in 2008, lost by 194,000 votes.
Ran for Senate in 2010, lost by 120,000 votes.
Ain't running this year, even though the other Senate seat is open and governor was up for grabs, too.
Obama's camp better have their best folks in Philly. Registering every tom, dick, and harry worked in 2008 but is not the point this time. If someone doesn't have proper ID they should know asap - whether they're registered already or non registered.


This has probably been posted.. but this just absolutely nails it in every regard.


A 21st century conservative party that embraces science and social reforms?

He must be talking about current Democrats.

Someone in the comments said that he isn't part of the tea party, but Obama is an avowed member of the Communist Party, and the hate speech coming out of the left is enough to make him faint. :eyeroll:


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I agree with eznark on that Rasmussen poll. If he can't be trusted normally, he shouldn't be trusted now.
It's unbelievable to me that a reporter would agree to what they can and can't ask before interviewing a candidate. This is beyond garbage.

They aren't real journalists, silly! They work for for-profit corporations, which don't produce news; they produce audiences and sell them to advertisers.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Not so much on that, just more of a general remark about the candidate. I disagree strongly with his political (and scientific) positions (I'm a doctor just for reference). However, I think I can respect the guy for at least sticking to his guns.

Don't get me wrong, I think the guy is an idiot. When you look at other right-wing guys like Paul Ryan, we find out everyday that he's a grade A hypocrite which is a stark comparison to guys like Huckabee and Akin.

There is nothing particularly admirable about unwavering consistency.
Obama's camp better have their best folks in Philly. Registering every tom, dick, and harry worked in 2008 but is not the point this time. If someone doesn't have proper ID they should know asap - whether they're registered already or non registered.
It would be funny if Philly started speeding up their conceal carry permits (which they let take as long as long 60 business days) to be like Bucks County to get more photo ids for people. Actually its not a bad idea.
I agree with eznark on that Rasmussen poll. If he can't be trusted normally, he shouldn't be trusted now.
I refuse to trust any Rasmussen poll from now on. I don't care if their next Wisconsin poll has Russ Feingold winning Wisconsin as a write-in candidate.

McCaskill actually tweeted that poll saying she doesn't take it seriously.
Just saw this on facebook. I love it.


Yeah, I've kinda been wondering why the haven't been touting the stock market gains at all. That figure is one that (partially by luck) makes Obama look like a god because the stock market practically doubled during his term. But I guess they figure that the stock market increase doesn't directly affect most people. But this image does a great job of pointing out another interesting aspect of that . . . that trickle down doesn't work for the common person.


So Politifact just hit a new low. They fact checked the "Paul Ryan wants to end Medicare as we know it" claim and said:

Democrats have been chanting "Republicans voted to end Medicare" since an April 2011 vote on a proposed budget from U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., now the GOP vice presidential nominee. The claim -- often made bluntly and with no qualifiers -- was so pervasive, PolitiFact chose it as our 2011 Lie of the Year.

Since then, Democrats have altered their line to add this qualifier: "as we know it."

It’s a convenient way to amend a debunked attack line without abandoning it completely. But is it accurate?

After researching all the angles and talking to many experts, we concluded that whether Ryan’s plan changes the program to that extent is more opinion than checkable fact.

I thought it was a joke until I saw the actual page. "Is the sky blue? Well, that seems more opinion than fact. See, color blind people don't see it as blue, so it's all subjective."
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