Everyone should hate Ed Schultz. He is, unquestionably, the worst political pundit on cable television in America. Worse than the entirety of Fox News. He makes even the worst Fox person look non-biased and totally professional.
If there is one thing the left and right should agree on, it should be getting Ed Schultz off of any media he gets his face on.
Thought this was worth posting:
I'd take Shepherd over that bloviating blowhard any day.Trying to compare Ed to any garbage on Fox is a joke.
Everyone should hate Ed Schultz. He is, unquestionably, the worst political pundit on cable television in America. Worse than the entirety of Fox News. He makes even the worst Fox person look non-biased and totally professional.
If there is one thing the left and right should agree on, it should be getting Ed Schultz off of any media he gets his face on.
Hannity is truly loathesome. He can't believe all the crap he spews. At some point, it had to become an act. I'm sure he means most of it but at times he is just comically obtuse/stupid/way-over-the-top/etc.I am not a fan of his, but in no way is he worse than Hannity.
I saw a few political bumper stickers today and it made me think of making one that said "It doesn't matter how informed you are, your vote only counts as much as some idiot who lives in Florida, Ohio, Virginia, or Colorado. Apathy 2000 - 2012"
Where's Pat Robertson when you need him?
"Clearly this is God's punishment for the Republicans not doing enough to stop Obama's radical spending binge."
Thought this was worth posting:
Actually, their vote counts more than yours.
This is why I will always love Dean. He doesn't give a single fuck
I saw a few political bumper stickers today and it made me think of making one that said "It doesn't matter how informed you are, your vote only counts as much as some idiot that watches cable news all day. Apathy 2012"
Actually, their vote counts more than yours.
Dean knows how to push that guys buttons lol. Whole thing was kind of annoying though. Dean needs to work on how he communicates his points -- he won't change anybody's mind like that.
yeah but it was funny watching the kid in the bowtie on the verge of tears like that.
I quit part way through but now that I hear bow-tie Bachmann boy was close to tears, I'm going to have to watch it.
Yeah it's worth it. Dude about lost it.
Thought this was worth posting:
Thought this was worth posting:
LOLGop said:If God wanted to punish the Republican Party, She'd make sure the weather in Tampa was perfect and the networks covered it for five nights.
lol, that seersucker suit and bowtie, smdh.
Thought this was worth posting:
Ive studied, admired and gotten to know a lot of leaders in my life. Across Florida, in Washington and around the country, I've watched the failure of those who favor extreme rhetoric over sensible compromise, and I've seen how those who never lose sight of solutions sow the greatest successes.
As America prepares to pick our president for the next four years and as Florida prepares once again to play a decisive role I'm confident that President Barack Obama is the right leader for our state and the nation. I applaud and share his vision of a future built by a strong and confident middle class in an economy that gives us the opportunity to reap prosperity through hard work and personal responsibility. It is a vision of the future proven right by our history.
As Republicans gather in Tampa to nominate Mitt Romney, Americans can expect to hear tales of how President Obama has failed to work with their party or turn the economy around.
But an element of their party has pitched so far to the extreme right on issues important to women, immigrants, seniors and students that they've proven incapable of governing for the people. Look no further than the inclusion of the Akin amendment in the Republican Party platform, which bans abortion, even for rape victims.
Former Gov. Charlie Crist: Here's why I'm backing Barack Obama
I like this part..
I wonder if this'll help much in Florida..
Former Gov. Charlie Crist: Here's why I'm backing Barack Obama
I wonder if this'll help much in Florida..
Former Gov. Charlie Crist: Here's why I'm backing Barack Obama
I like this part..
I wonder if this'll help much in Florida..
Hell hath no fury . . .
It's funny that Crist was considered a top contender for the GOP nomination in 2012 - that was before his Senate run fizzled out.http://www.tampabay.com/opinion/columns/article1247631.ece
Former Gov. Charlie Crist: Here's why I'm backing Barack Obama
I like this part..
I wonder if this'll help much in Florida..
Hell hath no fury . . .
Open your'e EYES, Panther! SOCIALISM!
This is why I will always love Dean. He doesn't give a single fuck
Probably still would have lost to Rubio.Crist should have changed parties in 2010. Still bummed about that
It's funny that Crist was considered a top contender for the GOP nomination in 2012 - that was before his Senate run fizzled out.
This is totally just sour grapes, but it can't hurt.
So Michele Bachman has been eerily silent since [edit] her incredibly tasteless accusations against that Muslim Woman that works for Hillary [/edit], huh?