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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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I'll buy one.

How about this?:

I love that they don't back down from this.

I'm always amused when illiterate clowns that bathe in the filth of conservative propaganda sunup to sun-down every day of the year have the balls to tell people to wake up.
Wake up, White People!

he should have been President in 2004, damn the media for demonizing him for his YEAAAH
I was a Wesley Clark man at that time, but he got a raw deal there. I don't even understand the negative reaction. He was shouting to be heard over a cheering crowd. I've seen some reporters admit that they didn't explain the mic isolated his voice, and without it you couldn't hear anything, hence the screaming. They do the opposite for stump speeches, since using the same feed would make it seem like there's no crowd reaction at all.

Mike M

Nick N
Dean was on his way out before the scream incident. I seem to recall that Kerry was already ahead in states following Iowa anyway (Or at least steadily gaining on Dean in the weeks prior)


Dean was on his way out before the scream incident. I seem to recall that Kerry was already ahead in states following Iowa anyway (Or at least steadily gaining on Dean in the weeks prior)

looking back, the john kerry choice angers me.

not because he lost, but because really. john kerry?


The thing is, if Dean became president (or Kerry for that matter), he would probably still have had to deal with a Republican Congress and not been able to get much done.

Even if the Democrats still won the huge midterm victory in 2006, there probably isn't much they could have done to curb the recession, meaning they'd get the brunt of the blame and Dean would be out again in 2008.

It's probably best that things happened the way they did.
WHEN Mitt Romney was governor of liberal Massachusetts, he supported abortion, gun control, tackling climate change and a requirement that everyone should buy health insurance, backed up with generous subsidies for those who could not afford it. Now, as he prepares to fly to Tampa to accept the Republican Party’s nomination for president on August 30th, he opposes all those things. A year ago he favoured keeping income taxes at their current levels; now he wants to slash them for everybody, with the rate falling from 35% to 28% for the richest Americans.

etch a sketch
So Michele Bachman has been eerily silent since [edit] her incredibly tasteless accusations against that Muslim Woman that works for Hillary [/edit], huh?
Ah, but you forget her intention wasn't to smear just a single muslim working in the US government but rather to expose the entire network of muslims who have wormed their way into positions of authority in government because liberals have been too afraid to subject them to McCarthy like grillings prior to hiring them.
You guys don't get it. It's all calculated politics. Her stunt paid off in dividends.
Recent controversy over Rep. Michele Bachmann's inquiries into whether Congress had been infiltrated by the Muslim Brotherhood doesn't appear to have hampered her re-election campaign.

The Minnesota Republican announced Tuesday that she raised more than $1 million between July 1 and July 25.
Michele Bachmann is one of the biggest GOP money machines in the Congress, and as one journalist suggested, is the reason why Boehner put her in the intelligence committee (a reward for all her fundraising efforts). Nothing gets the teatards all hard and frothy like a good 'ol witch hunt against the Democrats or the shameless hurling of incendiary bombs on the other side (Huma Abedin is a SPY!). Bachmann has more than enough money for her re-election bid. She can also 'appropriate' any sum from her warchest to other GOP Congressmen strapped for cash.

Now I believe that Bachmann does believe Congress has been infiltrated by MB agents and Abbasid Caliphate Assassins from 8th century. She is that crazy. But the party bosses responsible for this beautifully manufactured controversy may not. They just feed the memo to Bachmann, who then proceeds to eat it up in a spectacular fashion, go on News networks and declare a Crusade. Then everyone watches how money floods in to her account from hateful, bigoted and Islamophobic idiots; both rich and poor. It's the best racket in town.


I was just reading some articles of the Charlie Crist endorsement of the President calling it risky and courageous but is it really either? Since losing his bid for senate Crist has no future in the GOP. The party has moved too far to the right. He lost to the tea party favorite Rubio and there's basically no route for him to take back into Republican politics. If he becomes an Obama surragate and Obama wins he might get an appointment of some sort or become a dem and run for office again. But whatever happens he was already abandone by the GOP prior to this endorsement so its a no risk move.


Jan Brewer is such a troll. She represented her party poorly on MTP. Not that there's much to represent though.

So I guess they think Romney should bank on appealing to moderates since he already has everyone else under the tent during the convention. Then they tried to compare what he's doing to Clinton's "A Place Called Hope" moment back in '92 that gave him a 16 point bounce. Or hope that he can pull that off.

Howard Dean would have been perfect to implement real universal healthcare and not so cheap parlor trick of insurance reform which is Obamacare (i know it's better than nothing but it is still just insurance reform)
Howard Dean would have been perfect to implement real universal healthcare and not so cheap parlor trick of insurance reform which is Obamacare (i know it's better than nothing but it is still just insurance reform)
Yeah, right. Peter Shumlin could no more implement "real universal healthcare" than Obama did. It's laughable to think Howard Dean could...somehow. How would he go about doing that again?

I know you're not American, but come on now.


Howard Dean would have been perfect to implement real universal healthcare and not so cheap parlor trick of insurance reform which is Obamacare (i know it's better than nothing but it is still just insurance reform)


Dean's 2004 plan wasn't any better than Obamacare, except for the fact that there's no mandate (you're automatically enrolled in healthcare unless you opt-out). Granted it's a pragmatic plan that might have had a chance of getting some Republican support back then.

He would have fought like crazy for a public option with the 2008 majorities we had, though.


One thing I don't get about Obama's HC tactics is why he didn't just figure out a way to include the public option via reconciliation. There had to be a way.


He didn't, but he made it easier for President Cuomo to implement it in 2017.
Joke post?

If PPACA survives (and the jury's still out -- if GOPers get back the WH they could toss it), I think Democrats are going to stay the fuck away from health care reform for a long, long time and keep championing what they already passed because it really pissed off a lot of conservatives and some moderates.

Maybe in another 10 years when I'm old.


Mitt the moderate has developed into a chimera for those desperately coveting a reasonable alternative to Obama. It's an alluring prospect, but it's deceiving. Sure, we don't know what he truly believes. But we have an accurate conception of what he'll do. No, thanks.
Jan Brewer is such a troll. She represented her party poorly on MTP. Not that there's much to represent though.

So I guess they think Romney should bank on appealing to moderates since he already has everyone else under the tent during the convention. Then they tried to compare what he's doing to Clinton's "A Place Called Hope" moment back in '92 that gave him a 16 point bounce. Or hope that he can pull that off.

Good luck. Clinton appealed to moderates because he was a moderate. It wasn't the product of his acceptance speech. Throughout the primary he had positioned his candidacy towards the center. He was a fresh New Democrat. Romney's spent the entire campaign appealing to ideologues. If he attempts a more centrist shift, it's going to fail.
I thought that was lame.
Meghan McCain has gone from moderate Republican to GOP shill in the matter of weeks on twitter. Fuck that girl, ugh.
Interesting. Her father's transformation lasted a few years.
TAMPA -- Mitt Romney's presidential campaign gave Texas Rep. Ron Paul a chance to speak at the Republican National Convention, but he declined due to the conditions of the offer, the New York Times reports:
Mr. Paul, in an interview, said convention planners had offered him an opportunity to speak under two conditions: that he deliver remarks vetted by the Romney campaign, and that he give a full-fledged endorsement of Mr. Romney. He declined.
"It wouldn't be my speech," Mr. Paul said. "That would undo everything I've done in the last 30 years. I don't fully endorse him for president."​
Republicans plan to show a tribute video honoring the the retiring libertarian politician Tuesday at the convention. Paul is also holding his own rally nearby on Sunday afternoon.
I guess they are not as close as many thought.
Meghan McCain has gone from moderate Republican to GOP shill in the matter of weeks on twitter. Fuck that girl, ugh.


I haven't noticed it, outside of her being excited for the RNC lol. She tends to be more of a Beltway type, constantly making stupid points in an attempt to seem only center-right


Chris Matthews on Leno: Romney can win if he respects the President, says he's a nice guy, has done everything he could but it's still not working, but can't insult him, or he loses.

Thanks for the insight. :rolleyes


Jeb Bush on Meet the Press: He really makes crazy positions and stupid assertions seem almost reasonable just by the way he speaks. Still some crazy positions and stupid ass assertions...

Also, Republicans, just because you keep repeating that all this stuff is a distraction and doesn't actually matter to people despite the polling doesn't make it true. It's got to be really insulting to women to sit there and hear the GOP basically parrot "No, you don't really care about that stuff. Trust us!"
Ron Paul declines speaking at RNC
Mr. Paul, in an interview, said convention planners had offered him an opportunity to speak under two conditions: that he deliver remarks vetted by the Romney campaign, and that he give a full-fledged endorsement of Mr. Romney. He declined.

“It wouldn’t be my speech,” Mr. Paul said. “That would undo everything I’ve done in the last 30 years. I don’t fully endorse him for president.”
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