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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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That “defense” of President Obama by David Cross is fucking terrible and emblematic of three things; (1) that Democrats are awful at selling their policies; (2) it buys into the conservative meme that “Obama can’t run on his record” and (3) that liberals are too quick to run the other way rather than sack up and fight. I love Tobias (er, I mean David) but he better not go on TV spouting this “but the other guy!” argument.
I think it's more blunt than that. The electorate is, for the most part, not that bright. They are not going to be swayed by some nuanced argument that Obama grew up in Indonesia, and therefore is not American enough to be President. What the Romney campaign is effectively saying about Obama is this:

  • He believes in European style socialized medicine
  • He believes in European style (aka Keynesian) economic policy
  • Governments in Europe are going broke because of the above two policies
  • Following that path will (further) bankrupt the US, so why would you re-elect Obama
It's not some play on xenophobia in the sense of framing Obama as a foreigner.

Bill Clinton and other democrats held similar views, yet were not assailed with charges of being foreign or "not understanding America" as Obama has been. Why? In fact Hillarycare was more European-esque than Obamacare. Bill Clinton spent a lot of money initially, then raised a lot of taxes.

The fact of the matter is that no modern president has had his American identity questioned more than Obama has. Every president has had opposition claim he did something un-American to some degree, but it has never been the defining critique like it is for Obama. On the far right there's the issue of Birtherism and Obama "hating" the US. The rest of the right is nicer about it, but ultimately the argument is the same - Obama is different from every president before him, he is the most extreme, he doesn't understand America, he doesn't care for our allies, he spends more time supporting our enemies, he doesn't understand the American dream, he has never had a private sector job, etc.
i went to the fucking dentist the other day and the assistant started ranting about how you don't even need to be american to be president anymore.

this shit is totally about making him seem like a literal foreigner and it is founded upon his skin color and odd name.
Neither convention is going to make a large impact and I doubt the debates will either. People pretty much know who they're going to vote for and I can see a lot of independents simply sitting this one out.
I think it's more blunt than that. The electorate is, for the most part, not that bright. They are not going to be swayed by some nuanced argument that Obama grew up in Indonesia, and therefore is not American enough to be President. What the Romney campaign is effectively saying about Obama is this:

  • He believes in European style socialized medicine
  • He believes in European style (aka Keynesian) economic policy
  • Governments in Europe are going broke because of the above two policies
  • Following that path will (further) bankrupt the US, so why would you re-elect Obama
It's not some play on xenophobia in the sense of framing Obama as a foreigner.

But Rommey is Keynesian. As has been every republican president since WWII.

And Europe is being anti-keynes of late...

And Romney's health care is Obama's...


The fact of the matter is that no modern president has had his American identity questioned more than Obama has. Every president has had opposition claim he did something un-American to some degree, but it has never been the defining critique like it is for Obama. On the far right there's the issue of Birtherism and Obama "hating" the US. The rest of the right is nicer about it, but ultimately the argument is the same - Obama is different from every president before him, he is the most extreme, he doesn't understand America, he doesn't care for our allies, he spends more time supporting our enemies, he doesn't understand the American dream, he has never had a private sector job, etc.
Made funnier by the fact that most of what he's done has been just extending Bush's policies...


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Haven't been on the intranets muich today, has there been any backlash on the Rightie blogs about either Mitt's comment about being proud of what he did on Romneycare or his comments on the abortion issue already being settled?
i went to the fucking dentist the other day and the assistant started ranting about how you don't even need to be american to be president anymore.

this shit is totally about making him seem like a literal foreigner and it is founded upon his skin color and odd name.
Why the hell do employees try and talk politics with their customers? Seems like a great way to get fired.

It pisses me off in the reverse too, whenever a customer tries to start a conversation with you about politics while you're working. This isn't even me being partisan, I had a woman pester me once about if I was supporting the Walker recall or not and it still annoyed me.

If you want to make small talk, bring up the weather, ranting just makes you look like an asshole at best and a lunatic at worst. Same goes for anything religious.

ThisWreckage said:
Neither convention is going to make a large impact and I doubt the debates will either. People pretty much know who they're going to vote for and I can see a lot of independents simply sitting this one out.
Yeah, if you look at the crosstabs, most voters are committed to Obama or Romney and the undecided margin is shrinking steadily at no apparent benefit for either candidate.
i went to the fucking dentist the other day and the assistant started ranting about how you don't even need to be american to be president anymore.

this shit is totally about making him seem like a literal foreigner and it is founded upon his skin color and odd name.

Should have 'accidentally' bitten down on their fingers.
Yeah, if you look at the crosstabs, most voters are committed to Obama or Romney and the undecided margin is shrinking steadily at no apparent benefit for either candidate.

Exactly. I'd also like to add that I just watched some documentary on CNN about Romney and this guy is incredibly well-spoken. He's no McCain.
I think it's more blunt than that. The electorate is, for the most part, not that bright. They are not going to be swayed by some nuanced argument that Obama grew up in Indonesia, and therefore is not American enough to be President. What the Romney campaign is effectively saying about Obama is this:

  • He believes in European style socialized medicine
  • He believes in European style (aka Keynesian) economic policy
  • Governments in Europe are going broke because of the above two policies
  • Following that path will (further) bankrupt the US, so why would you re-elect Obama

So the "not bright" electorate is not going to be swayed by a "nuanced" argument that Obama grew up in Indonesia--hold up, I almost lost myself typing that whole argument out because of its complexity and subtlety; okay, I'm ready to continue now--but instead the "not bright" electorate is expected to be swayed by an argument that Obama is a believer in socialized medicine and Keynesian economics which will result in economic crisis like the Eurozone is currently experiencing and will bankrupt the US. Such a dummy argument! If there's one thing you can count on the dumb American electorate to know, it's Keynesian economics and the economic situation in Europe!


I'm sort of really busy right now, and don't have much time for internet and zero tv access, how did the GOP convention go?

Most of the events for today were canceled because of Hurricane Isaac. Reince Preibus or whatever his name is gave a short speech and played a video of Romney and that's about it.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
So the "not bright" electorate is not going to be swayed by a "nuanced" argument that Obama grew up in Indonesia--hold up, I almost lost myself typing that whole argument out because of its complexity and subtlety; okay, I'm ready to continue now--but instead the "not bright" electorate is expected to be swayed by an argument that Obama is a believer in socialized medicine and Keynesian economics which will result in economic crisis like the Eurozone is currently experiencing and will bankrupt the US. Such a dummy argument! If there's one thing you can count on the dumb American electorate to know, it's Keynesian economics!

So, when you put it this way...

They dislike him for his economic policies that are modeled after Keynes and European countries and for his affinity to providing healthcare to every citizen in this country, and not because he has dark skinned, grew up in Indonesia, and is named Obama. Yes, the latter is far too nuanced for the electorate to understand.

Haha, the amazing cognitive dissonance. Welcome back, Kosmo. Something was missing from this thread.


Setec Astronomer
The fact of the matter is that no modern president has had his American identity questioned more than Obama has.
Bill Clinton was branded a traitor, a draft dodger, a drug addict, a murderer, a man too weak to put his wife in her place, among many other things. However, he was a white southerner so there was only so far they could take it, although the "first black president" line gave them some extra room.
Are you fucking serious

Tagg Romney said:
Dad always goes in line first because he doesn't want to wait for all the grand children because it takes forever. Parents are cutting their meat and he's usually finished by the time the rest of us sit down.
I'm convinced there's no way to make this man likeable. Any attempt to do so actually accomplishes the exact opposite.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Steve Benen said:
The results weren't close -- 88% believe abortion should be legal when a woman's life is endangered,

Who the fuck are the other 12%? Seriously, I can understand understand most of the objections to abortion, including rape and incest, but how in God's name do you rationalize something like this? I'm genuinely curious.


Oh, please. Whose father isn't like this?

Mine's definitely not. He waits until everyone is done in even in our HUGE extended family before he goes up to get anything at all. He's always last to go.

Link? Love to see this one.

Here is it

lol, that is actually pretty funny.

'Out of the way kids! Daddy needs to eat first!'

The funniest thing is that that's the first thing he could think of about family gathering.
Polls in key swing states and nationally show that, at present, voters trust Obama more than Romney to deal with Medicare, and strongly prefer to leave the Medicare program as is.

Asked whether “Medicare should continue as it is today” or “should be changed to a system in which the government would provide seniors with a fixed amount of money toward purchasing private health insurance or Medicare insurance” voters in Florida, Ohio and Wisconsin decisively chose to keep Medicare unchanged – by 62-28 in Florida, by 64-27 in Ohio, and by 59-32 in Wisconsin.

When asked whom they trust more to handle the Medicare issue, Florida voters in a Quinnipiac University/New York Times/CBS News poll, reported on August 23, picked Obama over Romney by a 50-42 margin. In Ohio, Obama’s margin was 51-41; in Wisconsin, it was 51-42.

A separate Pew Research Center survey released on August 21 found that 72 percent of voters had heard “a little” or “a lot” about what Pew described as “a proposal to change Medicare into a program that would give future participants a credit toward purchasing private health insurance coverage.” Of those familiar with the proposal, a plurality, 49 percent, opposed it, while 34 percent favored it.

The bipartisan Battleground Poll conducted August 5-9 by the Tarrance Group, a Republican firm, and Lake Research Partners, a Democratic firm, found that voters trusted Obama over Romney to handle Medicare and Social Security by a 49-45 margin. The same survey found that voters trusted Congressional Democrats over Congressional Republicans to handle Medicare and Social Security by a 48-40 margin.

But PD told me medicare is going to Romney!

Other interesting tidbits:

Just eight years ago, Pew reports, whites 65 and over were evenly split in their allegiance, 46 percent Democratic, 46 percent Republican. In the most recent findings, these voters are now solidly in the Republican camp, 54-38, an eight point Republican gain. Elderly women were 9 points more Democratic than Republican in 2004, 50-41, the opposite of where they are now, 51-42 Republican. Older men, who were 51-41 Republican in 2004, are now 59-33 Republican.

Similarly, white voters without college degrees, of all ages, have gone from 51-40 Republican in 2004, to 54-37 in 2012, according to Pew.

Most importantly, the Pew surveys show that 89% of voters who identify themselves as Republican are white. Faced with few if any possibilities of making gains among blacks and Hispanics — whose support for Obama has remained strong — the Romney campaign has no other choice if the goal is to win but to adopt a strategy to drive up white turnout.


interesting, indeed.
Obama's indifference to NASA is disappointing but Congress loves pork too much to let it slide.
At least CA, Texas, and Florida, but that still didn't stop VSE from getting dumped. Kind of wonder what NASA is doing in PA and NJ.

I mean more the population at large, similar to the results of the abortion poll, and heck compared to some of the posts


Setec Astronomer
I dunno. A bunch of people freaked out when the Hubble successor project went over budget and wanted to can it, but the Hubble itself was over budget too and everyone loves it.


But PD told me medicare is going to Romney!

Other interesting tidbits:


interesting, indeed.

This also says a lot:
Asked whether “Medicare should continue as it is today” or “should be changed to a system in which the government would provide seniors with a fixed amount of money toward purchasing private health insurance or Medicare insurance” voters in Florida, Ohio and Wisconsin decisively chose to keep Medicare unchanged – by 62-28 in Florida, by 64-27 in Ohio, and by 59-32 in Wisconsin.

There are a lot of votes Obama can tap into on that.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Btw, wasn't Keyensian economics an America thing before the filthy Euros decided to copy it?
Btw, wasn't Keyensian economics an America thing before the filthy Euros decided to copy it?

I think Americans were the first to implement it because the Europeans were still clinging to the classical school and the thought that balancing the budget was the right solution though Keynes was british.
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