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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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Clothed, sober, cooperative
It's a Way of Life, man.

Like, you could picture Mitt on the Titanic pushing women and children aside so that he could get to the life boats first.

He wouldn't have to. First class passengers got dibs before steerage women and children. A loophole, if you will.
Check the internals of the Quinnipiac polls. Romney is leading/tied with older voters on Medicare
The article said Obama was leading with all voters on Medicare, which is completely correct.

Of course Romney's leading with seniors on Medicare, he's not the scary black guy. The point is to narrow that gap. Even in 2006 Democrats just tied with Republicans with seniors.

At least in Florida I think the Crist gap will help cut through the bullshit and give Obama some credibility on the issue. He's still a popular name there, across party lines.


Sidhe / PikPok
Why the hell isn't The Daily Show/Colbert Report on? They're missing out on soooo much material.

They always seem to be on a break when the good stuff comes out.

Though perhaps if I take a step back and really examine the situation, the good stuff is actually coming out all the time.


TDS/Colbert had a week off last week, and I think they moved their start day to Tuesday for this week to cover the convention.

Edit: beaten down like a chump.
I think it's more blunt than that. The electorate is, for the most part, not that bright. They are not going to be swayed by some nuanced argument that Obama grew up in Indonesia, and therefore is not American enough to be President. What the Romney campaign is effectively saying about Obama is this:

  • He believes in European style socialized medicine
  • He believes in European style (aka Keynesian) economic policy
  • Governments in Europe are going broke because of the above two policies
  • Following that path will (further) bankrupt the US, so why would you re-elect Obama
It's not some play on xenophobia in the sense of framing Obama as a foreigner.

You are giving the argument too much credit, it's far baser, and less about trying to install a nuanced point, and more about trying to make the president into "other." Into something that you shouldn't vote for because he's not american in his beliefs.

It's not dissamilar to the attacks on patriotism that marked the run up to the iraq war.

As for social policies, man, I'd love to have a debate on those things, too bad we won't, as I think many people would be pretty shocked by how much cheaper the European healthcare systems are etc.

Also, LOL at the idea that since keynes was british his policies are somehow "European." Adam smith was scottish, does that mean that the Tea partiers are somehow European since they love him? Does that mean all the paulites are austrian socialists because they have a hard on for Hayek?
appearing rational. There's hope for you yet. I never actually heard a distinct voice in your posts before your recent rebirth. It's refreshing.
Oh it's always been there. (I think NASA is one that's been the most clear for a long time) but you have to work through the chaff, not to say all is practicing my trade or something I don't care about, but a little mystery is good in life. :)

Like I've always said besides interning the Japanese, Scoop Jackon wiki explains a lot about me and John Testor.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Also, LOL at the idea that since keynes was british his policies are somehow "European." Adam smith was scottish, does that mean that the Tea partiers are somehow European since they love him? Does that mean all the paulites are austrian socialists because they have a hard on for Hayek?

Wow, so that once again compounds the fact that Obama's the dumbest socialist ever.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I don't think that much in tax cuts (especially to just the wealthy, who, when they get excess money, just store more of it in their off shore banks) is really Keynesian, but I could be wrong.

I'm pretty sure tax cuts in general are considere Keynesian, but what makes it different than Reaganomics/supply side econ./trickle down/etc. is that the latter focuses ONLY on tax cuts, and ONLY on those for the top end.


Setec Astronomer
Quick question: How much of Medicare is funded by the medicare payroll tax? Is it currently in surplus like current SS tax vs SS spending?
Did regan really refute keynes? Have we in the US really ever cut spending in the aggregate?

I'm not sure what you mean by "refute"? Bad choice of words? Reagan was an actor, so, no, he certainly never refuted Keynes. Reagan did spend a lot, but Keynesian economics isn't just about spending. It's about the government's minimizing the peaks and troughs of the business cycle by managing aggregate demand. Neoliberalism, which fundamentally rejects government intervention into the economy and especially the use of fiscal policy to manage demand, has been the order of the day for the last thirty years. Supply side economics abandons concern about unemployment and economic efficiency and focuses on minimizing inflation (albeit misunderstood by most everybody) to the exclusion of everything else. (Inflation harms creditors--wealthy people.)

Virtually the entirety of Europe is currently imposing austerity (reducing aggregate demand) while in a recession, against the most basic Keynesian understanding of macroeconomics. We in the US are lucky we got a stimulus (which was Keynesian), but we're about to get bipartisan austerity. Thanks, neoliberalism!

See: http://bilbo.economicoutlook.net/blog/?p=19990

Quick question: How much of Medicare is funded by the medicare payroll tax? Is it currently in surplus like current SS tax vs SS spending?

"The Medicare HI Trust Fund faces depletion earlier than the combined Social Security Trust Funds, though not as soon as the Disability Insurance Trust Fund when separately considered.... The Trustees project that Medicare costs (including both HI and SMI expenditures) will grow substantially from approximately 3.7 percent of GDP in 2011 to 5.7 percent of GDP by 2035, and will increase gradually thereafter to about 6.7 percent of GDP by 2086. ... The fund also continues to fail the long-range test of close actuarial balance. The Trustees project that the HI Trust Fund will pay out more in hospital benefits and other expenditures than it receives in income in all future years, as it has since 2008. The projected date of HI Trust Fund exhaustion is 2024, the same date projected in last year's report, at which time dedicated revenues would be sufficient to pay 87 percent of HI costs. ..."


But here's the important point:

“Part B of Supplemental Medical Insurance (SMI), which pays for doctors’ bills and other outpatient expenses, and Part D, which pays for access to prescription drug coverage, are both projected to remain adequately financed into the indefinite future because current law automatically provides financing each year to meet the next year’s expected costs.”

In other words, the law is such that the government will pay all costs notwithstanding whether the payroll tax covers all costs (as it, of course, always can afford to do, being the issuer and disseminator of all money). This is the difference between Medicare and Social Security. To fix Social Security, we don't need to raise the payroll tax cap or lessen benefits. We just have to pass a law instructing the government to pay the level of benefits we deem appropriate.



Jesus. Even when Obama is doing the right thing, it's still not enough for some people.

Obama declares emergency in Louisiana

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama declared a state of emergency in Louisiana on Monday as that state and others along the Gulf Coast prepared for Tropical Storm Isaac.

The White House said Obama informed Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal of the emergency declaration in a phone call. The declaration makes federal support available to save lives, protect public health and safety and preserve property in coastal areas.

Jindal, a Republican, shot back late Monday in a letter to the Obama administration that the declaration fell short of the help he was requesting.

"We appreciate your response to our request and your approval," Jindal wrote. "However, the state's original request for federal assistance .... included a request for reimbursement for all emergency protective measures. The federal declaration of emergency only provides for direct federal assistance."


Quick question: How much of Medicare is funded by the medicare payroll tax? Is it currently in surplus like current SS tax vs SS spending?

This was a good question, because I got to learn a few things.

Payroll taxes cover about a third of Medicare costs

In 2010, payroll taxes covered a little more than a third of Medicare’s costs. Beneficiary premiums (and some other earmarked receipts) covered about a seventh. General revenues (which include borrowing) covered the remainder, slightly more than half of total Medicare costs.

It may have improved slightly since then.

The difference between the two programs (SS and Medicare) exists because payroll taxes finance almost all of Social Security, but only one part of Medicare, the Part A program for hospital insurance. Parts B and D (doctors and prescription drugs) don’t get payroll revenues; instead, they are covered by premiums and general revenues. But that distinction often gets lost in public discussion of Medicare financing.


As recently at 2000, general revenues covered only a quarter of Medicare’s costs.

I would imagine that exploding HC costs of the past decade and the addition of Part D (2003?) has greatly shifted the balance.



Apparently this Bobby Jindahl guy is a big-government over-spending nanny-state proponent.

Preventative measures? That sounds liberal. They need to just lie down and enjoy god's gift to them.

We were asking for it with Southern Decadence this coming weekend. This is a legitimate storm, so it should just fizzle out if we repent.


I think this is the first election cycle in my adult life where I'm going to just tune out of the conventions. The noise is turned up to 11 already, and I got enough of it a couple months ago. This week is hell week at work, then it's PAX, then another hell week. I'll look up in a couple weeks and see how things are after the bounces are over.


Setec Astronomer
EV, TA: Thanks. So Medicare can't be treated as an entirely separate part of the budget, then.

Also, that explains the criticism of Part D being unfunded.


Ha. Smart move.

Really they can kind of count on voter ID as a hail mary while they don't repeat McCain's mistake of dumping everything into PA.

They're wise to spend money in VA, OH, WI, etc. PA is a lost cause but for Voter ID trolling.

As the EV map I posted earlier shows, NC looks to be leaning Dem. It would be pretty epic if the state goes for Obama, negating a loss of WI plus an additional 5 EV.




I can't understand why Chris Christie can't lose weight. I get it when a salesman who is working 60 hours on the road and has a family can't do it, but when you are an executive making 6 figures a year with a lot of resources at your disposal .. you should at least be able to get your weight down to a managable number.

Saw a pic of him on Drudge and he looks like a Sumo wrestler.


Professional Schmuck
I can't understand why Chris Christie can't lose weight. I get it when a salesman who is working 60 hours on the road and has a family can't do it, but when you are an executive making 6 figures a year with a lot of resources at your disposal .. you should at least be able to get your weight down to a managable number.

Saw a pic of him on Drudge and he looks like a Sumo wrestler.

Might as well ask while can't an alcoholic just stop drinking or a cancer patient can't just get rid of cancer. It's a disease -- and that man is really sick. Does it mean he's lazy or slothful or lacks self control? I dunno, probably.


This the pic? Would not wanna be in front of him on a set of bleachers. Christie's not really a social conservative which is good, but I would bet dollars to donuts
mmm donuts
that The Boss doesn't like his policies.


Well, if Christie going to make a run at the WH in '16, he's going to have to start getting on a treadmill sooner rather than later.
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