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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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The Obama camp should take this, splice it slightly to get out the filler before "method of conception", and really fuck Ryan up.

I think this would be an effective ad. And yes, it would be dirty, but no dirty than Romney taking Obama out of context. go for the balls, i say (or should I say uterus?)

Sometimes I wonder: do Republican men go home to their wives and and daughters and say the same things? Because I would think more than one wife would put them in the dog house for some of the stuff that they say.


Obsidian fan
Sometimes I wonder: do Republican men go home to their wives and and daughters and say the same things? Because I would think more than one wife would put them in the dog house for some of the stuff that they say.

They're probably married to the type of women who think they're supposed to live in the 50s.

"My husband knows what's best for a little ol' woman like me."
Chuck Todd said there'd be no bump as the money spent already means it's October not late August. People have made up their minds.
It probably won't be as pronounced as usual, but there will be a bump. The GOP will have all the media attention to themselves for their platform.

Though of course, that would probably lead to a negative bump when Mike Huckabee calls all pregnant women whores or something.


I was reading the results for the ABC/Washington Post Survery and its weird.

One question asks who you vote for all adults and it gets the results Obama up 49-42 but then for registered voters it has Romney up 47-46.

Its weird.


It probably won't be as pronounced as usual, but there will be a bump. The GOP will have all the media attention to themselves for their platform.

Though of course, that would probably lead to a negative bump when Mike Huckabee calls all pregnant women whores or something.

Exactly, given the past year, the GOP with a week of coverage to itself is not going to amount in positives. He was lucky last week did not bomb his campaign and that was just accidental comments by Akin that doomed the GOP lol
So yesterday, my parents went and saw this movie
2016 Obama's America takes audiences on a gripping visual journey into the heart of the world's most powerful office to reveal the struggle of whether one man's past will redefine America over the next four years. The film examines the question, "If Obama wins a second term, where will we be in 2016?" Across the globe and in America, people in 2008 hungered for a leader who would unite and lift us from economic turmoil and war. True to America's ideals, they invested their hope in a new kind of president, Barack Obama. What they didn't know is that Obama is a man with a past, and in powerful ways that past defines him--who he is, how he thinks, and where he intends to take America and the world. Love him or hate him, you don't know him. -- (C) Official Site
Anyone heard of it? Willing to bother and go see it?
The best thing about this is that it sounds like the movie makes some predictions. Well, Obama is probably going to win and when 2016 really rolls around, we will all be able to look at this move and laugh about how fucking stupid the predictions were.

But the sad part is there is no accountability anymore. People that say the dumbest most dangerous stupid wrong things just get to keep on going and people listen to them. Among the classics is that loser William Kristol with this dangerous lie from 2003:
On this issue of the Shia in Iraq, I think there’s been a certain amount of, frankly, a kind of pop sociology in America that, you know, somehow the Shia can’t get along with the Sunni and the Shia in Iraq just want to establish some kind of Islamic fundamentalist regime. There’s almost no evidence of that at all. Iraq’s always been very secular.
As we all know, Iraq sank into a civil war largely drawn along Sunni/Shia lines. It still persists today. Despite that fucking HUGE mistake, people listen to this idiot for foreign policy. Why? Why not just ask the crazy homeless man down the street?

Dinesh has already been caught saying all sorts of outrageous bullshit . . . but the lemmings will continue to listen.
The best thing about this is that it sounds like the movie makes some predictions. Well, Obama is probably going to win and when 2016 really rolls around, we will all be able to look at this move and laugh about how fucking stupid the predictions were.

But the sad part is there is no accountability anymore. People that say the dumbest most dangerous stupid wrong things just get to keep on going and people listen to them. Among the classics is that loser William Kristol with this dangerous lie from 2003:

As we all know, Iraq sank into a civil war largely drawn along Sunni/Shia lines. It still persists today. Despite that fucking HUGE mistake, people listen to this idiot for foreign policy. Why? Why not just ask the crazy homeless man down the street?

Dinesh has already been caught saying all sorts of outrageous bullshit . . . but the lemmings will continue to listen.
The fact that Dick Morris appears to have any ounce of credibility in the media speaks volumes about its effectiveness in separating fact from fiction.

ezekial45 said:
Pennsylvania is fool's gold for Republicans, even with voter ID. Some polls will show the Republican candidate within striking distance, and then election day happens and the Democrat wins by a comfortable margin. Romney's campaign seems to be wise enough to understand that when McCain wasn't.
PPP sez: Iowa and Nevada are closer than in 2008, but Obama still leads there.

Obama won Iowa in 2008 by 9 and Nevada by 12, so "close" could still be up 5-6 points, which would be pretty good. But you never know, PPP is obnoxiously cryptic like that.

Also worth noting that in 2008, pollsters were off by 6 points in Nevada - and of course, in 2010 they had Harry Reid losing by 3 when he won by 6.


Wisconsin's shift has been really odd to me. The closeness of the race can't be explained away by Ryan. The VP home state bump is rarely significant especially one that never had a state wide office like Ryan. Not to mention they are replacing 2 dem senators with two republican ones within 2 years and then elected a hard right-winger Scott Walker, twice.

What happened to the state in such a short amount of time?


PPP sez: Iowa and Nevada are closer than in 2008, but Obama still leads there.

Obama won Iowa in 2008 by 9 and Nevada by 12, so "close" could still be up 5-6 points, which would be pretty good. But you never know, PPP is obnoxiously cryptic like that.

Also worth noting that in 2008, pollsters were off by 6 points in Nevada - and of course, in 2010 they had Harry Reid losing by 3 when he won by 6.

Obama will win Iowa, its not that most of the people here love Obama (well the cities do) but its the rural GOP voters despise Romney.


Wisconsin's shift has been really odd to me. The closeness of the race can't be explained away by Ryan. The VP home state bump is rarely significant especially one that never had a state wide office like Ryan. Not to mention they are replacing 2 dem senators with two republican ones within 2 years and then elected a hard right-winger Scott Walker, twice.

What happened to the state in such a short amount of time?

I think the recall basically killed a lot of goodwill towards the Democrats. I still think Obama has a pretty decent lead, but the Walker fight hurt.


Another great post from 90days90reasons


David Cross

REASON 20: Think of the alternative.
This is specifically meant for the voters who voted for Obama and are disappointed in him and subsequently on the fence about voting for him or resigned to not voting for anyone at all.

There are dozens, if not hundreds of legitimate reasons why you should not vote for Obama. You were lied to, seduced by yet another smooth talking politician who promised you hope and change. Although let’s be honest, short of electing a born-again monkey with downs syndrome, anyone who replaced Bush would be considered “a change."

And yes, after three years of Obama, we still live in a country with an ever-peeling veneer of “democracy” that is run by and for the moneyed power brokers and their vested interests. A country where cancer patients smoking medicinal marijuana in the privacy of their home participate in a criminal offense, but knowingly manipulating the markets and stealing from pension funds goes, not only unpunished, but lucratively rewarded.

And true, we still live in the most violent first world country on earth, with increasingly lax restrictions on the freedom to buy assault weapons online. And we still spend more of our precious decreasing tax dollars on “defense” than the next ten countries combined.

And right, it is accurate to say that gay couples are still treated like second, actually make that, third class citizens who, in some cases, can’t provide a loving home to beaten and abused foster kids stuck in a rotating door of loveless “families” headed by abusive and psychotic welfare queens simply because they’re “fags”.

And unquestionably, the banks, insurance companies, brokerage houses and really, all financial institutions have gotten away virtually untouched with the biggest theft of the people’s money since Rome was sacked by the Visigoths.

Oh my god…I could keep going like this into the next morning.

So let me tell you why you should hold your nose, take a deep breath, and swallow the bitter pill of voting for a rather ineffective disappointer-in-chief—because of the alternative. And the alternative in this case is an exceptionally heartbreaking example of, potential leader of the “free” world.

Mitt Romney is a craven, out-of-touch, capitalist robot (and not the fun kind either) with an understanding and compassion for the working class sourced from brief, sweeping platitudes told to him by his staff just before having to meet one. He doesn’t give a shit about you…or your mom, or your friends, or your children. I mean, he cares in the sense of, “you shouldn’t have to be so poor if you really, truly work hard. That’s why I want to be your president”. But his ideas are, ironically, about weaning the very people his policies displace, off the welfare teat.

In no small part, a lot of the voters that Romney appeals to are part of a backwards, ignorant electorate who truly believe that our current president is a Kenyan Marxist with an evil plan to let Muslim fundamentalists take over the world while he gleefully gives the good Christian Right’s money he’s stolen to lazy niggers and spics. They so desperately want FILL-IN-THE-BLANK in and Obama OUT! Many of these folk, left to their own devices, would make teaching certain parts of science that contradict the Bible illegal and punishable by jail time. They would defund and then outlaw certain aspects of woman’s health care. Officially strip gay people of what little rights they have fought very hard for and now “enjoy”. Defund what pitiably small public funds there are for the arts (created by “fags” and “left-wing radical hippies”). That’s what they want to do and would certainly be more emboldened to do with a potential eight years, in not longer, of right-wing, conservative rule.

History provides a very succinct, undeniable look at what these two parties would (try) to do if in power. Take a look, and, even though Obama has not been very successful (and Congress is in great part to blame but still), when faced with the alternative, well…please vote Obama in 2012.

—David Cross
  New York, New York
Ugh, David Cross is an awful political commenter. If the politician isn't a hardcore liberal, then fuck the guy. I've always had a distaste for Cross when he's not Tobias Fünke.
Wisconsin's shift has been really odd to me. The closeness of the race can't be explained away by Ryan. The VP home state bump is rarely significant. Not to mention they are replacing 2 dem senators with two republican ones within 2 years and then elected a hard right-winger Scott Walker, twice.

What happened to the state in such a short amount of time?
I think it's just become a very polarized state with the moderates either tuning out or falling in line. Turnout between conservatives and liberals will always favor Republicans, especially now that conservatives have more to be "mad" about (a black man's in the White House!). You could point out liberal angst against Scott Walker, but I'd say for about 90% of Americans, politics is all about whoever's on top and right now that's Obama. Governors, senators, congresscritters, they're not important.

Walker recall was totally seen as a partisan thing, and it really was. The source of the outrage was the collective bargaining but Tom Barrett almost never brought it up. Democrats should have kept their powder dry for 2014, but hey, the state senate recalls worked.

As for Baldwin vs. Thompson, Thompson is probably the strongest candidate the GOP could have put up, and he does have a decent record to run on. If Baldwin does win, it's either because she'll be able to cast herself as a pragmatic progressive rather than a liberal radical (as she's perceived now), or Thompson bombs miserably on the campaign trail (his 2008 presidential campaign was a disaster). She could also win on Obama's coattails if he's winning by like, 10, but right now I'm not seeing it.
There are dozens, if not hundreds of legitimate reasons why you should not vote for Obama. You were lied to, seduced by yet another smooth talking politician who promised you hope and change.

I stopped reading right here. Hundreds of reasons? Really? REALLY?

The fuck is up with some Libs and their hardcore cynicism and lack of perspective?
There are areas where Obama's been a disappointment, that's very true, like cracking down on medical marijuana users or continuing many Bush-era policies such as the Patriot Act.

But getting on him for like, foster parents being dicks to gay kids, you can't reasonably expect one man voted in by 53% of the nation to suddenly enact a law saying assholes can't be assholes anymore.

"Think of the alternative" works but I'd like if liberals tried harder to sell Obama on his own policies. Yes, Romney is atrocious but Obama's done a decent job himself. Maybe it only seems like that to me by comparison to Bush, but whatever.

That site does have some of that though - Roger Ebert on Obamacare, for example.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I stopped reading right here. Hundreds of reasons? Really? REALLY?

The fuck is up with some Libs and their hardcore cynicism and lack of perspective?

The right wing is hardcore cynical and lacks perspective too.

If watching TV has taught me anything, it's that all viewpoints and factions are equally meritous.


I probably should've thought twice about posting the David Cross article. I understand and agree with his general message, but I understand that his language can be off putting for many.

Anyway, is there video of Chris Matthews with this Priebus person?


Priebus did not handle that very well, but saying the birth certificate or work requirements for welfare are the "race card" is laughable. Priebus should have just said "Look Chris, I know you're probably irritated that the thrill up your leg is gone and the romance with Obama is gone, but let's talk about substantive issues - this is nonsense."

I love how Mathews had to stop himself when he said "You're telling me a Keynsian fiscal policy is somehow..." before he quickly changed course because he probably remembered that Keynes actually was European.
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