I'm not sure this is true. Republicans won control of multiple state levels of government two years ago, and they held the presidency for eight years shortly before that. Elections tend to be decided on business cycles and the political talent of candidates; ideas certainly matter, but a good politician can sell many contradictory things to the public. Romney is literally the worst candidate in nearly half a century. McCain was the wrong candidate for the wrong time due to the financial crisis (perhaps we'd say the same of Obama if a war broke out in September 08 instead of a financial crisis).
Note that I said "nationally." Local politics is a different beast and they are concentrated in the South, so they still will be big players there. The other thing is the business cycle matters more because Presidents run from the center.
Look, 4 years ago I predicted Obama would be a 1 term president. I predicted a slow recovery and that it would hurt him. But what I didn't expect was the GOP moving so far right and that turned everything upside down.
Romney is the worst candidate for a reason and that reason is because the GOP is outdated on a national level. Do you see who ran for the nomination?
The point being that the GOP has not fielded a decent politician in eight years; plus the business cycle was on a downturn during their tenure, and people still blame them for it four years later. A better candidate would certainly outperform Romney, in fact it wouldn't be hard. This will be put to the test soon, given the crop of non super crazy GOP governors gearing up for 2016 or 2020
There is no "better candidate" than Romney. That's the part you're missing. Those possibly better candidates can't get nominated right now (ie Rubio) thanks to the party. That's why it's Romney. Now, don't get me wrong, he's still running a terrible campaign, but he was going to lose regardless.
The thing is, Romney is much more of a centrist than he's put on. Romneycare. He railed against Bush's tax cuts. Socially, I don't think he gives a shit about civil unions or abortion much. He raised fees and taxes in Mass. But he is incapable of running as the Massachusetts Romney because of his party. Now he's ALWAYS CUT TAXES and FREE MARKER LOLZ tripe with the added war hawk crap.
The Romney we are seeing is the result of a political party gone off the rails. It's not his fault, it's the party's fault.
People still generally favor conservative economic ideas - tax cuts, small government, etc. Obama has managed to move the country left on taxes because of how extremist the current GOP is, but ultimately economic issues are still fought on Reagan's idealogical grounds in this country. And as you said people still support drilling. The GOP's problems are more fixable than people think.
I agree but people no longer actually believe the GOP represent smaller gov't or that we should cut taxes for the wealthy. (in fact, a majority support raising their taxes).
I agree they're fixable. Imagine if they ran with an actual economic plan to create jobs. Cutting taxes on those under $250k and reducing deductions above $250k. Less military spending. They could have won this election if they weren't ridiculous.
I won't call the current GOP's death until the religious right truly gets their Goldwater moment. They need a presidential candidate so bad that he clearly demonstrates that social conservative ideas are toxic nationally; basically Santorum. Romney is the worst GOP candidate in decades but he is no social conservative; his loss will just convince the grass roots to move further right. They need a Santorum type to lose in 2016 for things to change IMO.
Again, I agree it will be 2016. This is the point where the GOP is stabbed, 2016 is when it bleeds all over the floor as it screams. And they probably will get their Bachman in 2016 (not actually her, of course).