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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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On the other hand early voting starts soon.

Its already started in some states, we voted yesterday here in Iowa

The polls will close because the media needs something to get those ratings, but unless Romney produces pics of Obama in bed with another man or a child at the debates i won't change things.

Poll after Poll and Survey after Survey show people have already made up their minds.

less than 60 days from the election and people still have no idea what Romney will do, there are no plans and he is not going to shit magic gold
It's already started in some places like Iowa, which is a great thing for Obama.

starts very soon for Ohio. Democrats (mainly black people) tend to vote early there, but there should be a good amount of more independent leaning folks who vote early as well due to the 47% tape. Romney could find himself in quite a hole going into November.


starts very soon for Ohio. Democrats (mainly black people) tend to vote early there, but there should be a good amount of more independent leaning folks who vote early as well due to the 47% tape. Romney could find himself in quite a hole going into November.

This coming Tuesday, if I'm not mistaken. The Obama campaign will likely ensure that every single person living in the state is aware of early voting if they aren't already in the coming weeks.


This coming Tuesday, if I'm not mistaken. The Obama campaign will likely ensure that every single person living in the state is aware of early voting if they aren't already in the coming weeks.

If their operation in Iowa is any indication you will be hammered, we received 2 phone calls, 3 pieces of mailing and a few emails lol
less than 60 days from the election and people still have no idea what Romney will do, there are no plans and he is not going to shit magic gold

I think polls will also close because Romney will get some bump from the debates.

Not that you guys don't know that...just sayin

I will take an avatar bet on the winner of the first debate as shown by post debate instant polls. I have never had an avatar in my GAF life till now.


I hope Romney tries this line in the debates.

Ryan: ‘It Would Take Me Too Long’ To Explain Tax Plan’s Math

Paul Ryan responded to criticism that the math in Mitt Romney's tax plan doesn't ad up by telling "Fox News Sunday" host Chris Wallace it would take too long to explain.

“You haven’t given me the math,” Wallace said during an interview that aired Sunday.

"It would take me too long to go through all of the math,” Ryan said.

Ryan stood by Romney's plan Sunday, which he said could cut rates, be revenue neutral and not raise taxes on the middle class.

As for PPP, they rarely show things breaking open as wide as many polls. I'd expect a 3-6 point spread for Obama there from them, given their hint and where others show the race.


Christie Defends Romney: ‘He’s Not An Accountant’
"Let's be fair here. Gov. Romney has laid out a direction and a vision for the direction of this country," Christie said to host David Gregory. "He's not an accountant. He's not going to go line by line as much as you'd like him to do through the budget. But let's hold the president to the same standard and criticize him as well."

Christie continued: "Because how's [Obama] going to create 1 million new manufacturing jobs, David? He hasn't told anyone the specifics of that. How's he going to reduce $4 trillion in debt? We're still waiting to hear what he thinks about Simpson-Bowles, which he commissioned. I mean, you know, he's been the president and hasn't given us specifics. So let's be fair here."
Oh Christie, we get it you wish you ran.

Obama has given us more than Romney has, hell I don't think Romney's even given us a vision or direction.

God I hope Christie loses his re-election so he can go away.

Given how shitty NJ's economy is, he just might. The national economy should continue improving but there's a chance it won't improve well enough in NJ by 2014. I wonder if Booker is capable of winning state wide


Obama and his surrogates should have jumped out ahead of Romney's zingers. They should be stating things like:

"The big criticism the American people have of Romney right now is that he lacks substance. He's not willing to tell us his plan, and he doesn't seem to care about a lot of them. So instead of developing that substance and creating a plan to show the American people, he's practicing zingers. I think the American people are smarter than that. They don't want a guy who's merely good with one-liners. They want a guy who cares about them, and has a plan that backs that up."

That makes people very consciously aware of what he's trying to do, so that when he does it the first thing a viewer might think is "Oh, there he goes..." rather than "Oh damn he got him good."


No Scrubs
Given how shitty NJ's economy is, he just might. The national economy should continue improving but there's a chance it won't improve well enough in NJ by 2014. I wonder if Booker is capable of winning state wide

Well he seems to get a lot of good local press, while Christie can't seem to go a few months without yelling at someone on a boardwalk. I will admit I don't know how Booker plays statewide, but if anyone could beat Christie it's probably him. He's like the anti-Christie when it comes to personality. Still, it depends on how the Jersey economy is doing at the time and if Christie gets wrapped up in some kind of scandal/makes a small child cry by yelling at it.
I don't get this zingers nonsense. Romney is not funny, has poor comedic timing and is painfully awkward. He's just going to piss people off.


I don't get this zingers nonsense. Romney is not funny, has poor comedic timing and is painfully awkward. He's just going to piss people off.

Yep. There have been several times that Romney's surrogates have had to follow him and explain that he was using humor and not being serious. If you have to have other people clarify that a joke you told was a joke, then maybe you shouldn't be using them.


These zingers have been written up by his staff and carefully practiced for months. Romney is horribly awkward off the cuff, but they're going for carefully manufactured moments here.


ha, just saw Ron Christie at Central Park, he dates/is married? to a fly white lady.


I find that hard to believe. He's such a lame.


Yep. There have been several times that Romney's surrogates have had to follow him and explain that he was using humor and not being serious. If you have to have other people clarify that a joke you told was a joke, then maybe you shouldn't be using them.

"How about them 47% of Americans who are dependent on the economy eh? Ehhhh?"


No Scrubs
These zingers have been written up by his staff and carefully practiced for months. Romney is horribly awkward off the cuff, but they're going for carefully manufactured moments here.

He's not so good at those either, look at the RNC. Conventions should be the most manufactured things ever and yet it was a train wreck from the first night on.
These zingers have been written up by his staff and carefully practiced for months. Romney is horribly awkward off the cuff, but they're going for carefully manufactured moments here.

True, but people bomb pre-written jokes all the time: every awards show that has ever happened, for example. Plus, debates are not so easily predicted in term of when to lob your prepared statements, there is still some quick thinking that goes into laying out these zingers at the right time.
True, but people bomb pre-written jokes all the time: every awards show that has ever happened, for example. Plus, debates are not so easily predicted in term of when to lob your prepared statements, there is still some quick thinking that goes into laying out these zingers at the right time.

Excellent point.


I wonder if they've made any changes to their strategy following this leak? Ah, who am I kidding? This campaign will likely double the amount of prepared zingers for Romney to spout off in response. Better be watching in HD so you can spot the jokes written in Sharpie on Romney's hands.


Manos is banned?

Anyone in poligaf getting banned when the bish hammer drops in two hours? Any final words of advice?

What got Manos now?

I don't think I'll be getting banned from Bish, if you're talking about those two stickied threads. I only posted once in one of them, and it wasn't anything bad at all.


I wonder if they've made any changes to their strategy following this leak? Ah, who am I kidding? This campaign will likely double the amount of prepared zingers for Romney to spout off in response. Better be watching in HD so you can spot the jokes written in Sharpie on Romney's hands.

What else can they do? It's a domestic policy debate. I'm having a very hard time thinking of a domestic policy issue that Romney can count on winning on substance. He's losing on the economy now, and is way too tied to Ryan and his 47% comments to speak credibly on the deficit and taxes. Health care has always been a very tricky thing for him to go after Obama on. His party's gone way too far to the right on abortion for that to be a winning issue for him. Immigration maybe?

bishoptl from creepshot thread said:
I'm closing this thread

I'm stickying this thread

And in exactly 12 hours I am going to run through with a fucking lawnmower on some accounts

Pray to whatever deities you prefer
Hahaha, amazing.
Manos is banned?

Anyone in poligaf getting banned when the bish hammer drops in two hours? Any final words of advice?
He was banned because of one of those sticky threads? I'll have to check out what he said then. I posted something about burka's myself, but I'm hoping the mod's don't take it seriously.
What else can they do? It's a domestic policy debate. I'm having a very hard time thinking of a domestic policy issue that Romney can count on winning on substance. He's losing on the economy now, and is way too tied to Ryan and his 47% comments to speak credibly on the deficit and taxes. Health care has always been a very tricky thing for him to go after Obama on. His party's gone way too far to the right on abortion for that to be a winning issue for him. Immigration maybe?
There's been a lot of posts here from people offering scenario's for what Obama can use as ammo to sell himself, but it'd be interesting to see what Gaf thinks could actually get obama. Can Gaf put itself in Romney's shoes and hit Obama hard on something? Everyone knows the economy is shit, but would specific numbers and facts make people think ''hm, I guess I'm not gonna vote for Obama afterall''? Doesn't seem like it. They've already used everything they found and it doesn't seem to have worked.


What else can they do? It's a domestic policy debate. I'm having a very hard time thinking of a domestic policy issue that Romney can count on winning on substance. He's losing on the economy now, and is way too tied to Ryan and his 47% comments to speak credibly on the deficit and taxes. Health care has always been a very tricky thing for him to go after Obama on. His party's gone way too far to the right on abortion for that to be a winning issue for him. Immigration maybe?
He's not going to touch immigration.
Unemployment and maybe the debt are the only things I can think of.

Edit: ToxicAdam got banned again?
Manos was banned for his participation in one of the many gun threads he created/was a part of.

Manos needed to be put to pasture eventually with his disingenuous methods, and I'm sure this thread was intensely frustrating for most of the participants, but the end result is a worthwhile read, a thorough dismantling of the pro-gun position from just about every angle.

From University Is Uneasy as Court Ruling Allows Guns on Campus.


He was banned because of one of those sticky threads? I'll have to check out what he said then. I posted something about burka's myself, but I'm hoping the mod's don't take it seriously.

There's been a lot of posts here from people offering scenario's for what Obama can use as ammo to sell himself, but it'd be interesting to see what Gaf thinks could actually get obama. Can Gaf put itself in Romney's shoes and hit Obama hard on something? Everyone knows the economy is shit, but would specific numbers and facts make people think ''hm, I guess I'm not gonna vote for Obama afterall''? Doesn't seem like it. They've already used everything they found and it doesn't seem to have worked.

I think technically he could hit Obama on the economy during a debate. If he does it right it could actually land. They've tried hitting him before, but hitting him when he's right there and has to respond is a bit different. If he tries to make an excuse it looks a bit worse, and if he admits it sucks, then, again, not great. I think he'll probably have some good prepared answers, though, but we'll see.
Supreme Court Faces Weighty Cases and a New Dynamic
Forgive my naive question, but regarding this bit:

The term could clarify whether the health care ruling will come to be seen as the case that helped Chief Justice Roberts protect the authority of his court against charges of partisanship while accruing a mountain of political capital in the process.

What exactly do Supreme Court justices spend their political capital towards?


I think technically he could hit Obama on the economy during a debate. If he does it right it could actually land. They've tried hitting him before, but hitting him when he's right there and has to respond is a bit different. If he tries to make an excuse it looks a bit worse, and if he admits it sucks, then, again, not great. I think he'll probably have some good prepared answers, though, but we'll see.

I think this backfires horribly. We just had dueling conventions that were in large part about the economy, and we saw whose bump was bigger. It's not like the Democrats were doing much obfuscating of the sort that Obama could be called on in an in-person debate either. Romney's campaign has already trotted out all of the different kinds of attacks they might make on the issue, and the Obama campaign has won just about every one of those fights. And with Romney as far behind Obama on the issue of the economy as he is, them both spending time talking about it without Romney scoring a knock-out is just going to hurt him.

Plus isn't Obama a net job creator now, by any standard?

What exactly do Supreme Court justices spend their political capital towards?
On getting the other Justices to go along with them. Also they're perpetually concerned about the public's perception of the Court. Moreso than the other bodies, the Court's legitimacy is constantly up in the air, and if the president is ever substantially more popular than the Court they run the risk of getting ignored or packed. They really, really want to avoid being seen as a partisan body, because if they're really just a super-Senate, then they're going to get packed the day after the filibuster finally goes down.
If he tries to make an excuse it looks a bit worse, and if he admits it sucks, then, again, not great. I think he'll probably have some good prepared answers, though, but we'll see.
That might be a problem, but you're right they've probably prepared and polished the delivery. I think they've done or are doing everything they can to avoid sounding like they're making excuses or blaming Bush et al. Just doesn't feel like Romney has anything really big to punch him on.
Manos was banned for his participation in one of the many gun threads he created/was a part of.

From University Is Uneasy as Court Ruling Allows Guns on Campus.
Does that imply a perma-ban?!
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