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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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Clothed, sober, cooperative
FL and NC tonight.

Those are going to be close no matter what, possibly even negative for Obama, however I suspect you'll see a tightening that implies slowed momentum for Romney - in part because of Biden performance, but next week I suspect you will also see slowing or even gains for Bams as people start to discuss the reality of a Romney presidency and realize they don't know what it means.

They don't know what it means fiscally, they don't know what it means socially, and they have started to consider the reality for the first time. People are like markets. They don't like doubt. There are folks who will look at Obama's slow, boring, not good enough success and think that might be better than an unknown gulf of neocon ideas, tea party morality and lord knows what.

In part I think Romney's surge was based on traction from people who were already going to vote R when they got to the polls, or stay home. Now that's important, but I don't think it's enough for Romney.

This is based on zero math, and all instinct and feel, bro. But I was right last time on the same premise as you will see in my post history. SO I am at least as accurate as a coin toss.


This is a perfect example of what I mean. Not meaningful in itself, but interesting nonetheless.



Winston-Salem Journal in tobacco country NC, BTW.
I grew up near there and it is a good sign that Obama has made some inroads in other parts of urban NC, besides the Triangle.
That said, Forsyth county went for Obama last cycle and I'd like to see him pick up more strength in the coastal county New Hanover.
It is not that big physically, but has a large population so GotV efforts ther could reap significant benefits.


One of CNN's main headlines is about Romney/Ryan painting Obama "soft on China" in Ohio.

Still nothing on Sensata? Really?


I still stand by my pre-debate EV count:


In addition, Obama could lose Virginia + Colorado, Iowa (or Nevada), and New Hampshire on this map and still win. No chicken littling from me!


51% of the shares.

What I'm hearing is: "He owns about $8 million worth of Bain funds that hold 51 percent of Sensata’s shares."

So, how much of that does Mitt Romney actually own and perhaps control? It sounds like some of his money is in a fund that happens to hold that much of Sensata. I mean this is probably a good example to show what kind of a business Romney runs, and that he's not a job creator, like he says he is, but I don't think you can pin him specifically with this.


What I'm hearing is: "He owns about $8 million worth of Bain funds that hold 51 percent of Sensata’s shares."

So, how much of that does Mitt Romney actually own and perhaps control? It sounds like some of his money is in a fund that happens to hold that much of Sensata. I mean this is probably a good example to show what kind of a business Romney runs, and that he's not a job creator, like he says he is, but I don't think you can pin him specifically with this.

Yeah, I agree completely. It's not something that the Obama camp would be wise to adopt as it would be batted off like you just described.
What I'm hearing is: "He owns about $8 million worth of Bain funds that hold 51 percent of Sensata’s shares."

So, how much of that does Mitt Romney actually own and perhaps control? It sounds like some of his money is in a fund that happens to hold that much of Sensata. I mean this is probably a good example to show what kind of a business Romney runs, and that he's not a job creator, like he says he is, but I don't think you can pin him specifically with this.

Agreed, nor do I trust Obama on bringing this up in a debate; it sounds right in Biden's alley thematically, and he could quickly explain it simply. Dunno about Obama, and there's the risk of it sounding desperate

But I'd love to hear Romney's emotionless explanation for all this
What I'm hearing is: "He owns about $8 million worth of Bain funds that hold 51 percent of Sensata’s shares."

So, how much of that does Mitt Romney actually own and perhaps control? It sounds like some of his money is in a fund that happens to hold that much of Sensata. I mean this is probably a good example to show what kind of a business Romney runs, and that he's not a job creator, like he says he is, but I don't think you can pin him specifically with this.

Came to post this.

Im reading it as Romney owns 8 million worth of Bain stock. Bain owns 51% of Sensata stock. If sensata gains money from the outsourcing then Romney stands to get paid, which still is kind of despicable for a guy preaching about job creation. I don't think he could stop this though, I doubt 8mill is any kind of controlling interest in Bain.
And Romney could counter by bringing up companies that took stimulus money and sent jobs to China. Obviously not the same thing, but enough to muddy the waters for voters which is the main point. I don't see this working

People already know Romney is a heartless business man yet he's still leading in the polls. Don't see doubling down in that working


And Romney could counter by bringing up companies that took stimulus money and sent jobs to China. Obviously not the same thing, but enough to muddy the waters for voters which is the main point. I don't see this working

People already know Romney is a heartless business man yet he's still leading in the polls. Don't see doubling down in that working

I agree with you completely. This is something that should stay within the liberal blogosphere, as I could see it being ineffective if adopted by the campaign.


Came to post this.

Im reading it as Romney owns 8 million worth of Bain stock. Bain owns 51% of Sensata stock. If sensata gains money from the outsourcing then Romney stands to get paid, which still is kind of despicable for a guy preaching about job creation. I don't think he could stop this though, I doubt 8mill is any kind of controlling interest in Bain.

To be fair, I think with his power of possibly becoming president he probably could tell them to hold the fuck off on this stuff for at least a few months, and I'd think they'd oblige just because he'd probably be better for their industry in the long run as president. But, that's really not actually controlling things.

Honestly I think it's best for Obama to let this blow up by itself (and hope it does). When approached for it (and this is key, they shouldn't bring it up themselves) they need to say "Yes, Romney himself isn't controlling these things right now, but this definitely is the type of business he ran in the past, and not to mention he's still profiting from this type of business. This is what they do. They outsource in order to make themselves money. He isn't a job creator. The money he's making now and wants to keep a lower tax rate on is demonstrably not encouraging economic growth here."

They need to keep enough distance so the media can run with it but not throw them under the bus for specifically blaming Romney for something he factually isn't controlling right now.


I didn't realize Romney's shares came from just his general connection to Bain. Thought it was more specific than that.

In that case then, yeah, the only mainstream outlet we'll probably be hearing about this from is MSNBC. Still, would make for a decent attack ad at least.


I didn't realize Romney's shares came from just his general connection to Bain. Thought it was more specific than that.

In that case then, yeah, the only mainstream outlet we'll probably be hearing about this from is MSNBC. Still, would make for a decent attack ad at least.
If the shoe was on the other foot the Republicans would probably have a very simple ad that cuts out the indirect responsibility. I imagine it would be something like...

"Mitt Romney's profits went up, the American flag went down."


I'm not seeing the enthusiasm gap that has been so widely reported. If Dems are such underdogs in the attitude game, why are they tearin'-up ass in the early voting scene?

You'd think that Republicans couldn't wait to vote out the godless evil socialist, communist, redistributionist Kenyan.
The democrats have an extensive ground operation that was left in place after the 2008 election. Romney's running an ad-focused campaign and their ground network is nowhere near as expansive.


When even The New Yorker says Biden won but Ryan did not loose it just goes to show how extremist some libgaffers are. Read my words: You are biased as feck. Biden won but Ryan did a great job. thats the tooth.


Is this lady on MHP an idiot? She's trying to say that the stimulus didn't work at all, and is laughing at the notion that we should have spent more... because OMG deficit. Ugh, some of these people are just too goddamned dumb.

When even The New Yorker says Biden won but Ryan did not loose it just goes to show how extremist some libgaffers are. Read my words: You are biased as feck. Biden won but Ryan did a great job. thats the tooth.

He did a great job of not breaking down and crying like a baby while getting beat that badly. I'll give him that. He kept his composure and really kept to his script. In that way stylistically he did pretty good.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
When even The New Yorker says Biden won but Ryan did not loose it just goes to show how extremist some libgaffers are. Read my words: You are biased as feck. Biden won but Ryan did a great job. thats the tooth.

My Che Guevara t-shirt scoffs in your general direction.
When even The New Yorker says Biden won but Ryan did not loose it just goes to show how extremist some libgaffers are. Read my words: You are biased as feck. Biden won but Ryan did a great job. thats the tooth.

Is the New Yorker supposed to be an example of a "biased" left-wing magazine, that's the equivalent of Fox News for the left?

The answer to that, is that it isn't. While the magazine certainly does cater to left-wing thinking more so than right-wing thinking, it's not an agenda driven magazine. This is like saying that because PBS reports news in a rational and neutral manner it's clearly a left-wing blotter.

The example that would work for what you are implying here would be Daily KOS, and as far as I can tell Daily Kos went into the tank for Biden big time.


Obama team promises more aggressive president in second debate
"Obviously, the president was disappointed in his own performance. He didn't meet his expectations," Obama campaign adviser Robert Gibbs told the CNN program "State of the Union," referring to the first debate.

"He knew when he walked off that stage and he also knew as he's watched the tape of that debate that he's got to be more energetic. I think you'll see somebody who's very passionate about the choice that our country faces - and putting that choice in front of voters," Gibbs added.
Another Obama campaign adviser, David Axelrod, told the "Fox News Sunday" program: "I think he's going to be aggressive in making the case for his view of where we should go as a country, a country that's built around a growing, thriving middle class, not this top-down theory that Governor Romney has."

"But the other thing he's going to certainly do - I mean, we saw Governor Romney sort of serially walk away from his own proposals - certainly the president is going to be willing to challenge him on it as we saw the vice president challenge Paul Ryan," Axelrod said.
I swear we still haven't seen the full impact of Romney's religion yet.

Back in January I remember about 10 or so old people all telling me "well you know I can't vote for him because of his religion" during the debates. I probably only talked to 12 seniors in the whole community!


I swear we still haven't seen the full impact of Romney's religion yet.

Back in January I remember about 10 or so old people all telling me "well you know I can't vote for him because of his religion" during the debates. I probably only talked to 12 seniors in the whole community!

That's because liberals (rightfully) won't bring religion into it like that. The people that would bring religion into the argument are mostly evangelicals, but they're so in the tank for Republicans they don't care. For example, Billy Graham endorsed Romney and then scrubbed his site of all things that called Mormonism a cult.
When even The New Yorker says Biden won but Ryan did not loose it just goes to show how extremist some libgaffers are. Read my words: You are biased as feck. Biden won but Ryan did a great job. thats the tooth.

Nah, Ryan got creamed on foreign policy. I had a higher opinion of him on that before the VP debate.


Gillespie, Fox’s Chris Wallace Spar Over Claim That Six Studies Validate Romney’s Tax Plan
"Six different studies have said this is entirely doable," Gillespie said on "Fox News Sunday."

But host Chris Wallace took issue with the assertion, calling some of the studies "questionable."

"These are very credible sources," Gillespie pushed back.

"One of these is from a guy -- is a blog from a guy who was a top adviser to George W. Bush," Wallace countered. "These are hardly non-partisan studies."

Gillespie said that these are from Harvard and AEI and that said again that they are "very credible sources."


I swear we still haven't seen the full impact of Romney's religion yet.

Back in January I remember about 10 or so old people all telling me "well you know I can't vote for him because of his religion" during the debates. I probably only talked to 12 seniors in the whole community!

I'm glad it isn't an issue. There's absolutely no reason a candidate's faith should be a focal point in a campaign. We're not ways this fortunate, but we should be glad that hardly anyone is talking about it in this instance.
Heads up, Stephen Colbert is being interviewed out of character on Meet the Press after the commercial break.

Did I miss it already? It's just a bunch of old people yelling.

That's because liberals (rightfully) won't bring religion into it like that. The people that would bring religion into the argument are mostly evangelicals, but they're so in the tank for Republicans they don't care. For example, Billy Graham endorsed Romney and then scrubbed his site of all things that called Mormonism a cult.

There are a lot of people who are religious first and political second. The only reason they vote conservative is because of how they interpret their faith. I can see a lot of them being turned off, and not necessarily voting for Obama but just not for a Mormon.

I'm glad it isn't an issue. There's absolutely no reason a candidate's faith should be a focal point in a campaign. We're not ways this fortunate, but we should be glad that hardly anyone is talking about it in this instance.

I agree, I'm glad I'm not seeing it. But it just feels like it's still there, but I have no proof or data! So I guess we'll see...
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