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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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No Scrubs
Her entire family wants it gone. We have tried explaining what would happen to her if it was gone. Nope. Don't care. I don't understand how they would risk her health like that...

But hey, I could totally just take her into the ER if it turns cancerous right? I see people getting chemo in the ER all the time! That is what Mitt told me anyway.

My old man is the same way, he knows exactly what kind of shit we'd be in if it weren't for the law but he doesn't care...I just don't get it, I never will
Her entire family wants it gone. We have tried explaining what would happen to her if it was gone. Nope. Don't care. I don't understand how they would risk her health like that...

But hey, I could totally just take her into the ER if it turns cancerous right? I see people getting chemo in the ER all the time! That is what Mitt told me anyway.

My wife's mother is the same way. I tried to rationalize with her and explain what might happen to her daughter without Obamacare, but she basically only votes on social issues.


Can they articulate a reason for their position beyond a GOP talking point?

Nope. Fox News said it was bad. Hyper religious. God will cure her. God has a way. God works in mysterious ways.

It frustrates me so much. And scares me. other than her and ONE other friend I have I can't vent to anyone around here or even have a civil conversation or debate.


Sounds like we all need a support group lol. My family is the same way. Pretty much everyone is uninsurable yet somehow republicans will cure us all.


Her entire family wants it gone. We have tried explaining what would happen to her if it was gone. Nope. Don't care. I don't understand how they would risk her health like that...
What the fuck?
How can people be so stupid? Do they not care about their own daughter's health? She's going through some serious stuff.

What is it with the a good portion of the working class voting bloc and, I swear, having no self-respect? Are they mentally deranged? Abused? Is this what the system has done to them? That is, growing up in a country that says to suck it up if you get sick, no matter what? Did it ruin their ability to think critically? I just don't understand why universal healthcare is so taboo here.


No Scrubs
What the fuck?
How can people be so stupid? Do they not care about their own daughter's health? She's going through some serious stuff.

What is it with the a good portion of the working class voting bloc and, I swear, having no self-respect? Are they mentally deranged? Abused? Is this what the system has done to them? That is, growing up in a country that says to suck it up if you get sick, no matter what? Did it ruin their ability to think critically? I just don't understand why universal healthcare is so taboo here.

I have no idea, but when my dad goes on about how it needs to be repealed I just need to leave the room before I punch him in the face.


What the fuck?
How can people be so stupid? Do they not care about their own daughter's health? She's going through some serious stuff.

What is it with the a good portion of the working class voting bloc and, I swear, having no self-respect? Are they mentally deranged? Abused? Is this what the system has done to them? That is, growing up in a country that says to suck it up if you get sick, no matter what? Did it ruin their ability to think critically? I just don't understand why universal healthcare is so taboo here.

I am totally objective in the classroom and politics is nothing that I do (or want) to cover but my students leave my class knowing how to research an issue and form an opinion on it - a skill that so many people around here can't/won't do.

I have caught flack for it too - that pushback against critical thinking in Texas? It is real. And it is scary. The idea that I can't be more open with where I am and what I see is crap. Really, I have probably already said to much.

Thanks guys for listening to me for a few minutes. I have to pretend to love Mitt again on Monday. Thanks for letting me be me for a bit. :)


No Scrubs
I am totally objective in the classroom and politics is nothing that I do (or want) to cover but my students leave my class knowing how to research an issue and form an opinion on it - a skill that so many people around here can't/won't do.

I have caught flack for it too - that pushback against critical thinking in Texas? It is real. And it is scary. The idea that I can't be more open with where I am and what I see is crap. Really, I have probably already said to much.

Thanks guys for listening to me for a few minutes. I have to pretend to love Mitt again on Monday. Thanks for letting me be me for a bit. :)

Hey man, you're welcome here any time. Sounds like you're in a fucked situation dude, just gotta teach the best you can and hope maybe you can make it better.


I have no idea, but when my dad goes on about how it needs to be repealed I just need to leave the room before I punch him in the face.
My parents are more on the side of private health insurance, however, they don't think Obamacare is awful. They are of the opinion that he should have focused more on jobs and if that meant it didn't pass, oh well, but they don't hate it. I'm just glad they aren't a part of the "God will fix it, repeal Obamacare" crowd.

There is something really awkward about the older generations in this country and clinging to private heath plans. I don't know what it is.

I am totally objective in the classroom and politics is nothing that I do (or want) to cover but my students leave my class knowing how to research an issue and form an opinion on it - a skill that so many people around here can't/won't do.

I have caught flack for it too - that pushback against critical thinking in Texas? It is real. And it is scary. The idea that I can't be more open with where I am and what I see is crap. Really, I have probably already said to much.

Thanks guys for listening to me for a few minutes. I have to pretend to love Mitt again on Monday. Thanks for letting me be me for a bit. :)
Wait, what?

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
What's crazy about this is that CNN used to be a pretty liberal network. ESPECIALLY back in the 2008 election. I've tried to watch them recently and was kind of shocked I was watching the same network. Shame, because I actually really like Wolf Blitzer and Anderson Cooper.

Yeah, I caught some CNN the day of the VP debate and I was a bit flabbergasted at what I was watching. I can't believe they have been pushed so far right compared to where they were just 4 years ago.


Yeah, I caught some CNN the day of the VP debate and I was a bit flabbergasted at what I was watching. I can't believe they have been pushed so far right compared to where they were just 4 years ago.

I believe conservatives tend to watch more television networks and liberals tend to use the internet for their news rather than the networks.


No Scrubs
Wait, what?

If the place is as conservative as he says, then the parents might complain more than they usually do if he's outspoken. Indoctrinating the kids and whatnot, it's bad enough that he's teaching them critical thinking after all.
How many hot college chicks help out with political campaigns?

I might volunteer some of my time to one...

Those statements aren't necessarily related.


If the place is as conservative as he says, then the parents might complain more than they usually do if he's outspoken. Indoctrinating the kids and whatnot, it's bad enough that he's teaching them critical thinking after all.

Bingo bango. My curriculum already covers evolution, big bang theory, and climate change. I catch enough heat from parents and people I work with. I don't need to give them any other ammunition haha.


Bingo bango. My curriculum already covers evolution, big bang theory, and climate change. I catch enough heat from parents and people I work with. I don't need to give them any other ammunition haha.
Is this a modern day dark ages?

No, really.


No Scrubs
Bingo bango. My curriculum already covers evolution, big bang theory, and climate change. I catch enough heat from parents and people I work with. I don't need to give them any other ammunition haha.

Shit son, sounds like you have a target on your back as it is with a curriculum like that. Doing your job in a place like that, especially doing it properly deserves mad props. Out there changing the world, hopefully for the better. Good luck fighting the good fight, feels good knowing there are people like you out there in those parts of the country.
How many hot college chicks help out with political campaigns?

I might volunteer some of my time to one...

Those statements aren't necessarily related.




Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
SNL was pretty weak, aside from a decent moment here and there.

Also, I've always liked Chris Hayes, but I've started to like him even more. He's one of those people that can tear apart stupid arguments, but in an extremely digestible to the public type way.
Her entire family wants it gone. We have tried explaining what would happen to her if it was gone. Nope. Don't care. I don't understand how they would risk her health like that...

But hey, I could totally just take her into the ER if it turns cancerous right? I see people getting chemo in the ER all the time! That is what Mitt told me anyway.
Reminds me of that dipshit in an article about peoples' receptions to Obamacare. This couple goes to a McDonald's and sees the nutritional values listed on the menu. The husband says something like "Well it's good McDonald's is making that public for everyone to make their own choices about their health! And it isn't forced, like Obamacare." When they point out that it's because of a provision in Obamacare, all of the sudden he's like "Well herfderf I don't know if that's a good idea"

We're living in a pretty hyper-partisan time. I'm not going to pretend that Republicans aren't worse about this, but you can sell legislation to low-info voters of any political leaning as long as you wrap it correctly. If a Republican President wrote PPACA and called it Save Patriots and Orphans Act, you can bet Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity would be out the next day singing the praises. A liberal finds out Romney's name is attached to a tax plan, they hate it, a conservative finds out Obama's name is attached to a healthcare bill, they hate it, and moderate voters don't know which one is right, they just know everyone is wrong and everything would be fine if people would just stop fighting and agree
on whatever my personal beliefs are

Liberals aren't as bad because I think we're used to losing, so we're more quick to cede ground. Like that comic with Pelosi saying "Gee, you really might vote for us? How about if we bomb some brown people?" Also see Obama's debate performance. Liberal blogosphere freaked out, if it were backwards the media would be calling it a tie because Republicans would insist it was.


Shit son, sounds like you have a target on your back as it is with a curriculum like that. Doing your job in a place like that, especially doing it properly deserves mad props. Out there changing the world, hopefully for the better. Good luck fighting the good fight, feels good knowing there are people like you out there in those parts of the country.

Thanks man. Really. That means more than you know. I feel very alone here a lot. There are times I would like to leave for a state that pays more, is more open minded but I feel like I'm doing good here. I'm still naive enough to think I can make a difference. If I don't do the job then who will? While I'm obviously not blasting political ideology at students I can promise you my students leave my class knowing why it is important to research, how to trust a source, and how to form their own a opinion. Like I said, critical thinking is a bad thing to a lot of people here.

I could ramble on about this and my teaching philosophy forever. Poll numbers look good. I'm inspired to help out. If you have time you should all think about doing the same. Be the change you want to see and all that jazz.
By the way, election officials in Ohio are confirming PPP's finding about ~20% of Ohio voters voting early:

The early vote so far comes to nearly a fifth of the likely turnout, election officials estimate, and so far has been disproportionately from areas that went for Obama in 2008. (An NBC/Wall Street Journal/Marist poll released Thursday showed that 18% of likely voters said they already had cast ballots and 63% supported Obama.)

"It's huge," Amy L. Searcy, director of the Board of Elections for Hamilton County, which includes Cincinnati, said of the early vote. In 2008, when Obama became the first Democratic presidential candidate to carry the county since Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964, 109,000 early voters cast ballots either in person or by mail.

"We'll beat that level in the next week," Searcy said.
I love you, man
I hope that made your day better.

I mean that with utter sincerity. Yesterday I was starting to grow legitimately concerned about Obama's chances of winning, and it was such a drag that it was affecting me in general, lucky it was a stay-home night so it's not like anyone could see it. I'm a pretty optimistic person in general (gasp shock) so it's especially sucky for me seeing things go south. For the first time, the thought of "Okay, so what happens if Romney wins" crossed my mind and hated it. My family has a lot to lose if Romney and the Republicans got their way.

When I woke up today my feelings had settled a little. When Obama ticked up in the forecast and PPP came out with their Ohio poll I felt pretty good. Then I went bowling. Good shit man.
That's great news for Obama.

PPP releasing NC and FL numbers tomorrow...I expect those won't be as good for Obama as OH. NC especially.

Still don't know why IA is not getting polled.
Iowa is being polled after the debate along with New Hampshire. Also, there'll be a flash poll of Colorado on the night of.

lol at Xbox poll. "Who would you rather play Xbox Live with, Biden or Ryan" I have to imagine Biden's a card no matter what you do with him.
I just want to know the Fla poll. Nate Silver has it leaning Romney right now.

I thought old people were supposed to be educated about this healthcare stuff thanks to AARP. They sure aren't showing it.


Romney's aggressive tactics in Ohio don't necessarily mean that it's likely to flip, by the way. They might just mean that, having recognized that PA and WI are no longer real swing states, he knows as well as we do that Obama winning Ohio and Iowa is the end of the ball game, and that Ohio is his BEST shot even if it isn't a good one.

Of course, that would suggest that Iowa is a lockdown for Obama.
The early voting strategy seems to have paid off for Obama, so i'll reneg on my earlier analysis a little. Romney now needs a double digit lead in Ohio if those numbers are accurate, that isn't going to happen no matter how badly he does on Tuesday. From there it just means hanging on to Iowa to a narrow victory (and I do think it will be very narrow) - but the scope of the victory doesn't matter at the end of the day I suppose.
I just want to know the Fla poll. Nate Silver has it leaning Romney right now.

I thought old people were supposed to be educated about this healthcare stuff thanks to AARP. They sure aren't showing it.

MD has R+7 which is the big reason for Nate's projection for FL right now. Before that it was closer to a true tossup. If you remove MD on Huffpo Pollster its 47.7% each


Big surprise.. Obama continues to hold a healthy lead in New Mexico.. 49-39.

Still, I want more polls from swingier states. I'm also wondering just how obviously, blatantly desperate Romney is going to get in Ohio. At the rate he's been visiting, he might end-up living there for the final few weeks.

Alternatively, he could put everything into denying Obama that one final tipping-point state. But both flipping Iowa and Nevada and Colorado and Virginia would be an incredibly tall mountain to climb as well.

I expect Obama's percentage chance of victory to continue climbing over this next week.
Big surprise.. Obama continues to hold a healthy lead in New Mexico.. 49-39.

Still, I want more polls from swingier states. I'm also wondering just how obviously, blatantly desperate Romney is going to get in Ohio. At the rate he's been visiting, he might end-up living there for the final few weeks.

Alternatively, he could put everything into denying Obama that final tipping-point state. But both flipping Iowa and Nevada would be an incredibly tall mountain to climb as well.

I expect Obama's percentage chance of victory to continue climbing over this next week.
Romney's choice now is between Ohio or everything but Ohio. He can't have both.


Romney's choice now is between Ohio or everything but Ohio. He can't have both.

And if he gives-up in Ohio, we'll see Republican enthusiasm from coast to coast take a nosedive. He has to put on a brave face there.

No easy choices for him.

Not sure about VA yet. Pure tossup is what my gut says.

FL I think is gone.

There's something vaguely wonderful about Obama winning the election without winning a single southern state.
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