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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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Won't stop picking the right nation
This "October Surprise" thing appears to be more consistent with someone who is trying to construct a sensationalist event than release a legitimate document. You can read almost anything into those Twitter comments. I suppose it's possible that some unknown entity could release a damning document, but I doubt it, because it would be very, very difficult to substantiate, or at least get any real traction out of it. What's the real benefit of releasing it anonymously? Instead, you'd go through an already existing channel. If you're a right winger, then you'd send it to the usual right wing blogs and sites. If you're left wing, then you'd send it to a place like Mother Jones. If you purport to be neutral, someone whose primary interest is the truth, then you'd send it to a legitimate news organization or, assuming that you're trying to appear independent from traditional media, you'd do some Wikileaks type of thing.
LAS VEGAS, Nevada — If I learned anything from watching last night’s presidential debate in a room full of Mitt Romney supporters, it’s that President Obama cannot speak English, wanted Americans in Benghazi to die, hopes America will be taken over by the Islamic world, carries a literal Communist Party card, and should be sent back to Mexico.
These were among the accusations flying at a Romney debate watch party Tuesday night in southeast Las Vegas, where approximately 75 Nevadans crowded into a small room to watch the debate and trade jabs at Obama.

Surprisingly, one gentleman I spoke with before the debate was less than sanguine about Romney’s prospects in the election. He didn’t cite the improving economy, or Obama’s foreign policy successes, but rather “all those people collecting welfare checks have a vested interest.”
Scattered boos were heard when Obama took the stage for the debate, but the murmurs grew to shouts as soon as he began. “He doesn’t speak English!” one woman in the audience yelled when Obama first responded to a question.

Nearly every time Obama spoke thereafter, jeers erupted. People groaned when he made debatable claims, like the cost of Romney’s tax plan. People groaned at undeniable facts, like when Obama mentioned that “Osama bin Laden is dead” and that immigrants “start companies like Intel.” People groaned at inexplicable moments, like when the president said “we need to create jobs here” and after he mentioned that he “was raised by a single mom.” (One onlooker even took issue with Obama making as banal a statement as his mother “worked hard.” “No she didn’t!” the woman responded.)

At times, their anger turned to the audience, who supposedly contained “Democratic plants”, and to the host, CNN’s Candy Crowley. “Boy, she’s really gotten on,” one man said of Crowley in the middle of the debate. “Oh, she’s gotten ugly,” another agreed.

As the debate entered its final third and it became increasingly clear that this debate would not be a repeat of Denver’s, debate watchers became even more brazen in their taunts. “Let’s cook Big Bird!” one man yelled after Obama said that Romney hadn’t “mentioned any specifics except Big Bird.” When the discussion turned to the four Americans who were recently killed in Benghazi, a man nearby said that Obama “wanted them dead.” “They were ordered not to have loaded weapons,” he said, parroting a widely debunked claim.

Finally, when Obama and Romney discussed the Assault Weapons Ban — described by multiple people sitting nearby as “socialism” — one audience member scoffed when the president proclaimed his respect for the 2nd Amendment. “Tomorrow we run to the gun store,” he said, worried that firearms would soon be banned. When Romney brought up the Fast & Furious operation, one woman couldn’t help herself: “send him to Mexico!” she yelled, referring to the president.

It wasn’t until after the debate ended that the room hit peak-conspiracy theory.
“Did you notice the Muslim Islamic marriage inscription on Obama’s wedding ring?” a woman nearby asked me. I said I hadn’t. “He’s got an Islamic wedding ring that he got when he turned 16 from the head of the Islamic church,” she explained. “Michelle doesn’t have that because she’s not Muslim but he is.”

Why does he hide his supposed-faith, I asked. “He wants America to go broke, because he doesn’t want America to succeed. He wants America to be taken over by the Islamic world,” she told me.
The conversation then turned to Obama’s family. “Did you know his grandmother, his mother, Michelle, and him are all card-carrying members of the Communist Party?” she asked. “We’ve got copies of their cards and the numbers,” offering to email a scanned copy when I expressed skepticism.

“You haven’t done much research on Obama,” the woman told me. I asked what websites I could visit to learn more; she recommend WND.com, a birther-haven whose editor-in-chief has blamed natural disasters on the growing acceptance of homosexuality.

Why is the human race filled with so many fucking retards. Jesus christ.


get some go again
He's black.


The timer, the generic blurred documents, the Twitter hints...bleh. Having worked on ARGs in the past, this is kind of following the MO of a "game-jack" hoax or even a grassroots game that doesn't go anywhere. Put up the trailhead and make sure the audience is engaged for a specific length of time, tease something bigger without actually delivering anything of substance, and bask in all the attention by communicating with the audience directly.

bananas was spot-on in bringing up eon8.


No idea what any of that means

Site used to link to http://WhatIsOccupyWallStreetAbout.com registered by Jeffrey Hopwood. Reverse IP search of the October Surprise site leads to http://pausetime.com run by his friend Anthony Maro. A Google search shows that this pair was responsible for some kind of hoax back in 2007. Something along those lines.

In other words, it's nonsense and the guys are out to make money or something.

You'll notice that after getting exposed they stopped Tweeting.


The timer, the generic blurred documents, the Twitter hints...bleh. Having worked on ARGs in the past, this is kind of following the MO of a "game-jack" hoax or even a grassroots game that doesn't go anywhere. Put up the trailhead and make sure the audience is engaged for a specific length of time, tease something bigger without actually delivering anything of substance, and bask in all the attention by communicating with the audience directly.

bananas was spot-on in bringing up eon8.
Yeah that's what I'm starting to think. Credible "surprises" would go to an actual news outlet.
if its an obama document, for sure it's some birther shit.

if it's romney, it's going to be tax related, and still a felony anyways. not only that, the romney camp will spew it as an underhanded tactic by the left to try and muddy the election.

romney doesn't have to admit its validity. he can deny all the way to nov 6th and no one can prove anything.

This seems to be more of a comedy site than anything else, maybe we're reading too much into it.



Teacher: "Children, do you remember the name of that one term President in between 8 years of Bush and 8 years of Romney?"

Confused Child: "Maaammmm....was it Ron Paul?"

Teacher: "Please Jimmy, I told you never to mention that name again."

The sad thing is how close we are to that actually happening. I hope Ohio holds steady. I still think Obama will get a 2 point bounce.
Site used to link to http://WhatIsOccupyWallStreetAbout.com registered by Jeffrey Hopwood. Reverse IP search of the October Surprise site leads to http://pausetime.com run by his friend Anthony Maro. A Google search shows that this pair was responsible for some kind of hoax back in 2007. Something along those lines.

In other words, it's nonsense and the guys are out to make money or something.

You'll notice that after getting exposed they stopped Tweeting.

Jeffrey Hopwood just so happened to "like" a link directing to the Octsurprise site on Facebook


Oh they have a different image on Buzzfeed than they do on Twitter.

The Buzzfeed one is definitely IRS (hard to say about the Twitter one, I don't think it is).

Doesn't look exactly like a page 1 on a 1040, 1041, 1065, or 1120 though.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
NeoGAF - never change. LOL

You guys are getting riled up about nothing. This will be less than nothing. The 47% tape couldn't bring Romney down, you think anything else would? Likewise with Obama, it would have just been the same old tired Bill Ayers/Rev Wright nonsense. Bogus surprise is bogus.


NeoGAF - never change. LOL

You guys are getting riled up about nothing. This will be less than nothing. The 47% tape couldn't bring Romney down, you think anything else would? Likewise with Obama, it would have just been the same old tired Bill Ayers/Rev Wright nonsense. Bogus surprise is bogus.
You'll not find it humorous when an anonymous source threatens to sabotage your city council bid. I wonder if anyone would alert the media to an unsavory few of your 8,453 posts on NeoGAF...


Fork 'em, Sparky!
You'll not find it humorous when an anonymous source threatens to sabotage your city council bid. I wonder if anyone would alert the media to an unsavory few of your 8,453 posts on NeoGAF...

LOL. I have thought about it, good sir, I have definitely thought about it. i had given half-serious consideration to going back and Amir0xing some of my less savory moments.


The Autumn Wind
Republicans are really clinging to this whole Libya "act of terror" rhetoric.

Does anybody actually even care about this bullshit?
Mitt out with like 4 new ads today, 13.6 million ad buy apparently for the next week.

Surprised Obama campaign hasn't really used debate moments from the 3 debates for ads yet.
LOL. I have thought about it, good sir, I have definitely thought about it. i had given half-serious consideration to going back and Amir0xing some of my less savory moments.

"Folks I have it on good authority that Altered Beast has at least 9000 posts on a website exclusively featuring My Little Pony fanatics"


Mitt out with like 4 new ads today, 13.6 million ad buy apparently for the next week.

Surprised Obama campaign hasn't really used debate moments from the 3 debates for ads yet.

Obama's still running the Morgan Freeman one which is pretty good.

I expect they're just trying to figure out the best way to approach it. They can't really make a commercial out of the Libya stuff, considering the politicizing angle.

I still want to have IA act as another firewall. Hopefully he is still around 50%.

Obama's still running the Morgan Freeman one which is pretty good.

I expect they're just trying to figure out the best way to approach it. They can't really make a commercial out of the Libya stuff, considering the politicizing angle.

Not Libya, but like in the first debate Mitt admitted to the voucher thing. They could just cut Obama's statement on how Mitt is more right wing than Bush on social policies from 2nd debate. They can use Mitt's I am for 100% of the people to piggy back on 47% for "when the world isn't listening" ad. Heck, put the Clinton 2 minute web video as an Ad to dismantle Romney's tax plan.

I still hate how Obama hasn't been able to dismantle Romney's tax plan as clearly as Clinton has.


Obama's still running the Morgan Freeman one which is pretty good.

I expect they're just trying to figure out the best way to approach it. They can't really make a commercial out of the Libya stuff, considering the politicizing angle.

They should use the leaked video of Romney promising a rich donor that he'd exploit a US foreign policy crisis for political gain.


LOL. I have thought about it, good sir, I have definitely thought about it. i had given half-serious consideration to going back and Amir0xing some of my less savory moments.
Yeah. I can empathize. I've contemplated running for political office. And the prospect of my GAF history being located...yikes. Although, I imagine Evilore would expunge someone's history if they requested.
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