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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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Fork 'em, Sparky!
"Folks I have it on good authority that Altered Beast has at least 9000 posts on a website exclusively featuring My Little Pony fanatics"

"AlteredBeast leaked confidential sales info of his companies to a website devoted to Shawn Elliott worship and serious conversation regarding the faking of 9/11"

"AlteredBeast reportedly made illegal music mixes and sent out pirated copies to dozens of people."

"AlteredBeast supports raising taxes across the board, ending mortgage interest deduction, and putting billions into infrastructure."

They will nail me to freaking wall. Going to need throw them off my scent. Maybe use a picture of me with a goatee. Could be a convincing doppleganger. Roger Clinton didn't ruin Bill's chances at the White House, after all.


LOL. I have thought about it, good sir, I have definitely thought about it. i had given half-serious consideration to going back and Amir0xing some of my less savory moments.

Hah, yeah, I'd love to actually get into real politics, but my internet life might get the best of me. Also, wouldn't help if they ever found out about my open marriage. ...yeah.

So I think I probably won't ever enter politics.

That's not to mention my dad's awful letters into local newspapers...
Hah, yeah, I'd love to actually get into real politics, but my internet life might get the best of me. Also, wouldn't help if they ever found out about my open marriage. ...yeah.
I would, but I'd be expected to wear pants.

America, when you're ready for TRUE freedom, look me up.


is ppp doing a new poll in virginia and iowa? their last virginia poll came during the immediate aftermath of the first debate and obama was down two from the previous poll, but up 3 overall (and at the 50% mark).

i don't know what their iowa was.

quinnipiac had obama up 5 in virginia immediately after the first debate as well. if obama can lock that and ohio up, it won't matter if he loses anything else but iowa.

i really want wisconsin to step back from the brink though.
For reference here's the last polls PPP did of NH, CO, IA

NH - 8/9 - 8/12 1055 LV 3.0 51 45 Obama +6
CO - 9/20 - 9/23 940 LV 3.2 51 45 Obama +6
IA - 9/24 - 9/26 754 LV 3.6 51 44 Obama +7

It'd be nice to see similar numbers. If he wins NH, CO, IA, and NV he doesn't even need Ohio.


Yes they are doing new polling, it won't do any good. Chicken Littles can worry about Iowa but with our early voting and the fact that Romney barely comes around here I am not concerned at all

I am sure it will be closer than their last poll since the first debate made Obama go down almost universally


is ppp doing a new poll in virginia and iowa? their last virginia poll came during the immediate aftermath of the first debate and obama was down two from the previous poll, but up 3 overall (and at the 50% mark).

i don't know what their iowa.

quinnipac had obama up 5 in virginia immediately after the first debate as well. if obama can lock that and ohio up, it won't matter if he loses anything else but iowa.

i really want wisconsin to step back from the brink though.
Yes Iowa is on Thursday or Friday.
For reference here's the last polls PPP did of NH, CO, IA

NH - 8/9 - 8/12 1055 LV 3.0 51 45 Obama +6
CO - 9/20 - 9/23 940 LV 3.2 51 45 Obama +6
IA - 9/24 - 9/26 754 LV 3.6 51 44 Obama +7

It'd be nice to see similar numbers. If he wins NH, CO, IA, and NV he doesn't even need Ohio.

I expect:
NH O + 2
CO O + 3
IA O +3


For reference here's the last polls PPP did of NH, CO, IA

NH - 8/9 - 8/12 1055 LV 3.0 51 45 Obama +6
CO - 9/20 - 9/23 940 LV 3.2 51 45 Obama +6
IA - 9/24 - 9/26 754 LV 3.6 51 44 Obama +7

It'd be nice to see similar numbers. If he wins NH, CO, IA, and NV he doesn't even need Ohio.

given the reaction from the two debates, i think co will be close, but not-

and then i saw the tweet just now. +4 or +5 co

+3 iowa
+2 new hampshire

i don't get new hampshire
Problem solved.


On a side note, I might vote for Romney now.




Sooo.. more and more, Nevada, Iowa, and Ohio are looking like they're shutting the door on Romney. In ths case, he'd have to win every single other swing state - Florida, North Carolina, New Hampshire, Virginia, Wisconsin, and Colorado - and he'd eek-out a 271EV victory.

Personally, I'm thinking that Obama still might get a 303EV win. That'd be pretty powerful.

I might have to mosey on over to FreeRepublic to see what the FoxNews crowd thinks of his chances. :)


Sooo.. more and more, Nevada, Iowa, and Ohio are looking like they're shutting the door on Romney. In ths case, he'd have to win every single other swing state - Florida, North Carolina, New Hampshire, Virginia, Wisconsin, and Colorado - and he'd eek-out a 271EV victory.

Personally, I'm thinking that Obama still might get a 303EV win. That'd be pretty powerful.

I might have to mosey on over to FreeRepublic to see what the FoxNews crowd thinks of his chances. :)

They're pretty convinced it's over for Obama, and some think it's going to be a Romney landslide.
Sooo.. more and more, Nevada, Iowa, and Ohio are looking like they're shutting the door on Romney. In ths case, he'd have to win every single other swing state - Florida, North Carolina, New Hampshire, Virginia, Wisconsin, and Colorado - and he'd eek-out a 271EV victory.

Personally, I'm thinking that Obama still might get a 303EV win. That'd be pretty powerful.

I might have to mosey on over to FreeRepublic to see what the FoxNews crowd thinks of his chances. :)
Let's be honest. Wisconsin ain't voting Romney.


The Autumn Wind
They're pretty convinced it's over for Obama, and some think it's going to be a Romney landslide.
I often wonder how many of the talking heads at Fox News truly believe what they say and how many just spout what they know the base wants to hear.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
you can't do that. you led me to solsbury hill so many years ago.

i never forgot.

That was 10 years ago!!! People change! I've changed! The world has changed!! I can't even be expected to remember what you are even talking about (I am sorry to say, but if it is literally Solsbury Hill that I put on a mix for you, then you are most welcome! If not, I would love a refresher!)! Plus, it was my good side that did all those things. I am all brooding and mysterious! I throw caution to the wind. I...VOTE AGAINST MY OWN INTERESTS.


The Autumn Wind
That was 10 years ago!!! People change! I've changed! The world has changed!! I can't even be expected to remember what you are even talking about (I am sorry to say, but if it is literally Solsbury Hill that I put on a mix for you, then you are most welcome! If not, I would love a refresher!)! Plus, it was my good side that did all those things. I am all brooding and mysterious! I throw caution to the wind. I...VOTE AGAINST MY OWN INTERESTS.
You're supposed to be more progressive now than 10 years ago! You disappoint me, Eric.


That was 10 years ago!!! People change! I've changed! The world has changed!! I can't even be expected to remember what you are even talking about (I am sorry to say, but if it is literally Solsbury Hill that I put on a mix for you, then you are most welcome! If not, I would love a refresher!)! Plus, it was my good side that did all those things. I am all brooding and mysterious! I throw caution to the wind. I...VOTE AGAINST MY OWN INTERESTS.

i had seen a commercial for big fish and i might have started as thread for it because i was an impressionable teenager, but i wanted to know what the name of the song that played during the commercial was, and your reply was: 'solsbury hill. welcome to flavor country.'
Hah, yeah, I'd love to actually get into real politics, but my internet life might get the best of me. Also, wouldn't help if they ever found out about my open marriage. ...yeah.

So I think I probably won't ever enter politics.

That's not to mention my dad's awful letters into local newspapers...

man I'd vote for you.

I would love to see the media report some "scandal" about how some politician was out with someone besides their spouse, and then they hold a press conference and just say:

"Oh, we're polyamorous. I love my partner, and we mutually decided that it's perfectly ok to date other people as well sometimes. Anyhoo, back to talking about legislation."

does this count as political fan fiction? sorry


Man, I loved Big Fish.

i was bored by the first part of it, but at some point halfway through it hypnotized me and i never looked back. it's one of the few movies i can watch over and over and it gets the same reaction out of me every time.

it was nice to see burton and elfman both doing something different too.
I have a friend that has devolved into a bigger and bigger "independent" shill over the last couple of years. I've left him alone, because frankly, it's rarely worth it to engage. However, I couldn't let this slide.

Fuck Islamic extremists, and Fuck obama for apologizing to them about a you tube video....in commercials paid for by tax payers! THEY WANT US DEAD! THEY KILLED 4 AMERICANS! AND WE APOLOGIZE?! OBAMA IS A COWARD...he makes us look weak...jeopardizes our security ...he is NOT A LEADER! how people could vote for him...amazes me...truly I'm confused.

I've just made a huge mistake, haven't I?


man I'd vote for you.

I would love to see the media report some "scandal" about how some politician was out with someone besides their spouse, and then they hold a press conference and just say:

"Oh, we're polyamorous. I love my partner, and we mutually decided that it's perfectly ok to date other people as well sometimes. Anyhoo, back to talking about legislation."

does this count as political fan fiction? sorry

Hah, that'd be awesome. Still, people nowadays are way too against things that seem strange to them. And if they're not against it, they'd still ask a fuckton of questions about it, and it'd dominate the discussion over actual legislation and policy.

Ditto. I model half of my parenting on Albert Finney. My kids will love and hate me, but I refuse to not be a legend at one point in my life!

Big Fish is absolutely amazing, and I want to model some of my parenting on it (whenever I have a kid, anyway). I'll definitely be telling tons of awesome stories, anyway, and have my head in the clouds way more than my dad ever was (my dad was pretty awesome as a parent in other ways, just not that one)


Fork 'em, Sparky!
i had seen a commercial for big fish and i might have started as thread for it because i was an impressionable teenager, but i wanted to know what the name of the song that played during the commercial was, and your reply was: 'solsbury hill. welcome to flavor country.'

You are welcome about that. I wish I could have that effect on people every time I recommend Neva Dinova, the greatest band ever. :(

RustyNails - ride the wave. We could go off on a classic movie tangent, but you changed your avatar. :(
I have a friend that has devolved into a bigger and bigger "independent" shill over the last couple of years. I've left him alone, because frankly, it's rarely worth it to engage. However, I couldn't let this slide.

I've just made a huge mistake, haven't I?

Depends, how good of a friend is he? There is no way I could let that slide either


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Haha, well you can't say you're voting for Romney because you've changed if you got more progressive.

Unless you used to be like Tea Party right wing, but you never seemed that crazy.

Look at my avatar a bit closer. Do you spock anything weird by chance?


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Are we doing some Mirror Mirror in-joke that I'm not aware of?

I thought if anyone would get it, it would be Wesley Crusher...

I see Byakuya got it, this is definitely one of the groups of post that is getting wiped when I start my political aspirations. :(
Depends, how good of a friend is he? There is no way I could let that slide either

Don't really care about him. I hit him with this.

"The same year he sent seals into the borders of an uncooperative "ally" to take out the mastermind of an attack that killed thousands? Come on, man. Take a deep breath and reflect."

He responded:
Obama supporters...one good act...means no bad ones matter....so every life saved , gives him alright to mistakes that cost others? This guy is awful...failed policy all around...a mess...one, almost thwarted, healthcare bill passed in 4 years WITH A DEMOCRATIC CONGRESS??!!

You better reflect bro...he has accomplished NOTHING he said he would lol...its laughable to EVEN think of voting for him...no record .no plan...i guess ull vote for him no matter what...

So he had to get this work.

Ok, I see you didn't take my advice on the deep breath... You're speaking in hyperbole. You called the man a coward, based off of one act (that you're blatantly mischaracterizing, btw), I provided an example of an act that he said he would do and he went through and did it. I'm sorry that him killing Osama riles you up. But he did it. The Obama administration has been anything but passive when it comes to Al Qaeda. For better or worse, some people are living in constant terror at the sounds of buzzing drones.

Capital letters, elipses, and exclamation points don't change any of that.

"Failed policy." Do tell? Your arguments rest on the forgotten inconvenient fact that we aren't having an issue with crowding out. There isn't rampant inflation. The stock market is booming because of the same liquidity trap we've been in from the get go. Now those facts can be contorted (or ignored), to argue for the same policies that are focused on greater benefits and free reign to those who need it the least. There are your failed policies. 30 years of increasingly conservative economic thinking and economic policy, and a global financial crisis to show for it. If you want more of that, by all means, vote your conscience. But at least show some respect to the office, quit peddling Drudge Report BS that's below you, and calm down. Because trust me, you're going to have four more years to get pissed.

Have fun.


The Autumn Wind
I thought if anyone would get it, it would be Wesley Crusher...

I see Byakuya got it, this is definitely one of the groups of post that is getting wiped when I start my political aspirations. :(
Welp, epic fail on my part. I've not lived up to my old username.

Side note: What ever happened to Mina anyway?


Fork 'em, Sparky!
He doesn't sound like an independent to me.

And you can't "suburb" up the phrase "He gon get dis work" replacing dis with dat would also be acceptable. You churched it up.
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