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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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Poligaf for the most part held onto the belief dems would hold the house in 2010. You can't use this thread as a gauge of who is winning.

When swing state polling consistently shows that Romney is up then, and only then, can we say that the sky is falling.


That, again, for the millionth time: it's all about the EVs. Look at a damn map.

OH, VA, FL are tossups. Romney needs 2 of them to win. It's not that much of a stretch looking at the latest polling. Also, if national polls are tightening, they will in the states as well.


Umm today's Gallup looks pretty good for Obama. WTF lol

51-44 Approval (+3)

50-45 Obama over Romney

Seems like they were just stirring the pot with their 47-47 article today. They typically don't release individual day numbers


gallup was weird with the 54% approval rating last week. i think we can ignore the bumps like this.

edit: oh right, the economy.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
OH, VA, FL are tossups. Romney needs 2 of them to win. It's not that much of a stretch looking at the latest polling. Also, if national polls are tightening, they will in the states as well.

I totally forgot that you think Romney can win. As if I didn't need more arguments in my favor... Thanks!


Poligaf for the most part held onto the belief dems would hold the house in 2010. You can't use this thread as a gauge of who is winning.
It's true. I got laughed off the island time and time again for maintaining that Dems would lose the House, like I was completely out of my mind.

"I am Cheebo and I am above PoliGAF."
This coming from Dax01 who can never be wrong about anything.

Romney can still lose winning Ohio, Florida, and Virginia
I can still get laid if I cover myself in pig fat, cut off my eyebrows and go to the bar Friday night.


Umm today's Gallup looks pretty good for Obama. WTF lol

51-44 Approval (+3)

50-45 Obama over Romney

Seems like they were just stirring the pot with their 47-47 article today. They typically don't release individual day numbers

The approval move is because Thursday left the sample, and it was probably a terrible day for Obama approval. The horse race move is straightforward good news, because it means Obama's doing better this Sunday then he did last Sunday.

edit: I was amused to read Silver's article in which he does the same tracking projection that I've been doing with Gallup. GAF -> Internet -> Narrative.


Once we get the immediate post-debate days out of Gallup's five day spread I think we'll see a reversion to the mean.

So this latest number is Sunday, Saturday, Friday, Thursday, Wednesday (debate day), Tuesday, Monday? That is 4 days post debate and it went from a 2pt spread to a 5 pt spread today. Am I right with the days?


Yeah. I am never wrong about anything. Ever. I have always been right and will always be right about everything.

I am infallible!
Dax01 said:
Dems keep both House (narrowly) and Senate.

Elaine Marshall beats Burr in NC come fall.

And to go a little farther – reform for filibuster will be one bill a year that's filibuster proof that isn't reconciliation.
And what's your sample size on that? This is ridiculous stuff, on the order of "no President has been reelected with 8% unemployment*" and "no candidate has ever won with negative net favorables." Obama lost the debate by a historic margin, but he didn't lose the debate in a historic fashion, and barring some solid argument to the contrary, we should assume that the results will be in line with historical norms. He didn't forget what state he was in, claim that Eastern Europe was safe from Soviet domination, or compare himself to JFK. He just didn't do much. It's tough to make a Youtube clip out of "didn't do much." I think your historical understanding of debates is flawed.

* Oops, can't use that one any more.

1. Sample Size - Look at the Gallup & CNN polls. I know Gallup certainly did their homework in picking a proper sample size. They are also a fair non-slanted site. You know this.

2. Just because there was no sound bite that could be used against Obama doesn't mean that it wasn't a loss in historic fashion. Losing in historic fashion could also mean losing by historic margin.

3. As for your point about sound bite gaffes? I think it's an interesting point, because while Obama didn't have a sound bite gaffe, one could argue that his entire debate performance is going to have the same effect as a sound bite gaffe (a negative effect until something new pushes it out of the cycle. Something to talk about years from now - "How Romney won a debate by lying his ass off"). It's given the Romney campaign a new talking point, and new life, during a moment when the knockout punch should have been delivered. It's given them a new narrative to push.


To me, Republicans look like little children playing war when it comes to foreign policy. Everything Obama is doing is wrong, even the things i agree with and that worked, and i could do better.


1. Sample Size - Look at the Gallup & CNN polls. I know Gallup certainly did their homework in picking a proper sample size. They are also a fair non-slanted site.

2. Just because there was no sound bite that could be used against Obama doesn't mean that it wasn't a loss in historic fashion. Losing in historic fashion could also mean losing by historic margin.

3. As for your point about sound bite gaffes? I think it's an interesting point, because while Obama didn't have a sound bite gaffe, one could argue that his entire debate performance is going to have the same effect as a sound bite gaffe. It's given the Romney campaign a new talking point, and new life, during a moment when the knockout punch should have been delivered. It's given them a new narrative to push.
Yep. Good luck trying to get #2 and especially #3 across, you'll just get laughed off.


testicles on a cold fall morning
any quick hits you can give us?

Sure. Was trying to nap and caught bits and pieces. He actually came out of retirement for this! Shocking, as he did absolutely nothing to justify the reverence he holds for the format or the traditional role of the moderator in Presidential debates. His role is to allow the candidates to question each other, he didn't feel the need to bring up partisan topics like the '47%' question.

He believes they're important because they're the first 'uncanned' moment of the political season, either confirming or denying whatever preconceived notions we have of the candidates. The importance of this debate format is that even though it's become a glorified beauty pageant, the goal is ultimately to be able to sell your policies and gain the support of the American people. Without that, you can't be an effective leader.

That Romney stepped all over Lehrer's attempt to moderate the debate wasn't an issue at all. He says that viewers should use that, along with how both candidates performed, to judge the candidates for themselves.


I've actually lost some respect for him after the interview. I understand his position to a degree, but his hubris is getting in the way of rating his own performance. He said himself he doesn't handle criticism well, and he came into the interview sounding defensive.


Did I not make my sarcasm clear in that post? It was pretty clear, right? Did you not see this post from earlier?

But please. Continue linking that post as a deflection from your panic-induced posts. It's pretty cute.

It's your "47%" comment! It's your downfall! Join us in dooooooooooooom!!!


Umm today's Gallup looks pretty good for Obama. WTF lol

51-44 Approval (+3)

50-45 Obama over Romney

Seems like they were just stirring the pot with their 47-47 article today. They typically don't release individual day numbers

They clearly just wanted more hits by getting media to run with a "GALLUP SAYS RACE IS TIGHTENING" story. It worked, because the first thing I did was rush to gallup's page, whereupon I saw this:


Holy shit was I surprised. That's a majority post-debate poll, folks (and Obama wasn't up +10 before the debate, so it's not the rolling average that's helping Obama). And the fact that gallup's "DEBATE GAMECHANGER" article doesn't once mention likely voters is pretty telling.


Just noticed RCP lists the 3 day gallup snapshot sample with the race tied up at 47% listed instead of the official 7 day poll, cute


They clearly just wanted more hits by getting media to run with a "GALLUP SAYS RACE IS TIGHTENING" story. It worked, because the first thing I did was rush to gallup's page, whereupon I saw this:


Holy shit was I surprised. That's a majority post-debate poll, folks (and Obama wasn't up +10 before the debate, so it's not the rolling average that's helping Obama). And the fact that gallup's "DEBATE GAMECHANGER" article doesn't once mention likely voters is pretty telling.

Yep. The show I'm listening to had a segment on the Gallup story a few hours ago. They wanted to get some headlines right out of the gate this week and it worked very well for them.


Umm today's Gallup looks pretty good for Obama. WTF lol

51-44 Approval (+3)

50-45 Obama over Romney

Seems like they were just stirring the pot with their 47-47 article today. They typically don't release individual day numbers

Remarkable. How are both the 50-45 and 47-47 mathematically possible? I presume both included polling through yesterday. Is one registered voters and one likely?


It is really weird. The approval ratings on Gallup is a 3 day spread, the same three day spread that apparently shows the race tied?


1. Sample Size - Look at the Gallup & CNN polls. I know Gallup certainly did their homework in picking a proper sample size. They are also a fair non-slanted site. You know this.

That's not what I meant. You said "Obama lost by a historically large margin." But there have only been thirty Presidential debates! There are going to be a lot of "historic" victories in that space, because that's not enough data to outline the boundaries of the likely results. That's why the statisticians are being cautious even about suggesting that the consequences might be in line with historic norms, much less some sort of gamechanging shift that will be totally out of keeping with all past results.

2. Just because there was no sound bite that could be used against Obama doesn't mean that it wasn't a loss in historic fashion. Losing in historic fashion could also mean losing by historic margin.

It could. But does it? You haven't advanced an argument as to why other than "it was really big!" Well, size doesn't matter.* Why should that historic margin mean an ahistoric result?

3. As for your point about sound bite gaffes? I think it's an interesting point, because while Obama didn't have a sound bite gaffe, one could argue that his entire debate performance is going to have the same effect as a sound bite gaffe (a negative effect until something new pushes it out of the cycle.

There's more to life than winning a news cycle. What did Romney get out of the debate that he'll be able to use on November 5th? Because "47%" will still be around by then.

Something to talk about years from now - "How Romney won a debate by lying his ass off").

How is that going to help Romney at all?

It's given the Romney campaign a new talking point, and new life, during a moment when the knockout punch should have been delivered. It's given them a new narrative to push.

This much is probably true and I agree with it. But I don't think it rises to the level that your presentation has suggested.

* Politifact: Mostly Fiction.


That's my suspicion. I get the impression they see Romney's bounce fading so they threw that out there

No they wouldn't do that, Gallup is solid. The best daily tracker out there. They've been doing daily tracking polls since the 1940's. I don't think they are trying to create a narrative. They aren't Rasmussen.


Remarkable. How are both the 50-45 and 47-47 mathematically possible? I presume both included polling through yesterday. Is one registered voters and one likely?
47-47 is the average of 4th through 6th
50-45 is the average of 1st through 7th and it's one point up on the average of 30th-6th.


No they wouldn't do that, Gallup is solid. The best daily tracker out there. They've been doing daily tracking polls since the 1940's. I don't think they are trying to create a narrative. They aren't Rasmussen.

Trying to get some attention doesn't equate to creating a narrative.
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