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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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I honestly don't see why Romney should feel the need to pander to his base at all. It couldn't be clearer that as long as Romney appears "strong" they don't give a crap what he says (as long as he doesn't call for unlimited, unrestricted abortion or something). They were enthused for the first time in this whole election purely based on the fact that the media was saying "Romney won, Obama lost." They didn't care even one bit that Romney won the debate tacking to the center, away from every single thing he has said to establish his conservative bonafides throughout this election. Do not expect critical thinking or honest reflection from this base.

This exactly. It also raises the question as to why he didn't move to the center earlier.


Man anyone else getting wrecked on Intrade? I bought at 6.58, Obama stock dropped massively this morning (like 5 different rise and falls) to as low as like 6.25 so I sold at 6.50 to buy low, and now Obama stock back at 6.60.

If I would've gotten in earlier, could've made good profit. If I would've waited, would've lost less. In the end, I'm probably just going to lose a couple of dollars, but it's super frustrating to watch the market and expect something only for the complete opposite to happen. I guess the market's responding to the recent polls- but the market doesn't seem to respond the way I expect.
I wonder how much more aggressive Obama will become during a second term. It seems fairly likely that he has this in the bag, regardless of the debate. It also seems more than likely that the Senate will keep the majority whilst the House will remain in the hands of the GOP.

So if nothing changes in Congress and the White House in terms of control, how much will Obama be able to accomplish with another four years of stonewalling from Congress?
I wonder how much more aggressive Obama will become during a second term. It seems fairly likely that he has this in the bag, regardless of the debate. It also seems more than likely that the Senate will keep the majority whilst the House will remain in the hands of the GOP.

So if nothing changes in Congress and the White House in terms of control, how much will Obama be able to accomplish with another four years of stonewalling from Congress?

Obama needs to change the perception that he doesn't like to work with anyone in Congress, including Democrats.


Man anyone else getting wrecked on Intrade? I bought at 6.58, Obama stock dropped massively this morning (like 5 different rise and falls) to as low as like 6.25 so I sold at 6.50 to buy low, and now Obama stock back at 6.60.

If I would've gotten in earlier, could've made good profit. If I would've waited, would've lost less. In the end, I'm probably just going to lose a couple of dollars, but it's super frustrating to watch the market and expect something only for the complete opposite to happen. I guess the market's responding to the recent polls- but the market doesn't seem to respond the way I expect.

You seem really terrible at this. Whether you get in at 6.2 or 6.8, who cares? Just hold until after the election and take your 10.


You seem really terrible at this. Whether you get in at 6.2 or 6.8, who cares? Just hold until after the election and take your 10.
I was about to say, it's been at 6 all day -- surely that's not significant either way?
I don't play the Intrade game, because it's silly to me, but it just seems like it's not doing much of anything right now other than keeping Obama's chances in the mid/high 60's.


So if nothing changes in Congress and the White House in terms of control, how much will Obama be able to accomplish with another four years of stonewalling from Congress?

probably not much, but if the democrats can get it close, there may be some cooperation if it's looking like the tea party is getting too out of control for the establishment, or if the establishment feels they need to reevaluate where they've gotten.
Man anyone else getting wrecked on Intrade? I bought at 6.58, Obama stock dropped massively this morning (like 5 different rise and falls) to as low as like 6.25 so I sold at 6.50 to buy low, and now Obama stock back at 6.60.

If I would've gotten in earlier, could've made good profit. If I would've waited, would've lost less. In the end, I'm probably just going to lose a couple of dollars, but it's super frustrating to watch the market and expect something only for the complete opposite to happen. I guess the market's responding to the recent polls- but the market doesn't seem to respond the way I expect.

Are you noise trading? You using technical analysis? Why aren't you buying for the event you think will happen and holding until election?


Man anyone else getting wrecked on Intrade? I bought at 6.58, Obama stock dropped massively this morning (like 5 different rise and falls) to as low as like 6.25 so I sold at 6.50 to buy low, and now Obama stock back at 6.60.

If I would've gotten in earlier, could've made good profit. If I would've waited, would've lost less. In the end, I'm probably just going to lose a couple of dollars, but it's super frustrating to watch the market and expect something only for the complete opposite to happen. I guess the market's responding to the recent polls- but the market doesn't seem to respond the way I expect.

Been thinking of setting up an Intrade account. Are you American? How hard was it to get the account funded?
Is this around the time we should start taking Rasmussen's polls more seriously?

I don't think they should ever be taken seriously. I think they take a poll and then decide what number what number within their margin of error (or barely outside it) would best suit the narrative they want to push.
I wonder how much more aggressive Obama will become during a second term. It seems fairly likely that he has this in the bag, regardless of the debate. It also seems more than likely that the Senate will keep the majority whilst the House will remain in the hands of the GOP.

So if nothing changes in Congress and the White House in terms of control, how much will Obama be able to accomplish with another four years of stonewalling from Congress?

If the Dems do take the House and gain seats in the majority, I can almost guarantee that Obama is going to be in a "Fuck the GOP" mood.

He might offer a chance a cooperation, but if they bite his hand, he'll probably just say fuck it and ram what he wants through.

The only problem is getting the Dems to fall in line. For all their faults, one cannot say that the Dems are a herd of sheep that follow the party blindly.
ras also had obama at 51% approval today, with only a month left.
All the polls are inaccurate except for Rasmussen!


Heh, they even have Democrats leading by 1 point in the generic ballot - 44-43. The House race tends to break late, hopefully Democrats have enough momentum to give them a definitive win.


I feel bad for Romney surrogates who aren't Newt and Sunnounojnunununooononono. They can handle lying and being slightly racist well, but the woman in that Soledad video just wasn't able to handle questions well. She should have said a President shouldn't be too lazy and distracted to get peace in the middle east accomplished.


You seem really terrible at this. Whether you get in at 6.2 or 6.8, who cares? Just hold until after the election and take your 10.
Because 100 shares at 6.80 is a lot different than 6.20. If you buy 100 shares at 6.80, you have $680 worth. You would win $1000 when Obama wins. What if you knew the stocks were about to drop to $6.20 and sold them all at $6.80? You'd be able to buy 109 shares of Obama at $6.20 and make $1090. Some would say it's only $90, but if you think of ROI, it's quite a bit higher. You're looking at 147% of your initial bet vs 160%.
Are you noise trading? You using technical analysis? Why aren't you buying for the event you think will happen and holding until election?
I'm keeping up with the polls and how the market reacts to those polls. I'm also keeping in mind trends and future events. For example, I think Obama's stock will drop lower up until the next debate because the only thing the media has to talk about is the previous debate and that wasn't a positive event for Obama. Of course positive polls for Obama and Romney's debate bounce going away should offset that, but Obama's stock shouldn't reach the highs it was at following all of the good news.
Been thinking of setting up an Intrade account. Are you American? How hard was it to get the account funded?

Easy assuming you don't mind paying the cost. The member I went through got a certain percentage of how much I put in because I didn't want to do a wire transfer or mail a check (would take too long).

And I don't think Romney's going to win. I just know that Intrade has a Conservative bias so I've been watching how they treat the news and they overreact when Romney does well and disregard when Obama does well (generally).


And I don't think Romney's going to win. I just know that Intrade has a Conservative bias so I've been watching how they treat the news and they overreact when Romney does well and disregard when Obama does well (generally).

I've also noticed that the gambling sites have Obama at 75-80% odds while Intrade has him in the mid 60s. Easy money if you think Obama will win


Are you noise trading? You using technical analysis? Why aren't you buying for the event you think will happen and holding until election?

Whoops I didn't respond 100% accurately on my last reply. I've been following Intrade's Closing Prices charts and Times and Sales charts to analyze how the market responds to certain events.


Because 100 shares at 6.80 is a lot different than 6.20. If you buy 100 shares at 6.80, you have $680 worth. You would win $1000 when Obama wins. What if you knew the stocks were about to drop to $6.20 and sold them all at $6.80? You'd be able to buy 109 shares of Obama at $6.20 and make $1090. Some would say it's only $90, but if you think of ROI, it's quite a bit higher. You're looking at 147% of your initial bet vs 160%.

I'm keeping up with the polls and how the market reacts to those polls. I'm also keeping in mind trends and future events. For example, I think Obama's stock will drop lower up until the next debate because the only thing the media has to talk about is the previous debate and that wasn't a positive event for Obama. Of course positive polls for Obama and Romney's debate bounce going away should offset that, but Obama's stock shouldn't reach the highs it was at following all of the good news.

In your case, I really would advise just holding your shares and forgetting about them.
what's this about?


I don't think they should ever be taken seriously. I think they take a poll and then decide what number what number within their margin of error (or barely outside it) would best suit the narrative they want to push.

Yeah, I know. But I heard that in October Rass stops being a narrative poll pusher and start accurately polling what's actually happening.


brazen editing lynx
Am I the only dem who's slightly entertaining the idea of voting for Romney.

As much of a liar he is I don't really give a shit, that's politics, he seems ballsy enough and isn't actually bat shit insane like Bush, and his ability to not get everything **** blocked by Republicans is really attractive from a change standpoint.


In your case, I really would advise just holding your shares and forgetting about them.

It's not a big deal. This is all for fun for me anyway. I just think it's fun to try to predict the market and figure out how populations respond to certain stimuli. If shares shot all the way up to $8/share (unlikely unless Romney kills a baby) I'd still come out with a good sized profit.

I'm not so worried that I'm going to lose money on this. I'm moreso frustrated that my predictions of the market are off. As long as I come out ahead (and shares would have to shoot up to like $9 each for that to not happen), I'm good to go.

EDIT: The 'Game' for me is finding out how each event affects real people. People who actually have a dog in this fight. Job numbers are out. Are people scared? Do they not care? To what degree? How fast will it take them to shake it off?


Am I the only dem who's slightly entertaining the idea of voting for Romney.

As much of a liar he is I don't really give a shit, that's politics, he seems ballsy enough and isn't actually bat shit insane like Bush, and his ability to not get everything **** blocked by Republicans is really attractive from a change standpoint.

If you're a democrat who is looking for "change," realistically, what kind of positive "change" do you expect from a Romney administration? If you wanted "change" from Obama and you feel you did not get it, then what would a Romney administration do for you that an Obama one couldn't?


Am I the only dem who's slightly entertaining the idea of voting for Romney.

As much of a liar he is I don't really give a shit, that's politics, he seems ballsy enough and isn't actually bat shit insane like Bush, and his ability to not get everything **** blocked by Republicans is really attractive from a change standpoint.
He's not batshit insane like Bush but his party is, and if he wins he'll be working with Republicans who share those batshit views. He'll cave.

This is a man who will say anything to get elected. He abandoned his far right platform for the sake of having a good debate, now he's doubling down on Bush-like foreign policy. This guy will gravitate towards whatever keeps his poll numbers as high as they can possibly be. He's untrustworthy.

All Presidential candidates/Presidents pander to some extent, but Romney's entire platform is a different lie every day.
Am I the only dem who's slightly entertaining the idea of voting for Romney.

As much of a liar he is I don't really give a shit, that's politics, he seems ballsy enough and isn't actually bat shit insane like Bush, and his ability to not get everything **** blocked by Republicans is really attractive from a change standpoint.

Repealing ObamaCare or escalating tensions with Iran are bad policy imo. He might be bluffing, but I'll take him at his word on those.
Am I the only dem who's slightly entertaining the idea of voting for Romney.

As much of a liar he is I don't really give a shit, that's politics, he seems ballsy enough and isn't actually bat shit insane like Bush, and his ability to not get everything **** blocked by Republicans is really attractive from a change standpoint.
Are you kidding me?

If for no other reason, the appointment of SC justices should make voting for Obama a no brainier.
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