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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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Weird. An outlier.. or a sign of things to come?



this is hilarious because on my previous post I was actually doing the math.

And I came to about the same conclusion - that the Sunday polling was around +13 for Obama. I deleted the post because I thought it looked crazy and made a simpler post.

I was also wondering if the 5th/6th were more like +9 and +8 for Obama, but too lazy to look up the previous gallup polls to confirm.


Lol at Obama's numbers improving in Minnesota since the debate. I love my state.

Are you basing your comment off of anything besides the PPP tweet? A vague reference to polling numbers from last month compared to now doesn't exactly offer clear pre/post numbers for comparison.
Are you basing your comment off of anything besides the PPP tweet? A vague reference to polling numbers from last month compared to now doesn't exactly offer clear pre/post numbers for comparison.

I don't think anyone other than PPP is even polling Minnesota right now, so it probably has to be based on that PPP tweet

their last poll had O+7 (lower end of SurveyUSA and MasonDixon, too), this probably indicates O+8 to O+11


I think a lot of people will come to this conclusion, especially after the debate. Romney would have to govern moderately with dems in control of the senate, and many of the positions the tea party holds are toxic for presidents; I don't see him giving them what they want anymore than Bush would have.

Contrast that to Obama won't likely won't get anything accomplished if he's re-elected, as republicans simply obstruct until 2014. There may be more of a chance of getting stimulus under Romney

It should be interesting. Is the ending of gridlock with some possibly good legislation, mixed in with plenty of bad, worth those Supreme Court Justices and possibly a new war or two?

I used to think Romney might (maaaybe) govern as a centrist, depending on the makeup of his Congress, but I don't know what to think after his Paul Ryan pick. That's one of the things that scares me most about him. I have no clue what he'll actually do because he's promised every person something different.

Looks like 7.8% will prove to be election winner for obama

I see you're trolling again.


57-38 is bad news for Obama. That is a a clear outlier and is what is affecting the post-debate bump. Fuck.

Back at square one.

Uh, I'm not trying to challenge anyone. I'm just asking what he was basing his comment off of. I guessed the PPP tweet but, since that was so vague, I was asking if he was referring to something else.
I'm just joking. Anyone who challenges a lot of the blind optimism in here gets shot down.
There is a reason tracking polls don't release individual daily numbers. Ignore them.

O+5 today is good for him though.

The lack of swing state polls is annoying :(
let's see your numbers, son.
My sunday crosstabs were at 56-42, obama. Although since my data also incorporates social media im almost convinced that romney's numbers are skewed a point or two due to lingering effects of debate.

By lingering effects, i mean ridicule


Minnesota. I love my state.



Fork 'em, Sparky!
You would do the same if the Republicans had a Mini-Ike running.

Not if Ike had an obvious damn-near certain win and 1 billion dollars.

Are you comfortable with a politician (that you admittedly like) spending your money on fundraising efforts, advertising, etc?

If you want to do some good, at least you could donate your money to Cyan's favorite charity. That will do some good, this will do absolutely nothing for anyone, yourself included.
It should be interesting. Is the ending of gridlock with some possibly good legislation, mixed in with plenty of bad, worth those Supreme Court Justices and possibly a new war or two?

I used to think Romney might (maaaybe) govern as a centrist, depending on the makeup of his Congress, but I don't know what to think after his Paul Ryan pick. That's one of the things that scares me most about him. I have no clue what he'll actually do because he's promised every person something different.


Yea foreign policy is a big sticking point for me. I actually think Romney has more potential to improve the economy than Bams, but I'm not sure if it's worth the possibility of him pandering to the right on FP concerns...
God I am loving Soledad O'Brien.

This is just painful to watch.


I don't think I've ever seen such competent reporting from an American news channel. She really did her job well. She wasn't even 'attacking' the surrogate, she was just asking to clarify, and called out every possible dismissal or diversion from the surrogate. Really, the last 15 seconds of that video are amazing.

The fact that I'm not even gushing over the reporter because she did some investigative reporting, but simply because she didn't play along this shitty game, is sad on itself though...


Weird. An outlier.. or a sign of things to come?



This is the math I did too (and another junior), but his conclusion is totally unjustified, really. Remember that all these averages are rounded -- and that is highly likely to include the individual results of each day's polls, so there's actually decimal-level data that we never get to see. Check it:

Sep 30: 50.4
Oct 1: 50.5
Oct 2: 50.5
Oct 3: 53.3
Oct 4: 47.5
Oct 5: 47.5
Oct 6: 47.4
Oct 7: 53.3

Sept 30-Oct 2 average: 50
Oct 4-Oct 6 average: 47
Sep 30-Oct 6 average: 49
Oct 1-Oct 7 average: 50

I mean, it's definitely a good poll, but it doesn't have to be as good as 57%.
lol, a 12 point switch in the Pew poll. Bullshit.

This is the problem with polling after an event like the debate. The Repubs are way too enthusiastic in answering the phones all of a sudden.

So Obama people should be worried or what?

Not unless it continues at the end of the week. But Gallup and Ras are both showing Obama winning by more, not the other way around. PPP indicated pre-debate back in Sat/Sun polling.

The Pew poll is probably heavily skewed by Thurs/Fri numbers.
Nothing to worry about, right guys?


No data that includes Thursday and Friday is worth looking at right now because all the other polling is saying it's switching back.

Unless Pew releases a daily aspect, we have no idea if there's is holding or if Romney was +8 +6 -2, -4.


Pew: Romney 49 - Obama 45


Ouch...Pew's supposed to be pretty fucking good.

In the presidential horserace, Romney has made sizable gains over the past month among women voters, white non-Hispanics and those younger than 50. Currently, women are evenly divided (47% Obama, 47% Romney). Last month, Obama led Romney by 18 points (56% to 38%) among women likely voters.

Yeah this is pretty much BS... would like to see the Party ID.

edit: 35% R, 32% D, 30% I is what they have for LV
So a net +3 with Republicans, net -1 with Democrats, and net +5 with independents is enough to swing his numbers around 12%?

So they're expecting Hispanics to make up 5% of the electorate when they made up 9% in 2008 and their voter base has only increased?

So Romney just wiped out an 18% lead with women with one debate?
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