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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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Am I the only dem who's slightly entertaining the idea of voting for Romney.

As much of a liar he is I don't really give a shit, that's politics, he seems ballsy enough and isn't actually bat shit insane like Bush, and his ability to not get everything **** blocked by Republicans is really attractive from a change standpoint.

Uh... Have you looked at the shit those Republicans are trying to pass? You may think Romney won't get his shit blocked by congress, but it kind of goes the other way a lot, too. Congress won't get their shit blocked by Romney.

And what kind of change do you want? I mean this isn't good change. He's just repainting Bush's policies. Hell, a lot of the time he's not even trying to repaint them. He's just blatantly running on Bush's policies. That's not change. That's the same shit we've had.

Unfortunately real change is hard to get in place, and I know Obama really isn't it. He's a nice direction to go in, though, and probably more of a change of the last ~20-30 years than Romney would be.
It's not a big deal. This is all for fun for me anyway. I just think it's fun to try to predict the market and figure out how populations respond to certain stimuli. If shares shot all the way up to $8/share (unlikely unless Romney kills a baby) I'd still come out with a good sized profit.

I'm not so worried that I'm going to lose money on this. I'm moreso frustrated that my predictions of the market are off. As long as I come out ahead (and shares would have to shoot up to like $9 each for that to not happen), I'm good to go.

EDIT: The 'Game' for me is finding out how each event affects real people. People who actually have a dog in this fight. Job numbers are out. Are people scared? Do they not care? To what degree? How fast will it take them to shake it off?

Ah ok. I'm too chickenshit to do that with my paltry funds, but I am watching it to try and find a good spot to jump in. (needed so that I can convince my wife)

Dude Abides

Am I the only dem who's slightly entertaining the idea of voting for Romney.

As much of a liar he is I don't really give a shit, that's politics, he seems ballsy enough and isn't actually bat shit insane like Bush, and his ability to not get everything **** blocked by Republicans is really attractive from a change standpoint.

Bush did the same moderate schtick in 2000 - he wasn't "batshit insane" either. Romney would still get cockblocked if the Dems hold the Senate, and even if not, the changes he would implement would be bad ones.
Am I the only dem who's slightly entertaining the idea of voting for Romney.

As much of a liar he is I don't really give a shit, that's politics, he seems ballsy enough and isn't actually bat shit insane like Bush, and his ability to not get everything **** blocked by Republicans is really attractive from a change standpoint.

You sure about that?


As much of a liar he is I don't really give a shit, that's politics, he seems ballsy enough and isn't actually bat shit insane like Bush, and his ability to not get everything **** blocked by Republicans is really attractive from a change standpoint.

Hard for me to grasp this position, yeah. "At least if things get way worse they won't be staying the same!"
Am I the only dem who's slightly entertaining the idea of voting for Romney.

As much of a liar he is I don't really give a shit, that's politics, he seems ballsy enough and isn't actually bat shit insane like Bush, and his ability to not get everything **** blocked by Republicans is really attractive from a change standpoint.

This is how I would troll you chumps.


Am I the only dem who's slightly entertaining the idea of voting for Romney.

As much of a liar he is I don't really give a shit, that's politics, he seems ballsy enough and isn't actually bat shit insane like Bush, and his ability to not get everything **** blocked by Republicans is really attractive from a change standpoint.

Romney has many of the same people behind him as Bush. It's just a front.

Son of a...


Romney will "get shit done" by making Bush tax cuts look more liberal, repealing healthcare with something that covers pre-existing conditions (but really doesn't as his own advisers will quietly admit), stirring the pot in the middle east, potentially eliminating popular tax deductions for homeowners, etc. I could go on.

Oh yeah, there's the supreme court too.


Am I the only dem who's slightly entertaining the idea of voting for Romney.

As much of a liar he is I don't really give a shit, that's politics, he seems ballsy enough and isn't actually bat shit insane like Bush, and his ability to not get everything **** blocked by Republicans is really attractive from a change standpoint.

Even if you really believed all that, why would you reward Romney with your vote after his historic mendacity during this campaign. Does character not matter to you at all?
Am I the only dem who's slightly entertaining the idea of voting for Romney.

As much of a liar he is I don't really give a shit, that's politics, he seems ballsy enough and isn't actually bat shit insane like Bush, and his ability to not get everything **** blocked by Republicans is really attractive from a change standpoint.
Terrible idea.

I would take four more years of gridlock any day over Romney rubber-stamping bullshit legislation from the House. Repealing Obamacare and Dodd-Frank (neither of which went far enough to begin with), redefining rape, gutting trillions in domestic spending to counter-balance 5 trillion dollar tax cuts and WW3 with Iran and Romney would be the catalyst for all of that.

Obama wins on Supreme Court justices and foreign policy alone.
GAF hive mind came with unprecedented force and speed I see.

Relax guys, I said I was only entertaining the idea for once. Bams will get my vote, thanks for the responses!
Didn't you already try something like that on mainline OT the other day and no one bought it? :p

NO. I made a ridiculous post for laughs. Some OTers actually believed I was serious, and poligaffers came rushing in to point out that I was "trolling."

GAF hive mind came with unprecedented force and speed I see.

Relax guys, I said I was only entertaining the idea for once. Bams will get my vote, thanks for the responses!

Dark FaZe, just because a group of posters disagree with your position, doesn't mean a "hivemind" exists. Being dismissive like that doesn't foster discussion.
Am I the only dem who's slightly entertaining the idea of voting for Romney.

As much of a liar he is I don't really give a shit, that's politics, he seems ballsy enough and isn't actually bat shit insane like Bush, and his ability to not get everything **** blocked by Republicans is really attractive from a change standpoint.

Solid logic there, son. I'm glad we can trust the general public to make such big decisions in this country.


GAF hive mind came with unprecedented force and speed I see.

Relax guys, I said I was only entertaining the idea for once. Bams will get my vote, thanks for the responses!

It's "lol liberal hive mind!" to ask you to go further in explaining your position? If you're not willing to back up something you say, why even bring it up? You said you were entertaining the idea of voting for Romney and we asked you what would make you consider that.
NO. I made a ridiculous post for laughs. Some OTers actually believed I was serious, and poligaffers came rushing in to point out that I was "trolling."

It's probably meaningful that I already completely forgot which thread it was in, then.

meaningful in that I'm guessing your post was better than its OP because it's all I can remember

GAF hive mind came with unprecedented force and speed I see.

If PoliGAF is the Borg, I better get to be Seven.


Ah ok. I'm too chickenshit to do that with my paltry funds, but I am watching it to try and find a good spot to jump in. (needed so that I can convince my wife)

Hindsight is 20/20 but earlier this morning would've been a great time to buy. For some reason it dropped down to $6.25 which is the lowest it's been in like 3 weeks. It then hit $6.30 like 4-5 separate times. If you look at the chart for today, it's actually really weird. It seemed to have stabilized at $6.60 now which is up $0.30 from yesterday. I'm actually pretty curious what caused the fluctuations. I wouldn't personally buy now because I don't particularly see why Obama's stocks SHOULD go up within the next few days (unless a lot of polls are coming out soon), but I also didn't expect whatever happened today so take what I say with a grain of salt haha. If you look at the chart of the past month though, prices are definitely on a downward trend.
Am I the only dem who's slightly entertaining the idea of voting for Romney.

As much of a liar he is I don't really give a shit, that's politics, he seems ballsy enough and isn't actually bat shit insane like Bush, and his ability to not get everything **** blocked by Republicans is really attractive from a change standpoint.

I think a lot of people will come to this conclusion, especially after the debate. Romney would have to govern moderately with dems in control of the senate, and many of the positions the tea party holds are toxic for presidents; I don't see him giving them what they want anymore than Bush would have.

Contrast that to Obama won't likely won't get anything accomplished if he's re-elected, as republicans simply obstruct until 2014. There may be more of a chance of getting stimulus under Romney
SmokeMaxX is starting to get worried!

Quick, let's dismiss him.

Of course, his form of "worried" regards how much money he's going to get out of this while your form of "worried" could regard whether Greenland's ice sheet receding 6 inches further than expected means Obama's going to lose every swing state.

Dude Abides

GAF hive mind came with unprecedented force and speed I see.

Relax guys, I said I was only entertaining the idea for once. Bams will get my vote, thanks for the responses!




I think a lot of people will come to this conclusion, especially after the debate. Romney would have to govern moderately with dems in control of the senate, and many of the positions the tea party holds are toxic for presidents; I don't see him giving them what they want anymore than Bush would have.

Contrast that to Obama won't likely won't get anything accomplished if he's re-elected, as republicans simply obstruct until 2014. There may be more of a chance of getting stimulus under Romney
Yeah, I've talked to a few Obama supporters who were really impressed by Romney, and admitted they were starting to have doubts about the Pres. All centrist voters. Not that this is scientific but there seem to be a lot of people coming to this conclusion, how profound it will end up being remains to be seen. So far it looks to be minimal.
I am ignoring polls until Nate Silver updates his blog. He is my poll god. I will await His word.

btw guys remember Chuck Godd from 2008?
Gallup: 50-45 O, nearly all calls made post-debate
Rasmussen: tied, all calls made post-debate
NBC/Marist: ???, significant number of calls made over weekend + today
PPP for DKos/SEIU: probably R+1, nearly all calls made Thurs-Fri

I wonder which one of these is going to get the most attention.
LOL @ Gallup releasing that article.

It's clear they released that before knowing today's numbers. Well, maybe not, but still it was ridiculous.

Also, to claim it was tied the last 3 days is also bullshit and they know it. Romney gained 2 points in Gallup, then held steady. This means the new days were replacing the old Obama gains with the same gains. Now it's +5 again which means Obama wiped out the Romney Thurs/Fri gains in Sunday's numbers.

edit: Ras is showing the same thing. He put it back tied. From Obama +2 to Romney + 2 and now tied. In a 3 days average, this is saying tomorrow should be back to Obama +1 or 2.
Gallup: 50-45 O, all calls made post-debate
Rasmussen: +2 O, all calls made post-debate
NBC/Marist: ???, significant number of calls made over weekend + today
PPP for DKos/SEIU: probably R+1, nearly all calls made Thurs-Fri

I wonder which one of these is going to get the most attention.

I don't know about Ras, but Gallup was a 7-day tracker ending yesterday.. so not all post-debate, getting there though.


Weird. An outlier.. or a sign of things to come?


The most recent Gallup Presidential Election Trial Heat Results: Barack Obama vs. Mitt Romney was a very, very strong day for Obama:

Gallup reports:

Gallup October 1-7: Obama 50%, Romney 45%
Gallup October 4-6: Obama 47%, Romney 47%
Gallup September 30-October 2: Obama 50%, Romney 45%

Since Gallup on October 6--the span that includes 9/30-10/2 and 10/4-10/6--was 49-46, that tells us that the October 3 results were roughly 52-46 Obama-Romney…

Since Obama gained from October 6 to October 7, when 9/30 dropped out and 10/7 was added, that tells us that 10/7 was stronger for Obama and weaker for Romney than 9/30. If 9/30 was the average for 9/30-10/2--50-45--that tells us that…

October 7 was roughly 57-38 Obama-Romney!

(If 9/30 was weaker than 50-45 for Obama and 10/1 and 10/2 were stronger, 10/7 was less of a pro-Obama signal. If 9/30 was stronger and 10/1 and 10/2 weaker than 50-45, then 10/7 was an even stronger pro-Obama signal.)

This is why Gallup does not release its daily tracking poll results--the sample sizes are so small that there is so much statistical noise in them that they are of little value...

Dark FaZe, just because a group of posters disagree with your position, doesn't mean a "hivemind" exists. Being dismissive like that doesn't foster discussion.

I think a lot of people will come to this conclusion, especially after the debate. Romney would have to govern moderately with dems in control of the senate, and many of the positions the tea party holds are toxic for presidents; I don't see him giving them what they want anymore than Bush would have.

Contrast that to Obama won't likely won't get anything accomplished if he's re-elected, as republicans simply obstruct until 2014. There may be more of a chance of getting stimulus under Romney

^ this is more or less my mindset, though remember my original post did say "slightly entertaining the idea".

I'm still on Bams side for now, with eyes WIDE open at the next debate.
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