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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Guys, have we learned nothing from IRS-gate? We don't do our side any favors by acknowledging any shenanigans done by democrats. The proper way to handle the news about Anthony Wiener is to ignore him entirely and pretend he never existed.

Now let us never speak of that stupid Republican ever again.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Rand Paul fires back at Christie with fat jokes. It's not even a good one, I mean if you're going to stoop to that level at least make it good.

Rand Paul: Chris Christie Is ‘The King Of Bacon’

Rand Paul needs to go home. He isn't ready for the big leagues.

Pretty much what I expected of Paul. Shame he didn't respond substantively. Would have loved to see how he justified his state sucking on the gubment teat.
Pretty much what I expected of Paul. Shame he didn't respond substantively. Would have loved to see how he justified his state sucking on the gubment teat.

He actually did.

Paul pointed to Kentucky's two military bases as reasons why the state may get more money from the government.

"What does he want to do, shut down military bases in Kentucky?" he said.

Fort Campbell and Fort Knox, both Army bases, are located in Kentucky. New Jersey itself is home to a large joint military base that houses the McGuire Air Force base; Naval Air Engineering Station Lakehurst; and Fort Dix, an Army base.

"In order to have enough money for national defense, which I think is a priority for the government, you have to be willing to cut spending in other places," Paul continued. "And Governor Christie and others have been part of this 'gimme gimme gimme','give me all this money.'"

We have an army base so we really aren't moochers! lol
Meanwhile in "Rand Paul being a dick" news

In an awkward appearance with Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) in his home state, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) stopped short of endorsing Alexander's re-election bid, the Tennessean reports.

Said Paul: "I'd rather not go there. I'd hate to be painted as 'Oh, I've come here and I'm not endorsing him' because I think that's the wrong message to send. I'm very supportive of Sen. Alexander, and I hope he doesn't get an opponent."
I honestly fail to see how Christie has been all 'gimmie gimmie gimmie'. he is the one who turned down federal money for a new tunnel into NYC?

And god forbid the most densely populated areas get relief from a natural disaster...


No Scrubs
He actually did.


We have an army base so we really aren't moochers! lol

Not exactly the greatest argument in the world. Easily taken apart, shallow, can't say I expected better.

I really really want him to try running in 2016. The look on people's faces when they realize the emperor has no clothes...
Aaron, I keep saying, this is NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. I live in Georgia, and even if every person in the city of Atlanta voted democrat we'd still get ousted by the good ol' boys who live in every other rural part of the state.
I don't remember you ever saying anything like this to me, but Georgia's demographics will make it a blue state soon enough. Obama got 47% of the vote with heavy campaigning in 2008. In 2012 he didn't do shit and still got 46% while shedding 3% of the vote nationwide. He's done better than any Democrat in Georgia since Jimmy Carter, and that includes Bill Clinton who won it by virtue of Ross Perot. Georgia will go to the Democrats, if not in 2014 then somewhere down the line. It's definitely closer than Texas and Arizona, two states the media and commentators looove talking about.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I really really want him to try running in 2016. The look on people's faces when they realize the emperor has no clothes...

I want to see him run just to hear him argue that he never meant what he said about drones in his 13 hour filibuster.
Not exactly the greatest argument in the world. Easily taken apart, shallow, can't say I expected better.

I really really want him to try running in 2016. The look on people's faces when they realize the emperor has no clothes...

Actually I think he could come close to the nomination, but the establishment would torpedo him. Christie is positioning himself as the Big Daddy Government figure: tough on unions, tough on terrorism, massive military spending. Rand Paul is rather sensible on foreign policy, and I definitely believe a lot of the republican base is moving towards an isolationist take on fp...but I doubt it will carry the nomination in 2016. Romney went far right on foreign policy, McCain went even farther (100 years in Iraq). Christie or whoever emerges will likely follow that pattern.
Some amount that represents a living wage for a broad swathe of the country. And absolutely, positively indexed to inflation so that it won't erode over time while Congress does nothing because lol poor people bootstraps welfare self-entitled when I was your age why even get a degree etc.

The tricky thing is that minimum wage for: 1 person alone, 2 people alone, 1 person with one child, need to be very different things.

Ideally I'd put the minimum wage at $13 an hour, tie it to inflation, and give anybody who has a child food stamps and welfare.


Unconfirmed Member
Some amount that represents a living wage for a broad swathe of the country. And absolutely, positively indexed to inflation so that it won't erode over time while Congress does nothing because lol poor people bootstraps welfare self-entitled when I was your age why even get a degree etc.
Yep. I would also be interested in having (reputable) economists weigh in on the idea of making the living wage variable based on regional cost of living in addition to the items you listed.



Some amount that represents a living wage for a broad swathe of the country. And absolutely, positively indexed to inflation so that it won't erode over time while Congress does nothing because lol poor people bootstraps welfare self-entitled when I was your age why even get a degree etc.

Wait... You're telling me that minimum wage isn't linked to inflation? Who thought that was a good idea?


No Scrubs
Wait didn't this whole fued start because Rand was saying we spend too much on national security? meta

It's like poetry, except filled with stupidity instead of creatively used language.

You had like three different people say not to watch it.

Wait... You're telling me that minimum wage isn't linked to inflation? Who thought that was a good idea?

No it is not. I assume businesses lobbied to kill the idea every time it came up.
The streams have almost crossed!


The Onion 2 years ago

It is known, informally, as the asteroid-lasso plan: NASA wants to launch an unmanned spacecraft in 2018 that would capture a small asteroid — maybe 7 to 10 yards wide — haul it closer to Earth, then send astronauts up to examine it, in 2021 or beyond.

But the space agency has encountered a stubborn technical problem: Congressional Republicans.

Normally, there is bipartisan support (or disapproval) in Congress for NASA’s bolder plans, particularly when they involve human spaceflight. What squabbling does take place tends to pit lawmakers from states with big NASA presences, like Florida and Texas, against those with fewer vested interests.

This month, however, the science committee in the Republican-controlled House voted to bar NASA from pursuing that faraway rock. In a straight party vote — 22 Republicans for, 17 Democrats against — the committee laid out a road map for NASA for the next three years that brushed aside the asteroid capture plan, the centerpiece of the Obama administration’s agenda for space exploration. The plan, instead, included new marching orders, telling NASA to send astronauts back to the Moon, set up a base there and then aim for Mars (and to do so with less money than requested).

“A costly and complex distraction,” is how one Republican critic, Representative Steven Palazzo of Mississippi, described the asteroid mission. Other legislators complained that the project seemed far-fetched and poorly articulated, and that it would not advance America’s bragging rights in space the way a return to the Moon could. The bill awaits a vote by the full House.

NASA and its rocket scientists are trying to figure out how to proceed.

Yesterday's NY Times


How so? There's probably plenty of scientific knowledge to be gained by going back, and it'd be useful to set up some sort of launch platform there to go to Mars.

Reliving past accomplishments. Political masturbation.

Mars can be done Moon-less.


They don't?

I owe you an answer already, but (1) corporate income tax only occurs when an entity has taxable income whereas personal income tax happens just by receiving personal income and (2) it's easy to delay or avoid corporate income tax if you have a stomach for paying professionals and juggling your operation through an archipelago of companies of varying levels of fictitiousness. (Just as an example, now that dividend tax rates are relatively settled on individuals, IC-DISCs are very trendy in my little corner of the world of lower mid-sized corporations.)


Are really really doing this again, GOP?

House Republicans: IRS documents show bias against conservatives

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - House of Representatives Republicans on Tuesday said an analysis of treatment of tax-exempt groups by the Internal Revenue Service showed conservative groups faced harsher scrutiny, a claim Democrats challenged.

Republicans on the House Ways and Means committee said their analysis of internal IRS documents shows that groups whose name includes the phrases "conservative," "Tea Party" or "Patriot" received much more scrutiny than groups containing the word "progressive."

The analysis said conservative groups were asked three times as many questions on average than progressives and less than half of conservative groups received approval, while all progressive groups were approved.

Committee Chairman Dave Camp, a Republican from Michigan, said the analysis was just the "tip of the iceberg" as the committee had received less than 3 percent of the documents requested.

Representative Sander Levin, the top Democrat on the committee criticized the Republican analysis, saying it offered an unspecified and unverified subset of tax-exemption applications to which only Republican committee members have access.

Controversy erupted on May 10 when an IRS official apologized for added scrutiny and delay given to Tea Party and other conservative groups seeking tax exemptions under a section of the tax code that allows limited political activity.

(Reporting by Deborah Charles; Editing by Stacey Joyce)

There's tons of scientific data yet to be gathered from the Moon (hell, we're still discovering stuff about Earth – and we live on it!), and there's nothing wrong with establishing a more permanent presence there.

Well, yeah, if you want to make it more difficult.

The asteroid mission teaches techniques that would be vastly more useful for the future of space travel (towing things, capturing asteroids, working within Lagrangian points, moving targets). Let private companies do stuff on the moon, its old hat. Lets have NASA focus on the cutting edge.

It also has real implications for planetary survival. When a NASA astronaut (Bill Nelson) and the rocket scientists there are pushing for the asteroid mission you know its the right choice.

And yes Mars can be done moonless without much challenge. We can do a lot of the stuff we need to learn for that in low earth orbit.

Edit: I should probably say I support going back to the moon but not at the expense of this mission. I'd fund NASA out the wazoo but I'm not running the government.
This campaign implosion is hilarious

Tuesday was an angry day in Weinerland.

The campaign staff awoke to see their former intern, Olivia Nuzzi, on the front cover of the Daily News. Inside the paper was an article bylined by Nuzzi in which she told a rather unflattering tale of her experience working on Anthony Weiner’s mayoral bid.

Now, Team Weiner is firing back. TPM called Weiner’s communications director Barbara Morgan to discuss an unrelated story Tuesday and she went off on a curse-filled rant about Nuzzi, describing her as a fame hungry “bitch” who “sucked” at her job. Morgan also called Nuzzi a “slutbag,” “twat,” and “cunt” while threatening to sue her.

On Monday, Nuzzi, a college student and writer, published a story on the blog NSFWCORP that claimed multiple sources on the campaign told her there had been “six departures” from Weiner’s team, more than had been previously disclosed. She also claimed that staffers had been underpaid and that the former campaign manager, Danny Kedem, left over the weekend because Weiner “lied to him about the timing of his sexting scandal.”

Nuzzi’s post on NSFWCORP was followed up by Tuesday’s Daily News cover story in which she claimed Weiner incorrectly called multiple interns “Monica” and said people only joined Weiner’s campaign to curry favor with his wife, Huma Abedin, a close aide to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Along with these allegations, Nuzzi wrote in the Daily News that “a lot” of Weiner’s staff had “short résumés,” including Morgan, who Nuzzi derisively noted “last worked as the press secretary for the New Jersey state education commissioner.”

“I’m dealing with like stupid fucking interns who make it on to the cover of the Daily News even though they signed NDAs and/or they proceeded to trash me,”
Morgan told TPM, referring to a non-disclosure agreement. “And by the way, I tried to fire her, but she begged to come back and I gave her a second chance.”

Morgan went on to suggest Nuzzi would be unable to get a job in New York City’s political scene as a result of her actions.

“Fucking slutbag. Nice fucking glamour shot on the cover of the Daily News. Man, see if you ever get a job in this town again,” said Morgan.

According to Morgan, Nuzzi stopped interning for the campaign “like four weeks ago.” Nuzzi’s story on NSFWCORP described her as having spent “four weeks” as a Weiner intern. When asked whether the claims in Nuzzi’s stories were true, Morgan suggested many of them were “bullshit.”
“It’s all bullshit,” she said. “I mean, it’s such bullshit. She could fucking — fucking twat.”

Based on her colorful description of Nuzzi’s cover story, TPM asked Morgan whether she thought Nuzzi joined the campaign with the express purpose of penning a tell-all story.

“I have no idea, but I can tell you she … like accosted me at like our petitioning thing to be able to become my intern, begged me to be my intern, sent me something within like 20 minutes of meeting her and then proceeded to — she came in the next day and was like, basically, ‘I want to be your bitch all summer long, that’s all I want to do is be your righthand person,’” Morgan said of Nuzzi. “I was like, ‘OK, well, it’s not really glamorous, like, you’re going to do clips, and you’re going to do media catching, and you’re going to do x, y, and z and maybe I’ll get you to the point where you’re like doing some other stuff.”

Despite what Morgan described as Nuzzi’s initial enthusiasm, Morgan claimed her job performance left much to be desired.

“She sucked. She like wasn’t good at setting up events. She was clearly there because she wanted to be seen. Like it was, like, terrible and I had to like - she would like, she would just not show up for work,” said Morgan. “For the four weeks she worked there — she didn’t work weekends, so twenty days total. Of those twenty days, she missed probably five because she would just like not show up and not tell me she wasn’t going to be there. So, yeah, so there’s that.”

Morgan also expressed disbelief that Nuzzi criticized her credentials.

“And then like she had the fucking balls to like trash me in the paper. And be like, ‘His communications director was last the press secretary of the Department of Education in New Jersey,” Morgan said. “You know what? Fuck you, you little cunt. I’m not joking, I am going to sue her.”

Nuzzi declined comment to comment for this story. However, NSFWCORP Editor-In-Chief Paul Carr disputed the idea Nuzzi joined the Weiner campaign specifically to write about the experience.

“She certainly didn’t do it to get on the front of the newspapers,” said Carr.

Carr said Nuzzi began writing for the site “like a month ago” and initially “didn’t even mention she was involved with the [Weiner] campaign.” He said the Daily News “courted” Nuzzi for the cover story and claimed she subsequently denied a request to appear on CNN’s Piers Morgan Tonight on Tuesday evening. Carr also claimed he had to push Nuzzi to write about her experiences on the Weiner campaign after she mentioned them to him.

“She wrote that for us because I basically told her she had to,” Carr said. “If anything, I’ve had to constantly prompt her.”

Updated at 10:22 p.m.ET: Morgan issued to a statement about her comments to Business Insider.

“In a moment of frustration, I used inappropriate language in what I thought was an off the record conversation. It was wrong and I am very sorry, which is what I said tonight when I called and emailed Olivia to apologize,” said Morgan.


No Scrubs
Yup, Weiner's done. Looks like deBlasio's going to have a real good shot now. I hope he at least pick's up Weiner's healthcare plan, it's the only part of that campaign worth salvaging at this point.


Unconfirmed Member
Steven Colbert on Obamacare said:
Don't fall for it young people. You don't need insurance. You're going to be young and healthy forever!

I have to admit I was a bit annoyed that I felt targeted for picking up the bill as a young healthy person, but I have to admit I never looked at it that way. I'll have to remember it next time some young person is upset about the individual mandate.

Just sucks to be on the wrong side of the transition while watching the baby boomers enjoy the highest minimum wages while they were young and needed it, enjoy the fruits of the moon landing while the richer age group that was taxed to pay for it, enjoy the full benefits of social security while burdening us with figuring out how to pay back the government raids on it, trying to destroy as much government spending as they can now that they're old enough to be paying instead of receiving, and now getting the benefits of healthcare reform while putting the biggest brunt of the paycheck on the young and healthy.

Any healthcare reform is better than what we had, but I can still resent the baby boomers for putting us into a situation where the young and healthy pick up the bill instead of the people with the money and ability to do so, even though that's exactly how it worked when they were young and healthy but without money.
Looks like Obama's going to get his director for ATF confirmed:

The National Rifle Association confirmed Tuesday that it would remain neutral in the confirmation of Todd Jones to head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, giving Jones a big boost in winning Senate approval, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.

It is unclear why the NRA, a long time foe of the ATF, is not opposing Jones, although the powerful gun lobby's director of public affairs confirmed that the organization would neither support nor fight the nomination.

Jones is the current acting director of ATF--a post he has held since September 2011. He also serves at the United States Attorney for Minnesota.

A Senate vote is expected Wednesday or Thursday.
But really why is Obama wasting time on gun control, it's not like he'll get anything done.


Young people's views on ObamaCare are probably shaped in large part by it being their first experience with an insurance product. They don't understand the concept of pooled risk, that healthcare isn't a traditional market, or just how expensive emergency room visitations can be.


Any healthcare reform is better than what we had, but I can still resent the baby boomers for putting us into a situation where the young and healthy pick up the bill instead of the people with the money and ability to do so, even though that's exactly how it worked when they were young and healthy but without money.
Obamacare is mostly funded through taxation on high earners (directly and indirectly).
The individual mandate is not because of the baby boomers, it's mostly because democrats didn't want to get Harry and Louised by the health insurance industry.
We should've had a single payer, it's the only system that makes sense.

Also understand, in the US, when you're young and not getting health insurance, on aggregate, the people who do pay health insurance pick up your bill.
Young people's views on ObamaCare are probably shaped in large part by it being their first experience with an insurance product. They don't understand the concept of pooled risk, that healthcare isn't a traditional market, or just how expensive emergency room visitations can be.

I got a taste of healthcare service being 23. I ended up paying $1200 while only saving $800 to get my wisdom teeth removed. Of course the dentists still wanted to overcharge me and completely lied about how much it was going to cost to get me in there.
Is this sarcasm? A government agency shouldn't be operating leaderless. The ATF hasn't had an appointed full time head in years. The current guy is moonlighting between two gigs, which is a joke.
Riffing on PD who doesn't see why Obama tries to be president with Republicans in Congress, no matter how extensive his authority might be in a given situation.


I got a taste of healthcare service being 23. I ended up paying $1200 while only saving $800 to get my wisdom teeth removed. Of course the dentists still wanted to overcharge me and completely lied about how much it was going to cost to get me in there.

I had to pay $1100 to get mine removed. Insurance would have covered... If they were compacted. Since mine needed to come out for cavities the insurance company basically said fuck you
The asteroid mission teaches techniques that would be vastly more useful for the future of space travel (towing things, capturing asteroids, working within Lagrangian points, moving targets). Let private companies do stuff on the moon, its old hat. Lets have NASA focus on the cutting edge.

It also has real implications for planetary survival. When a NASA astronaut (Bill Nelson) and the rocket scientists there are pushing for the asteroid mission you know its the right choice.

And yes Mars can be done moonless without much challenge. We can do a lot of the stuff we need to learn for that in low earth orbit.

Edit: I should probably say I support going back to the moon but not at the expense of this mission. I'd fund NASA out the wazoo but I'm not running the government.
I agree that the asteroid mission is a very cool endeavor, but I don't want only profiteering institutions to go to the moon. I'd rather have NASA do all three. As an aside, if I had to choose between the asteroid and going to Mars, I'd choose Mars every time.
If Dax was there, there would have been murder on the dance floor.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
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