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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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I got a taste of healthcare service being 23. I ended up paying $1200 while only saving $800 to get my wisdom teeth removed. Of course the dentists still wanted to overcharge me and completely lied about how much it was going to cost to get me in there.

I had to pay $1100 to get mine removed. Insurance would have covered... If they were compacted. Since mine needed to come out for cavities the insurance company basically said fuck you

Yeah, I was pretty pissed about my wisdom teeth experience. I had a large amount of money in my HRA just waiting for any health related expense, and I was at a job that I knew I was going to leave soon anyway. My wisdom teeth were bad and needed to be taken out, so I'm like "Hey, this is a health related expense, perhaps I can use that money that's set aside for health related expenses on this. That'd be just grand." Called them up and ended up arguing with them a bunch, but they firmly said no you cannot, because that's teeth. The only way I could use my HRA money on it was if I has mentally handicapped or something (not entirely sure why on that). It was dumb as shit. I had put off my wisdom teeth because they were going to be so expensive. Here I had over 1000 sitting in my HRA for health related things. I could walk in and buy 1000 worth of fucking band aids apparently. It was supposed to be money I controlled for my health expenses. But, nope, I couldn't use it on a fucking legitimate surgery. The only health related expensive I actually fucking needed. I ended up having to pay about a thousand out of pocket for my wisdom teeth instead of the thousand I had saved up because I was mostly healthy.


There's tons of scientific data yet to be gathered from the Moon (hell, we're still discovering stuff about Earth – and we live on it!), and there's nothing wrong with establishing a more permanent presence there.

We can send unmanned probes to collect data from the moon. There's actually a private one launching in the near future that will land at one of the poles.

Well, yeah, if you want to make it more difficult.

How do you think we got the Mars landers to Mars?


Yeah, I was pretty pissed about my wisdom teeth experience. I had a large amount of money in my HRA just waiting for any health related expense, and I was at a job that I knew I was going to leave soon anyway. My wisdom teeth were bad and needed to be taken out, so I'm like "Hey, this is a health related expense, perhaps I can use that money that's set aside for health related expenses on this. That'd be just grand." Called them up and ended up arguing with them a bunch, but they firmly said no you cannot, because that's teeth. The only way I could use my HRA money on it was if I has mentally handicapped or something (not entirely sure why on that). It was dumb as shit. I had put off my wisdom teeth because they were going to be so expensive. Here I had over 1000 sitting in my HRA for health related things. I could walk in and buy 1000 worth of fucking band aids apparently. It was supposed to be money I controlled for my health expenses. But, nope, I couldn't use it on a fucking legitimate surgery. The only health related expensive I actually fucking needed. I ended up having to pay about a thousand out of pocket for my wisdom teeth instead of the thousand I had saved up because I was mostly healthy.

Yeah. Health insurance companies have a raging hardon against dental health. They must want us to be like England.


higher then anticipated ADP report with upward revision from previous month... double anticipated GDP.

We need President Mitt


Has there even been a more focused effort yo get rid of a piece of legislation that actually helped people?

Oh wait... The Republicans are all about getting rid of legislation that helps and added in legislation that harms.

If Romney had signed Obamacare, it'd be different.

Honestly, they had 6 years to do a comprehensive reform of the healthcare system. If they really cared about the systematic issues, they would've tried something when Bush was president. It's their party's empathy problem.


If Romney had signed Obamacare, it'd be different.

Honestly, they had 6 years to do a comprehensive reform of the healthcare system. If they really cared about the systematic issues, they would've tried something when Bush was president. It's their party's empathy problem.

How instead of focusing on moving the nation forward, they are doing their best to cripple it.
Young people's views on ObamaCare are probably shaped in large part by it being their first experience with an insurance product. They don't understand the concept of pooled risk, that healthcare isn't a traditional market, or just how expensive emergency room visitations can be.
Which is why Obamacare could fail miserably. There's an idealogical bridge that needs to be built here, with respect to the importance of insurance and "paying for things you'll need." The best way to kill this plan isn't to defund the government, it's to keep people from signing up. Because if the insurance pools aren't big enough then prices will likely go up.

I've said before I think the law will work, but trusting young people to do the right thing is a tough proposition.
Just was thinking, Do the moral monday protests and NC republican's over reach help hagen? The Republican nominee is going have to address their laws and aren't the vastly unpopular?


This may be a little off-topic, but I thought it was interesting and close enough to topic to post in here.

My friend does illustrations for sparklife, which I believe is a sparknotes community site for teens and such. They have a weekly writer prompt contest and the winner's short story sometimes gets illustrated by my friend. The last one had to do with guns and gun-violence:

First Panel -

rest of the story is here:
Was at the gym when I saw this scroll across my twitter feed:

broke out into a cold sweat

RT @seungminkim Re: Summers, Obama made it clear he hasn't decided on Fed chair. But doesn't like how he's been treated in press

Some Democrats saying Obama wasn't defending Larry Summers but trying to "set the record straight" on reports he found unfair.

Obama said there were three contenders: Yellen, Summers, and a third guy...uh...some man I think.
Why is Summers even in the conversation at this point. Senate dems have turned on him, anyone who has paid attention to financial debates over the last couple years is opposed to him...seriously, what's going on.
GG Mark Pryor

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) — A person who has spoken with Arkansas Rep. Tom Cotton says the freshman Republican congressman will announce next week that he’s challenging Democratic U.S. Sen. Mark Pryor.

Cotton scheduled an event with supporters next Tuesday in his hometown of Dardanelle. A person who’s spoken with Cotton says the congressman intends to enter the race against Pryor, a two-term incumbent who faces re-election next year.

The person who spoke to The Associated Press was not authorized to speak publicly about the planned announcement and spoke on a condition of anonymity.

Cotton was elected to the U.S. House in 2012, to the open seat formerly held by Democrat Mike Ross. Ross is now running for Arkansas governor.


That reminds me, do the Dems have a candidate in Montana yet?

Surprising that there isn't a lot of polling for Pryor yet, even against hypothetical candidates.


Obama's continued support and nomination of Larry Summers just sits horribly with me as a really horrible example of insiderism at the expense of someone that actually holds the right views (and you know, hasn't been a horrible influence on policy).
Well, it looks the only other option is an affirmative-action, binder-based pick of someone who is hopelessly unqualified but fits the librul PeeCee machine's meritocracy-toppling designs.
Do we really want a women in charge of the Fed and therefore in charge of monetary policy? She could be having a bad day and POOF interest rates go up.

IMO, a woman would be too prone to anger to be good at the job.


The Autumn Wind
Do we really want a women in charge of the Fed and therefore in charge of monetary policy? She could be having a bad day and POOF interest rates go up.

IMO, a woman would be too prone to anger to be good at the job.
We all know she'd just spend it all on purses and shoes anyway.


Do we really want a women in charge of the Fed and therefore in charge of monetary policy? She could be having a bad day and POOF interest rates go up.

IMO, a woman would be too prone to anger to be good at the job.

Oh, no question. Why, just the other day, I heard that a woman got angry after some folks had been dancing. It's things like that that convince me I'm right.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Chait has a good post up today about something that you see every so often from Republicans: the idea that Obama loves the rich too much:


"Libertarian-populism", is what the kids are calling it these days.

Do we really want a women in charge of the Fed and therefore in charge of monetary policy? She could be having a bad day and POOF interest rates go up.

IMO, a woman would be too prone to anger to be good at the job.

Don't forget them not being good with numbers either.
Obama Gives ‘Full-Throated Defense’ Of Larry Summers In Closed Door Meeting

President Barack Obama gave a "full-throated defense" of his possible Fed chair nominee, Larry Summers, in a closed-door meeting with House Democrats Wednesday, a lawmaker in the room told the Huffington Post.

Another lawmaker who was present in the room said the president defended Summers after Rep. Ed Perlmutter (D-CO) walked to the microphone and said "Larry Summers. Bad Choice." The lawmaker, who was paraphrasing Obama, also recalled the president saying, "Hey, don't talk sh*t about him because he's actually a pretty good guy. And then he said, 'If somebody talked sh*t about you like that, I'd defend you too," according to the Huffington Post. The lawmaker said the president did not use the expletive.

Two other Democrats in the room said the president also criticized the Huffington Post for turning Summers into what Obama called a "progressive whipping boy.”

Senate Democrats signaled Tuesday that Summers' confirmation would face unlikely odds.



Which is why Obamacare could fail miserably. There's an idealogical bridge that needs to be built here, with respect to the importance of insurance and "paying for things you'll need." The best way to kill this plan isn't to defund the government, it's to keep people from signing up. Because if the insurance pools aren't big enough then prices will likely go up.

I've said before I think the law will work, but trusting young people to do the right thing is a tough proposition.

I don't disagree with you, but I did want to add that many young adults are experiencing Obamacare by way of their parents insurance, staying on their coverage plans until age 26. I had in my head that over 2 million young adults were added to their parents plans since that provision was rolled out, but a quick google search pulls up 3.1m from a more recent article. Lots of young adults will be dealing with the premium/penalty decision, but not all.
Larry Summers was very instrumental in the Obama admin the first 2 years.

If there's one thing I've learned about Obama, it's that he's very loyal to the people around him (which is why he will be very loyal to Hillary). I hope he's not so loyal as to nominate Sanders over Yellen, but I can understand why he is peeved at how the media is responding to the idea that Summers is in contention.

Ezra Klein had an interesting article up in defense of Summers: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2013/07/31/the-case-for-larry-summers/

I think some of it is a bit far-fetched, though. But it's interesting to see that Brad DeLong endorsed Summers.

J.D. Miles ‏@jdmiles11 1h
#BREAKING George #Zimmerman pulled over for speeding in North Texas. He was armed. See exclusive video later on #CBS11 News



No Scrubs


Really? He didn't learn his lesson about carrying guns around all willy-nilly the first time? You'd think after shooting someone and going through a long and public trial he'd have thought "You know, maybe this thing was more trouble than it's worth? Maybe if I just make better decisions I wouldn't even need it."
LMAO, GOP House fails again

With support collapsing, a $44.1 billion transportation and housing bill was pulled abruptly from the House floor Wednesday, and top Republicans conceded it was a further sign that the party’s budget strategy is unraveling.

Putting the best face on the situation, Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s office said that the House will return to the bill after the August recess. But House Appropriations Committee Chairman Hal Rogers bluntly said the chances of resurrecting the measure are “bleak at best.”

“With this action, the House has declined to proceed on the implementation of the very budget it adopted three months ago,” said the Kentucky Republican. “Thus I believe that the House has made its choice: sequestration — and its unrealistic and ill-conceived discretionary cuts — must be brought to an end."

So-called ‘Tuesday Group” Republican moderates were among those most upset with the level of cuts debated. And while $350 million had been restored Tuesday night to soften the reductions from popular community development block grants, the combination of these defections plus a predictable bloc of conservatives who oppose most appropriations bills was fatal.

The decision came even as the House Appropriations Committee was locked in a bruising partisan markup on a $24.3 billion natural resources bill that also demands deep reductions to meet the GOP’s targets. And the panel has all but abandoned any chance of reporting its nearly $122 billion labor, health and education bill before the August recess.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2013/07/thud-bill-pulled-from-house-floor-94992.html#ixzz2aejbjOyp

They can't do anything of note at all.

If Summers is considered the more aggressive regulator, we're in deep trouble. That is by far the Fed's most critical role in the economy. And the pitch about his knowledge of how to handle crises being premised on his role in the administration during the latest financial crisis is a little rich. According to reports, he concealed Christina's Romer's best estimate of the necessary fiscal stimulus from the president. The Fed doesn't have anything to do with fiscal policy, but I don't know why they are pushing this as a selling point.
I had to pay $1100 to get mine removed. Insurance would have covered... If they were compacted. Since mine needed to come out for cavities the insurance company basically said fuck you
And this is the problem with non goverment healthcare. Its not just price, but sleaziness.
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