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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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Unreal. Does she really want to start chewing tobacco? Probably not. BUT IT MAY PISS OFF LIBERALS SO I'M GONNA DO THIS!

If you are ever doing anything just to piss off your opposition, you really need to question what the fuck you are doing. I mean look . . . I realize that Plan B to 15 years probably pisses off conservatives . . . but that is NOT why I support it. I support it because I don't want some 15 year old girl to end up pregnant and get an abortion (or not get abortion and be a teen-age mom when she is not ready for it).
Liberals keep getting butthurt over everything she says/does so clearly it's working. She is completely irrelevant, I don't care. She exists to troll liberals and establishment republicans.
Liberals keep getting butthurt over everything she says/does so clearly it's working. She is completely irrelevant, I don't care. She exists to troll liberals and establishment republicans.

She's not even close to a troll.

That would be Ann Coulter.

You have to not believe the shit your spewing to be a troll.
She's not even close to a troll.

That would be Ann Coulter.

You have to not believe the shit your spewing to be a troll.
She pretends to be super religious when she isn't. She hates on elitists while surrounding herself with them, and taking their money. She advertises herself as a fighter against cronyism while building the bridge to nowhere. She concern trolls about bans while calling for various bans/restrictions.

That's the definition of not believing the shit you spew.

Moving or using large quantities of chemical weapons would cross a “red line” and “change my calculus,” the president declared in response to a question at a news conference, to the surprise of some of the advisers who had attended the weekend meetings and wondered where the “red line” came from. With such an evocative phrase, the president had defined his policy in a way some advisers wish they could take back.

“The idea was to put a chill into the Assad regime without actually trapping the president into any predetermined action,” said one senior official, who, like others, discussed the internal debate on the condition of anonymity. But “what the president said in August was unscripted,” another official said. Mr. Obama was thinking of a chemical attack that would cause mass fatalities, not relatively small-scale episodes like those now being investigated, except the “nuance got completely dropped.”

The advisers reviewed an array of pre-emptive military options and quickly discounted them as impractical. The evidence was not strong enough to warrant a pre-emptive strike, they concluded, and military officers said the best they could do with airstrikes or commando operations would be to limit the use of chemical weapons already deployed.

Mr. Obama’s advisers also raised legal issues. “How can we attack another country unless it’s in self-defense and with no Security Council resolution?” another official said, referring to United Nations authorization. “If he drops sarin on his own people, what’s that got to do with us?”



I don't see what is wrong with the the red line comment obama made. He is not obligated to go to war with anyone even if his red line is crossed, after all he can change his mind. In my opinion his red line comment was just a way of trying to stop or delay any potential use of chemical weapons by the syrian government. They may have crossed it but he is not obligated to send troops in the region just because. Dictator governments could care less what the president of the united states has to say, they will use whatever they want to use whether they are threatened or not.
Wow. A CiC that actually thinks things through and sees how needlessly complex things are in the ME instead of just blindly attacking.

Yep, we dodged a massive bullet with McCain. We'd be at war with the entire region by now.
Agreed, thank god. I hate the fact that he used the term red line just because it makes the WH look "weak" but ultimately as long as we stay away I'm fine. This is such an obvious trap, with McCain and others just foaming at the mouth to jump in.
Liberals keep getting butthurt over everything she says/does so clearly it's working. She is completely irrelevant, I don't care. She exists to troll liberals and establishment republicans.
Not butthurt at all. I hope she keeps it up. What she does is so transparently pathetic that everyone except the hardcore base can see that she is a clown. She's harming the GOP far more than she is helping it right now.
With all the bullshit about gun control and Obama being so fucking hated I've come to a conclusion:

America wasn't REALLY ready for a Black President.

It's all too clear now.
With all the bullshit about gun control and Obama being so fucking hated I've come to a conclusion:

America wasn't REALLY ready for a Black President.

It's all too clear now.

has little to do with Obama being black, and more to do with the GOP being marginalized after a disastrous Bush presidency, panicking, and doubling down on going after the far right. Hillary wouldn't be in any better shape if she had won, the GOP still would have embraced hard line obstructionism.

User 406

America was ready for a black president because we elected one.

Racists were not ready for a black president.

They can suck it.

The bill says that any research done using federal funds (which is the majority of research done in the United States) must have its results and finding approved by the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate and the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology of the House of Representatives. If the findings are not agreed to, the research is taken from the researchers and disposed of by Congress as it sees fit.

What the fuck. I'm gonna have to read the bill. That summary is amazing Orwellian. If we don't like the results then into the memory hole they go!

Edit: Wait a minute here. Before we get outraged, we need more info. The link provided by that article to a bill draft does NOT do what the paragraph says.



outspoken moderate fiscal liberal (pretty centrist except on taxes which I think should be higher and military spending which I think needs to be cut a shitton), extremely social liberal here who thinks that my girlfriend and I should be able to have as much premarital sex as we want

how's everyone's day

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
outspoken moderate fiscal liberal (pretty centrist except on taxes which I think should be higher and military spending which I think needs to be cut a shitton), extremely social liberal here who thinks that my girlfriend and I should be able to have as much premarital sex as we want

how's everyone's day

You'll fit right in!
outspoken moderate fiscal liberal (pretty centrist except on taxes which I think should be higher and military spending which I think needs to be cut a shitton), extremely social liberal here who thinks that my girlfriend and I should be able to have as much premarital sex as we want

how's everyone's day
As long as we don't have to pay for your birth control.

That should be free!
outspoken moderate fiscal liberal (pretty centrist except on taxes which I think should be higher and military spending which I think needs to be cut a shitton), extremely social liberal here who thinks that my girlfriend and I should be able to have as much premarital sex as we want

how's everyone's day

It's not against the law to have premarital sex... unless your girlfriend is 15?

Also, welcome.


Setec Astronomer
Yep, it's basically saying "we want more practical research," and requires the National Science Board to report back in a year on how they're doing with that. The rest seems to be fear-mongering.

This still makes me a bit uncomfortable, but it's not so much Orwell as people are painting it.
Still really dumb. Reducing basic research is horribly short-sighted policy, and public funding is best for basic research because you don't have to turn a quarterly profit on it.
Sanford leads Colbert-Busch 47/46 in SC-1 in last PPP poll. Pelosi approval at 24/61

I guess debating a cardboard cutout of Pelosi worked out for Sanford in the end
Ahh makes sense. Still good news for Colbert-Busch I think. A Dem in a near tie in a statewide race in South Carolina? I wouldn't bet against her. This one will be close I think. It'll come down to turnout.

Well good news overall, maybe, but bad news compared to the last poll which had her up by 9. Both are a good showing in a R+11 district, but the DNC/DCCC have spent far more money on this race than the RNC/NRCCC has (the latter having basically dropped all support from Sanford) so a loss will definitely hurt the Dems more. It'll definitely come down to turnout, like all special elections. Nationalizing the election may have raised a lot of money for Colbert-Busch, but I think it also hurts her because the Democratic Party is not poplar in SC-1

I've always been more interested in the MO-8 special election because I think the race is winnable long-term (I think Colbert-Busch, if she wins, is a half term rep). The Democrat running is pretty conservative - pro-life and pro-gun - but he would have a good shot in the district (Governor Nixon carried the district and I think McCaskill did as well, plus AG Koster) running as a conservative. It's hard to get people in liberal areas excited about him though


No Scrubs
It's HORRIBLE! Never going to use that shit again.

Lemme guess, used on some tender bits? There's always someone that does, like that guy who posted about not using it on balls a page or two back.

Well good news overall, maybe, but bad news compared to the last poll which had her up by 9. Both are a good showing in a R+11 district, but the DNC/DCCC have spent far more money on this race than the RNC/NRCCC has (the latter having basically dropped all support from Sanford) so a loss will definitely hurt the Dems more. It'll definitely come down to turnout, like all special elections. Nationalizing the election may have raised a lot of money for Colbert-Busch, but I think it also hurts her because the Democratic Party is not poplar in SC-1

I've always been more interested in the MO-8 special election because I think the race is winnable long-term (I think Colbert-Busch, if she wins, is a half term rep). The Democrat running is pretty conservative - pro-life and pro-gun - but he would have a good shot in the district (Governor Nixon carried the district and I think McCaskill did as well, plus AG Koster) running as a conservative. It's hard to get people in liberal areas excited about him though

That race was always going to tighten, it's South Carolina after all. No one saw that as an easy win, I'd still put some money on her pulling it out but I'd also bet it'll be so close there's going to be a recount.


The Autumn Wind
These guys are seriously disney-villain levels of evil at this point. They're so goddamn brazen about the fact that they exploit corruption!

"The outside political efforts last year by Republican-leaning groups are widely regarded as a failure," said one GOP operative. "Trotting out the same old groups and strategies will not be received well by donors. That's why you see major rebranding efforts."
Yeah, they're doing a bang-up job with that so far.
Cross posting from the AK47 thread
Looks like the guy might have taken a class or at least thought about it from the guy who said he was going to have to start killing people if obama pass any gun laws.



Some of the books he was reading





Dude was a right-wing terrorist. But we're not going to hear about that in the Gun debate. Just a "crazy nutball".

How was he able to attain an AK?
Also you wanna know why the Koch bros want those newspapers?
‏@rupertmurdoch 4m
Nielsen survey for US included all media. Showed huge engagement tv and social, but national newspapers top for public trust..


That girl in the bunny hat
CHEEZMO™;56933318 said:
Well shit. One plan down.

Thanks for taking the bullet, gals.

To be fair, my hair is like aggressively thick.

Also, I've (effectively) worked for Hearst the last two years, and if the people in charge of the newspapers themselves are much like the other people I've encountered, I certainly would not trust them terribly far.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Sounds ok as long as it remains an option, but yeah, I see the point by opponents in that businesses will abuse it.

Half pay with PTO would be ideal... I could see companies using this to get rid of Vacation time.

So, I see two options for the bill, require a minimum amount of vacation over x number of hours (for instance, 30). or Half Pay with PTO.
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