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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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So that Ferguson apologize, but man, what a shitty apology -

I had been asked to comment on Keynes’s famous observation “In the long run we are all dead.” The point I had made in my presentation was that in the long run our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren are alive, and will have to deal with the consequences of our economic actions.

I honestly can't tell anymore if he's retarded or just playing stupid.
In case you're wondering, that's an amazing misrepresentation (or misunderstanding) of what Keynes was saying.

C'mon crazy eyes. It seems like Biden is better at negotiating with Congress with Obama, by virtue of being fully aware they hate him from the outset.

It's more that Biden has been in Congress for forty years, has built relationships, and knows how to work with Congress

You can see this in the various budget deals over the course of Obama's term, especially the fiscal cliff deal earlier this year. Biden was integral in making those deals work (and a lot of this is because the GOP hates Obama, but Biden's experience does play a large role as well)


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Polls this far out mean diddly dick. I'm sure Romney was performing worse. 3 years is an eternity in politics.

Yup. Romney couldn't ever get above 20% for the entirety of the primaries, and yet even he got up to 47%.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
So that Ferguson apologize, but man, what a shitty apology -

I honestly can't tell anymore if he's retarded or just playing stupid.
In case you're wondering, that's an amazing misrepresentation (or misunderstanding) of what Keynes was saying.

Shitty apology. You don't make a connection to homosexuality for someone's economic philosophy by accident.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
By the way, you know what kinda sucks?

While the jobs numbers are pretty darn good, this really will enforce the Righties' argument that cutting spending creates jobs.

Though simultaneously, liberals could argue that high taxes on the rich haven't caused them to move to China or the Soviet Union....yet.

So I guess there's a little something for everybody.
While the jobs numbers are pretty darn good, this really will enforce the Righties' argument that cutting spending creates jobs.

They'd still be wrong. That reductions in net government spending are a drag on economic activity in any economy that is not already at full productive capacity is indisputable.
While the jobs numbers are pretty darn good, this really will enforce the Righties' argument that cutting spending creates jobs.

How? Look at europe cutting hurts the job numbers.

They'd still be wrong. That reductions in net government spending are a drag on economic activity in any economy that is not already at full productive capacity is indisputable.

This is what I don't understand about crowing out? How can you crowd something out when its not at full capacity? I can understand that the government getting into something that at full productivity will force private enterprise out but when there are construction works out of work hiring them won't hurt any private enterprises unless you undercut them with price.
Gun owners should store a gun in their kids’ room, according to a ‘Home Defense Concepts’ seminar offered at the National Rifle Association’s Annual Meeting, comments that came just days after the fatal shooting of a two-year-old at the hands of her five-year-old brother.

The course was taught by Rob Pincus, who owns the popular firearm instruction company I.C.E. Training. Pincus argued that, in the event of a home invasion, parents would instinctually run to their children’s room anyway, they might as well have a gun stored there to kill two birds with one stone:

PINCUS: How about putting a quick-access safe in your kids’ room? [...] Good idea or bad idea? We have an emotional pushback to that. Here’s my position on this. If you’re worried that your kid is going to try to break into the safe that is in their bedroom with a gun in it, you have bigger problems than home defense. [Laughter]

If you think that the kid who’s going to try to break into the safe because it’s in their room isn’t sneaking into your room to try to break into stuff, you’re naive and you have bigger problems than this. So let’s settle that issue and think about it. In the middle of the night, if I’m in the bathroom or getting a glass of water or in the bedroom or watching TV in the living room, if that alarm goes off and the glass breaks and the dog starts barking, what’s the instinct that most people are going to have, in regards to, “am I going to run across the house to get the gun, or am I going to run over here to help the screaming kid?” And if I’m going to go to the kid anyway, and I have an extra gun and an extra safe, why not put it in their closet?



These people are batshit fucking insane!


These people are batshit fucking insane!

you know what, I'm sick and tired of the fear mongering about home invasions

I hate the castle doctrine, I'm sorry the only time you should be able to kill someone in self-defense is if they are pointing a gun at you or threatening you to a reasonable degree.

Someone robbing your house should not give you carte blanche to kill someone, stealing your property does not deserve death. This is not to say people shouldn't be able to have guns in if they pass regulations but the onus should be on them to prove they were threatened not just, he was in my house so I shot.

So many people walk away for murder because it happened in their house.


These people are batshit fucking insane!

The paranoia is off the chart. For most of these people, they are probably just as likely to be struck by lightning than to have a home invasion happen. The chance of the gun being involved in an accident or a suicide is far FAR greater than being used in the imagined heroic home defense.

But that is statistics and empiricism. Gotta go with your "gut".


if kids can't fight the tyrants, then do we really love our kids? Why don't we love them enough to trust them to protect themselves when the time comes?

You guys are ridiculous!

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker traveled to Washington, D.C., earlier this week for America’s Small Business Summit, an annual event hosted by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

There, Walker appeared on a special panel titled “How to Lead Enterprising States,” joining with the governors of Maine and Pennsylvania.

“I participated in a good discussion about what we’ve done, and what we can continue to do, to help small businesses grow and thrive,” Walker said in summing up the trip for his weekly radio address.

Unfortunately, the U.S. Chamber, in a report released at the event, didn’t share Walker’s enthusiasm.

Its annual scorecard on state economies ranked Wisconsin 44th for overall economic performance and 50th — as in dead last — for short-term job growth as measured between September 2010 and November 2012. It also has Wisconsin 39th in “business climate” — on par with the state’s ranking under Gov. Jim Doyle.
What a bang up job!


House gives quick preliminary approval to several gun bills

Senate Bill 864 by Sen. Donna Campbell, R-New Braunfels, as approved by senators would reduce the number of hours of classroom instruction needed for a permit from the current 10 to 15 to six. The House version by Rep. Dan Flynn, R-Canton, would change that to four to six hours. After a final House vote, it will return to the Senate for consideration of House changes.

Texas lawmaker’s bill cuts concealed gun training hours and ‘proficiency’ requirements

“You spend a lot of time taking breaks, you spend a lot of time hearing stories,” he explained. “A lot of people who want to get their license, they have to take a day off of work or they have to take a whole Saturday to go do this, when four hours, range time, you can do the same thing and it accomplishes it.”

Oh no! A whole Saturday!


Texas lawmaker’s bill cuts concealed gun training hours and ‘proficiency’ requirements

Oh no! A whole Saturday!

lol you usually have to pass a written test, take a six hour education course, and pass the driver's test just to get your driver's license. If a dude wants to hide a gun in their pants then they should at least spend a saturday or two in training just for the safety of the public.
And didn't he hold a special session on job creation?

The one where they then tried to pass some abortion or birth control stuff?
Well yeah, those are jobs bills. Forcing those lazy moochers to have kids will motivate them to work crappy jobs!

I also think it's funny he came there with LePage and Corbett. Maine's unemployment rate is lower than Wisconsin's by a smidge, but it's still shedding jobs, and then you've got Corbett accusing every unemployed person of being a drug addict because his state's in shambles and it's become too much of a liability. They should have invited Mark Dayton, Minnesota's doing great.

Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli II has an early lead over businessman Terry McAuliffe in their race for governor, a new Washington Post poll shows, even as most voters in the commonwealth have yet to engage in the nationally watched contest.

Six months before Election Day, Cuccinelli (R) has a slender 46 to 41 percent edge over McAuliffe (D) among all Virginia voters and a significant 51 to 41 percent lead among those who say they’re certain to cast ballots in November. But those numbers may change before then: The poll found that barely 10 percent say they are following the campaign “very closely” and that nearly half of the electorate says they’re either undecided or could change their minds.

There is also broad uncertainty about Cuccinelli — 52 percent of voters say they know little about his qualifications — but the public continues to give a more positive than negative assessment of his work as attorney general. About 54 percent of voters say that he has “high personal moral and ethical standards,” about triple the number saying that he does not.

House gives quick preliminary approval to several gun bills

Texas lawmaker’s bill cuts concealed gun training hours and ‘proficiency’ requirements

Oh no! A whole Saturday!

This is so fucked up. It is like that thread about Conservatives being less likely to buy efficient light bulbs if they are labeled as good for the environment.

What . . . 26 people were gunned down in a school . . . mostly 6 year old kids? And now liberals want more background checks? . . . . Well . . . THEN WE ARE GOING TO MAKE IT EASIER TO BUY GUNS! THAT WILL SHOW THOSE WEENIE DO-GOODER LIBERALS!

Weird. It is pathological. Was anyone complaining about the way things were as is? Was this some pressing need? No . . . this was spite legislation. Bizzare.
This is so fucked up. It is like that thread about Conservatives being less likely to buy efficient light bulbs if they are labeled as good for the environment.

What . . . 26 people were gunned down in a school . . . mostly 6 year old kids? And now liberals want more background checks? . . . . Well . . . THEN WE ARE GOING TO MAKE IT EASIER TO BUY GUNS! THAT WILL SHOW THOSE WEENIE DO-GOODER LIBERALS!

Weird. It is pathological. Was anyone complaining about the way things were as is? Was this some pressing need? No . . . this was spite legislation. Bizzare.
Michelle Obama: "People should eat healthier"

Michelle Obama: "People should eat healthier"




Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, who once sipped on a Big Gulp during a speech to tweak soda-averse New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, delighted the NRA crowd when she threatened to open a can of chewing tobacco to protest Bloomberg’s attempts to limit cigarette displays in stores.

Unreal. Does she really want to start chewing tobacco? Probably not. BUT IT MAY PISS OFF LIBERALS SO I'M GONNA DO THIS!

If you are ever doing anything just to piss off your opposition, you really need to question what the fuck you are doing. I mean look . . . I realize that Plan B to 15 years probably pisses off conservatives . . . but that is NOT why I support it. I support it because I don't want some 15 year old girl to end up pregnant and get an abortion (or not get abortion and be a teen-age mom when she is not ready for it).
Unreal. Does she really want to start chewing tobacco? Probably not. BUT IT MAY PISS OFF LIBERALS SO I'M GONNA DO THIS!

If you are ever doing anything just to piss off your opposition, you really need to question what the fuck you are doing. I mean look . . . I realize that Plan B to 15 years probably pisses off conservatives . . . but that is NOT why I support it. I support it because I don't want some 15 year old girl to end up pregnant and get an abortion (or not get abortion and be a teen-age mom when she is not ready for it).
Liberals should start pushing for stronger legislation against suicide and see how conservatives react to it.
Liberals should start pushing for stronger legislation against suicide and see how conservatives react to it.

Obviously it would be going against freedomz and personal liberties. Goddamnit if someone wants to kill themselves in the most gruesome way possible, they should be fuckin able to! *slips big gulp, takes long drag of cigarette*
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