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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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And I still don't understand why I'm supposed to be mad at the IRS. If you label your "non-political" organization with "Tea Party," you deserve extra scrutiny. They should be giving extra scrutiny for groups that are clearly liberal political organizations as well (and as far as I know, they were, it's just that the Tea Party groups are the ones who decided to make a big fuss about it). I agree with the person earlier who said the real scandal here is that all of these clearly political organizations were even able to qualify in the end. And the fact that this has been turned into a huge scandal will just scare the IRS away from doing their job (which is probably exactly what the people who turned this into a scandal wanted).

They did give liberal groups some scrutiny, but they also did release the fact that they had specific targeting criteria that was geared towards Tea Party groups but not liberal groups. And keep in mind it's not being a 'political' organization that precludes you from getting tax-exempt status, it's giving 50+% of your budget to campaigns. So some of these tea party groups can legally be tax-exempt.

Of course, they stopped this one-sided criteria and fired people for it long before it was a scandal. It makes no sense that it's a scandal-the IRS made a mistake and handled it internally. But we all know how messed up the right has become.
What's wrong with this claim?



No Scrubs
They did give liberal groups some scrutiny, but they also did release the fact that they had specific targeting criteria that was geared towards Tea Party groups but not liberal groups. And keep in mind it's not being a 'political' organization that precludes you from getting tax-exempt status, it's giving 50+% of your budget to campaigns. So some of these tea party groups can legally be tax-exempt.

Of course, they stopped this one-sided criteria and fired people for it long before it was a scandal. It makes no sense that it's a scandal-the IRS made a mistake and handled it internally. But we all know how messed up the right has become.

That's the thing, they found a problem and fixed it before anyone even found out. That's why no one really gives a fuck, they fixed it so there's nothing to be outraged over anymore.


Setec Astronomer
What's wrong with this claim?


It ignores the smaller gap between 1980 and 2010 than between 1967 and 1980, and takes much of the total growth from when there actually was real wage growth in the lower brackets. I'd actually find the omission of 1990 suspicious in this case.

In other words, Reagan sucked.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Now let's show the increase for the richest fifth.

This. The economy has grown far more then that income has grown proportionally. And sure, it doesn't need to be a perfect match. But the cost of everything is going up, especially healthcare and education.


They did give liberal groups some scrutiny, but they also did release the fact that they had specific targeting criteria that was geared towards Tea Party groups but not liberal groups. And keep in mind it's not being a 'political' organization that precludes you from getting tax-exempt status, it's giving 50+% of your budget to campaigns. So some of these tea party groups can legally be tax-exempt.

Of course, they stopped this one-sided criteria and fired people for it long before it was a scandal. It makes no sense that it's a scandal-the IRS made a mistake and handled it internally. But we all know how messed up the right has become.

That part is wrong, but in my opinion the solution is to create more targeting criteria geared towards liberal groups as well, rather than just give up on trying to weed out groups attempting to exploit the tax system.

Maybe every one of those Tea Party groups legitimately deserves the tax exempt status, but I do think it's fair to look into a group a little more if their title is overtly political when politics are not supposed to be their primary function, regardless of what their politics are.

User 406

Am I the only one who'd be okay if they impeached Obama? Seriously, Uncle Joe in charge for a couple of years? Wouldn't that be great?

And then he could run again:)

I'm against it for one simple reason. I don't want the racists in this country to ever have a moment of joy in their lives again. I want them to choke down every last second of two-term Black President.

Joe would be a great President for sure. Wish there was some way to get both him and Hillary in there for four terms before they're both too old.


The real scandal, the elephant in the room, is that there is a legal mechanism in which political organisation can contribute to electoral campaigns and yet don't have to disclose their donors.


The real scandal, the elephant in the room, is that there is a legal mechanism in which political organisation can contribute to electoral campaigns and yet don't have to disclose their donors.

There's this too. It would be nice if the media took the time to talk about that aspect of this "scandal," but I guess it doesn't fit into their "White House under siege" narrative so it's not worth reporting on.


Boehner is sane, so he won't go along with impeachment, right? He was there when it happen to Clinton and saw how it backfired.
It seems some establishment Republicans are already attempting to neutralize the more fervid elements of the party. So unless some damning evidence is revealed, they'll simply upbraid the Administration through House committee hearings and the media. Of course, these are Republicans. So they'll probably impeach him.
Occlude, really? Is "block" somehow too imprecise a word? Or hell, "filibuster." That would be the most accurate of all.
Hm, yes. Occlude. I find it resonates beautifully, whereas block does not. Block is ugly, yet perfectly cromulent. I frequently use it when discussing football or basketball. And filibuster could be potentially inaccurate. I envision Republicans placing individual holds on the nominees to circumvent Reid's threat, as Graham placed on Obama's recently confirmed Secretary of Energy, yet it could still trigger procedural reform from the Democrats. Who am I kidding? Nothing will trigger procedural reform.
Gotta love Fox propaganda. The best part is them just showing three random data points, and not the overall trend. Gee, I wonder why that is?


Source: Mother Jones - It's the Inequality, Stupid (Eleven charts that explain what's wrong with America)
I love Fox's blatant manipulation of data. It's laughably transparent, yet terribly effective. Unless you're a bona fide scientician, that is.



No Scrubs
Based on my calculations, there's an 81% probability it's real and a 53% probability it's fake (see for more examples).

I know it's real...but part of me wants to think they feel shame for doing things like this. I wouldn't be able to sleep at night, shit when I spell check a quote I've been given I feel bad for days. I can't imagine these people sleeping comfortably at night.
The tornado damage near Oklahoma City is still being assessed and the death toll is expected to rise, but already Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., says he will insist that any federal disaster aid be paid for with cuts elsewhere.

CQ Roll Call reporter Jennifer Scholtes wrote for CQ.com Monday evening that Coburn said he would “absolutely” demand offsets for any federal aid that Congress provides.

Coburn added, Scholtes wrote, that it is too early to guess at a damage toll but that he knows for certain he will fight to make sure disaster funding that the federal government contributes is paid for. It’s a position he has taken repeatedly during his career when Congress debates emergency funding for disaster aid.

Oh how I hope he and other republicans foolishly vote against aid and pay the price for it.


Setec Astronomer
Gotta love Fox propaganda. The best part is them just showing three random data points, and not the overall trend. Gee, I wonder why that is?
Probably because 1980 allowed them to show a progression across the full range rather than part of it.


Unconfirmed Member
The more I look at it, the More convinced I am that the "Scandalpalooza" might be good for turning one of the worst elements of the obama administration into an actual scandal.

That is, the crackdowns on whistleblowers. Without 2 BS scandals (well, one BS scandal and one scandal that has nothing to do with Obama), this would be another technical fight. Instead, people actually care about this now.

Hopefully the pendulum doesn't swing the other way, as the AP/Foxnewsstuff is all legal. Actual Illegal things are generally worse scandals, so I have a feeling republicans will harp on everything but the AP/Fox news scandals.

I think getting into the AP/Fox News thing would probably raise the question of "why is this stuff even legal?" with the answer of that question being Bush and the republicans.

It really is annoying that they let so much truly outrageous stuff by while intensely focusing on random other stuff that barely even matters.
That's unfair. Any aid should just be offset by an equal reduction in federal spending!

To Oklahoma! It makes perfect sense. We can either:

Levy a tax on Oklahoma in the amount of $X millions and then transfer $X millions to Oklahoma. Or, we can transfer $X millions to Oklahoma and then cut spending to Oklahoma by $X millions.

They will be so appreciative of this federal aid in their time of need.


To Oklahoma! It makes perfect sense. We can either:

Levy a tax on Oklahoma in the amount of $X millions and then transfer $X millions to Oklahoma. Or, we can transfer $X millions to Oklahoma and then cut spending to Oklahoma by $X millions.

They will be so appreciative of this federal aid in their time of need.

Why are you asking for the Government to get involved? This should be left up to the private sector.


Ugh. Is it 2010 again? This just came up on my FB feed. Time to get out the fact-checking hammer:

ObamaCare allows the establishment of Dhimmitude and Sharia Muslim diktat in the United States . Muslims are specifically exempted from the government mandate to purchase insurance, and also from the penalty tax for being uninsured. Islam considers insurance to be "gambling", "risk-taking", and "usury" and is thus banned. Muslims are specifically granted exemption based on this.

"How convenient. So I, as a Christian, will have crippling IRS liens placed against all of my assets, including real estate, cattle, and even accounts receivable, and will face hard prison time because I refuse to buy insurance or pay the penalty tax. Meanwhile, Louis Farrakhan will have no such penalty and will have 100% of his health insurance needs paid for by the de facto government insurance. Non-Muslims will be paying a tax to subsidize Muslims. This is Dhimmitude."

Dhimmitude is the Muslim system of controlling non-Muslim populations conquered through jihad (Holy War). Specifically, it is the TAXING of non-Muslims in exchange for tolerating their presence AND as a coercive means of converting conquered remnants to Islam.

The worst part is this was debunked by factcheck, snopes, et al back in 2010. What kind of state of mind do you have to be in to get this in 2013 and believe it?


Ugh. Is it 2010 again? This just came up on my FB feed. Time to get out the fact-checking hammer:

The worst part is this was debunked by factcheck, snopes, et al back in 2010. What kind of state of mind do you have to be in to get this in 2013 and believe it?

Mess with your friend and ask him why he doesn't believe in religious freedom.
To be fair couldn't this be due to more people getting divorced thus more single headed households? In other words what is median personal income over that time period?

No. It's about the distribution of income gains. Consider that GDP is basically the sum of income for a nation. At year 1, GDP is X. At year 2, GDP is X + Y. Y is the gain in total income for the year. Now what we're looking at is the distribution of Y accumulated over the course of several years. You get this:


So the bottom quintile does go up. But unless you're in the most oppressive totalitarian regime imaginable, it can only go up over 40+ years. The question isn't whether it goes up, it's whether it goes up equitably. And clearly it doesn't. If you can imagine, that bottom quintile actually was higher than the top 1% quintile during the 1940's to 1960's.
No. It's about the distribution of income gains. Consider that GDP is basically the sum of income for a nation. At year 1, GDP is X. At year 2, GDP is X + Y. Y is the gain in total income for the year. Now what we're looking at is the distribution of Y accumulated over the course of several years. You get this:


So the bottom quarter does go up. But unless you're in the most oppressive totalitarian regime imaginable, it can only go up over 40+ years. The question isn't whether it goes up, it's whether it goes up equitably. And clearly it doesn't. If you can imagine, that bottom quintile actually was higher than the top 1% quintile during the 1940's to 1960's.

But why exactly should the poorest go up? I agree with what was said a lot in this thread.

If someone can live comfortably if they just cut their beer money or DirecTV then why should income go to them? Why should we give the bottom more money if they have clothes on their backs and food on their stomachs? They have to work to rise up.
But why exactly should the poorest go up? I agree with what was said a lot in this thread.

If someone can live comfortably if they just cut their beer money or DirecTV then why should income go to them? Why should we give the bottom more money if they have clothes on their backs and food on their stomachs? They have to work to rise up.

They do work, dummy. Much more than the top 1%, too. By definition we're talking about income earners.
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