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PoliGAF 2013 |OT3| 1,000 Years of Darkness and Nuclear Fallout

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For old time's sake - Max Baucus: "I'm such a shitty senator" (The Onion)

I've been "serving" the great state of Montana in the U.S. Senate since 1978. You'll notice I put "serving" in quotes, because, let's face it, I suck. My wife has been pleading with me not to say this publicly, insisting that it's not true, that I'm a capable and dedicated public servant, blah, blah, blah. Bless her dear heart, but she's just being nice. Because, folks, I am telling you, I am hands-down the shittiest senator in the history of the Senate. The worst.

The other day, I was in my office, thumbing through some old pieces of legislation I'd either authored or co-sponsored. The whole time, I was thinking, "Christ, what a hack I am." Take my 1993 masterwork, S.915, the Semiconductor Investment Act. Section 2a of the bill states, "IN GENERAL–Section 168(e)(3)(A) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (relating to three-year property) is amended by striking 'and' at the end of clause (i), by striking the period at the end of clause (ii), and by inserting at the end the following: '(iii) any semiconductor manufacturing equipment.'"

What the hell is that shit? As I recall, it had something to do with semiconductor manufacturing equipment. But you'd never know, what with the way I buried its meaning under a tidal wave of I-know-all-the-fancy-schmancy-bill-writing lingo. I was trying to look like Mr. Big Shot, but little did I know what a conceited ass I came off as. When the bill was pitched, Sen. Bob Packwood (R-OR) was nice enough to say some introductory words of support on the floor. But now I think he was just embarrassed for me and wanted to help a fellow senator save face, however little I deserved it. I forget what happened to that bill. Hopefully, it died without ever coming to a vote.

There's a huge stack of old bills in my office, each containing tons of that sort of hackwork. I'm tempted to burn down the entire Hart Office Building and cleanse the planet of every physical trace of my senatorial presence. But, no, that wouldn't do any good, because every facet, every aspect of my incredible suckiness is piledriven into the memories of those I so ineptly represent.

God. God. I am so, so, so sorry, folks.
Well said. See ya later you useless fuck.

Incumbency is a powerful thing.

What clause were the republicans thinking of to fuck elections with? I've gone over it(just now) to see anything they could is but I couldn't think of anythig
There's something in the Constitution that lets the legislature challenge election results if they think something shady went down, and they could have basically overturned the election.


Sidhe / PikPok
Romney is actually pretty funny, it's a shame he wasn't able to just be himself while campaigning.

Indeed. He had to pretend to be one person during the primaries, and another person during the general. And neither of those two was likely a complete and honest representation of himself.

The same appears to be true of most other US politicians.

Documentary looks interesting. That opening scene alone with the bubble just having burst seems very revealing.
Indeed. He had to pretend to be one person during the primaries, and another person during the general. And neither of those two was likely a complete and honest representation of himself.

The same appears to be true of most other US politicians.

Documentary looks interesting. That opening scene alone with the bubble just having burst seems very revealing.
This is true and very evident when you see them away from cameras. They're people first and foremost.


Senators clash with Justice Department lawyer over CIA intelligence memos (Spencer Ackerman, Guardian)
Caroline Krass, a top justice department lawyer, sparked the ire of several Senate intelligence committee members by claiming that crucial legal opinions about intelligence matters were beyond the scope of the committee.

Asked directly and repeatedly if the Senate panel was entitled to the memos, which several senators claimed were crucial for performing their oversight functions, Krass replied: "I do not think so, as a general matter."
The Senate intelligence committee, whose public hearings are increasingly rare, is usually a bastion of support for the CIA and its sister intelligence agencies. The exception is the committee's prolonged fight with the CIA over a 6,300-page report on the agency's torture of terrorism detainees in its custody since 9/11.

The committee has prepared its report for years; the former chairman, Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia, said the classified version contains 50,000 footnotes. For a year, the panel has sought to release a public version that multiple members of the panel say documents both the brutality of CIA torture and what they have called "lies" told by the CIA to the oversight committees in Congress and the rest of the executive branch concerning its torture practices.

CIA director John Brennan, who was a senior CIA official during the years scrutinised by the committee, is resisting release of the report. The CIA has told reporters that the report contains numerous factual errors, which Senator Mark Udall, a Colorado Democrat on the panel, said on Tuesday was a "misleading" and self-serving description of differences of "interpretation" between the agency and the committee. "I'm more confident than ever in the factual accuracy" of the torture report, Udall said.

Not sure if I want to laugh or cringe.
The Senate intelligence committee, whose public hearings are increasingly rare, is usually a bastion of support for the CIA and its sister intelligence agencies. The exception is the committee's prolonged fight with the CIA over a 6,300-page report on the agency's torture of terrorism detainees in its custody since 9/11.

Somebody needs to leak that. It's absurd for it to be secret.


Top Senate Democrats Break with White House and Circulate New Iran Sanctions Bill (Ali Gharib, FP)
The legislation would broaden the scope of the sanctions already imposed against Iran, expanding the restrictions on Iran's energy sector to include all aspects of its petroleum trade and putting in place measures targeting Iran's shipping and mining sectors. The bill allows Obama to waive the new sanctions during the current talks by certifying every 30 days that Iran is complying with the Geneva deal and negotiating in good faith on a final agreement, as well as meeting other conditions such as not sponsoring or carrying out acts of terrorism against U.S. targets.

In accordance with goals laid out frequently by hard-liners in Congress and the influential lobbying group the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the bill sets tough conditions for a final deal, should one be reached with Iranian negotiators. Among those conditions is a provision that only allows Obama to waive new sanctions, even after a final deal has been struck, if that deal bars Iran from enriching any new uranium whatsoever. The bill states Obama may not waive sanctions unless the United States and its allies "reached a final and verifiable agreement or arrangement with Iran that will ... dismantle Iran's illicit nuclear infrastructure, including enrichment and reprocessing capabilities and facilities." (Congress could also block Obama's waivers by passing a "joint resolution of disapproval" against a final deal.)

The most eye-opening part of the bill is a non-binding provision that states that if Israel takes "military action in legitimate self-defense against Iran's nuclear weapons program," Congress should move to "authorize the use of military force, diplomatic, military, and economic support to the Government of Israel." That language, calling for congressional authorization of American military force, is even stronger than that introduced in February by another Iran hawk, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.). With the support of AIPAC, the Graham resolution, a non-binding bill, was subsequently softened and passed by the Senate in April.

Critics of imposing new sanctions fear that the bill will violate either the spirit or the letter of the Joint Plan of Action signed in Geneva. The interim deal allows some flexibility, mandating that "the U.S. administration, acting consistent with the respective roles of the President and the Congress, will refrain from imposing new nuclear-related sanctions." Administration officials have mounted a so-far successful effort to stall new sanctions in the Senate. (The House overwhelmingly passed new sanctions in the summer.) Previous rumors of a bill in the Senate were said to contain a six-month delay that would prevent the legislation from taking effect while talks continued, but this iteration of the legislation doesn't contain that kind of fail-safe. Asked this month by Time what would happen if a bill, even with a delay, passed Congress, Iran's Foreign Minister Javad Zarif said, "The entire deal is dead."

"And a happy new year... some other year. Let's fight Iran in 2014."


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Even better news. Seems Rep. Jack Kingston solved the problem of child hunger:

On Saturday, Kingston came out against free lunches, saying that children should have to pay at least a nominal amount or do some work like sweeping cafeteria floors.

"But one of the things I’ve talked to the secretary of agriculture about: Why don’t you have the kids pay a dime, pay a nickel to instill in them that there is, in fact, no such thing as a free lunch? Or maybe sweep the floor of the cafeteria -- and yes, I understand that that would be an administrative problem, and I understand that it would probably lose you money. But think what we would gain as a society in getting people -- getting the myth out of their head that there is such a thing as a free lunch," he said.


Seems he's been reading Newt's presidential biography.
Even better news. Seems Rep. Jack Kingston solved the problem of child hunger:


Seems he's been reading Newt's presidential biography.
Michelle Nunn is going to have the easiest campaign ever. No matter which GOPer wins the nomination she can just copy Claire McCaskill or Joe Donnelly's playbooks.

Of course, running as a Democrat in a red state means a solid campaign might not be enough.
Top Senate Democrats Break with White House and Circulate New Iran Sanctions Bill (Ali Gharib, FP)

"And a happy new year... some other year. Let's fight Iran in 2014."

What the fuck is wrong with them, this doesn't serve America's strategic interests, it only serves Israel's hard right extremist's interests. Any deal is going to require that Iran be allowed to enrich uranium to low levels for use in civil nuclear reactors. I can't see how anyone could claim that a country doesn't have the sovereignty for at least that.


What the fuck is wrong with them, this doesn't serve America's strategic interests, it only serves Israel's hard right extremist's interests. Any deal is going to require that Iran be allowed to enrich uranium to low levels for use in civil nuclear reactors. I can't see how anyone could claim that a country doesn't have the sovereignty for at least that.
I don't know. Policy gets fucking loopy when you extract it from the Book of Revelation.
What the fuck is wrong with them, this doesn't serve America's strategic interests, it only serves Israel's hard right extremist's interests. Any deal is going to require that Iran be allowed to enrich uranium to low levels for use in civil nuclear reactors. I can't see how anyone could claim that a country doesn't have the sovereignty for at least that.

Israel pandering knows no bounds, regardless of party. I'll never forget seeing democrats attack Obama for his "1967 lines with land swaps" statement, when Bibi threw a fit. Nevermind that Obama was merely reiterating what has been US policy for decades, members of the president's own party sided with a leader of another country's blatant mus-characterization of his comments. One of the more pathetic things I've seen in politics.

Democrats are going to force Obama to veto this shit, assuming Reid allows a vote.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
It's so obvious he did this due to taking a beating over his recent "we can fix Obamacare comments," which got him crucified on the right. What a pathetic party.

Yup, yup. He might even have to stab a homeless person or two, to show he's truly repentant.

I recall a similar proposal a long time ago.

You mean from Newt Gingrich? The same guy I referenced in that same post? :p


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
You know what this thread really needs? A year end wrap up award ceremony, like the gaming side does.

Who's with me?
But will it have 67 votes in the senate? That seems possible, but I hope to god not.

Hardcore AIPAC stooges like Barbara Boxer will probably go toe to toe with Obama. I think some of the liberal democrat senators are just doing it for a show and will relent, and they will be joined with isolationists like Rand Paul, which is enough to cause a fissure. That's my hope.
So 11 GOP Congressmen are retiring and only 1 Dem?

That would seem to bode well for the Dems They've got to be able to win at least some of those open seats.
So I've been out of the loop. What happened with the budget deal . Did the people stop paying attention and they passed it with no drama ? Can anyone fill me in as to how and why it happened ?

Joe Molotov

You know what this thread really needs? A year end wrap up award ceremony, like the gaming side does.

Who's with me?

Shittiest Congress of the Year: The 113th
Worst President of the Year: Obama
Fattest Governor of the Year: Chris Christie
Best Ted Cruz of the Year: Louie Gohmert
Baddest News of the Year: Kay Hagan
Traitor of the Year: (Tie) Edward Snowden & The Pope
News Story of the Year: Benghazi
Worst Country of the Year: The United States of the America
Best Country of the Year: 'MURICA!


Shittiest Congress of the Year: The 113th
Worst President of the Year: Obama
Fattest Governor of the Year: Chris Christie
Best Ted Cruz of the Year: Louie Gohmert
Baddest News of the Year: Kay Hagan
Traitor of the Year: (Tie) Edward Snowden & The Pope
News Story of the Year: Benghazi
Worst Country of the Year: The United States of the America
Best Country of the Year: 'MURICA!

Shittiest Congress of the Year: The 113th
Worst President of the Year: Obama
Fattest Governor of the Year: Chris Christie
Best Ted Cruz of the Year: Louie Gohmert
Baddest News of the Year: Kay Hagan
Traitor of the Year: (Tie) Edward Snowden & The Pope
News Story of the Year: Benghazi
Worst Country of the Year: The United States of the America
Best Country of the Year: 'MURICA!

I just woke up, read this post in the dark with one hand covering my one eye and am laughing like a crazy man. Thanks.


Ugh at this duck dynasty stuff. Being reminded how many bigots I know.

He was suspended, I guess. Plus there is backlash from HRC and GLAAD.

The Christians are, of course, defending him for "speaking the truth" and "quoting the bible".

Some choice quotes that make me facepalm so hard, my brain shot out the back of my head.

As for the perverted GLAAD spokesperson, what Phil Robertson says is what true Christians believe because it's what God and Jesus say about homosexuality - it's sin and unnatural (Romans 1:26-27), it's an abomination to God (Leviticus 18:22), and homosexual sodomites and lesbians will not inherit the kingdom of heaven (1 Corinthians 6:9-10). This sodomite spokesperson is either completely deceived or he's never read the bible because he's wrong about everything he said! It will be interesting to see how A&E are going to handle this and if they're so PC they're going to cave to the sodomites and lesbians perverts. I hope they don't, but won't be surprised if they do. I love the Robertson families' show because they're not afraid to speak the truth of God's Word. If A&E dumps them, I'm dumping A&E.

The GLAAD spokesman had better check what true Christianity means and not cherry pick Biblical verses either. God's pretty clear on it. Phil is doing them a favor by warning them--ignoring their behavior and pretending it's ok is exactly what the enemy wants.
The irony here is delicious.

If only GLAAD understood how much we do not care what they think. Ever. their hate filled screeching is designed to stop any discussion.

GLAAD is the problem, not the solution. A frog has better conversation and intellectual reasoning than a Christianophobic/reasonophobic hate mopngering lying homosexual member of GLAAD.

It's too much. I can't with the hate by "Christians".
Ugh at this duck dynasty stuff. Being reminded how many bigots I know.

I have the distinct privilege of living in Cleveland so I get to avoid 99% of the people inclined to kneejerk defend Robertson.

(Side note: just got admitted to the MPA program at the John Glenn School of Public Affairs at Ohio State starting next fall, pending funding.)


How many skeletons are in Christie's closet? Will he still be the media's darling once everything comes out?

Probably a poop load. Somewhere mentioned in Game Change 2.0, the Romney guys were vetting Christie for vice president and were pretty worried about some of his past issues. Also, Romney thought he was too fat.
Probably a poop load. Somewhere mentioned in Game Change 2.0, the Romney guys were vetting Christie for vice president and were pretty worried about some of his past issues. Also, Romney thought he was too fat.
They mentioned some ugly shit he may have been involved with alongside his brother, during his AG days. And I honestly believe republicans are digging for the dirt as hard as democrats are. He's probably fucked. Not that he'd win the GOP nomination if he was clean of course.


aka andydumi
Possibly, it's not clear from those quotes (I haven't read the article yet). If they're just talking about retention by communications companies, that's a little less problematic, but still something new for the US. Many European countries mandate that communications data be retained by providers for so many years, but that doesn't exist here (yet). However, those quotes suggest something even more than that to me.

I think it will depend on capabilities for storage. An article i read discussed how they need to develop a unified database or at least format.

I think the biggest thing is the need to get a court order before accessing the info though. That's the real step forward, if taken, regardless of who keeps the data.


They mentioned some ugly shit he may have been involved with alongside his brother, during his AG days. And I honestly believe republicans are digging for the dirt as hard as democrats are. He's probably fucked. Not that he'd win the GOP nomination if he was clean of course.

wasn't he always in some kind of political revenge/payback controversy during his AG days? I find it funny that closing lanes on a bridge is shattering the illusion. Don't fuck with northeasterners and their traffic
You know what this thread really needs? A year end wrap up award ceremony, like the gaming side does.

Who's with me?

pfft I see you trolling the Gamespot GOTY thread

Shittiest Congress of the Year: The 113th
Worst President of the Year: Obama
Fattest Governor of the Year: Chris Christie
Best Ted Cruz of the Year: Louie Gohmert
Baddest News of the Year: Kay Hagan
Traitor of the Year: (Tie) Edward Snowden & The Pope
News Story of the Year: Benghazi
Worst Country of the Year: The United States of the America
Best Country of the Year: 'MURICA!

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