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PoliGAF 2013 |OT3| 1,000 Years of Darkness and Nuclear Fallout

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And that was only last week. This week will be much higher.

Yup. We know the first three days of December on the federal site tallied over 50k sign ups. If that followed the trend set by the states - and it was actually speeding up faster, since the site issues created pent-up demand - it would be doing 2-3x that now. December's numbers should be huge. Total should be near two million by the end of the year.

As a side note, I really love what Obama is doing with the Olympic delegation. No one from the President's office or cabinet are on the delegation, for the first time in several Olympics. Instead they get a delegation of athletes, three of which are openly gay. Great way to protest the laws and contrast what's happening in the US.
So, hypothetical time.

Say Dems take back the house and keep the Senate to the point where shit can get done like the first two years of 'Bams Presidency.

Do you think they can pass enough legislation where Obama can have a decent enough legacy where most people will "forget" the middle years where the GOP was hellbent on destroying the country and people blamed 'Bams?


So, hypothetical time.

Say Dems take back the house and keep the Senate to the point where shit can get done like the first two years of 'Bams Presidency.

Do you think they can pass enough legislation where Obama can have a decent enough legacy where most people will "forget" the middle years where the GOP was hellbent on destroying the country and people blamed 'Bams?
"Now that we have control over both chambers and the presidency, I'll try EVEN HARDER to pass BIPARTISAN LEGISLATION" -Obama
So, hypothetical time.

Say Dems take back the house and keep the Senate to the point where shit can get done like the first two years of 'Bams Presidency.

Do you think they can pass enough legislation where Obama can have a decent enough legacy where most people will "forget" the middle years where the GOP was hellbent on destroying the country and people blamed 'Bams?

+5 Senate seats?

and it probably depends on red state reps/senators not flinching


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
pfft I see you trolling the Gamespot GOTY thread

I made a lot of new enemies in that thread. :(

Shittiest Congress of the Year: The 113th
Worst President of the Year: Obama
Fattest Governor of the Year: Chris Christie
Best Ted Cruz of the Year: Louie Gohmert
Baddest News of the Year: Kay Hagan
Traitor of the Year: (Tie) Edward Snowden & The Pope
News Story of the Year: Benghazi
Worst Country of the Year: The United States of the America
Best Country of the Year: 'MURICA!

So, hypothetical time.

Say Dems take back the house and keep the Senate to the point where shit can get done like the first two years of 'Bams Presidency.

Do you think they can pass enough legislation where Obama can have a decent enough legacy where most people will "forget" the middle years where the GOP was hellbent on destroying the country and people blamed 'Bams?

It's hard to say.

A segment of our population seems to forget things within a year, sometimes within months.

Then again, the kind of things we've seen during this presidency have been so tumultuous that I think it will be something that people carry with them for generations to come, similar to Watergate, JFK's assassination, Clinton's scandal, 9/11, etc. Not saying those are comparable in terms of weight, but they are events that can be and are referenced throughout politics to this day. My hope is that in the future, we can look back to the previous 5 years and recognize the amount of damage that brinkmanship and obstruction has done to our country. That this will be a turning point and a reference for how government should not be run and how dangerous ignorance is when you give it power.


Then again, I'm also not of the mind that the Democrats winning both the House and the Senate will somehow make a lot of progress. Sure the ability would be there, but when we look at what has been going on up until now, I see BETTER decisions a majority of the time but I do not see good decisions all of the time. One example would be this whole thing with Iran that's going on right now. We are on the verge of peaceful talks and an agreement with them and Democrats are complicit with potentially fucking the whole thing up. Also, President Obama has been completely gung-ho about being bi-partisan at all costs, even if it hurts American citizens. I feel that even if Democrats have the majority in Congress AND the WH, we're still going to be negotiating with terrorists about giving basic human rights to our citizens like Healthcare, Unemployment benefits and fucking Food stamps.

The reality is that while Bush did immense damage these problems could have been fixed or at least much better than they are now. I wouldn't say it is Obama's fault, but more so congresses fault for being so inactive.

So, hypothetical time.

Say Dems take back the house and keep the Senate to the point where shit can get done like the first two years of 'Bams Presidency.

Do you think they can pass enough legislation where Obama can have a decent enough legacy where most people will "forget" the middle years where the GOP was hellbent on destroying the country and people blamed 'Bams?

Obama will have a legacy cemented as he is the first non-white president and one who preceded over "The Great Recession". I wouldn't be surprised if black America holds him on a pedestal for being the first "black" president as well. Its not like we don't have insanely overrated presidents as it is (Reagan and Kennedy).
Phil On Health Insurance
“Temporary is all you’re going to get with any kind of health care, except the health care I’m telling you about. That’s eternal health care, and it’s free.... I’ve opted to go with eternal health care instead of blowing money on these insurance schemes.”
'Insurance schemes'


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
The reality is that while Bush did immense damage these problems could have been fixed or at least much better than they are now. I wouldn't say it is Obama's fault, but more so congresses fault for being so inactive.

Obama will have a legacy cemented as he is the first non-white president and one who preceded over "The Great Recession". I wouldn't be surprised if black America holds him on a pedestal for being the first "black" president as well. Its not like we don't have insanely overrated presidents as it is (Reagan and Kennedy).

I just hope we don't get a republican president which guts all the medium and long term stuff passed by the previous democrat. Bush took the military downsizing that occurred in the 90s after the end of the cold war and flipped it on its head in barely a year or two.

Reagan dismantled all of Carter's energy plans the day he was inaugurated.

Republicans always damage us in the immediate, medium, and especially long term just so they can score a short-term political victory. It's absolutely pathetic how little has been accomplished in the 3 years since the GOP took the house, and how many steps back have been taken, especially compared to the previous 2 years, which had plenty of GOP input I might add (The stimulus had about $200B more in infrastructure spending and $150B less in tax cuts under the democrats' original proposal).


Sarah Palin opens mouth. Shit flies out. As per usual.

Duck Dynasty fan Sarah Palin has taken to social media to voice her support for Phil Robertson, saying that his suspension is an attack on free speech. “Free speech is an endangered species,” she wrote on Facebook. “Those ‘intolerants’ hatin’ and taking on the Duck Dynasty patriarch for voicing his personal opinion are taking on all of us.” And Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal also added his voice. “Phil Robertson and his family are great citizens of the State of Louisiana. The politically correct crowd is tolerant of all viewpoints, except those they disagree with. I don’t agree with quite a bit of stuff I read in magazine interviews or see on TV,” Jindal said in a statement reported on the Fox News website. “In fact, come to think of it, I find a good bit of it offensive. But I also acknowledge that this is a free country and everyone is entitled to express their views. In fact, I remember when TV networks believed in the First Amendment. It is a messed up situation when Miley Cyrus gets a laugh, and Phil Robertson gets suspended.”

The First Amendment isn't being attacked. He is free to say whatever shit he wants. However, expect a backlash if you say stupid and ignorant things.
Sarah Palin opens mouth. Shit flies out. As per usual.

The First Amendment isn't being attacked. He is free to say whatever shit he wants. However, expect a backlash if you say stupid and ignorant things.

Yeah, I never understand how other people using their 1st Amendment rights to express their displeasure with a person's intolerant comments somehow reduces that person's 1st Amendment rights.

But I'm not surprised that people like Sarah Palin can't see this . . . because she's a moron.

Joe Molotov

It is a messed up situation when Miley Cyrus gets a laugh, and Phil Robertson gets suspended.”

Yeah, I know right? I generally find Jim Crow laws and gay bashing to be hilarious, but I just wasn't feeling it here for some reason.
Shittiest Congress of the Year: The 113th
Worst President of the Year: Obama
Fattest Governor of the Year: Chris Christie
Best Ted Cruz of the Year: Louie Gohmert
Baddest News of the Year: Kay Hagan
Traitor of the Year: (Tie) Edward Snowden & The Pope
News Story of the Year: Benghazi
Worst Country of the Year: The United States of the America
Best Country of the Year: 'MURICA!
Who gets the Joe Lieberman Award of the Year?
Yeah, I never understand how other people using their 1st Amendment rights to express their displeasure with a person's intolerant comments somehow reduces that person's 1st Amendment rights.

But I'm not surprised that people like Sarah Palin can't see this . . . because she's a moron.

That's because these people don't understand Free Speech relates solely to gov't restricting political speech and has nothing to do with anything else.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Okay, I've come up with a preliminary list:


I think we can add a few more, so feel free to drop suggestions.
Hillary 2016 is here!

Hillary 2016 is here!

I respect their interpretation of spelling several words, especially their use of the word "anxious". That one really gave me a smile.

I googled "ajenda 21". Nothing was there, but it attempted to autocorrect to AGENDA 21. I wonder if that's what they meant. I don't know, but I doubt I can ask them because if their handwritten spelling is this bad, I'd hate to see the corners they cut on a keyboard.


Obamacare Enrollment Surges In California As 50,000 Sign Up In 3 Days

Enrollment in California's Obamacare marketplace is surging, officials said Thursday, indicating a growing interest in health insurance under the new law in the most populous state in the country.

More than 53,500 people enrolled in Covered California in the last three days, topping the total number of enrollments in October by nearly 60 percent.

I remember PD making the point that it would have to take some states - like Cali - really kicking ass to help offset the notable failures (like Oregon). That definitely appears to be the case, based on these reports.
What is the point of this besides being a jerk?


Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) signed a controversial bill Thursday that makes it harder to force schools to change race-based team names and mascots.

In a statement, Walker invoked the First Amendment as an explanation for supporting the bill.

"I am very concerned about the principle of free speech enshrined in our U.S. Constitution," he said. "If the state bans speech that is offensive to some, where does it stop? A person or persons’ right to speak does not end just because what they say or how they say it is offensive. Instead of trying to legislate free speech, a better alternative is to educate people about how certain phrases and symbols that are used as nicknames and mascots are offensive to many of our fellow citizens."

He added, however, that his support for the legislation doesn't mean that he supports the team names.

"If it were up to me personally, I would seek viable alternatives that were not offensive to Native Americans," said Walker.

But Barbara Munson, a spokeswoman with the Wisconsin Indian Education Association, called Walker's decision "egregious" and a "poke in the eye with a sharp stick to all of the tribes and all of our children." Her organization's Indian Mascot and Logo Task Force has compiled a list of schools in Wisconsin that still have race-based names or mascots.

The new law requires that in order to hold a hearing over a mascot name, the equivalent of 10 percent of the student population in a given district must sign a petition within a 120-day period.

Before Walker signed the legislation, any complaint over a team name, logo or mascot could trigger a hearing before the state’s Department of Public Instruction. Democrats voted unanimously against the bill in the state Senate, while all but one of the Republican senators voted for it.
Hillary 2016 is here!
So I googled "Ajenda 21" and two results popped up:


Agenda 21 is a non-binding, voluntarily implemented action plan of the United Nations with regard to sustainable development.[1]

Agenda 21 is a 300-page document divided into 40 chapters that have been grouped into 4 sections:

Section I: Social and Economic Dimensions is directed toward combatting poverty, especially in developing countries, changing consumption patterns, promoting health, achieving a more sustainable population, and sustainable settlement in decision making.

Section II: Conservation and Management of Resources for Development Includes atmospheric protection, combating deforestation, protecting fragile environments, conservation of biological diversity (biodiversity), control of pollution and the management of biotechnology, and radioactive wastes.

Section III: Strengthening the Role of Major Groups includes the roles of children and youth, women, NGOs, local authorities, business and industry, and workers; and strengthening the role of indigenous peoples, their communities, and farmers.

Section IV: Means of Implementation: implementation includes science, technology transfer, education, international institutions and financial mechanisms.



A violent and tyrannical government rules what was once known as America. The old, the ill, and the defiant all quickly vanish. Babies belong to the state. Against all odds, one young couple risks everything to expose the truth. But are they too late?
I want to believe it's an elaborate troll by someone who's an advocate of the former. But...


Okay, I've come up with a preliminary list:


I think we can add a few more, so feel free to drop suggestions.

This is a great idea. Maybe add BEST IDIOTIC COURT RULING.

Who lives in a bomb shelter in Germany
Hitler Squarepants!
Who's ankchous, fictitious, abhorous as he
Hitler Squarepants!

This made me spit out my water lol.
Okay, I've come up with a preliminary list:


I think we can add a few more, so feel free to drop suggestions.

Best Totally True Comment That You Shouldn't Have Said Out Loud


A rogue link appears!

Yeah, not a fan either. If, according to the administration, the number affected is small, and they can buy a replacement plan in the exchanges, there's no need for the change. If the number is large, then it puts a large chink in the mandate and opens the door to chip away at it further. Seems like a bad move.
Eh. It just gives a certain number of people who need it more time to figure their shit out. They were already paying for insurance sans mandate, so there's an expectation they will find something for coverage.
A rogue link appears!

Yeah, not a fan either. If, according to the administration, the number affected is small, and they can buy a replacement plan in the exchanges, there's no need for the change. If the number is large, then it puts a large chink in the mandate and opens the door to chip away at it further. Seems like a bad move.

Yea. Gives them a way out.

In good news, enrollment keeps going up. 50k new signups in CA in last 3 days!
A rogue link appear!

Yeah, not a fan either. If, according to the administration, the number affected is small, and they can buy a replacement plan in the exchanges, there's no need for the change. If the number is large, then it puts a large chink in the mandate and opens the door to chip away at it further. Seems like a bad move.
I read something today about the white house saying only 500,000 of people with canceled plans hadnt signed up for new ones.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
This is a great idea. Maybe add BEST IDIOTIC COURT RULING.

I'll need help with that, since the only one I can recall is the VRA thing.

So here's a preliminary list so far:

Biggest Story of the Year:

- Edward Snowden/NSA Leaks
- SC striking down DOMA
- Healthcare.gov rollout
- The Syrian Crisis
- GOP shutting down the government


- IRS-gate
- NSA tapping the AP's phones
- Healthcare.gov rollout
- Handshake-gate/Selfie-gate (grouped together cause they happened in the same day)
- Desk-gate
- Bridge-gate
- (Literal) Water-gate


-Richard Cohen on Black people
-Alec Baldwin angry at paparazzi
-Megyn Kelly on Santa Clause's race


-Peggy Noonan claiming IRS-gate was far worse than Iran-Contra AND Watergate -combined.
-Bob Schieffer saying website-gate was worse than the government shutdown.
-Ron Fournier comparing Obama's second term to Bush's.
-Pretty much every centrist pundit claiming Dems also shutdown the government/took the debt ceiling hostage in the past so it's totally cool if the Republicans do it.


- Dr. Ben Carson
- E.W. Jackson
- Larry Klayman
- That dude from Duck Dynasty
- Pope Francis


-Ted Cruz on Green Eggs and Ham
-Sarah Palin on Thomas Jefferson
-Tea Party group unironically uses image used to mock people like the Tea Party
- CBS/60 Minutes/Lara Logan creating an episode dedicated to the Benghazi controversy based on the single testimony of a fraud
Don't like the mandate change as it's mostly a political ploy. Fucking own up to it.

Anyway, Sean hannity spent his entire hour on the duck dynasty thing. lol
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