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PoliGAF 2013 |OT3| 1,000 Years of Darkness and Nuclear Fallout

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I know, it sucks :(

anyway, when do you think gay marriage will be legal nationwide
Hard to tell, people always compare it to Loving v. Virginia (best named supreme court case in history) but the situation (if not the underlining civil rights issue) was quite different.
Loving married out of state and was sentenced to fucking prison, the sheer ridiculousness of that decision put much more urgency on the courts to act.
I think the next legal battle regarding gay marriage will be about forcing states to recognize out of states gay couples (which I would imagine would be an easy win for gay rights, but ass backwards states will fight it nonetheless) and I fully suspect the US will stay in that status quo for quite a few years, but some nutjobs in deep red states might go full regard and force a legal battle before that and expedite the schedule.

As for Texas, it's going to flip around 2020, so even if the supreme court don't act I don't expect it to hold out as long as the Utahs and Mississippis of the world.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
CHEEZMO™;86608645 said:
Year 13 of the 1000 years of darkness.


edit: fricken seriously, Hobbestetrician? That's twice in a 24 hour period someone took my lines!


When gay marriage is legalized in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, New Mexico, Colorado, Nevada, Illinois, Hawaii, and Oregon, that'll make up an electoral college majority. Everything in Obama's 2012 map short of Ohio, Florida and Virginia.

Arizona will be the first Romney state to legalize it imo

@ bolded: will very likely happen soon. Special session called from Governor Neil Abercrombie to take place on the 28th of October, reviewing legislation to legalize gay marriage. Easily has Senate numbers, and has enough numbers from the House. So one down.
And...Fox News is back to bringing up Benghazi.

That sure didn't take long.

Gotta blot out the thoughts about the shutdown fiasco.

The Benghazi thing is so weird. Fox New went Benghazi crazy 24/7 before the election and Romney lost. Outside of the right, no one gives a shit. And if they keep obsessing over it people will just think they are weird. We lost 4000+ people in Iraq. These 4 people that died in chaotic post-war Libya is a tragedy. But what makes them so much different than our people that have died in Iraq and Afghanistan?

I guess as Phoenix points out, there are all these conspiracy theories as if Obama intentionally wanted to kill them or something.

Joe Molotov

Gotta blot out the thoughts about the shutdown fiasco.

The Benghazi thing is so weird. Fox New went Benghazi crazy 24/7 before the election and Romney lost. Outside of the right, no one gives a shit. And if they keep obsessing over it people will just think they are weird. We lost 4000+ people in Iraq. These 4 people that died in chaotic post-war Libya is a tragedy. But what makes them so much different than our people that have died in Iraq and Afghanistan?

I guess as Phoenix points out, there are all these conspiracy theories as if Obama intentionally wanted to kill them or something.

They gotta keep it alive so they can try to hurt Hillary with it in 2016. It's either that or Vince Foster.


The new map:


Fuck you, Chris Christie.

New Mexico remaining unique still in its gay marriage.

still rather be in CA
The thing about Benghazi is that for a moment it seemed like something so bad it could be an election gamechanger. It was a historic, ugly attack that came out of nowhere, right when Romney was at his weakest; remember, that entire summer and much of September was pretty brutal for him, poll wise. Republicans had been trying to force Reagan/Carter comparisons into the race all year, and Benghazi was like their Iran hostage moment: a moment of weakness for the president, that the challenger could take advantage of and turn the tide of the election.

And thus Romney stumbled out the gate that night, before the bodies were even cold, and played politics. Then it slowly festered into a conspiracy as the far right tried to make it as big as possible. Well it didn't work: Obama still won. But the far right continues to hold it up as some type of impeachable offense. The problem is that they use it for incitement. It seems pretty clear that the fringe right is sending very dangerous, very ugly messages to US forces, many of whom are conservative and already dislike the president.

I wouldn't be surprised if Glen Beck is right about Benghazi: a weapons deal gone horribly bad. The large amount of CIA operatives in the area, the CIA front posing as an embassy, the weapons used...something clearly went very wrong. I know Empty Wheel has suggested the leak came from Petraeus' death squads/militia:

Interesting, and concerning, stuff.


I'm serious. The level of CIA people on the ground, plus we already know the US was supporting Syrian rebels at the time.
Nah, you have a point. Embassies are the classic spot for doubling as a station for bureaus like the CIA, tend to be much more secure than a random building rented out down the street and they offer diplomatic cover. In the case of Benghazi in particular, two of the four killed were contracted by the CIA for the purpose of security, and as far as I know it was mostly CIA people in the building.

Whether or not there were weapons transfers going on, everyone from the street up knows that spooks shadow doves, whether or not a building is "mostly CIA" or "mostly diplomatic". For that reason alone I find it ridiculous that the GOP has tried to make so much hay out of the attacks as they have, no shit they're going to target your embassies! They house people actively tracking and plotting moves against the very people that reached out and struck the Benghazi installation, and you could literally pick any American embassy on any street in any city in the world and find CIA there. Jesus Christ, GOP.
Random thought: I think a big part of this debate is that most people don't understand the difference between the budget, the debt, the deficit and the debt ceiling, using the terms interchangeably.

It's fucking crazy that government classes in high school don't teach you how government ACTUALLY works in the REAL WORLD, not this card-board cut out version of government that simplifies everything.


There will be no tweet that tops this ever
That account, my god.

✞♕In God I Trust♕✞ ‏@InGodIDoTrust 1h
He always calls his Sheep "Middle Class" when in fact they are the Lower Class.

✡☭what is it, I don't even☭✡


The California Redevelopment Agency (a widespread vehicle to loot public money for private profit) was shuttered.

It's not very sexy, I know.

Sounds pretty hot to me, actually! This is what I would like to see dems do when they hold the reins, since all too often, they advocate doing the bolded but in different(slightly less stupid) ways.

✡☭what is it, I don't even☭✡

ah, the communojews. the islamofascists' sworn enemies!
The thing about Benghazi is that for a moment it seemed like something so bad it could be an election gamechanger. It was a historic, ugly attack that came out of nowhere, right when Romney was at his weakest; remember, that entire summer and much of September was pretty brutal for him, poll wise. Republicans had been trying to force Reagan/Carter comparisons into the race all year, and Benghazi was like their Iran hostage moment: a moment of weakness for the president, that the challenger could take advantage of and turn the tide of the election.

And thus Romney stumbled out the gate that night, before the bodies were even cold, and played politics. Then it slowly festered into a conspiracy as the far right tried to make it as big as possible. Well it didn't work: Obama still won. But the far right continues to hold it up as some type of impeachable offense. The problem is that they use it for incitement. It seems pretty clear that the fringe right is sending very dangerous, very ugly messages to US forces, many of whom are conservative and already dislike the president.

I wouldn't be surprised if Glen Beck is right about Benghazi: a weapons deal gone horribly bad. The large amount of CIA operatives in the area, the CIA front posing as an embassy, the weapons used...something clearly went very wrong. I know Empty Wheel has suggested the leak came from Petraeus' death squads/militia:

Interesting, and concerning, stuff.
I think you're overplaying the circumstantial aspect of the event and completely ignoring the fact that Obama and State Department acted in a completely respectable manner, Republican dogs barking not withstanding. It was a non starter.
Tea Party Group Leader: File 'Class Action Lawsuit' Against Homosexuality

"Peter, the whole issue of a class action lawsuit, you and I have talked about this a little bit," Scarborough said. "I just wonder if you’ve explored that, talked to anyone about it. Obviously, statistically now even the Centers for Disease Control verifies that homosexuality much more likely leads to AIDS than smoking leads to cancer.

"And yet the entire nation has rejected smoking, billions of dollars are put into a trust fund to help cancer victims and the tobacco industry was held accountable for that," he added. "Any thoughts on that kind of an approach?"

"Yeah I think that’s great," LaBarbera responded. "I would love to see it. We always wanted to see one of the kid in high school who was counseled by the official school counselor to just be gay, then he comes down with HIV. But we never really got the client for that."

These people are just crazy.

No one is selling homosexuality as a product like cigarettes are sold as a product.

Man, the right-wing is really going through an implosion right now. Most people rightly don't give a shit about homosexuality any more and that issue is just making them look nutty. The government shutdown has made most of the country hate the Tea Party. And if Obamacare is successful, the GOP is going to look like incredibly stupid dickbags for opposing it as if it were armageddon.

Is this going to kill off the right? No, of course not. But they may end up in the wilderness for a while.
I think you're overplaying the circumstantial aspect of the event and completely ignoring the fact that Obama and State Department acted in a completely respectable manner, Republican dogs barking not withstanding. It was a non starter.

True but that wasn't apparent immediately after the attack, which is why the issue was thought to be a potential major issue. And obviously, the misinformation spread afterward didn't help.

At the end of the day it was a botched CIA mission and we'll likely never get the truth; it's also clear the CIA has effectively dumped all blame on the State Department. Republican officials know this, which is why they'll be able to troll about this for years.
True but that wasn't apparent immediately after the attack, which is why the issue was thought to be a potential major issue. And obviously, the misinformation spread afterward didn't help.

At the end of the day it was a botched CIA mission and we'll likely never get the truth; it's also clear the CIA has effectively dumped all blame on the State Department. Republican officials know this, which is why they'll be able to troll about this for years.

But the same can be said for thousands of firefights and operations during the Bush administration but no one is stupid enough to blame Bush for them all. Shit happens in warzones, get over it people.
What's telling about the Benghazi thing is how the narrative changed. Shortly after the attack, the narrative was that the Obama administration had denied requests for security funding because it was trying to force a political narrative of "normalization" in Libya - though why they'd be paranoid about the press noticing something like slightly higher security funding at an embassy in a war-torn country is a mystery to me.


Unconfirmed Member

Man, Texas's new voter ID laws sound insane. I thought photo IDs were bad before, but also requiring the last name to be up to date for recently married women? That's a new low. And the kicker is "this photo ID requirement is for voters casting a ballot in person, not by mail. Voters age 65 and older may vote by mail."

Everyone should be able to vote by mail and without photo IDs, not just the ones most likely to vote republican.

Man, Texas's new voter ID laws sound insane. I thought photo IDs were bad before, but also requiring the last name to be up to date for recently married women? That's a new low. And the kicker is "this photo ID requirement is for voters casting a ballot in person, not by mail. Voters age 65 and older may vote by mail."

Everyone should be able to vote by mail and without photo IDs, not just the ones most likely to vote republican.

Is this one where a gun permit is considered a valid ID but a student ID, even if from a Texas state school, is not a sufficient ID?



Man, Texas's new voter ID laws sound insane. I thought photo IDs were bad before, but also requiring the last name to be up to date for recently married women? That's a new low. And the kicker is "this photo ID requirement is for voters casting a ballot in person, not by mail. Voters age 65 and older may vote by mail."

Everyone should be able to vote by mail and without photo IDs, not just the ones most likely to vote republican.

The scary thing is that they actual night believe that there is a voter fraud issue rampant upon spineless Democrats, because that's what their feedback loop on Breitbart, Red State, and Fox have told them.
When gay marriage is legalized in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, New Mexico, Colorado, Nevada, Illinois, Hawaii, and Oregon, that'll make up an electoral college majority. Everything in Obama's 2012 map short of Ohio, Florida and Virginia.

Arizona will be the first Romney state to legalize it imo

Ohio folks are trying to gather signatures for a vote to repeal our ban. Don't know the latest poll numbers but there's definitely more support for a repeal, and if PA and MI get on board, then it'll start snowballing a bit more, IMO.


Unconfirmed Member
Is this one where a gun permit is considered a valid ID but a student ID, even if from a Texas state school, is not a sufficient ID?

They include a Texas driver’s license issued by the Texas Department of Public Safety; Texas Election Identification Certificate issued by the DPS; Texas personal identification card issued by the DPS; Texas concealed handgun license issued by the DPS; U.S military identification card containing the person’s photograph; U.S. citizenship certificate containing the person’s photograph; or a U.S. passport.

Looks like it.
Looks like it.

Crazy. I just don't know how they can do that and expect to be taken seriously as honest and fair people.

Gun nuts . . you can vote because you are largely Republican.
Students with a state issued photo ID? Fuck you, you kids vote Democrat.

It is on its face amazingly discriminatory. What would they say if the Massachusetts passed a law saying Student IDs are fine but photo ID gun permits and military IDs are not OK. They would scream like babies. Of course Dems would never do that. And that unfairness right there is something that makes me dislike them. Why are their own supporters not bothered by such outright unfairness?


Crazy. I just don't know how they can do that and expect to be taken seriously as honest and fair people.

Gun nuts . . you can vote because you are largely Republican.
Students with a state issued photo ID? Fuck you, you kids vote Democrat.

It is on its face amazingly discriminatory. What would they say if the Massachusetts passed a law saying Student IDs are fine but photo ID gun permits and military IDs are not OK. They would scream like babies. Of course Dems would never do that. And that unfairness right there is something that makes me dislike them. Why are their own supporters not bothered by such outright unfairness?

Republicans like to win and like power more than they like fairness is why.
If texas democrats are going to complain about supposed discriminatory voter id laws and want to rejigger the system so that everyone and their dead relative can vote, then maybe they should espose their ideas in a honest fashion and go out and win an election?


The Autumn Wind
You know how when you're watching sports, and the ump/ref misses a call late in the game, but you don't care because it helps your team win? It's like that.


If texas democrats are going to complain about supposed discriminatory voter id laws and want to rejigger the system so that everyone and their dead relative can vote, then maybe they should espose their ideas in a honest fashion and go out and win an election?
oh snap
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