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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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Fuck fracking. Also PA is the only state that doesn't have an extraction tax afaik. That will change once Corbett is gone.

Looks like Tom Wolf is going to be our next Governor. I figured it would have always been Allyson Schwartz. But, hey, anyone is better than who we have. I'm just glad he isn't from western PA -- even though I live here, for gubernatorial purposes, Democrats from western PA don't have enough name recognition to matter enough to the rest of the state. They have to be from somewhere between Central PA and Philly. He meets that criteria, plus he has deep pockets.

Also, there's too much joking in here. Which can only suggest everyone knows we're really doomed. :(


youre goddamn right. fuck david stern and clay bennett.
And fuck Howard Schultz.

But really, the true villains here are the Portland Trail Blazers, if they weren't so fucking stupid and picked Oden, the zombie sonics would've been fucking irrelvant, like the city they now call home (and this is not hindsight, the dude ceiling was Matumbu and he was injury prone in college, you could tellDurant was going to be special).


Fuck fracking. Also PA is the only state that doesn't have an extraction tax afaik. That will change once Corbett is gone.

Looks like Tom Wolf is going to be our next Governor. I figured it would have always been Allyson Schwartz. But, hey, anyone is better than who we have. I'm just glad he isn't from western PA -- even though I live here, for gubernatorial purposes, Democrats from western PA don't have enough name recognition to matter enough to the rest of the state. They have to be from somewhere between Central PA and Philly. He meets that criteria, plus he has deep pockets.

Also, there's too much joking in here. Which can only suggest everyone knows we're really doomed. :(
Is Wolf to the left or right of Schwartz?


And fuck Howard Schultz.

But really, the true villains here are the Portland Trail Blazers, if they weren't so fucking stupid and picked Oden, the zombie sonics would've been fucking irrelvant, like the city they now call home (and this is not hindsight, the dude ceiling was Matumbu and he was injury prone in college, you could tellDurant was going to be special).
OKC has drafted extremely well besides Durant (which was luck), I'll admit.

They'd probably still have Westbrook and Ibaka, and they might have been able to keep Harden as their third piece if they didn't have KD. And that's assuming their record isn't worse in 2008-09, which might have allowed them to get Blake Griffin.

And the Sonics would have still moved. Bennett bought the team in 2006.

Schultz is by far the biggest villain in that saga--he wanted a quick profit and the OKC ownership group was simply opportunistic.

P.S. Don't hate on my city. Oklahoma as a state is crazy but OKC has some great, progressive people. :)
The climate change report got me sad. Not only for the future but what a wasted opportunity the stimulus was. We could have had a real national drive to help with climate change, mitigation and prevention as well as putting millions back to work. Like the electrification of rural america and the expansion of infrastructure during the new deal.


From my local news comes another example of the Tea Party polluting the internet.

A Chicago mainstay restaurant, Hot Doug's just announced that it'll be closing, and he straight up says that he just wants to do something else with his life.


Some dude from Texas decided to weigh in on this Chicago restaurant with an anti-government rant:

The only thing worse than having no customers is having no paying customers.

What crushed this man's will to go on is the COST of doing so. He said he didn't want to charge $11 for a hot dog. This is what happens when taxes, real estate, licensing, labor, insurance and supply costs all skyrocket. Selling quick-service food is a high-volume, low-margin, very close-run thing. He sells something (i.e., food) that will walk out the door (in his employees' arms) if he is not there to keep it from doing so.

Something tells me he could have made it, if he could have earned a living at it. But when each customer means either no profit or actual economic loss, it's only a matter of time before it all must end. Only the very largest corporations with substantial reserves, or political connections resulting in crony-business with the government, can survive.

The ardor of working the business -- probably without making any income for himself, only for his employees -- overwhelmed his commitment to endure.

So another great hot dog restaurant becomes history. It is sad.

It's some masterful idiocy or trolling; he obviously read the nonpolitical article enough to glean a few important points: Hot Doug's is closing, $11 was mentioned, etc, and proceed to completely miss any and all meaning in the article. He managed to fit some 'poor people are thieves' sentiment in there; it was so subtle I almost didn't notice.

I wouldn't usually take note of something stupid like this, but I felt the need to partially because it was local and thus is more annoying, and partially because it's such a perfectly distilled example of why internet comment sections are so terrible.


The only difference between non-profits and for-profits is the specifics of how the law bothers with them. They're both still corporations.

And they are given special privileges over unincorporated companies or groups of individuals. There has not been a convincing argument as to why the decisions that have come about from granting corporations charter rights associated with the Bill of Rights and the 14th amendment is necessary and far more examples of why corporate personhood has been harmful.

For one thing, reverting corporations to artificial entities would force the courts to automatically reexamine a lot of decisions that have been made, hopefully for the better, and on a state level, government have a lot more leverage in granting corporate charters, and in creating/enforcing means to help curtail abuses by corporations.


OKC has drafted extremely well besides Durant (which was luck), I'll admit.

They'd probably still have Westbrook and Ibaka, and they might have been able to keep Harden as their third piece if they didn't have KD. And that's assuming their record isn't worse in 2008-09, which might have allowed them to get Blake Griffin.

And the Sonics would have still moved. Bennett bought the team in 2006.

Schultz is by far the biggest villain in that saga--he wanted a quick profit and the OKC ownership group was simply opportunistic.

P.S. Don't hate on my city. Oklahoma as a state is crazy but OKC has some great, progressive people. :)
Surely you understand why I must hate you, right?
I know I understand why the city Seattle eventually poach a team from gonna hate us, it sucks, but that's the way of the association (and trust me, I watched a lot of Durant in his rookie year, it wasn't easy hating on him, but I'm not one to step away from a challenge).

Also, there's is nothing that piss me off more than this "OKC did a great job at building a team", the only reason why they were able to do that was because they major leagued the last couple of years in Seattle, clearing cap space.
You give any front office couple of years where they are in no pressure to win (quite the opposite actually) and throw in a once in a generation player in a once in a generation draft, and they'll make you a contender.
Well, Dolan (pls) will still fuck that up.

God bless Scott Brooks, you guys would've been champs with a half decent coach.
And god bless ynb, all the talent, but as much brain as he has a fashion sense.

Joe Molotov

Surely you understand why I must hate you, right?
I know I understand why the city Seattle eventually poach a team from gonna hate us, it sucks, but that's the way of the association (and trust me, I watched a lot of Durant in his rookie year, it wasn't easy hating on him, but I'm not one to step away from a challenge).

Also, there's is nothing that piss me off more than this "OKC did a great job at building a team", the only reason why they were able to do that was because they major leagued the last couple of years in Seattle, clearing cap space.
You give any front office couple of years where they are in no pressure to win (quite the opposite actually) and throw in a once in a generation player in a once in a generation draft, and they'll make you a contender.
Well, Dolan (pls) will still fuck that up.

God bless Scott Brooks, you guys would've been champs with a half decent coach.
And god bless ynb, all the talent, but as much brain as he has a fashion sense.


You still got the Seahawks and the Mariners, don't be a baby.


Surely you understand why I must hate you, right?
I know I understand why the city Seattle eventually poach a team from gonna hate us, it sucks, but that's the way of the association (and trust me, I watched a lot of Durant in his rookie year, it wasn't easy hating on him, but I'm not one to step away from a challenge).

Also, there's is nothing that piss me off more than this "OKC did a great job at building a team", the only reason why they were able to do that was because they major leagued the last couple of years in Seattle, clearing cap space.
You give any front office couple of years where they are in no pressure to win (quite the opposite actually) and throw in a once in a generation player in a once in a generation draft, and they'll make you a contender.
Well, Dolan (pls) will still fuck that up.

God bless Scott Brooks, you guys would've been champs with a half decent coach.
And god bless ynb, all the talent, but as much brain as he has a fashion sense.
I watched Sonicsgate, it was great and I have a ton of empathy for Seattle.

They were smart about the way they tanked--there's a common conspiracy theory among Seattleites that they were tanking to drive away fans. It might have been a convenient side effect, but Presti knew that the only way to revive the team was to be really bad for a couple years and make smart picks in the draft (which explains why they were ass the first year in OKC too). They would have done the same thing if they had stayed in Seattle.

It's undeniable that they've done a nice job filling out the roster besides KD and those initial picks. They've made smart trades and added assets with good value.


I watched Sonicsgate, it was great and I have a ton of empathy for Seattle.

They were smart about the way they tanked--there's a common conspiracy theory among Seattleites that they were tanking to drive away fans. It might have been a convenient side effect, but Presti knew that the only way to revive the team was to be really bad for a couple years and make smart picks in the draft (which explains why they were ass the first year in OKC too). They would have done the same thing if they had stayed in Seattle.

It's undeniable that they've done a nice job filling out the roster besides KD and those initial picks. They've made smart trades and added assets with good value.
You traded for Kevin Martin.
Your argument is invalid.
Something that's been pissing me off is the Right's knew found obsession with "trolling" and hipsterism.

I should have seen it coming with the rise of Erick Erickson but its found a champions on twitter and The Washington Free Beacon.

What impeachable offensive did Obama do regarding Benghazi?

Edited talking points


When has editing talking points been regarded as a high crime deserving of impeachment? Are the GOP so crazed that they will drop the standards of impeachment to such a low level?


When has editing talking points been regarded as a high crime deserving of impeachment? Are the GOP so crazed that they will drop the standards of impeachment to such a low level?

Election year. blah blah blah divert attention blah blah blah white people upset a black man is in the white house blah blah blah hillary etc etc etc


When has editing talking points been regarded as a high crime deserving of impeachment? Are the GOP so crazed that they will drop the standards of impeachment to such a low level?

A better target would be themselves because they blocked a spending bill that would increase security funding for diplomatic outposts. Not saying that that is an impeachable offense, because it isnt, but it would make more sense than what they are doing.
Something that's been pissing me off is the Right's knew found obsession with "trolling" and hipsterism.

I should have seen it coming with the rise of Erick Erickson but its found a champions on twitter and The Washington Free Beacon.
so they're a decade or so behind? seems right


Well, I'm assuming there's just enough sanity in the GOP establishment that impeaching Obama over Benghazi is insanity and would hurt them badly in 2016 elections.
They can't win the presidency anyway. Might as well double down on the congressional districts that dig this sort of bullshit.

A better target would be themselves because they blocked a spending bill that would increase security funding for diplomatic outposts. Not saying that that is an impeachable offense, because it isnt, but it would make more sense than what they are doing.
Makes the most sense? Then you should assume Republicans will do the opposite.


The climate change report got me sad. Not only for the future but what a wasted opportunity the stimulus was. We could have had a real national drive to help with climate change, mitigation and prevention as well as putting millions back to work. Like the electrification of rural america and the expansion of infrastructure during the new deal.

Agreed. There were tons of missed opportunities in the wake of the financial crisis. Although the stimulus did have quite a bit of green initiatives included, iirc. It's just that the whole thing was so watered down compared to what was needed and what (I believe) could have passed in the political climate. But after Obama was elected into office, voters just liked to pretend that their part of the political process was over and there was no consistent pressure from the left. Obama himself didn't really seem to be trying to rally the masses around an agenda to keep up political pressure, and instead jumped head first into trying to play the insider game and chasing David Brooks' favorite word, "bipartisanship" *swoon*


Congressional GOP looking towards impeachment after the midterms over #Benghazi.

Can't say I'm surprised, but surely some of the Republicans who aren't true believers realize how ridiculous it will look to have impeached 2 out of the last 2 Democratic presidents over things the majority of Americans view as bullshit? I would imagine some R leaning independents who don't watch Fox would be pretty turned off by that sore loser mentality.

Not to mention, having Bush be the only president out of the last 3 to not face impeachment should raise some eyebrows, and if I were a Democrat and Republicans did go through with impeachment, I would be bringing up Iraq as much as possible to demonstrate the double standard going on (and Iran-Contra for that matter, but even a shit ton of low information Dem voters buy into the Saint Reagan, PBUH, narrative so attacking him probably wouldn't be smart).


Praise President Romney.

More Health Insurance Equals Fewer Deaths In Massachusetts

Fewer people died in Massachusetts after the state required people to have health insurance, according to researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health.

In each of the first four years of the state law, 320 fewer Massachusetts men and women died than would have been expected. That's one life extended for every 830 newly insured residents.

Massachusetts passed its mandatory universal health coverage law in 2006 under then-Gov. Mitt Romney. The hope was that when people have health insurance, they would be more likely to get preventive care, go to the doctor when they become ill, and live longer.

Now there's evidence of that link, according to a published Monday in the Annals of Internal Medicine. In the first four years of universal health insurance, the state's death rate dropped 2.9 percent when compared to similar counties outside Massachusetts that did not expand health coverage.

White residents are living longer, but the biggest improvement in life expectancy came for blacks, Asians and Latinos, whose death rates dropped 4.6 percent. , executive director of the Boston Public Health Commission, says the study builds on showing that health coverage is reducing income and racial disparities in Massachusetts. She's hopeful the state is on a path to eliminate health disparities altogether.

Wow. Who'd have thought giving more people health insurance would actually be helpful?


aka andydumi
All the political flyers are starting to show up. Looks like the local GOP is moving on to Common Core as the new boogeyman.

What is the summary of the argument against? All I ever hear is curriculum issues but I didn't think it dictates curriculum.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
What is the summary of the argument against? All i every hear is curriculum issues but I didn't think it dictates curriculum.

Something about government indoctrination, hitler youth, etc. You know, the typical right wing "THE GOVERNMENT IS GOING TO RAPE YOUR FAMILY AND EAT YOUR DOG FOR DINNER" schtick


aka andydumi
Something about government indoctrination, hitler youth, etc. You know, the typical right wing "THE GOVERNMENT IS GOING TO RAPE YOUR FAMILY AND EAT YOUR DOG FOR DINNER" schtick

I pulled up the standards to read them myself:
1. Research and evidence based
4. Based on rigorous content and the application of knowledge through higher-order thinking skills

I immediately understand conservative resistance.


What is the summary of the argument against? All i every hear is curriculum issues but I didn't think it dictates curriculum.

The flyer was already thrown out or else I'd just post a pic, but it basically said "The Democrats got Obamacare passed, now they're trying to nationalize your child's education with Common Core"


"Common Core is the nationalization of a liberal agenda in education"

it was a pamphlet from this dude


Jesus calm down, the ACA is a smashing success and will only get better in the coming months, and the economic news that's coming in is very good and will only get better over the summer as well.

Pryor, Hagan, Landrieu, Shaheen and Begich are all leading their likely challengers, and the House is so gerrymandered that I can't see a wave in either direction at this point.


What is the summary of the argument against? All i every hear is curriculum issues but I didn't think it dictates curriculum.

I was trying to figure this out this morning.

The main issue seems to be weird homework questions. Louis CK's recent Letterman interview is popular. This kind of thing: https://twitter.com/louisck/status/460895556647526400/photo/1

I think it's like how people get upset about teaching kids different ways to do division. I don't know to what extent Common Core is actually responsible for this, though. Jonah Goldberg at NRO is pretty explicit that the idea is just to blame everything bad in education on Common Core in the same way that everything bad in health care is now Obamacare's fault.


Jesus calm down, the ACA is a smashing success and will only get better in the coming months, and the economic news that's coming in is very good and will only get better over the summer as well.

Pryor, Hagan, Landrieu, Shaheen and Begich are all leading their likely challengers, and the House is so gerrymandered that I can't see a wave in either direction at this point.

How many Senate seats can the Democrats lose without losing control of he Senate? If the Dems can hold on to the senate this November, I consider that a success.


Unconfirmed Member
Can't say I'm surprised, but surely some of the Republicans who aren't true believers realize how ridiculous it will look to have impeached 2 out of the last 2 Democratic presidents over things the majority of Americans view as bullshit? I would imagine some R leaning independents who don't watch Fox would be pretty turned off by that sore loser mentality.

Not to mention, having Bush be the only president out of the last 3 to not face impeachment should raise some eyebrows, and if I were a Democrat and Republicans did go through with impeachment, I would be bringing up Iraq as much as possible to demonstrate the double standard going on (and Iran-Contra for that matter, but even a shit ton of low information Dem voters buy into the Saint Reagan, PBUH, narrative so attacking him probably wouldn't be smart).

If they win the senate and gain seats in the house while basically solely running on Benghazi, I think it'll be pretty clear what republican voters want and expect. You can't rally your base around one singular issue you've pushed for nearly 3 years and then expect them to forget about it once you get in office. Maybe you can make them forget a complex side thing like the debt, but a main event platform with a simple resulting action? Even Republican's wont forget that. Brietbart and Fox News wont let them forget it, simply because doing so would be giving up clicks and views to the conservative news sources that will cover benghazi.

And then you have the extremely competitive circus of people looking at the primary who will see an opportunity to be put over the top as the man that impeached Obama. You may say winning the primary is pointless if you're screwing over the general election in the process, but I don't think they'll see it that way. I'd remind you the delusions Romney had up until the very last second in 2012, and I'd remind you of Ted Cruz's shutdown. They'll look at the midterm election win, and the fact that democrats haven't gotten 3 consecutive wins since FDR, and the fact that Bush won after clinton's impeachment, and think the general election with only one opponent is the easy part. Particularly if the only other option for them is an individual slide into irrelevancy.

And what else are they going to do? Keep passing Obamacare repeals that will obviously be vetoed? Keep doing the same inquiries and investigations around Benghazi that they've been doing already? All that's only going to do is increase the Republican voter's thirst for impeachment blood.

And yes, impeaching the first black president over something so minor as politicized talking points would look tremendously bad for 2016 and beyond and it would probably look especially terrible in the history books, but these republicans deserve it.

Joe Molotov

If they win the senate and gain seats in the house while basically solely running on Benghazi, I think it'll be pretty clear what republican voters want and expect. You can't rally your base around one singular issue you've pushed for nearly 3 years and then expect them to forget about it once you get in office. Maybe you can make them forget a complex side thing like the debt, but a main event platform with a simple resulting action? Even Republican's wont forget that. Brietbart and Fox News wont let them forget it, simply because doing so would be giving up clicks and views to the conservative news sources that will cover benghazi.

And then you have the extremely competitive circus of people looking at the primary who will see an opportunity to be put over the top as the man that impeached Obama. You may say winning the primary is pointless if you're screwing over the general election in the process, but I don't think they'll see it that way. I'd remind you the delusions Romney had up until the very last second in 2012, and I'd remind you of Ted Cruz's shutdown. They'll look at the midterm election win, and the fact that democrats haven't gotten 3 consecutive wins since FDR, and the fact that Bush won after clinton's impeachment, and think the general election with only one opponent is the easy part. Particularly if the only other option for them is an individual slide into irrelevancy.

And what else are they going to do? Keep passing Obamacare repeals that will obviously be vetoed? Keep doing the same inquiries and investigations around Benghazi that they've been doing already? All that's only going to do is increase the Republican voter's thirst for impeachment blood.

And yes, impeaching the first black president over something so minor as politicized talking points would look tremendously bad for 2016 and beyond and it would probably look especially terrible in the history books, but these republicans deserve it.

I kinda hope it happens. Let's just ride this crazy train all the way to the end of the line, baby! At worst, we'd get President Biden.
National Review defends justices from charges of Bias by kind of proving the studies point

The study said:
[W]e posit that Supreme Court Justices are opportunistic supporters of the First Amendment. On this account, conservative Justices are more inclined to sympathize with a pro-life advocate’s complaint about restrictions near abortion clinics than a student’s claim of First Amendment protection to raise a ‘Bong Hits 4 Jesus’ banner (and liberal Justices, the reverse).
National Review said:
When I first read this, my immediate reaction was: How strange to seem to put on the same level the First Amendment claim of a citizen in public and the right of a high-school student taking part in a school-supervised event.
Sounds like an opportunistic support of free speech to me. Its a valid 1st amendment question except when I say its not.

When has editing talking points been regarded as a high crime deserving of impeachment? Are the GOP so crazed that they will drop the standards of impeachment to such a low level?

Well the Republicans think the administration intentionally lied to cover up the true cause of Benghazi, with the edited talking points being part of the cover up. Unfortunately they've become so riled up that they've stopped thinking rationally. They let their emotions govern what they think actually happened, and at this point there probably isn't anything that can be done to convince them otherwise.
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