All the yellow went out of his face? That's true anger.
What's he pointing to?
What's he pointing to?
IDK i think this drew a middle figure wrong?
But I love the bong, 3d printed gun, fourloko and reason on the ground
The woman is angry at him but he's telling her to hold on until he finishes the level.
why does he have a copy of the magazine with the two of them on the cover on the floor of his bedroom
i could use some of dat free market.3D printed time machine.
Libertarian Magazines know their market
(not my picture)
lolBioshock: Players fight their way through the ruins of an Art Deco underwater city set up as a kind of sci-fi anarchist utopiawhere biological modification is plentiful, looters are treated as scum, and the pursuit of individual desire and accomplishment is considered lifes most noble goal. The villain is clearly intended as a riff on Ayn Rands super-individualists, but in a mid-game twist, he shows hes not simply a bad guy. The revelation elevates Bioshock from satirical, action-driven homage to Rand into a clever riff on the perception of individual freedom and the nature of choice.
You must play it in a suit to get the true meaning of Bioshock.Games every libertarian must play
With your feet in an aquarium.You must play it in a suit to get the true meaning of Bioshock.
CHEEZMO;111035368 said:Jimmy's a coddled white male from a well-off family who does jack shit and blames everything but himself for his problems and failures. So it's about right tbh.
Speaking of Tony Blair, I don't know anything about him but I always loved this clip. theory is that the modern libertarian/conservative movement is based on America's collective contempt for each other. "Fuck you got mine and I worked hard for where I am" is just an extension of "Everyone is an idiot/sheep and I'm the only one who's really thought out life."
It's always about one upping one another and trying to bring others down. Most of opposition for raising the minimum wage from most working class/middle class people is based on people's refusal to believe they're getting duped and exploited as much as the worker at McDonald's is imo.
Yes you can and indeed it pretty sure you can sum up bioshock 1's story as "fuck libertarians."
bioshock 1 was a good game
But that's a Dual Shock.A bong, four loko, an Xbox, and Jonah Hill; what more could a girl want?!
But that's a Dual Shock.
Yes you can and indeed it was.
And unlike Bioshock Infinite (which I think was an even better game) it didn't pussied out halfway through.
I have to say though, I always found the "super serial musing on the nature gaming" part of these games to be rather silly.
You have piqued my interest good sir.CHEEZMO;111041218 said:I think the negative reaction to the mid-point wishy washy liberalism in Infinite was the reason for something that happens in the DLC.
You have piqued my interest good sir.
I really should get around playing the DLCs, are they any good?
BREAKING: Joe Molotov to be impeached by SonyGAF
WiiU single console future.I'll let the free market decide my fate.
You won't be laughing when contempt of Congress is on your permanent record.
Well fuck that, I was hoping for a "take revenge on whitey" level.CHEEZMO;111042622 said:No idea! I haven't played them myself but I was watching some stupid list videos on youtube and in the Beyond the Sea one one of the points is the reasoning behind the whole child murder jazz. It was a meh sorta-retcon way to weasel out imo but what do I know.
.‏@newtgingrich 24m
Congress should hold hearings on why Clinton State Dept refused to tell truth about radical Islamist Boko Haram in Nigeria.
Bioshock Infinite starts something like this, but it turns horrible like the rest of the game in the second half.Well fuck that, I was hoping for a "take revenge on whitey" level.
Plot wise it was disappointing no doubt, and the end, was clever yet try to play it deep and profound, but I still really enjoyed the gameplay, art, and music very much. All in all, I really like the game.Bioshock Infinite starts something like this, but it turns horrible like the rest of the game in the second half.
Libertarian Magazines know their market
(not my picture)
Libertarian Magazines know their market
(not my picture)
cannot unsee troy aikman.
Fucking citizens united manWatching All In.
So the Kochs are now funneling ridiculous sums of money into local tax issues. We're screwed until we tackle these groups. The are cartoon villain level
We just need to go to publically funded elections already. Jesus
You get X amount of money, TV stations are obligated to run an ad for each qualifying candidate in matching amounts each day (they're paid operating costs to air the ad by the state/city) and those ads have a fixed budget.
The election becomes much more fair - average joes can run against millionaires, you can't spray an area with PAC ads resulting in an arms race.
You get on the ballot with a minimum number of voters signing a petition to put you on the ballot, so the parties no longer run elections that re-elect themselves.
Maybe I'm just blowing hot air