The Librarian
Rubbing salt int he wound:
Dunno why people are focusing on an irrelevant house race and ignoring real stories like the VA scandal and Berghdal.
Anyone think Cantor will run for anything else, like a Senate seat or the House again in 2 years or would he just be damaged goods now never able to win again.
Anyone think Cantor will run for anything else, like a Senate seat or the House again in 2 years or would he just be damaged goods now never able to win again.
Cantor's internal polling had him winning by 34 points.
Guys I didn't want to say anything but I think the polls might be scrutinized heavily for this gross inaccuracy
Cantor's internal polling had him winning by 34 points.
There will be no Democrat on the ballot in November, no one filed for it.
Nah there's one, he's a few posts after that. He's still going to lose.FacePalm.gif
50 state strategy!
Now begins the battle to be the next majority leader.
I feel like there should be a title change to reflect this. Like Eric Cantor Can't Win
Now begins the battle to be the next majority leader.
How does the GOP think they will ever attract Hispanics again?
His name is Cruz . . . . CRUZ . . . don't you get it? All the Latinos will vote for him because his name is Cruz. Just like all the women voted for Palin!
McCarthy was a RINO otherwise he would have defeated Communism back in the 50's.Mccarthy
So...bad news for Eric Cantor?
Conservative radio host Laura Ingraham said House Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s loss Tuesday is a historic rejection of the GOP establishment on immigration.
“This race in the end goes down as one of the most significant repudiations of establishment immigration reform that I’ve certainly — I’ve seen in my 20 years of doing politics,” Ingraham said Tuesday on Fox News’ “The Kelly File.”
And I don’t think the split in the Republican party is going to be made up with new Latino voters or new black voters or new Asian voters. In fact, I think somebody who runs on immigration reform or amnesty or whatever you want to call it in 2016 would probably do worse than Mitt Romney did in 2012,” Ingraham said. “I know a lot of people disagree with me but that’s my view.”
Lol rubio lolBTW this sure throws a wrench in the Jeb Bush/Chris Christie/Paul Ryan 2016 aspirations.
Dems are going to get a financial boost from this. Wall St. has to see the GOP as completely insane at this point.
@costareports: LIGHTS ARE ON ALL OVER CAP, leadership aides/members in the building, chaos in the marble halls....
Dis gon b good
"@costareports: I'm on phone now w/ Peter King of NY, who says he wonders if the party is crumbling on the whole"
Absolutely nothing has changed. America is just as fucked after Brat takes office as it is at the very moment.America is so fucked
Lol Cantor splurged $5.1 million on the race, and Brat spent like $200k.
The more I read about this the more I want to turn on FOX and see if they've got any salty tears. I need some salty tears.
Nope. The far right is praising this as "getting rid of the establishment" and saying that he lost because of immigration and to close our borders now.
We're fucked.
Lol Cantor splurged $5.1 million on the race, and Brat spent like $200k.
Absolutely nothing has changed. America is just as fucked after Brat takes office as it is at the very moment.
Boehner stmt: "Eric Cantor and I have been through a lot together... My thoughts are with him and Diana and their kids tonight.
"My thoughts are with him?" Isn't that something you tell someone when their relative dies? Not when they lose an election? What a privileged fucking asshole.More from Costa (I know this one is a statement but damn does this guy have good connections in DC):
There are no sane republicans...hence my point. This has already been the least productive congress in history. You can't go any sane Republican will speak up for even the most middle ground of issues, for fear of being flanked on the even further extreme right
It's code language for "Fuck you dave brat you punk""My thoughts are with him?" Isn't that something you tell someone when their relative dies? Not when they lose an election? What a privileged fucking asshole.
There are no sane republicans...hence my point. This has already been the least productive congress in history. You can't go any lower.
Only difference that matters is democrats re-taking the house.