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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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So it looks like in the next few days, the SCOTUS is going to stick it to Unions, recess apointments, and gut the ACA a bit more?

Oh, and Boehner is going to sue Obama now?
Wait, Mississippi has a law stating that a person has to vote for a specific candidate? Like, you're not allowed to change your mind?

WTF. Not seeing how this would pass muster...
It's like some weird gentlemen's agreement law. I remember a few states having similar laws in 2008 when Limbaugh was doing Operation Chaos.

There's no way to enforce it without asking who voted for who, which is illegal. But given the racial aspect I wouldn't be surprised if conservative "poll watchers" harass black people in November over this.


Good god...Alex Wagner was so utterly useless on Morning Joe today. Scarborough and every other Republican on the panel spewed talking point after talking point on the IRS shit, and Wagner just sat there with a stupid smile on her face and let all that garbage go uncontested. Once again, your liberal media, ladies and gentlemen.

By the way. I read the reports of a hard drive getting broken back in 2011. But was there another hard drive that was broken recently? And what are these missing e-mails I keep hearing about?
Cable news is a rotting corpse. None of the networks are getting it right anymore.
Al Jazerra is getting carried now, too bad is name alone will keep it out of the top three for years to come most likely...


msnbc seem upset thad won
Sure, it's not as exciting.
There's no way McDaniel gets 5,000+ votes thrown out. Turnout for the democrat primary was quite low, there won't be enough illegal votes to flip this from Cochran. And I don't see the primary statute mattering since it won't be considered until after the general election, which Thad will win anyway. There's nothing McDaniel can do outside of try to determine which people voted in the dem primary and double check addresses to ensure the voters are real people.


A Gallup poll published on June 20th shows that the only living current or former occupant of the White House who has a negative rating from the U.S. public is its current occupant, President Obama, with 52% unfavorable, 47% favorable. All others of them are favorably rated. The least favorably rated of those (the one closest to Obama in unfavorability) is George W. Bush, with 53% favorable, 44% unfavorable. His having invaded Iraq for non-existent WMD, and produced the 2008 crash, have apparently been forgiven, which is remarkable and which is due to his having increased his favorability rating from only 32% at the crash in 2008.


How can people like Bush again?

edit: Breaking -- US economy has worst performance in five years in Q1.




People usually want to forgive and the American public gives republicans the edge on foreign policy again.



What the fuck is going on with the GDP?\



Great song, eh?

The more dramatic drop was largely the result of weaker household consumption. Consumer spending increased just 1%, vs. the 3.1% gain previously estimated as health care spending dipped slightly. The government previously said that medical expenditures contributed substantially to growth as the Affordable Care Act began to cover more Americans.
Que #FULLREPEAL from the GOP in 3, 2, 1...
By by areo. Stupid service not surprised. It clearly went against the spirit of the law IMO. They ruled it was a public performance.

They're hedging on it effecting other services. Which I assume means they don't want this to affect VCR president or things like DVR services.


Meh, I haven't read the ruling but the very nature of this precedent makes me concerned about unintended consequences that the industry fuckers will latch onto so they can continue to beat their chest, ignoring the will of the public and how they want to get content...
I don't generally support things because they are opposed by companies I don't like. I really think areo took advantage of a loophole that wasn't intended by the law, the court specificly said this shouldn't hurt innovation just not 'innovation' that is intended to shirt the rules, my sling box will be just fine.


Eh, I wouldn't put too much stock in approval ratings versus ex-presidents. You're dealing with people that don't have to actually run the country any more and don't have news channels dedicated to tearing them down, at least any more.
The 2012 election pretty much solidified that approval ratings don't correlate with reelection of political parties or candidates as much as we think.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Boehner officially announced he is suing President Obama about executive actions without consulting Congress.

Source: CNN
Trying to impeach him without impeaching. This is totally to get Teapers behind him.

As I said in the other thread, it's the ultimate half measure. Doesn't do anything, won't go anywhere, and isn't meant to accomplish anything except placate tea party reps and the base. It doesn't really even enbattle the president considering it would be hard for the media not to compare Obama's low exec action to large acts by previous presidents (including W Bush).

After last night I doubt this will even satisfy the nuts on the fringe. They should see through this.


In today's episode of "Voters are Ignorant":

How A Right-Winger Won the SC-02 Democratic Primary

Phil Black wants to abolish the Federal Reserve and return the country to the gold standard. He wants to eliminate the federal Department of Education. He wants to put the Bible back in schools and make students wear uniforms. He’s pro-life. (“Shee-han is, too, so a Democrat can be,” he says, referring to gubernatorial candidate Vincent Sheheen.) He will push hard for congressional term limits. He does not think gay people will inherit the kingdom of heaven.

And on June 10, he won the Democratic primary to run for Congress in South Carolina’s second district.

Black didn’t raise any money in his primary but knows he’ll have to in order to beat powerful Rep. Joe Wilson.

“Statistically, I could win this thing,” he says. “If I do, Washington will not be the same.”

Black ran three times in the Republican primary against Wilson. In 2008 he won 15 percent of the primary vote. In 2010 he won 17 percent. In 2012 he won 19 percent.

This year, he decided to try something different and filed to run as a Democrat.

“I took a lot of heat from people, the fact that I changed parties,” he says. “Strom Thurmond changed three times. I only changed twice.”

In the primary, Black faced Ed Greenleaf, a first-time candidate who ran on a very mainstream-Democrat platform of bringing tech jobs to the district, straightening out the Veterans Administration and improving public education.
Greenleaf hired a campaign strategist and raised some money. Black did not.

The primary rolled around, and Black beat Greenleaf 54 to 46 percent.

This has happened before to Democrats in South Carolina. The most high-profile incident was in 2010, when Alvin Greene, an unemployed man from Manning who lived with his father and did not appear to have campaigned for the office, beat Vic Rawl, a former S.C. House member and the party’s anointed candidate, in the Democratic primary to face Republican U.S. Sen. Jim DeMint. Not only that: Greene was facing felony obscenity charges.

Black thinks he belongs in the party, though, and that he’ll get the support of Democrats. “This time I have renamed myself: I am a conservative Democrat,” he says. “I am putting a new twist on the Democratic Party.”


A 3% contraction is pretty big news. I dont think blaming snow can fly for this.

Recession soon?

An official recession being announced in September would kill the democrats in the election.

The expectation is that there will be a significant rebound in Q2 based on all indicators.


This is semantics, and nothing more
AP: SCOTUS limits police searches of arrestees' cellphones without warrants.

Busy day.

Unanimously, no less. Which means Ted Cruz will need to update this list.

Also, the Supreme Court decisions this term have been overwhelmingly unanimous in judgment:

Jonathan Adler said:
The Supreme Court has decided 69 cases after oral argument so far this term. A full two-thirds of these decisions, 46, have been unanimous in the judgment. Even if the court splits 5 to 4 in the four cases that remain, the court will still have decided 63 percent of its cases without dissent this term. Such a degree of unanimity is unheard of in recent years, as I noted here. The last time the court was unanimous in the judgment in a majority of cases was OT2005, and then the court only hit 55 percent.


How is GDP growth so bad when we had the 4 highest months in job growth in 15 years?

Read the articles. It is pretty much universally attributed to the winter weather and no one is really up in arms about it (unless they are trying to score political points).


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Why would Democrats get the blame for a recession?

Because Obama is President. No, I'm not joking. People don't do any research. I'll bet we'd be stunned by how high the percentage of people is that believe the President is solely responsible for the economy.
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