Actually, came across this, which is funny considering how Carson shot up to conservative stardom:
Yeah, I remember seeing a video of that one on the youtubes.
Actually, came across this, which is funny considering how Carson shot up to conservative stardom:
True. But there are exceptions within the party like immigration reform. (And health insurance reform and raising the minimum wage.)That's because Republicans pander to what big business want
They are, knowledge about the present is possible, knowledge about the future isn't.short-term profits at the expense of our nation's long-term health....I don't think knowing what business wants and how best to improve our economy in the future is mutually exclusive. Frankly, it seems a lot more different than similar.
Thad Cochran would be much better for African-Americans in MS. But Travis Childers would be about a thousand times more.
jeez. I doubt Thad is a model citizen on race relations but he's better than that at least, and more importantly he's better than this tea party POS. Even if McDaniel gives dems a 10% chance of winning, the mere fact that that he'd be a senate candidate would disgust me too much. Fuck him.
also, LBJ displaying his non-racist qualities for dax.
In the handful of completed counties, turnout is up by about 40% in black areas, but less in white areas
‏@Shaftan 2m
ALCORN COUNTY flips from Cochran to McDaniel! #MSSen
Former Rep. Bob Beauprez has won the four-way Republican primary in Colorado to challenge Democratic Gov. John Hickenlooper, The Associated Press reports.
Beauprez was the GOP's 2006 nominee for governor. He prevailed over Tom Tancredo, another former congressman, whom national Republicans worried could hurt their candidates in congressional races. Hickenlooper is favored to win the governor's race in November.
With 70 percent of precincts reporting, Beauprez led Tancredo, 31 percent to 26 percent. Secretary of State Scott Gessler was at 23 percent, and former state Senate Minority Leader Mike Kopp was at 19 percent.
noiceIt is named for the Yazoo River, whose name, legend has it, comes from an Indian word meaning "River of Death."
Its so close the dems really could have swung it if the 1000 vote holds
Holmes County has the lowest life expectancy of any county in the United States, either for men or women
@costareports 3m
95% in, McDaniel 5k behind, his supporters have long faces, hands on faces, arms around shoulders
So much for that Tancredo comeback:
How much in a GOP primary?NY Times, 1984
He has supported HBCU funding for decades apparently. Didn't know that, but it makes sense. Blacks make up 37% of the vote in MS now.
How much in a GOP primary?
NY Times, 1984
He has supported HBCU funding for decades apparently. Didn't know that, but it makes sense. Blacks make up 37% of the vote in MS now.
What compelled them to talk about that?I really hate how stupid stewart/colbert are about tech. The overall idea that they're incompetent is right, but when they drill
150 megs = 5 pictures? the fuck .
What compelled them to talk about that?
How much in a GOP primary?
Looking Good for McDaniel
By Henry Olsen
June 24, 2014 10:15 PM
Cochran is gaining votes in the Delta, but hes running behind his June 3 performance in the northeast and most other non-Delta counties. In two counties (Wilkinson and Amite) in the SW of the state where results are in, McDaniel won with larger percentages and higher turnouts than on June 3. When Jones and DeSoto start reporting large numbers, Thads lead will evaporate. It will be close, but as of now I think McDaniel wins by 1-3 points.
Scott Wilson des111168 27 minutes ago
The Republican senate candidate in one of the deepest red states has just been selected by Obama voters.
Richard Reed 17 minutes ago
With 97% of the vote in, McDaniel is losing by just under 4300 votes. McDaniel would have won rather easily, had just Republicans voted. But Cochran's typical RINO, last minute trick of soliciting liberal Democratic voters to jigger the GOP primary (even though that is illegal in Mississippi, unless you plan to vote Republican in November) seems to have worked. The left has chosen our candidate for us in Mississippi.
The GOP Establishment, just like their lawless colleagues on the left, will use any corrupt trick to protect their privilege and position. For me, this is the last straw, as far as they are concerned.
Matt E Richard Reed 13 minutes ago
I remember back in 2004 when I was young and naiive and used to like guys like Barbour and Karl Rove. These guys are evil SoB's - kind of like the Chamber of Commerce. Too many low information voters. Too many people don't understand the stakes. Times, 1984
He has supported HBCU funding for decades apparently. Didn't know that, but it makes sense. Blacks make up 37% of the vote in MS now.
Seems like there's a good reason he thought he had to court blacks in 1984 that's quite different from the reason he had to today, and in the end it turned out he didn't even need to do it.National attention had focused on the race because Mr. Clark, a black man, was given a good chance of becoming the first black Congressman from the state in 100 years. Extensive efforts to register voters in the district, which is 58 percent black, managed to increase the voter turnout by 25,000 votes over two years ago, but increases in the turnout of black voters appeared to have been outpaced by corresponding increases among whites. source close to McDaniel told Breitbart News that is considering legal challenges over ballots. Democrats who voted for Cochran on Tuesday but voted three weeks ago in the Democratic primary in the state were not allowed to vote in Tuesdays election.
Election results indicate Cochran's late appeal to Democratic voters paid off, with the incumbent senator picking up sizable vote totals in precincts with heavily black populations. Partisanship in Mississippi is largely polarized on racial lines, and Cochran allies paid key Democratic operatives to help turn out the vote.
McDaniel goes there... "Republican primary [was] decided by liberal Democrats!" Crowd cheers...
"There were dozens of irregularities reported," McDaniel says, as crowd says, "tell us! tell us!"
He probably assumed that it was a good idea since he was elected in 1978 with only 45% of the vote because an independent black candidate split the Democratic vote almost in half.
Seems like there's a good reason he thought he had to court blacks in 1984 that's quite different from the reason he had to today, and in the end it turned out he didn't even need to do it.
Of course there were irregularities, we all know the black votes only are worth 3/5th #constitutionalconservatism
Doesn't sound like a concession is coming anytime soon.
edit: no, definitely not.
It would have been nice for Democrats to be able to compete in Mississippi, but Childers would have been an underdog anyway.
Fuck off Chris McDaniel
Don't mind if I do...
GoAwayLib 26 minutes ago
55k new voters and NONE of them are Democratic voters from June 3rd? BS!
More liberal corruption. It is illegal for Dem voters who voted on 6/3 to vote Republican in a run off. ILLEGAL & CORRUPT!
Glorious_Cause Cleatus Van Damne 19 minutes ago
Massive voter fraud.
McDaniel won this race, I guarantee it.
Challenge every single vote!!
Captain_America 21 minutes ago
The same black race voters (most of them illegal Democrat voters) that vote race over logic helped this lying jerk over the line out of being told McDaniel "hates" Obama because of his race, not realizing that the tidal wave of illegal aliens that RINO filth like Cochran support is going to utterly wipe them out in employment, opportunities, and even welfare programs. Stupid suicidal behavior is typical of these idiots.
Richard V 21 minutes ago
I'd challenge also. McDaniel won the first time. These runoff elections are a scam. Close primaries to only those party voters. This doesn't bother me am an NP voter surely can wait to November to make my choice have sat and waited for 25 years for my chance to vote Pennsylvania has closed primaries. It should be that way throughout the whole nation.
bedr1 13 minutes ago
It will be easy to see who voted in the original Democrat primary and then the GOP primary because they must sign the election book when getting their ballot.
You can't vote twice for the same election, essentially they are getting 2 votes, one for the Democrat and one for the GOP candidate. Total vote fraud
Wolf Moon NOWAY 14 minutes ago
If they can toss Democrat party switches in the recount, and there are enough of them, it could be McDaniel. I agree. Recount, with a cross-check of the first primary vote.
J Kevin Brent 4 minutes ago
Don't be at all surprised if the final result is the Democrat picking up this seat. The RINO Establishment are perfectly happy with that, because one Leftist is the same as another. As long as they keep McDaniel out, Karl RINOve is happy. Just ask Ken Cuccinelli.
bedr1 13 minutes ago
I would ask a federal judge to throw out the election because of vote tampering.
whatitism 8 minutes ago
Live in Ms. and you can rest assured several thousand minority voters voted for thad who have no intentions of voting republican in the election and that's illegal. Our government and voting process is corrupted beyond redemption. Voting has become useless if this stands. Ashamed of the lack of morals and integrity in my state.
1Pippin a few seconds ago
Cochran does not even understand that this latest INVASION will leave ALL of those USEFUL IDIOTS WHO VOTED FOR SENILITY out in the cold.......INVADERS COME BEFORE US CITIZENS.......and Blacks just voted for the Plantation....AGAIN!...FOOLS!
JMO 3 minutes ago
McDaniel BETTER CHALLENGE THIS FRAUD OF AN ELECTION. The GOP needed DEMOCRATS in order to beat the Tea Party. Illegal. Time for some accountability. Paying black democratic voters to cast a ballot for Cochran, knowing full well they won't vote for him in Nov.
Wavshrdr 5 minutes ago
Un effn' believable. I can't believe this travesty. I am not voting for a single Republican ever again unless they are truly conservative. What damn difference is Cochran from a Democrat? I work my butt off and get shafted on the amount of taxes I pay just so some lazy a$$ can suck off the public teat. Anyone in favor of amnesty for illegals needs to be removed from office. What point is swearing to uphold the constitution as an oath of office if you just ignore. This race was the tipping point for me. I don't give a rat's tush if the tea part candidates don't have a chance in hell of winning, I'll never vote for anything but someone who is very fiscally conservative and against illegal immigration.
Dolphieness 8 minutes ago
I hope McDaniel does launch a legal challenge. Voting is sacred territory and what Cochran, Barbour et al did with this election is beyond disgusting. It is revolting, corrupt, dishonest and illegal. McDaniel needs to challenge this legally for MS, VOTERS IN GENERAL, USA and Voter sanctity & Integrity.
pinkelephant22 SoWhatBubb 6 minutes ago
In other words, play right into Dems' hands who helped put Cochran over the top so that Repub voters will do exactly what you're suggesting.
You're not a very bright individual, are you?
SoWhatBubb pinkelephant22 4 minutes ago
You slobbering Rino imbecile,
voting the RNC Backstabber ticket.
You are the cancer in the Republican party.
Liberty2Day pinkelephant22 5 minutes ago
no difference betwen RINO and Dum, it is not as if the RINOs will ever indict Obama over anything or stop the border invasions or eradicate satancare.