Because someone might disagree with an article you posted?And this is why I don't discuss this issue on the internet.
Kerry's proposal draft has been leaked:

Because someone might disagree with an article you posted?And this is why I don't discuss this issue on the internet.
This is John Kerry's MO and has been for 30 years.It shows a secretary, that doesn't understand who he's negotiating with and their positions. It shows a sense of outside nativity on Kerry's part that he's going to parachute in and get
Kerry is operating like pretty much every secretary of state before him.This is John Kerry's MO and has been for 30 years.
His entire 2004 campaign was structured around this notion that because he's John Fucking Kerry he can ride in anywhere and take charge and make things happen. He used to say the same kind of shit regarding the Soviets right before they collapsed.
But he's never had that power, his campaign was an internal disaster, he's never had the respect of his Senate colleagues like say, Biden and he's long considered it his destiny in life to diplomatically solve all the worlds problems somehow.
When it comes to Israel and Palestine though, he's not the only one with this idea, ever since Carter basically strong-armed Egypt into "peace" every President and Secretary of State has gotten a six month or more period where they're talking about how they're going to get peace done as their legacy. (Okay, okay, the meddling goes back further with the anti-Israel Eisenhower admin, and then the Nixon admins swap to the Israeli side.)
To W. Bush and Obama's credit, they both looked at it for a little bit and then went "nope, fuck that, let's go look at orthopedic joint manufacturing plants or something." Kerry doesn't have that bailout mentality since the only thing standing in his way in his mind is the fact that he's hasn't convinced them yet. Even somebody as smart as Clinton got lured into it, though he had need for some work distraction. He thought he got them 97% of the way there and the PLO responded with the Intifada.
Everybody falls for it:
What? How dare you besmirch the name of Jimmy Carter who had global peace at hand with his strong leadership and tough foreign policy until Ted Kennedy and Ronald Reagan snatched it away from him.And to say that Carter forced Egypt into peace is crazy revisionist history, if anyone, it was Sadat who forced Israel into it.
(Responding and out)Because someone might disagree with an article you posted?
Kerry's proposal draft has been leaked:
(Responding and out)
No because small quibbles and disagreements become the reason to dismiss wider points. And there seems to be two different versions on the proposal.
Lawmakers On Both Sides Of Aisle Unhappy With Obama Leadership
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., described the lack of communication between the White House and Congress as "stunning." He said he first learned many details of Obama's border request from news reports. a private White House meeting Obama held with the top four Republican and Democratic leaders in the House and Senate, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid appealed to the president to intervene in pressing McConnell to allow speedier approval of the president's dozens of ambassadorial nominees.
Obama said it was a matter for Reid and McConnell to work out, an answer that left Democrats flabbergasted, according to participants in the meeting. Finally, more than a week later, Obama called McConnell to urge him to break the logjam and get ambassadors confirmed.
McConnell said the conversation one of the few he has had with Obama in recent months was limited to ambassadors.
White House officials rejected the criticism, insisting that they have been regularly consulting with lawmakers.
This is bullshit.
NY Times now say Republicans have 60% chance of winning the Senate.
They also have Hillary beating Romney 55-42 in a poll where people would rather have Romney over Obama lol
Another "Obama MIA" article
6 years in and they don't get it. I understand there is record brinksmanship, and some democrats in the article acknowledge that in many cases there isn't much Obama can do. But the fact that he doesn't do what he can do and has no interest in talking to congressional leaders baffles me. Especially months before a midterm when both sides are looking for easy victories they can brag about during August recess. Obama signed a bipartisan job training bill a few weeks ago, but outside of that he hasn't done much of anything recently. Well outside of weird public appearances and the ever changing WH narratives (one week it's climate change, one week it's jobs, etc).
Because someone might disagree with an article you posted?
Kerry's proposal draft has been leaked:
This based on a series of YouGov polls, who are one of the worst pollsters in the business. Their methodology is terrible, it's online, they contact the same subset of people rather than going for a random sample, and they also weigh by party ID at which point you might as well just pull the topline numbers out of your ass.
NY Times now say Republicans have 60% chance of winning the Senate.
Yeah . . . it is baffling. When he gets in office they declare a desire to make him a 1 term president. They call him Muslim. They call him Kenyan. The block EVERY thing he tries to do. They shut down the government. They call him racist. They shout "You lie!" during the state of the Union. They sue him. They call him a communist/socialist.Another "Obama MIA" article
6 years in and they don't get it. I understand there is record brinksmanship, and some democrats in the article acknowledge that in many cases there isn't much Obama can do. But the fact that he doesn't do what he can do and has no interest in talking to congressional leaders baffles me. Especially months before a midterm when both sides are looking for easy victories they can brag about during August recess. Obama signed a bipartisan job training bill a few weeks ago, but outside of that he hasn't done much of anything recently. Well outside of weird public appearances and the ever changing WH narratives (one week it's climate change, one week it's jobs, etc).
Heh. Seems like I am forgetting about which pollsters suck these days...This based on a series of YouGov polls, who are one of the worst pollsters in the business. Their methodology is terrible, it's online, they contact the same subset of people rather than going for a random sample, and they also weigh by party ID at which point you might as well just pull the topline numbers out of your ass.
In their final Senate polls of 2012, they favored the Republican candidate by an average of five points.
From the same sample as the senate polls.Nate Cohn said:Strong GOP Gov numbers from YouGov: Walker+2, Scott+6, Deal+9, CO-tied, Hutchinson+3, Rauner+3, Brownback+13, Kasich+6, Snyder+3, Foley+7
This seems contrary to the heller decision.
You think it might be cause there wasn't a definitive strong government showing after the recession? The ghost of Reagan lives on.Jesus fuck is that Millennial Poll thread depressing. Has the younger generation learned anything?
Jesus fuck is that Millennial Poll thread depressing. Has the younger generation learned anything?
Jesus fuck is that Millennial Poll thread depressing. Has the younger generation learned anything?
American white people perhaps.The American people are fiscally conservative and socially liberal at heart.
Jesus fuck is that Millennial Poll thread depressing. Has the younger generation learned anything?
If we're suppose to see a shift because of the minorities becoming the new majority than why are the young less left than the old when they should have more minorities?
Jesus fuck is that Millennial Poll thread depressing. Has the younger generation learned anything?
You think it might be cause there wasn't a definitive strong government showing after the recession? The ghost of Reagan lives on.
First of all I disagree with Heller so either way this case is absurdHow so?
It is much more than that. They can't be so eager to deploy the military. They can't be so anti-science. They can't have such latent racism that anyone who is not blind can see.All republicans need to do is stop being dicks on gay marriage and other social issues. It's going to take awhile, but eventually it'll happen. It's not surprising that young adults who entered adulthood during the "Yes We Can" era are completely disillusioned with politics: they can't find jobs and and have watched DC flail about for six years.
Nor are the comments about race/black people surprising. I think the vast majority of white people believe that racism is over/solved.
Where are you getting that the young are "less left" than the old? Is this still from the political typology thing? It doesn't show that at all.
Also black people are disproportionately lumped into the "Faith and Family Left" and "Hard-Pressed Skeptics" groups, which are both more likely to say that "the government should do more to help the needy" than the "Next Generation Left" group. Hispanics are very disproportionately in the "Bystanders" group, though some show up in the "Faith and Family Left" group and they make up a proportional part of the "Next Generation Left" and "Young Outsiders" groups.
I feel like that thread is mostly just full of people who have no idea how the study is actually going about determining its groupings.
It is much more than that. They can't be so eager to deploy the military. They can't be so anti-science. They can't have such latent racism that anyone who is not blind can see.
And they CAN'T change position on various social issues. Gay marriage they can switch on (they won't have any choice) but they can't switch on abortion.
So they are stuck in a slow decline for now and flip-flopping on gay marriage is not going to save them.
Where are you getting that the young are "less left" than the old? Is this still from the political typology thing? It doesn't show that at all.
The two groups were asked to choose whether most people can get ahead if theyre willing to work hard or whether hard work and determination are no guarantee of success for most people. A decisive majority of the older solid liberal group, 67 percent, responded that hard work is no guarantee of success, while an even larger majority, 77 percent, of the younger next generation left believes that you can get ahead if you are willing to work hard.According to Pew, the older group believes, 73-20, that government should do more to solve problems. Only 44 percent of the younger group agrees and of younger respondents, 50 percent believe that government is trying to do too much. Eighty-three percent of the older group of Democratic voters believes that circumstances are to blame for poverty; only 9 percent blame a lack of effort. The younger group of pro-Democratic voters is split, with 47 percent blaming circumstances and 42 percent blaming lack of effort. An overwhelming majority of the older cohort, 83-12, believes that government should do more to help needy Americans, even if it means more debt, while a majority of the younger Democratic respondents, 56-39, believes government cannot afford to do much more.
A 56 percent majority of the younger group of Democrats believes that Wall Street helps the American economy more than it hurts, with just 36 percent believing that Wall Street hurts the economy. Older Democrats have almost exactly the opposite view. 56 percent believe that Wall Street hurts the economy; 36 percent believe it helps.
From the thread:
So in other words...its a bullshit clickbait study?Right, I think you missed my point. That writeup does not do a good job of accurately representing what the study finds. I made several posts in that thread about how it's really misleading to talk about just those two groups as being "younger" and "older", relative to each other, since both cover a wide range of ages, are really close in average age, and have younger average ages than most of the other groups. But also those groups don't cover all Democrats and certainly don't represent the opinions of minorities as well as a group of all Democrats would, say. So it just doesn't make sense to look at that and ask why younger people are less left than older people when minorities are better-represented among younger people - the two groups aren't actually very well-segregated by age and both of them exclude minorities to some extent.
Edit: Hell, the "older group of Democrats" that the writeup is talking about includes more minorities than the "younger group of Democrats", and they have almost identical numbers percentage-wise, with both being more white than the population as a whole (to say nothing of just Democrats as a whole). And the "younger group of Democrats" is only 65% Democrat.
So in other words...its a bullshit clickbait study?
I'd be very relieved.
I wonder where I can find any authentic studies?
So in other words...its a bullshit clickbait study?
I'd be very relieved.
I wonder where I can find any authentic studies?
The study itself is fine, if a little weird in their typology. The article that was written on it is click baity.
Here's a better article (and poll) -
Call it bitgold.
Its what you get when you combine bitcoin, one of the worlds newest would-be currencies, and gold, one of the oldest. Add mistrust of centralized authority, a dash of rebelliousness and a dollop of profit motive and you might have the Independence Coin, the first gold-backed crypto-money, unveiled this month at FreedomFest, a libertarian convention in -- where else? -- Las Vegas.
A staunch person who believes in the gold standard says bitcoin is valueless and ultimately a Ponzi scheme, and people who didnt dig gold but really got bitcoin would say that this is ridiculous, its just a dumb metal, Anthem Hayek Blanchard, chief executive officer of Anthem Vault Inc., the company behind the Independence Coin, said in an interview. We dont need to fight. We can coalesce.
Avatar bet either way. He loses, I pick his and vice-versa.I have a question. Is the ban bet only on PD? if PD wins the bet, does he get to pick Aaron's avatar?
All republicans need to do is stop being dicks on gay marriage and other social issues. It's going to take awhile, but eventually it'll happen.
No it won't. These people believe their hate is in accordance with God's will. They're not going to give up their beliefs (and their presumed ticket to heaven) to get elected to public office.
No it won't. These people believe their hate is in accordance with God's will. They're not going to give up their beliefs (and their presumed ticket to heaven) to get elected to public office.
So why do talk shows bother inviting Lindsey Graham? He never says anything of substance and only appears to try to best his personal record of saying "This president's failed policies".
Jesus fuck is that Millennial Poll thread depressing. Has the younger generation learned anything?
If you weren't into the short selling scam I posted a while ago you might like this one.