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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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No Scrubs
so Rand Paul puts out a way better statement than Obama on this thing


He's running for office, wants to appear moderate and doesn't have to straddle the line Obama does. For better or worse Obama couldn't come out strong on this otherwise that's the story, Obama comes out strong and all of a sudden half the country accuses him of playing the race card.


Even with Hillary Clinton in the race, 2016 is basically a tossup

Is it me or are these polls closer than they would have been before? Didn't she more often than not have a 10+ point lead on these people except for Christie?

Nate gives the GOP a 60% chance, Sam Wang says it's about 50-50.

The critical states are Alaska, Arkansas, Louisiana, North Carolina, and (ugh) Iowa. Colorado is also pretty close. West Virginia, South Dakota, and Montana are goners.

Democrats do have a decent shot in Kentucky, and to a lesser extent Georgia. But for the most part Democrats will be playing defense.

It's certainly possible that we could see the GOP at 50 seats with Louisiana going to a runoff. I'm hoping the Democrats land around 52-54 seats but that'd require them to run the tables. We'll see.
I'm preparing for the worst. If 50/50 is their best shot...
Also wasn't there a recent poll showing Grimes starting to lag behind?


One consistent thing about these 2016 polls.. the GOP candidates have a ceiling that they keep bumping into. Hillary has come down from her ridiculously unrealistic numbers. It'll be interesting to see how those GOP numbers evolve as the primary season heats-up next year.


He's running for office, wants to appear moderate and doesn't have to straddle the line Obama does. For better or worse Obama couldn't come out strong on this otherwise that's the story, Obama comes out strong and all of a sudden half the country accuses him of playing the race card.

Pretty much it's the disadvantage of being a black president or at least the first black president. Anything you say is played up as trying to start a race war or whatever.


I see Rand Paul speaking out (and shutting up the asinine comments of some liberal bloggers, specifically Greg Sargent), I see Justin Amash speaking out forcefully. Even Cruz released a decent statement. As I said in the thread, I didn't expect Obama to rush out like Chuck D, nor is he some random guy who can say whatever. He does have some responsibility here and cannot even seem like he's justifying violence/defending the riot. Yet he managed to disappoint everyone's low expectations by a wide margin. And then went golfing. The GOP doesn't need a majority of the black vote, they just need 10-15%. And it's bullshit like today's weakness that makes me wonder if maybe republicans can get their foot in the door, IF they can stop being dicks (unlikely).

(And while I tend to roll my eyes at golfing/vacation complaints, it looked especially bad last night and today.)

Words don't matter as much as actions. If Obama says anything it's spun into something he didn't say and the news becomes about him. The important thing was that ferguson police were replaced and the situation was de-escalated. If you don't think Obama and the justice department didn't have a hand in that then you are naive.


Words don't matter as much as actions. If Obama says anything it's spun into something he didn't say and the news becomes about him. The important thing was that ferguson police were replaced and the situation was de-escalated. If you don't think Obama and the justice department didn't have a hand in that then you are naive.
Hell, I had it on FoxNews last night for a brief moment (aside: MSNBC had too damn many commercials last night - ridiculous!), and the little "talking points" graphic on the side said that Obama was trying to whip-up a distraction here at home. It was pretty damn disgusting.


Can we be serious for a second? Anything Obama actually wants to get done while the GOP controls the House, he's better off not speaking about. If Obama goes on a nation wide anti-military police tour, like he did with gun control, you think there is any chance the GOP stands with him? Come on. The only way it gets done is if they make it their issue and pass it themselves.


Can we be serious for a second? Anything Obama actually wants to get done while the GOP controls the House, he's better off not speaking about. If Obama goes on a nation wide anti-military police tour, like he did with gun control, you think there is any chance the GOP stands with him? Come on. The only way it gets done is if they make it their issue and pass it themselves.

I've always envisioned this little comedy sketch where he says the opposite of what he actually wants, and then the GOP goes forth and does his bidding, just to be contrarian.


Okay - seems I need to start watching Key and Peele.
(No cable until recently. I only know them from The McCringleberry Incident at a Saints game last year. Lance Moore and Kenny Stills did a great imitation of them in the endzone..)

Mike M

Nick N
Rand Paul's come a long way from advocating lethal force to stop petty theft.

Rand Paul said:
“I’ve never argued against any technology being used when you have an imminent threat, an active crime going on. If someone comes out of a liquor store with a weapon and fifty dollars in cash, I don’t care if a drone kills him or a policeman kills him.”


This is a dumb question that doesn't deserve its own thread, but hypothetically could the Speaker of the House get the Vice President to kill the President in order to become President himself? Some shady under the deal table where the Vice President would be crazy enough to go to jail for the rest of his life/get killed. Maybe if the Vice President's family was being threatened or something.

It seems like it would leave less of a trail than if the Vice President simply killed the President but tried to do it subterfuge.
The greatest political movie of all time "My Fellow Americans" had a plot almost like this.

Well, not really, but I just wanted an excuse to mention it because it's the greatest political movie ever. With two of the best leads possible. It does have a conspiracy to get rid of the President however.

so Rand Paul puts out a way better statement than Obama on this thing

Add Rand Paul’s name to the list of opportunists seeking to exploit for political purposes the tragic shooting of young Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. The race-hustlers populate the list, of course. So does President Obama, who sees a topic in his supposed wheelhouse (but in reality a local matter) through which he can distract attention from his disastrous foreign policy.

Writing in Time Magazine, Paul sees the opportunity to score libertarian points while showing sympathy for the black community, to which he has been pandering for some time. Let’s start with the race pandering.

Paul uses the occasion of the Brown tragedy to say that “given the racial disparities in our criminal justice system, it is impossible for African-Americans not to feel like their government is particularly targeting them.” But Paul makes no attempt to show that the disparities in question — presumably pertaining to conviction rates — are the result of “government targeting,” as opposed to disparities in the commission of crimes. Blacks may feel targeted, but U.S. Senators shouldn’t lend credibility to that feeling by disparaging our justice system unless they provide meaningful analysis to back it up.

It is particularly unfortunate that Paul uses Brown’s death to peddle the “government targeting blacks” narrative. Brown wasn’t killed due to government targeting. He was killed, from all that appears, by a bad cop.

If a pattern of government targeting blacks is relevant to this episode, then we would expect to find frequent instances of what happened to Brown. We don’t. Paul is just blowing smoke.


It may well be true that many police forces have heavier arms than they are ever likely to need. Naturally, the police want the newest, fanciest, and most lethal weaponry, and the feds became quite willing to accommodate this desire after 9/11 when it was feared that armed terrorist cells might pop up in random communities.

But has the existence of an over-armed police force produced actual abuses that wouldn’t otherwise have occurred? Perhaps, but Paul makes no effort to demonstrate that it has.


Ultimately, Paul relies on the optics of heavily armed police confronting citizens protesting the killing of Brown, and in some cases overreacting to the protesters. For example, the police reportedly fired tear gas at someone standing in his own yard.

In the context of looting and protests that could turn violent, it doesn’t seem unreasonable for the police to have its most powerful and lethal weapons at the ready. And even Paul, I hope, would allow the police to have tear gas available.

This is not to deny what may well be instances of overzealousness by the police, and not just in its use of tear gas. But again, this seems to be the product of fear and perhaps some loathing, not of “militarization.”

The tendency of police to overreact predates the current trend towards heavy armament, and the police could have acted as it is said to have acted in Missouri — e.g., banning walking in the street, intimidating journalists, etc. — in any scenario in which it has more available force than the citizenry. If Paul believes the police should not have more available force than the citizenry, he should say so.

Rand Paul seldom misses an opportunity to tie racial politics to his libertarianism. The result is never pretty. In this case, given the tragedy at issue, it seems ugly indeed.
clueless libertard annihilated


It's gonna be funny if Hilary get's elected that her biggest accomplishment will be going to war with Iran or some mid-east country.


The news is shit right now. What is going on in MO is atrocious and both sides are snipping back and forth at one another.

Obviously Obama focusing on the protests there is a way for him to ignore our allies in Israel. We must pray for Israel. Israel. Israel. Israel.
I've always envisioned this little comedy sketch where he says the opposite of what he actually wants, and then the GOP goes forth and does his bidding, just to be contrarian.

Oh yeah. Everyone has run with that.

Daily Show: Obama must become a Climate Change Denier.

Add Rand Paul’s name to the list of opportunists seeking to exploit for political purposes the tragic shooting of young Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. The race-hustlers populate the list, of course
I stopped wasting my time as soon as I hit that term which basically is a flag for "I'm racist but I'm going to accuse others of being reverse-racists!".
Paul Ryan on House of Cards said:
I watched the first couple of episodes until he cheated on his wife with that reporter. It turned my stomach so much that I just couldn’t watch it anymore. His behavior was so reprehensible, and it hit too close to home because he was a House member, that it just bothered me too much. And what I thought is, it makes us all look like we’re like that.


I think it was the fourth episode.

And to be fair, before that episode, all he did was blackmail a drunk into supporting him and betraying his constituents, pledge to destroy the presidency, backstab multiple fellow congressmen and get someone to lie about a political opponent to paint them as anti-Israel.

So, nothing bad!

BTW Obama's unintentionally creating a whole generation of libertarians. There's a whole generation of young people whose first experiences with big government is complete and utter incompetence.


paola garcia♛ @_paolababee_
healthy snacks in the vending machines at school ?!! seriously ? THANKS OBAMA @MichelleObama @BarackObama

Yeah, she'll understand a few years down the road when she's trying a new diet every week to try to lose some weight.



The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician

BTW Obama's unintentionally creating a whole generation of libertarians. There's a whole generation of young people whose first experiences with big government is complete and utter incompetence.
Obama unintentionally creating that? Eh a large part of it is republicans deliberately creating that

Also they're teenagers. My politics swung radically between 15 and 20, theirs can too

PPP said:
South Dakota Senate

Mike Rounds (R) 39
Rick Weiland (D) 31
Larry Pressler (I) 16
Gordon Howie (I) 5
Maybe folks were too early in writing this one off. Of the three major candidates (Rounds, Weiland, Pressler), Rounds is actually viewed the least favorably. Pressler is getting a large share of the vote because he was a former senator.

It might behoove the DSCC to spend some cash here, South Dakota is a cheap state to advertise in.
I think the key will be GOTV. Hopefully no one slacks off during election day.

Heh. The problem is that the democrat base has suffered the most over the last 6 years. Young people and black people can't find jobs, Hispanics are upset about the deportation debacle, anti-war folks aren't happy, etc. Why would any of them show up in November?

They better hope Hillary can sweep into office in a wave election. If not we'll essentially get a third Obama term or worse (triangulation time!).
Heh. The problem is that the democrat base has suffered the most over the last 6 years. Young people and black people can't find jobs, Hispanics are upset about the deportation debacle, anti-war folks aren't happy, etc. Why would any of them show up in November?

Well, they have no jobs so they've got the time to vote and they know that voting in Republicans will only make those deportation and war matters worse.

Heh. The problem is that the democrat base has suffered the most over the last 6 years. Young people and black people can't find jobs, Hispanics are upset about the deportation debacle, anti-war folks aren't happy, etc. Why would any of them show up in November?

They better hope Hillary can sweep into office in a wave election. If not we'll essentially get a third Obama term or worse (triangulation time!).

well i hope they are aware of all the Republican cockblocking that has been going on. They better get their ass to the polls.
With all the news out of Ferguson recently I can't help but thinking...

Jay Nixon 2016?

I'm not sure why a slow response to what happened in Ferguson would really help Nixon at all.

He's already endorsed Hillary anyway. Every Democrat is basically waiting to see if she ends up running or not, except maybe Martin O'Malley. I imagine he's more interested in a Cabinet position anyway.
well i hope they are aware of all the Republican cockblocking that has been going on. They better get their ass to the polls.

To a large degree . . . they won't. But it is not because of the jobs situation, immigration, or wars. It is just because there are many lazy voters that can't be bothered to vote in non presidential election years.

The Dems really do need to work on GOTV efforts. I wonder if there are any legal ways to kinda 'bribe' voters to vote (not to vote for any particular candidate). Things like a free happy hour for anyone that comes in wearing an "I voted" sticker. It would be a completely non partisan thing. But I don't know the legal details on something like that.
To a large degree . . . they won't. But it is not because of the jobs situation, immigration, or wars. It is just because there are many lazy voters that can't be bothered to vote in non presidential election years.

The Dems really do need to work on GOTV efforts. I wonder if there are any legal ways to kinda 'bribe' voters to vote (not to vote for any particular candidate). Things like a free happy hour for anyone that comes in wearing an "I voted" sticker. It would be a completely non partisan thing. But I don't know the legal details on something like that.

I think Call of Duty comes out that day, fuck :/ lol

BTW Obama's unintentionally creating a whole generation of libertarians. There's a whole generation of young people whose first experiences with big government is complete and utter incompetence.

Nothing but a bunch of idiots. Isn't the point is to not burden our already broken health care system? We need kids to be instilled with healthy eating habits as early as possible.


I never knew there were so many Tea Party supporters on GAF...they've all congregated in the Battlefield thread...there are some fantastic opinions in there.


No Scrubs
To a large degree . . . they won't. But it is not because of the jobs situation, immigration, or wars. It is just because there are many lazy voters that can't be bothered to vote in non presidential election years.

The Dems really do need to work on GOTV efforts. I wonder if there are any legal ways to kinda 'bribe' voters to vote (not to vote for any particular candidate). Things like a free happy hour for anyone that comes in wearing an "I voted" sticker. It would be a completely non partisan thing. But I don't know the legal details on something like that.

So long as you don't deny service based on who they voted for that would probably be fine.
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