The Librarian
Where is Obummer?!
Plotting the next Benghazi... while on vacation! Double duplicity (doublicity).
Doublicity multiplicity! Crisis in hill-encompassed-city!Benghazi...Ferguson...they both have eight letters! Are there going to be a total of eight crimes in this eight letter terrorism spree before Batman catches him?
Ted Bundy throws an illegal fit, and republicans stand proud with him, against the government oppressors.
Americans peacefully protest a murder by a government official are met with snipers and tanks, and Democrats retreat to their cocoons.
The Ferguson and St. Louis County police departments have both received equipment from the U.S. military through what's known as the 1033 program, a federal program that the American Civil Liberties Union says has been a key catalyst to the broader escalation of law enforcement force in the United States.
The 1033 program, which was approved by Congress in 1992 to help law enforcement fight the war on drugs and was expanded in 1997, allows police departments to request and receive refurbished military equipment from the U.S. Defense Department free of charge. That equipment can range from night vision googles to military-grade firearms and armored vehicles. The ACLU estimated in June 2014 that 500 MRAP vehicles, built to withstand roadside bombs, are now in the hands of American law enforcement.
But part of the problem with the program, according to the ACLU, is a lack of transparency and oversight. Few restrictions are placed on what equipment law enforcement can request or how they use it. The organization concluded that the only significant restriction placed on departments is that they not sell whatever equipment they receive. In fact, departments are required to use the equipment that they receive within one year, which Dansky said could actually incentive the use of the equipment even when it's unnecessary.
"The program contains a built-in incentive," she said. "As these local police departments receive this equipment, there are no meaningful constraints on their ability to use it."
"If all you have is a hammer," she added, "everything looks like a nail."
@BuzzFeedAndrew 1m
Trying to square Obamas comments on journalists with DOJs treatment of Jim Risen, James Rosen, and the Associated Press.
Oh god.. I heard it in the announcer's voice and everything, haha..Doublicity multiplicity! Crisis in hill-encompassed-city!
Beyond the stupidity of the justice department the two aren't close. The ap case is different and one that raises outrage in me (I also think charging Rosen was stupid)That statement was even more tepid than I assumed it would be.
Beyond the stupidity of the justice department the two aren't close. The ap case is different and one that raises outrage in me (I also think charging Rosen was stupid)
Journalists don't get special protection unless there is another law like a shield law.
Clamping down on investigative journalism is a blatant problem with this administration, beyond just the DOJ. But given your constant defense of civil liberty abuses I see no point in continuing the conversation.
Sidenote: It never ceases to amaze me how much Obama and most democrats take the black vote for granted. Good luck in November.
A lot of this view of the press being special comes from the view amongst the press of it being the fourth pillar. (between executive/judicial/legislative)
Hope the Ferguson PD gets the memo before too long.You don't get special rights because you have a certain job.
Will be interesting to see if Obamas complete failure on Ferguson is used by GOP as an attack point.
What do they want more? To call Obama week or to - gasp - imply that a cop might be wrong?
I see Rand Paul speaking out (and shutting up the asinine comments of some liberal bloggers, specifically Greg Sargent), I see Justin Amash speaking out forcefully. Even Cruz released a decent statement. As I said in the thread, I didn't expect Obama to rush out like Chuck D, nor is he some random guy who can say whatever. He does have some responsibility here and cannot even seem like he's justifying violence/defending the riot. Yet he managed to disappoint everyone's low expectations by a wide margin. And then went golfing. The GOP doesn't need a majority of the black vote, they just need 10-15%. And it's bullshit like today's weakness that makes me wonder if maybe republicans can get their foot in the door, IF they can stop being dicks (unlikely).
(And while I tend to roll my eyes at golfing/vacation complaints, it looked especially bad last night and today.)
I think he's just given up. He made an impassioned speech after Sandy Hook. How much did that lead to exactly? Its incredibly disappointing but the guy just seems broken when it comes to domestic affairsI see Rand Paul speaking out (and shutting up the asinine comments of some liberal bloggers, specifically Greg Sargent), I see Justin Amash speaking out forcefully. Even Cruz released a decent statement. As I said in the thread, I didn't expect Obama to rush out like Chuck D, nor is he some random guy who can say whatever. He does have some responsibility here and cannot even seem like he's justifying violence/defending the riot. Yet he managed to disappoint everyone's low expectations by a wide margin. And then went golfing. The GOP doesn't need a majority of the black vote, they just need 10-15%. And it's bullshit like today's weakness that makes me wonder if maybe republicans can get their foot in the door, IF they can stop being dicks (unlikely).
(And while I tend to roll my eyes at golfing/vacation complaints, it looked especially bad last night and today.)
Where is Obummer?!
Hillary Clinton 48
Jeb Bush 41
Hillary Clinton 48
Rand Paul 42
Hillary Clinton 47
Chris Christie 41
I see Rand Paul speaking out (and shutting up the asinine comments of some liberal bloggers, specifically Greg Sargent), I see Justin Amash speaking out forcefully. Even Cruz released a decent statement. As I said in the thread, I didn't expect Obama to rush out like Chuck D, nor is he some random guy who can say whatever. He does have some responsibility here and cannot even seem like he's justifying violence/defending the riot. Yet he managed to disappoint everyone's low expectations by a wide margin. And then went golfing. The GOP doesn't need a majority of the black vote, they just need 10-15%. And it's bullshit like today's weakness that makes me wonder if maybe republicans can get their foot in the door, IF they can stop being dicks (unlikely).
(And while I tend to roll my eyes at golfing/vacation complaints, it looked especially bad last night and today.)
At this rate she's going to lose 103 to -17 by the time the actual election comes around.Yeah . . . but the trend lines! She's doomed. DOOMED, I tell ya!
Repeal the 2nd Amendment.
They wouldn't have an excuse for having such heavy equipment.
That's exactly why I posted the tweet last night and what I hate.
You don't get special rights because you have a certain job. That's all I'm saying, I'm not endorsing the DOJ's stupid decisions, just saying they're not unconstitutional.
And then you have these guysI see Rand Paul speaking out (and shutting up the asinine comments of some liberal bloggers, specifically Greg Sargent), I see Justin Amash speaking out forcefully. Even Cruz released a decent statement. As I said in the thread, I didn't expect Obama to rush out like Chuck D, nor is he some random guy who can say whatever. He does have some responsibility here and cannot even seem like he's justifying violence/defending the riot. Yet he managed to disappoint everyone's low expectations by a wide margin. And then went golfing. The GOP doesn't need a majority of the black vote, they just need 10-15%. And it's bullshit like today's weakness that makes me wonder if maybe republicans can get their foot in the door, IF they can stop being dicks (unlikely).
(And while I tend to roll my eyes at golfing/vacation complaints, it looked especially bad last night and today.)
And then you have these guys
Its like they think they can find the magic words that will make a racist sentiment not be racist.Rep. Steve King: Ferguson Protestors Are Of A Single 'Continental Origin'
Along the way, Alpert can be heard ranting over the complex’s PA system, proclaiming himself a “one man island of armed sovereignty” and complaining about how “bilge… is pumped into young minds” by educators across “these once-united states” that has led to the “denigration, the humbling, the tearing down of everything that made this country great.”
Guards can also be heard complaining about how the gang used to associate with “scumbags” like Marcus, who is black, as well as “Mexicans” and “hippies.” While discussing the bounty placed on Mendoza’s head that led to the double-cross, one enemy remarks, “A quarter-million bucks for a Mexican? Shit, man, I didn’t know they got so expensive.”
All of this could be interpreted as simply painting the enemies as a white-power criminal gang, the kind of hard-right boogeymen that progressives like to use as analogues for all conservatives, but a sequence later in the demonstration makes it clear the developer has a much more specific group in mind.
When finding evidence in a trailer that your captors are connected to the construction or sale of a missile, the player character remarks, “Looks like your old friends have gone way past bank robbery.” Marcus replies, “One black president and Tony completely lost his shit,” as a Gadsden flag, a symbol of the Tea Party movement, is displayed prominently on the wall.
Battlefield Hardline vilifies the Tea Party:
First 12 minutes of single-player
Nate gives the GOP a 60% chance, Sam Wang says it's about 50-50.Guys help me. I haven't been following politics at all this year. But is maintaining the Senate becoming a lost cause for Dems? All the liberal emails I get is becoming all doom and gloom, and a lot of the posts here I can't tell if it's snark or not.
Nate gives the GOP a 60% chance, Sam Wang says it's about 50-50.
The critical states are Alaska, Arkansas, Louisiana, North Carolina, and (ugh) Iowa. Colorado is also pretty close. West Virginia, South Dakota, and Montana are goners.
Democrats do have a decent shot in Kentucky, and to a lesser extent Georgia. But for the most part Democrats will be playing defense.
It's certainly possible that we could see the GOP at 50 seats with Louisiana going to a runoff. I'm hoping the Democrats land around 52-54 seats but that'd require them to run the tables. We'll see.
I see Rand Paul speaking out (and shutting up the asinine comments of some liberal bloggers, specifically Greg Sargent), I see Justin Amash speaking out forcefully. Even Cruz released a decent statement. As I said in the thread, I didn't expect Obama to rush out like Chuck D, nor is he some random guy who can say whatever. He does have some responsibility here and cannot even seem like he's justifying violence/defending the riot. Yet he managed to disappoint everyone's low expectations by a wide margin. And then went golfing. The GOP doesn't need a majority of the black vote, they just need 10-15%. And it's bullshit like today's weakness that makes me wonder if maybe republicans can get their foot in the door, IF they can stop being dicks (unlikely).
(And while I tend to roll my eyes at golfing/vacation complaints, it looked especially bad last night and today.)
C'mon Yahoo! Stop subjecting me to their crap. But what a strange headline . . . isnt that mocking Allen West more than anything else?Allen West Declares Obama An Islamist
Former Florida Rep. Allen West declared President Obama an Islamist who is intentionally working against the security of the United States.
The Daily Caller
Wichita Eagle said:A new television ad for Gov. Sam Brownbacks re-election campaign launched this week features something you wouldnt expect: a sign for his opponent.
The ad shows the governor talking to people in a variety of settings, ranging from a farm to a corporate boardroom. Brownback touts his record, taking credit for 55,000 private sector jobs and a 4.9 percent unemployment rate, and assures the audience that the sun is shining in Kansas.
However, at about 22 seconds into an ad, you can spot a Davis/Docking sign just behind the governor on his right side.
"@stuartpstevens: Well, if Mo. didn't have a Dem governor and AG Holder and President Obama weren't in office, things might have turned ugly in Ferguson."
Am I wrong for thinking there is a sentiment here that racist or at least extremely racially charge?
Jay Nixon is white. It's more politically charged than anything."@stuartpstevens: Well, if Mo. didn't have a Dem governor and AG Holder and President Obama weren't in office, things might have turned ugly in Ferguson."
Am I wrong for thinking there is a sentiment here that racist or at least extremely racially charge?
Considering the tone of the last few nights, I can't help but agree. Of course I'd put the cause any of the violence so far on the heavy handed police presence, he may not, but you may be reading a tiny bit too much into it. I don't think a GOP governor, with a GOP AG and President, would have called in the Highway Patrol. They'd have called in the National Guard or done nothing at all and it would probably have made things worse.
Jay Nixon is white. It's more politically charged than anything.
Stop watching house of cards dude. LolThis is a dumb question that doesn't deserve its own thread, but hypothetically could the Speaker of the House get the Vice President to kill the President in order to become President himself? Some shady under the deal table where the Vice President would be crazy enough to go to jail for the rest of his life/get killed. Maybe if the Vice President's family was being threatened or something.
It seems like it would leave less of a trail than if the Vice President simply killed the President but tried to do it subterfuge.
This is a dumb question that doesn't deserve its own thread, but hypothetically could the Speaker of the House get the Vice President to kill the President in order to become President himself? Some shady under the deal table where the Vice President would be crazy enough to go to jail for the rest of his life/get killed. Maybe if the Vice President's family was being threatened or something.
It seems like it would leave less of a trail than if the Vice President simply killed the President but tried to do it subterfuge.
Former Florida Rep. Allen West declared President Obama an Islamist who is intentionally working against the security of the United States.
“The only plausible explanation for many actions taken by President Obama and his administration is that they are working counter to the security of the United States of America,” the former Florida congressman and retired U.S. Army lieutenant colonel wrote in the post published Wednesday.
Among six example he gives to back up his point is Obama’s decision to release of five Taliban in exchange for Sgt. Bergdahl in May, providing weapons of support to the Egyptian government led by the Muslim Brotherhood, and negotiating with Hamas.
Holy shit! Democrats have a 7 point lead on the generic congressional ballot in a new Fox News poll.
Obviously a big outlier - but damn, if Democrats actually did that well they'd be even money to win a (slight) House majority.
I don't see this as black people being civil because Nixon and crew are Democrats - I see it as the Democrats in charge handling the situation like fucking human beings who are sympathetic to things like people being murdered. That's why it's good that Nixon, Holder, and Obama are in charge.I'm not purely focusing on the race of the occupants of the office but the sense that he seems in my eyes to be saying "Black Folk only are being civil because they are democrats, other wise they'd be beating up on the white republican party"
I'm having a hard time expressing exactly what bothers me so much with that, its a kind of patronizing few that black folk are cowed into racial groups and aren't 'rationally' responding just blinded by party loyalty that would be extinguished if there was a republican.
Well yeah, that's why it'd be a tossup even at that point. Democrats winning by 7 would be a level of performance like 2006 but thanks to gerrymandering it wouldn't be a lock.alstein said:The thing is that 7 points would have to be unpolarized. Odds are it's less in red districts and more in blue.
Stuart Stevens is a pretty cognizant republican on race (he helped with Cochran reaching out black dems) but I can't see him as implying that.I don't see this as black people being civil because Nixon and crew are Democrats - I see it as the Democrats in charge handling the situation like fucking human beings who are sympathetic to things like people being murdered. That's why it's good that Nixon, Holder, and Obama are in charge.