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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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Gotta love it. EVERYONE is taking Obama's "no strategy" remark and running with it.

Good job, Perry.

Earlier this month, Gov. Rick Perry called upon the National Guard to stand along the Texas-Mexico border and help keep out any undocumented immigrants trying to get into the country. The National Guard is proud to serve Perry, but they’d also really like to get paid.

A food bank revealed to local TV station KGBT that they’d been inundated with food requests from Guardsmen, who were deployed on August 11 and won’t be paid until September 5. “We were contacted that 50 troops that are in the Valley don’t have any money for food and gas and they need our assistance,” the bank’s director told KGTV.

According to The Wire, it costs about $12 million per month to keep the 1,000 troops at the border “sustained,” and Perry’s refused to use Texas money to pay them, instead calling on the federal government to do so.

Naturally, other state officials disagree. “It’s embarrassing that our troops have to stand in a food pantry line,” Democratic state Rep. Rene Oliveira said. “This is the fault of the state.”
Why are Dems doing so well in Gov races this year?
The Senators up for reelection this year were last held in 2008 where Democrats well overperformed expectations and historical trends especially in a lot of red states. Even if there's a small D lean this year they should expect to lose a couple

The GOP has the same problem with the governors who were elected in 2010, a great year for Republicans. So they're fighting in Dem states like Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Maine... On top of which the governors have pushed such hard right legislation or found themselves in ethical trouble that makes it even harder to win reelection. A good example is Sam Brownback in Kansas who will probably lose even in a deep red state because he's been such a colossal fuckup

This has also left Democrats with only two states they're at risk of losing (Arkansas and Illinois) since they didn't win many races in 2010 anyway

This happened in reverse during Reagan's second midterm where Democrats won back the Senate while losing several gubernatorial elections thanks to similar timing
The South Dakota Senate debate today was pretty funny. Basically the other three candidates (Weiland D, Pressler R-turned-I, Howie tea partier-running-as-an-I) just spent the whole time shitting on Rounds (R).

PPP released a poll of South Dakota today that has Rounds at 39, Weiland at 33, Pressler at 17, Howie at 4. If Pressler were taken out of the running, Rounds would lead 45-42 over Weiland.

It'd be amazing if the Ds and Is both here and in Kansas worked together to take down the Republican, regardless of who actually wins. Pressler and Greg Orman would most likely caucus with the Democrats anyway.
Maddow got into the polling wars and pointed out that Sam Wang has different take than 538 and NYT's 538 replacements. Sam Wang doesn't give the GOP the stronger chance of winning the senate.

I think Ernst is a bit too Tea Party-ish for Iowa and she'll lose.
Maddow got into the polling wars and pointed out that Sam Wang has different take than 538 and NYT's 538 replacements. Sam Wang doesn't give the GOP the stronger chance of winning the senate.

I think Ernst is a bit too Tea Party-ish for Iowa and she'll lose.
Michigan and New Hampshire have been drifting away from the GOP and I don't think they'll be coming back. They're not so far gone that they're absolutely unwinnable, but Peters and Shaheen have maintained healthy leads in most polling. (Discounting that unbelievably overhyped UNH poll) Colorado will be close but I think Udall will edge it out. If the GOP couldn't win here in 2010 against a much lesser incumbent they're not winning this time.

Iowa's a bit of a mystery and it's dumb that Democrats even let it get this close. But you're right about Ernst. Iowans also seem to be comfortable electing both a Republican and a Democrat to the Senate, and they've already got Grassley.

Begich and Hagan look okay. Arkansas is a coin flip but so is Kentucky. We won't have a clear picture of Louisiana until the runoff happens (since it will likely be affected by other factors e.g. if Democrats have 50 seats or 49 at that time will make a huge difference). The only state I really don't have a good feel for is Georgia, polling has been really scattershot and if I were to make a call I'd say the GOP holds it.

At worst I'm calling the GOP to gain 4 seats giving Democrats a 51-49 majority.

WV and MT are lost like always but SD and KS could provide some entertainment given how goofy they are this election.


Another stolen election by the Democrats:
A Mississippi judge on Friday dismissed state Sen. Chris McDaniel's challenge of longtime Sen. Thad Cochran's June Republican primary runoff victory.

The McDaniel camp had asserted that Cochran's winning margin came from ineligible, Democratic voters - evidence of which they intended to prove at a trial beginning on Sept. 16. Attorneys for Cochran's campaign said McDaniel waited too long after the June 24 runoff to file the lawsuit.

Assuming the ruling stands, Cochran will be a heavy favorite to win a seventh term in the general election.
Speaking of wingnuts...

Herman Cain Uncovers Obama's Secret Plot To Get Impeached

Herman Cain took the conservative rhetoric of "impeachment bait" to the next level on Thursday by theorizing that President Obama is actually trying to get impeached in order to "laugh at the Republicans."

"I believe that he'll do it, and here's why," Cain explained in a radio interview. "First, it's going to stimulate some lawsuits and he knows that it'll take time for those lawsuits to make their way through the court system."

"So they'll play upon the slowness of the justice system," he said. "The whole reason that he would do that is to try and get the Hispanic vote of November of this year."

"They are padding Democrat votes for this upcoming election," he added.

The former presidential candidate and current radio host delivered the remarks in an interview with Trunews, which touts itself as "the only newscast reporting the countdown to the second coming of Jesus Christ."


I respect your opinion. I also believe that it is a nation's duty to keep people clothed, housed, and fed. However different people need different amounts of aid depending on what they are doing. Someone who wants the opportunity to save up and move to a different area to start a career in a booming industry or go to a school has much different needs of aid than someone who just merely wants to wake up and merely live everyday without working. To me it would be silly to give all of these people equal aid. The person who wants to better their life will not only need more money than the person who doesn't want to work, but also put it to better use as they go to school or special trades. It would therefore, to me, make more sense to redirect the surplus of welfare the person who doesn't work gets to the person who wants to go to school or relocate.

It makes sense to me to give people who want to go to school more money than people who just aren't able to (I don't buy "doesn't want to") work.

It doesn't then follow that we need to take money away from people who aren't working. We can easily have multiple programs, one for survival, one for schooling, etc. In fact, we do! That's how our social safety programs actually work.

So I agree with your starting point, but I don't see how you get from there to "therefore, we need enforcement for welfare." It still seems like a leap to me -- and, after all, justifying that people deserve different amounts is a long way from justifying that some people deserve none.
Being a radio host for a conservative radio show is the 2nd easiest job in the world. I would totally take that job. All you have to do is blame Obama for everything, call him an idiot and tyrant while also claiming he's weak and does nothing. And people will listen and agree.

Easiest being a San Diego weatherman, of course.


The Georgia and national GOP kept Cain at arms length until his second Presidential campaign picked up steam as he also seemed to be polished up in the early debates. Jack Kemp originally brought him into politics because he had only seen Cain making public speeches/debates and then everybody backed off and wouldn't touch his 2000 campaign. He barely got his 2004 Senate campaign off the ground and like his second Presidential run had to use his outside ties to get a campaign apparatus setup.

The harassment/adultery accusations were supposedly the "harmless" stuff. (I assume the Gingrich camp knew whatever else there was.) I assume the big dump would have been all his wacky, even for the wacky wing, views circa 1997-2010.

Though by all accounts, other than the harassment thing, dude was a machine and a powerhouse in the restaurant business.
I had to learn more . . .

Trunews is the only nightly newscast reporting the countdown to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Hosted by Rick Wiles, the one-hour weeknight program reports news too hot for Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC. Global governance, implanted microchips, Big Brother surveillance technology, genetically modified food, earthquakes and natural calamities, genetic hybrid himeras, the development of a electronic global police state, persecution, and the coming USA war with China and Russia are among the topics covered on Trunews. The program is Industrial Strength News - not recommended for timid people who have no desire to know what is really happening in the world.

Gotta love the wingnut media.
Lol peter king is such an idiot. He was just on CNN seriously saying obamas suit was taking away from serious of the issues.

He was also pissed obama talked about the economy before syria because more americans care about the later..... Haha
Lol peter king is such an idiot. He was just on CNN seriously saying obamas suit was taking away from serious of the issues.

He was also pissed obama talked about the economy before syria because more americans care about the later..... Haha

I'm telling you, it's so easy to be a conservative pundit.

Obama intentionally wore a tan khaki suit to distract from the seriousness of the issue. Read it out loud.

It would be funny if so many people didn't eat it up and lead to fucking people over.


Lol peter king is such an idiot. He was just on CNN seriously saying obamas suit was taking away from serious of the issues.

He was also pissed obama talked about the economy before syria because more americans care about the later..... Haha
Please properly give the man his full title: Representative Peter T. King, Unrepentant and Enthusiastic Supporter of Terrorism.


I had to learn more . . .

Trunews is the only nightly newscast reporting the countdown to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Hosted by Rick Wiles, the one-hour weeknight program reports news too hot for Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC. Global governance, implanted microchips, Big Brother surveillance technology, genetically modified food, earthquakes and natural calamities, genetic hybrid himeras, the development of a electronic global police state, persecution, and the coming USA war with China and Russia are among the topics covered on Trunews. The program is Industrial Strength News - not recommended for timid people who have no desire to know what is really happening in the world.

Gotta love the wingnut media.

Soo...do they purport to know the exact date of the second coming or is it just every time a state legalizes same-sex marriage they proclaim, "another sign of the apocolypse, we are that much closer to the return!"


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Bill O'Reilly "exempted" himself from the idea that he benefits from White privilege.

I had to learn more . . .

Trunews is the only nightly newscast reporting the countdown to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Hosted by Rick Wiles, the one-hour weeknight program reports news too hot for Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC.

Like this story?

Rick Wiles: 'Ebola Could Solve America's Problems With Atheism And Homosexuality'

“Now this Ebola epidemic can become a global pandemic and that’s another name for plague. It may be the great attitude adjustment that I believe is coming,” he said. “Ebola could solve America’s problems with atheism, homosexuality, sexual promiscuity, pornography and abortion.”

“If Ebola becomes a global plague, you better make sure the blood of Jesus is upon you, you better make sure you have been marked by the angels so that you are protected by God. If not, you may be a candidate to meet the Grim Reaper.”


Oh noes, the Turtle is in danger:
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's campaign manager, Jesse Benton, announced his resignation late Friday, citing potential distractions over renewed attention to a controversy from the Iowa 2012 caucuses.

Benton, a longtime associate of Rand Paul and his father, former Texas Rep. Ron Paul, was tapped to run the McConnell campaign early in the cycle. But he's been dogged by a scandal involving the elder Paul's 2012 Iowa campaign.

A former Iowa GOP state lawmaker pleaded guilty in recent days to charges of accepting money to change his endorsement in 2012 from Michele Bachmann to Ron Paul. Benton was the chairman of Paul's 2012 campaign. He has not been accused of wrongdoing in the case.

"The press accounts and rumors are particularly hurtful because they are false," Benton said. "However, what is most troubling to me is that they risk unfairly undermining and becoming a distraction to this reelection campaign."


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
LOL. This is about Ben Carson, aka 2016's Herman Cain (Allah willing):

He speaks softly, almost as though he’s reading a child to sleep. But this is a scary story. If Republicans don’t win back the Senate in November, he says, he can’t be sure “there will even be an election in 2016.” Later, his wife, Candy, tells a supporter that they are holding on to their son’s Australian passport just in case the election doesn’t go their way.

Yes, these morons are so terrified of socialism, they'll be moving to a more...socialist country. That'll teach them damn progressives!


lol, I remember reading that. I still have no idea what their criteria is for a country being more "free" than the other.
They give a bunch of ratings to individual things which create a singular rating.

The actual real problem with it, even if you agree with their assumptions, is that their scale is all fucked up in part due to multicollinearity and in part because they don't accurately set the bounds. They hide the actual useful information you might want in some third data-set. (Because what they want to do is issue a new report every year, so it's not entirely their fault.)

I wish they'd integrate it with this: http://www.doingbusiness.org/rankings

I think somebody has integrated it with this, but I forget who: http://freedomhouse.org/report-types/freedom-world


Michigan and New Hampshire have been drifting away from the GOP and I don't think they'll be coming back. They're not so far gone that they're absolutely unwinnable, but Peters and Shaheen have maintained healthy leads in most polling. (Discounting that unbelievably overhyped UNH poll) Colorado will be close but I think Udall will edge it out. If the GOP couldn't win here in 2010 against a much lesser incumbent they're not winning this time.

Iowa's a bit of a mystery and it's dumb that Democrats even let it get this close. But you're right about Ernst. Iowans also seem to be comfortable electing both a Republican and a Democrat to the Senate, and they've already got Grassley.

Begich and Hagan look okay. Arkansas is a coin flip but so is Kentucky. We won't have a clear picture of Louisiana until the runoff happens (since it will likely be affected by other factors e.g. if Democrats have 50 seats or 49 at that time will make a huge difference). The only state I really don't have a good feel for is Georgia, polling has been really scattershot and if I were to make a call I'd say the GOP holds it.

At worst I'm calling the GOP to gain 4 seats giving Democrats a 51-49 majority.

WV and MT are lost like always but SD and KS could provide some entertainment given how goofy they are this election.

We really need better polling for Georgia, though my guy says GOP hold.



Unlike Mr. Wiles I don't find atheism, homosexuality, pornography, sexual promiscuity or abortion to be America's problems, nor do I believe that Ebola could solve them if they were America's problems or that Ebola could solve America's problems. And I don't support Rick Wiles position that the Republican Party is good for America.

So what exactly am I in denial over here?
We have no one but ourselves to blame for ISIS. The american people loudly stated their demand to stay out of syria or hands off syria. Let them handle it or fight it out themselves was what I heard this time last year.

What will would we have had to confront these people before the videos and scary rhetoric started hitting home. Probably close to none and even now if it's put to a vote in Congress who knows if it would pass.
We really need better polling for Georgia, though my guy says GOP hold.
Yeah like we got one poll recently with a big Nunn lead and another with a big Perdue lead when previously it seemed to be neck and neck. Carter also seems to be doing well in the governor's contest.

Kentucky poll tomorrow from SurveyUSA.
We have no one but ourselves to blame for ISIS. The american people loudly stated their demand to stay out of syria or hands off syria. Let them handle it or fight it out themselves was what I heard this time last year.

What will would we have had to confront these people before the videos and scary rhetoric started hitting home. Probably close to none and even now if it's put to a vote in Congress who knows if it would pass.

I'm failing to see your point, but I'm disappointed that these "scary" videos have convinced so many people that we must intervene and deal with ISIS. They pose no threat to the United States, and there are multiple countries willing to shitcan them, specifically Iran. It's not our problem.
I'm failing to see your point, but I'm disappointed that these "scary" videos have convinced so many people that we must intervene and deal with ISIS. They pose no threat to the United States, and there are multiple countries willing to shitcan them, specifically Iran. It's not our problem.

No threat to the US? How do you come to that conclusion?
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