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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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No Scrubs

Khaki suit. Impeach, IMO.

Is he actually wearing that? It looks shopped.
Yeah, I like his methodology of only sticking with polls. It makes a lot of sense to me. But I still don't think I'll ever shake that feeling that I'm just listening to him because I like what he's saying, even if I find his methodology sound. I'm not too stressed out about it though. I don't anticipate a big difference between the future where Republicans win versus the future where Democrats win. And I'll still side with his analysis against any other, based on his track record.
I agree - I'm sure the fact that I like what he's saying plays into my preferring his method. But I feel like Nate and other pundits put too much weight on "fundamentals" even though it would have shown up in polling by now. Take 2012 for example - Jon Tester built a small lead in polling in the last couple months, but nope, Montana's a Republican state, so 2-1 odds for the Republican. Tester won, of course. North Dakota was even worse. It's lazy analysis.

Of course, this doesn't extend to reliably blue states like Michigan and Pennsylvania, which will always be tossups because why not.


Heh, guy in my Business Law class looked like an idiot buying into some of the right-wing fear machine. Professor asked about examples of President Obama and his executive orders, or what people are actually concerned about.

His example was President Obama violating the second amendment by taking away AR-15s after Sandy Hook by Executive Order. Professor just kinda stared at him, and asked him what the hell he was talking about.
Heh, guy in my Business Law class looked like an idiot buying into some of the right-wing fear machine. Professor asked about examples of President Obama and his executive orders, or what people are actually concerned about.

His example was President Obama violating the second amendment by taking away AR-15s after Sandy Hook by Executive Order. Professor just kinda stared at him, and asked him what the hell he was talking about.

I love it when right-wing bubble world information meets the real world.

But the thing that gets me is that they never get mad at the source of the misinformation. Instead, they get mad at the rest of the world.


The Autumn Wind
I love it when right-wing bubble world information meets the real world.

But the thing that gets me is that they never get mad at the source of the misinformation. Instead, they get mad at the rest of the world.
Here's my example:

The other day in the breakroom at work, a couple of coworkers were talking about the whole Israel-Gaza conflict. Obama came up, and one of the guys says "You know, Obama has made more executive orders than all of the past presidents combined." At this point, I feel the need to interject and tell him "Actually, besides the first Bush, he's made less than every president since FDR."

The guy's response? "Yeah, the ones on record, maybe."

That's when I just walked out.
I can run down to CVS right now and buy hooch...

LA's only advan over CA is that you're prohibited from buying booze between 3 and 5 am instead of 2 and 6 am. (These are both "what's the fucking point?" limitations, BTW.)
Didn't know that about Cali. They seem cool though.

You guys have last call?
Is he actually wearing that? It looks shopped.

He's wearing it. I was surprised myself, considering he's never worn it before (to my knowledge).

In regards to alcohol, I work at a Fry's in Arizona, and you have to wait until 6 AM to buy booze. There used to be a law where you had to wait until 10 AM to buy on Sunday, but that got pulled.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
T]he vast majority of young libertarians in 2012 were already voting for Republican candidates: 76% of younger libertarians, along with 82% of older libertarians, reported voting for Mitt Romney in the 2012 presidential election. In addition, young libertarians overwhelmingly identified with the Republican Party and favored Republican House and Senate candidates by wide margins. Among libertarians under the age of 30, those who identified with or leaned toward the Republican Party outnumbered those who identified with or leaned toward the Democratic Party by 74% to 17%. Of these young libertarians, 75% reported voting for a Republican House candidate in 2012 and 81% reported voting for a Republican Senate candidate.

Nice to see my anecdotal evidence matches up pretty well with reality. Libertarians are just Republicans who may like weed.
I guess Mitt's 2008 and 2012 former press secretary Kevin Madden didn't enjoy my comments to him today...


I think he took offense at me calling him a clown and employing laughable PR strategies?


Unconfirmed Member

Clinton comments on ferguson. Probably still gonna get blasted.

Spoiler, its more progressive than Obama's

I did not expect that. That's encouraging.

The main problem I have is it's a bit ambiguous about why Ferguson looked like a war zone, and who are the good cops she's talking about. I'm not sure I can call that a criticism to the militarized response to the protests, even with the statement about "inspiring trust rather than fear". It just sounds to me like she's saying that the Ferguson police did mostly do that, which I definitely disagree with.

But yeah, she was extremely clear about the race issue, and I'm happy about that.
I did not expect that. That's encouraging.

The main problem I have is it's a bit ambiguous about why Ferguson looked like a war zone, and who are the good cops she's talking about. I'm not sure I can call that a criticism to the militarized response to the protests, even with the statement about "inspiring trust rather than fear". It just sounds to me like she's saying that the Ferguson police did mostly do that, which I definitely disagree with.

But yeah, she was extremely clear about the race issue, and I'm happy about that.

The positives of not being POTUS or in any political office. I'm sure Clinton was President and Obama was still a Senator or whatever, he'd be a little tougher than he currently is.
I guess Mitt's 2008 and 2012 former press secretary Kevin Madden didn't enjoy my comments to him today...


I think he took offense at me calling him a clown and employing laughable PR strategies?

So you can't acknowledge that the president saying he has no strategy isn't a message a president should send, especially given the various outs he could use ("none that I can share publicly; we're continuing to weight our options but what we do know is..."). Clown shoes.

But given my view that there should be no ISIS strategy I can't get too mad.
Considering there hasn't been a single libertarian running as a Dem, they've all run as Republicans, that was obvious.
yeah I don't feel like there's been any prominent libertarian who's decided "You know what, I'm going to run as a Democrat." They've all gone with the Republicans.

There have been Democrats with libertarian-ish positions like Brian Schweitzer or Russ Feingold but they're also very liberal economically.
Nice to see my anecdotal evidence matches up pretty well with reality. Libertarians are just Republicans who may like weed.

careful. I've mentioned this exact sentence on this forum and was called ignorant and wrong so lol.


Clinton comments on ferguson. Probably still gonna get blasted.

Spoiler, its more progressive than Obama's

trying to figure out what the RNC will use in ads against her in 2 years.

oh wait "I applaud President Obama" will be plastered everywhere


Unconfirmed Member
trying to figure out what the RNC will use in ads against her in 2 years.

oh wait "I applaud President Obama" will be plastered everywhere
Remember when Republicans somehow got anyone who dared bring up Bush to be ashamed of themselves for playing such dirty politics when McCain was the candidate? It'll be funny to watch that tide turn.

Still, I wonder what Obama's approval rating will be after 2 years of record high veto numbers should republicans win the house and senate.
Still, I wonder what Obama's approval rating will be after 2 years of record high veto numbers should republicans win the house and senate.

Well if democrats and other sane individuals can get out and show what some of the (potential) batshit stuff that would flow to Obama's desk that necessitated the need for a veto, probably not much different than now.

Coming back into the real world, probably not too high then.


It's one thing for Fox and Politico to play gotcha with Obama's "strategy" comments without context but it's pretty surreal that the mainstream media is playing along as well.

You'd think this was a random political foodfight not a discussion about using military force.

So you can't acknowledge that the president saying he has no strategy isn't a message a president should send,

Except that's not what he was saying at all. He said they have no strategy to bomb Syria. Pretty much trying to walk back the war drumbeat of the past week

What's really galling is the coordinated attempt by the GOP to blame the situation in Iraq on Obama for "losing" the war Bush had "won". Will the public really swallow this?
It's one thing for Fox and Politico to play gotcha with Obama's "strategy" comments without context but it's pretty surreal that the mainstream media is playing along as well.

You'd think this was a random political foodfight not a discussion about using military force.

Dat Liberal Media tho


Unconfirmed Member
It's one thing for Fox and Politico to play gotcha with Obama's "strategy" comments without context but it's pretty surreal that the mainstream media is playing along as well.

You'd think this was a random political foodfight not a discussion about using military force.
We're talking about war here. All of the mainstream media has always played to the most hawkish side regarding issues of war. Even MSNBC.



Clinton comments on ferguson. Probably still gonna get blasted.

Spoiler, its more progressive than Obama's

Good comments.

Black people talking about the black experience usually falls on deaf ears. Perhaps the same message coming from Hillary will penetrate into those who may not usually listen.

And honestly, who cares if she is going to get blasted by the usual detractors? It's not as if those people were going to support anything she says anyway. If the Fox coverage is anything to go by, these people are more concerned with false equivalences, faux outrage ("what about the violence in Chicago?") and the politics of changing the subject.


It's one thing for Fox and Politico to play gotcha with Obama's "strategy" comments without context but it's pretty surreal that the mainstream media is playing along as well.

You'd think this was a random political foodfight not a discussion about using military force.

Except that's not what he was saying at all. He said they have no strategy to bomb Syria. Pretty much trying to walk back the war drumbeat of the past week

What's really galling is the coordinated attempt by the GOP to blame the situation in Iraq on Obama for "losing" the war Bush had "won". Will the public really swallow this?

Most have. War fever is heating up in America again.


Rep. Steve King (R-IA) floated the possibility of shutting down the government on Wednesday if President Obama issues an executive action granting deportation relief to more undocumented immigrants. King’s comments come just one day after Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) suggested that Republicans in the Senate use “funding mechanisms to address this issue.”

“If the president wields his pen and commits that unconstitutional act to legalize millions, I think that becomes something that is nearly political nuclear,” King said in remarks before the Westside Conservative Breakfast Club in Urbandale, Iowa, adding that “all bets are off” on passing a measure to keep the government running past October.

“I think the public would be mobilized and galvanized and that changes the dynamic of any continuing resolution and how we might deal with that,” he added.

Congress will have just 10 working days to pass a continuing resolution after it returns from summer vacation on September 8. Several Republicans have already threatened to hold up the measure over renewal of the Export-Import Bank and the administration’s proposed environmental regulations, though no party leaders have yet endorsed using must-pass legislation to prevent the administration’s forthcoming immigration action.

Speaking to Breitbart, Rubio said he would be “interested to see what kinds of ideas my colleagues have about using funding mechanisms to address this issue.”

Earlier this month, Sen. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) told a Politico reporter that Republicans would strong arm President Obama into adopting a host of Republican policy priorities, from repealing the Affordable Care Act to undoing environmental regulations, but did not specifically mention immigration.



It's one thing for Fox and Politico to play gotcha with Obama's "strategy" comments without context but it's pretty surreal that the mainstream media is playing along as well.

You'd think this was a random political foodfight not a discussion about using military force.

Except that's not what he was saying at all. He said they have no strategy to bomb Syria. Pretty much trying to walk back the war drumbeat of the past week

What's really galling is the coordinated attempt by the GOP to blame the situation in Iraq on Obama for "losing" the war Bush had "won". Will the public really swallow this?

The media feeds on clickbait and gotchas and combine that with it's love for war and it's not surprising that they are sensationalizing Obama's comments.


Turtleface is gonna strong arm the President into repealing the ACA? Possible! Imagine how many bills will be sent to his desk via a simple majority repealing the ACA, should the GOP win the Senate.


That 25 point gap! it's over. The only question is, who is that 24% that still approves?
I've talked to some of them... they exist... :(
Frankly, though -- it's amazing how many solid Republicans hate this guy too. Corbett is probably the worst governor this state has ever had. I've never seen a politician so loathed in Pennsylvania.

Wolf is going to be great for PA.
Among talking heads and politicians sure, but not among average Americans. Iraq ruined war for at least another half decade.

American's won't go for another war with ground troops until the US homeland is attacked, Iran shows a nuke (since this as been primed). I can't see anything else arsing passions in any serious way that will make people want to put solders a risk.

Bombing campaigns? They'll go for that.


Turtleface is gonna strong arm the President into repealing the ACA? Possible! Imagine how many bills will be sent to his desk via a simple majority repealing the ACA, should the GOP win the Senate.

I've talked to some of them... they exist... :(
Frankly, though -- it's amazing how many solid Republicans hate this guy too. Corbett is probably the worst governor this state has ever had. I've never seen a politician so loathed in Pennsylvania.

Wolf is going to be great for PA.

Ummm, zero? Unless I totally missed the projections showing the GOP getting 60+ seats in the Senate.
I had a crazy thought. Since Fergudon we're talking about having cameras on police officers but obviously that's going to take time not to mention fights over the cost and purported necessity. What would happen if Obama (or some other prominent politician) were to make an announcement such as "body cameras are the future of law enforcement, and public safety. But implementing this technology will take time, which is why I encourage all Americans, in the meantime, to use their cellphones to record all their interactions with law enforcement so as to have an objective witness to their circumstances, as is their right under the first amendment."

The right would explode right? But how would they sin their opposition?
Wolf is going to be great for PA.
Hopefully he'll have enough coattails to let Democrats win the State Senate (they just need 3 for a majority, 2 for a tie). Maybe even the State House which is a bit harder, although both chambers have been gerrymandered because of course.

If they managed to score a trifecta they couldn't redistrict the state legislative maps, but the congressional maps would be fair game.
Why should we expect them to do anything?

Your post contains the implicit assumption that we should expect people receiving welfare to be looking for work. I don't agree with that assumption, and I'm asking you to defend it.

Personally, I think we have a moral responsibility to make sure people are fed and housed, and we should use social programs to meet that responsibility. I'm not particularly concerned over people taking advantage of those social programs, partly because they historically don't, and partly because I'm responsible for my choices, not theirs. So far from improving our enforcement efforts (which will probably cost more than it saves, because again, most people don't try to cheat welfare), I'd like to dismantle it while increasing welfare eligibility.

I respect your opinion. I also believe that it is a nation's duty to keep people clothed, housed, and fed. However different people need different amounts of aid depending on what they are doing. Someone who wants the opportunity to save up and move to a different area to start a career in a booming industry or go to a school has much different needs of aid than someone who just merely wants to wake up and merely live everyday without working. To me it would be silly to give all of these people equal aid. The person who wants to better their life will not only need more money than the person who doesn't want to work, but also put it to better use as they go to school or special trades. It would therefore, to me, make more sense to redirect the surplus of welfare the person who doesn't work gets to the person who wants to go to school or relocate.

Now you could of course say "Well what if a child of non-working welfare recipient wants to better their life, how do you not know that non-working welfare person will start giving money to invest in their child?", which would be a good argument. Luckily this is where things such as equal public education (such as found in FInland), universal healthcare, free daycare, and what not come in to give equal overall care and investment in every child. Once that child grows up to become a young adult then they themselves can receive the welfare needs they need.

That's how I see it at least. Though my views on government aid and redistribution are deeper than that.


This is semantics, and nothing more
While implying tha Obama is disrespecting officers by implying they need to be recorded, I imagine.

I think some on the right would say that, but there are others on the right who have been adamant in their defense of a constitutional right to record police. And I think that Obama himself recognizes that a statement such as the one you've proposed would serve only to inflame passions, which is why he won't do it. (Not to mention that the implicit message that the police can't be trusted seems at odds with liberalism's general trust of government power.)


Considering there hasn't been a single libertarian running as a Dem, they've all run as Republicans, that was obvious.
R.J. Harris did this year.

yeah I don't feel like there's been any prominent libertarian who's decided "You know what, I'm going to run as a Democrat." They've all gone with the Republicans.
There's like four prominent libertarians total. And they have no chance in a Democratic primary or are too busy hosting the Price is Right.
Cameras on police should be a state issue. Not from a constitutional perspective but from a community issue. Ferguson is an example of many towns and cities that are represented by incompetent or downright ugly people who have no fear of losing their jobs because the community isn't involved. Ferguson has one black person on their municipal council; not saying the 5 whites on the council are bad or shouldn't be there, but if people were more involved there would be more than one black person there.

Your school board, city council, mayor, sheriffs, local judges, etc have more of an immediate impact on your life than the senate or president. Cameras on police is a great issue to start getting people more involved in their local government.
Cameras on police should be a state issue. Not from a constitutional perspective but from a community issue. Ferguson is an example of many towns and cities that are represented by incompetent or downright ugly people who have no fear of losing their jobs because the community isn't involved. Ferguson has one black person on their municipal council; not saying the 5 whites on the council are bad or shouldn't be there, but if people were more involved there would be more than one black person there.

Your school board, city council, mayor, sheriffs, local judges, etc have more of an immediate impact on your life than the senate or president. Cameras on police is a great issue to start getting people more involved in their local government.

My response to an article that states pretty much what you did:

Anyway I could see the arguments but my general problem is that I don't want surveillance cameras to be every single place I go when I leave my home. Everywhere I walk down the street, every store I go to, every time I go to school, and whenever I am at work. People shouldn't become comfortable being watched like they have started to since the PATRIOT ACT.
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