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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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Speaking of the Senate, just looking at the vulnerable seats in 2016 makes me kind of want a Hillary candidacy because it would assure a Dem landslide in congressional races as well.


Florida, Ohio, New Hampshire, Illinois, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin will be easy Dem pickups.

The Dems also have a good shot in Arizona (if McCain retires), Alaska (if Murkowski gets primaried out), Georgia, Indiana, Iowa (seeing Grassley lose would be awesome), Kentucky, Missouri, and North Carolina.

So best case scenario is 12-14 seats, if the Dems hold onto the Senate this year they can get well above the filibuster proof majority in 2016.
But Kay Hagan!
Very interesting Schweitzer interview with Dave Weigel

Couldn't agree more. Seems clear he's going full anti-Washington, and it'll be interesting to see how Hillary reacts. If she expects a coronation again, she could easily be upset again.

I really really like Schwitzer. Though I don't like his "screw them" attitude towards the Afghans

I'm always interested in progressive change often coming out of the west with their own unique quirks. The really have a liberal/libertarian mix that's interesting to me.

This is good framing to go forward on health care reform

We just need to act like capitalists, not socialists. We need to negotiate to buy medicine. Now, what’s interesting is that the detractors hear that and say—this is like socialized medicine. No! Are you kidding me? France, the United Kingdom: They negotiate like capitalists to buy their medicine. The United States? We say to the pharmaceutical companies, how much would you like this for? We continue to pay them three times what they sell the same medicines for all over the world. Right after the bill was passed, big pharma was running ads for all the Democrats who voted for this thing. Even in Montana. What’d they get out of it? They now have a lot more money.
Looks like someone forgot the Onion is not supposed to run factual articles

The 113th United States Congress returns to Capitol Hill this week. Here are some of the key issues that will define their upcoming session:

Debt Ceiling: Christ, again with this shit. Americans With Disabilities Act: In an effort to reconnect with old fans, Congress is hoping to pass this 1990 favorite once more.

Obamacare: Time is of the essence as the start of 2014 leaves Congress with just 5,437 more attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act.

CornTalk FM: Congress is expected to pass a continuing resolution to fund Tom Vilsack’s long-running agriculture-themed morning radio show for another 8 months.
Gun Control, Climate Change, Mass Incarceration, Crumbling Infrastructure, Endemic Segregation: Continue ignoring these.

3D-Printed Plastic Guns: Not a pressing issue because, come on, they're made of plastic. Essentially, these are just toys we're talking about, right?

Conservation Efforts For The Lark Sparrow: As has been the case for the past 6 years, tireless legislators on both sides of the aisle are determined to save the endangered passerine bird from extinction.

Midterm Elections: Mere months away, although at a time when so many significant domestic and international issues need to be addressed, politics is the last thing that Congress is thinking about right now.
Speaking of the Senate, just looking at the vulnerable seats in 2016 makes me kind of want a Hillary candidacy because it would assure a Dem landslide in congressional races as well.


Florida, Ohio, New Hampshire, Illinois, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin will be easy Dem pickups.

Personally, I think Portman will be hard to unseat. Despite my many disagreements with him, he's a relatively likable guy and not belligerently partisan.

Plus, you can never really trust the Ohio Democratic Party to pick a competent candidate.
Personally, I think Portman will be hard to unseat. Despite my many disagreements with him, he's a relatively likable guy and not belligerently partisan.

Plus, you can never really trust the Ohio Democratic Party to pick a competent candidate.

I'm always amazed at states like ohio where they have a really really liberal and progressive guy like brown and the same people vote portman in.
Personally, I think Portman will be hard to unseat. Despite my many disagreements with him, he's a relatively likable guy and not belligerently partisan.

Plus, you can never really trust the Ohio Democratic Party to pick a competent candidate.

Outside of gay rights Portman has done literally nothing to differentiate himself from the rest of the hard right of the GOP, he's Ted Cruz but he doesn't talk as much.

I could see Richard Cordray stepping down from the CFPB early and running, he would be an excellent candidate.
I'm always amazed at states like ohio where they have a really really liberal and progressive guy like brown and the same people vote portman in.

Worse Wisconsin, goes from throwing Feingold out in 2010 and replacing him with easily the most conservative member of the Senate, Ron Johnson, and then two years later votes one of the most liberal members of the House , Tammy Baldwin, to the Senate.

That being said, I really hope Feingold runs for his old seat in 2016, he was easily the best member of the Senate. He should've run for President in 2008.


Portman is only for gay rights because his son is gay. Let's not forget that one of the most important qualities of the modern Republican is the inability to empathize or imagine outside of their own current situation.
We still need a healthier climate for Democrats
It seems GOP is hard at work in making that happen with the UE benefits extension. It's gonna die in house and it will be a slow and painful death. Heck even Harry Reid is having trouble with it in the Senate. Hopefully he can get it together and shifts the ball in Boehner's court.
But that split? Brown is pretty damn liberal.

It's also a matter of the GOP running an incompetent little turd of a candidate in Josh Mandel in 2012. He's a Boy Scout on crack and had a shitty, well-publicized record of incompetence as state treasurer. The Republicans couldn't have possibly picked a more irritating and less likable candidate than Mandel. Put a Portman-esque faux moderate in that race and Brown could have easily lost it.

Outside of gay rights Portman has done literally nothing to differentiate himself from the rest of the hard right of the GOP, he's Ted Cruz but he doesn't talk as much.
I wouldn't go that far, but Portman is certainly no moderate. He's really good at pretending to be one, though.

I could see Richard Cordray stepping down from the CFPB early and running, he would be an excellent candidate.

My choice would be Jennifer Brunner. Cordray's great, too, but I think Brunner in the Senate race paired with Hillary in the presidential race would make for a compelling ticket in 2016. Brunner ran in the Senate primary in 2010 and lost to Lee Fisher because, as I said earlier, Ohio Democrats are really bad at picking candidates for statewide elections.
It's also a matter of the GOP running an incompetent little turd of a candidate in Josh Mandel in 2012. He's a Boy Scout on crack and had a shitty, well-publicized record of incompetence as state treasurer. The Republicans couldn't have possibly picked a more irritating and less likable candidate than Mandel. Put a Portman-esque faux moderate in that race and Brown could have easily lost it.

I still refuse to believe Mandel was of the requisite 30 years of age. I think I look older than him and I'm over 10 years his junior.
I still refuse to believe Mandel was of the requisite 30 years of age. I think I look older than him and I'm over 10 years his junior.

He has one of the most punchable faces of any politician I can thin of.

Through my job, I've had the displeasure to hear Mandel speak multiple times. And he always uses the same stupid stump speech where he holds up a worn-down pair of dress shoes and talks about how many pairs he's worn down going door-to-door talking to constituents. It's just terrible. You either eat this shit up and absolutely love the guy, or you see through it instantly and can't stand him. Thankfully, more people fall in the latter group than the former, if the 2012 election is any indication.
Through my job, I've had the displeasure to hear Mandel speak multiple times. And he always uses the same stupid stump speech where he holds up a worn-down pair of dress shoes and talks about how many pairs he's worn down going door-to-door talking to constituents. It's just terrible. You either eat this shit up and absolutely love the guy, or you see through it instantly and can't stand him. Thankfully, more people fall in the latter group than the former, if the 2012 election is any indication.
I HATE stump speeches and faux appeals about 'speaking to constituents'

You speak for them by advocating their ideas not going to their favorite bar or cheering for their sports team


For disclosure I am not a belieber. I have been educated in a conservative kind of "protestant" christian religion, whatever. When you read letters from St Paul to the first churches there is also this idea of preserving the "purity" of the group from sins and etc. How does he deal with it? To what extent can gay people be allowed to recieve communion from the churches? Maybe that off-topic, but the "modernization" of religions and its new interpretation of its basics texts is a technical issue that's really neglected theorically nowadays.

Well, I am assuming that he is welcoming gay people to the church he will allow them to fully participate in that. I honestly don't know what would make you think otherwise unless I missed some statement by the Pope.

I think you make a pretty educated guess that Francis doesnt give two shits about the 'purity' of the church. He wants everyone to feel welcome to worship there. As for how does he deal with it, well, he could always go back to the example of Jesus who preached to prostitutes, lepers, and poor people, and not Paul who apparently wanted to shield the church from those icky sins. Pretty stupid policy to have when everyone is a sinner.
Step aside Jan Brewer, there is a new sheriff in town. And he is asking, ANYBODY SEEN RICHIE?!?

Actor Steven Seagal Mulls Run for Governor of Arizona

Movie tough guy Steven Seagal says he is thinking about running for governor in Arizona, and has even talked to prominent local sheriff about his plans.

The Hard to Kill actor mentioned his political aspirations while promoting his new reality TV show, Steven Seagal — Lawman: Maricopa County on a local ABC affiliate. The show follows the martial arts star as he works as a deputy to Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who is known nationally for his tough tack against undocumented immigrants.

Seagal said that border security is the most important issue facing the country. Seagal was sworn in as a local deputy sheriff last year.

Read more: Steven Seagal Thinking About Running for Arizona Governor | TIME.com http://entertainment.time.com/2014/...ls-run-for-governor-of-arizona/#ixzz2pfBt3ia1
I would expect the more vulnerable blue state Senators like Kirk and Ayotte to support it.

Also if it hadn't been said yet Reid pushed the vote to tomorrow morning because Big John Cornyn complained about them voting tonight.
This John Cornyn?


Am I the only one who supports Steve Stockman in the primary? Cornyn and Stockman are pretty much the same ideologically and voting record wise, the only difference is that Cornyn is "serious" aka he doesn't say stupid shit. People need to know that there really isn't much ideological variation in the GOP.

Same thing with Liz Cheney in Wyoming, after she announced her run every centrist pundit came out and praised Enzi as being so so serious even though he had the exact same voting record as Ted Cruz. If Cheney had stayed in the race and won and went on to be a complete dingbat in the Senate...at least she wouldn't be fooling anyone.
I just stumbled onto this

There is no reason why, in a society which has reached the general level of wealth ours has, the first kind of security should not be guaranteed to all without endangering general freedom; that is: some minimum of food, shelter and clothing, sufficient to preserve health. Nor is there any reason why the state should not help to organize a comprehensive system of social insurance in providing for those common hazards of life against which few can make adequate provision.

In no system that could be rationally defended would the state just do nothing
Which Communist said this?
Jerry Brown sending $250 million to high speed rail.

Jerry Brown for president.

Hillary needs to retire at the old people home and let the real leaders lead in 2016.


Nearly raged at the radio while in the car this evening. Stupid APM Marketplace doing a whole segment on how Wall Street banker bonuses help inject money into the economy . . . analogous story talking about the same like effect from unemployment insurance . . . nada. Unless I just missed it of course.
So I turn on KTLK this morning expecting some liberal media and was bombarded by Shawn Hannity. I guess clear channel needed more right wing radio. Fuck me.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Wilsongt said:
They can confirm her, but not agree on unemployment benefits.

Maybe she can print $30 billion while no one's looking.

Am I the only one who supports Steve Stockman in the primary? Cornyn and Stockman are pretty much the same ideologically and voting record wise, the only difference is that Cornyn is "serious" aka he doesn't say stupid shit. People need to know that there really isn't much ideological variation in the GOP.

Same thing with Liz Cheney in Wyoming, after she announced her run every centrist pundit came out and praised Enzi as being so so serious even though he had the exact same voting record as Ted Cruz. If Cheney had stayed in the race and won and went on to be a complete dingbat in the Senate...at least she wouldn't be fooling anyone.

How would voting in those assclowns make Enzi and Cornyn not appear "serious"?

So I turn on KTLK this morning expecting some liberal media and was bombarded by Shawn Hannity. I guess clear channel needed more right wing radio. Fuck me.

Yeah, I meant to bitch about this last week. Was on my way to work and was ready to tune into ma gurl, Randi Rhodes, and I find the voice of Louis fucking Gohmert, filling in for Sean Hannity.

Now I don't even know what channels are left for libruls. :(
Yeah, I meant to bitch about this last week. Was on my way to work and was ready to tune into ma gurl, Randi Rhodes, and I find the voice of Louis fucking Gohmert, filling in for Sean Hannity.

Now I don't even know what channels are left for libruls. :(

This describes my experience today to the tee. I went to her website though. I guess she has her own channel on I heart radio. I'll probably have to start streaming.
Are the American people really thick enough to think that this cold weather is an argument against global warming? Please don't tell me this is the case.



Friedrich dude, Friedrich.
Salma is as hot as Friedrich was wrong about macro.
The man was a rather unimportant economist who was wrong about pretty much everything. He was only pulled out of the academic dustbin because he could give faux-intellectual support to the political right in the US and UK.
He's like a more boring and obtuse Arthur Laffer.
On the subject of radio though NPR is the only station I listen to I just stay away from Planet Money and Marketplace because of the neolib garbage they spout occasionally.

Studio 360 did this incredible segment Sunday on Nirvana's Nevermind and the band's legacy, stuff like that makes me really grateful of NPR even though I think it should be entirely taxpayer funded to free it from corporate influence.


No Scrubs
Salma is as hot as Friedrich was wrong about macro.
The man was a rather unimportant economist who was wrong about pretty much everything. He was only pulled out of the academic dustbin because he could give faux-intellectual support to the political right in the US and UK.
He's like a more boring and obtuse Arthur Laffer.

Oh I agree with you, especially about Selma.
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