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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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I understand where you're coming from, and I recognized that in my prior post.My point is just that that the term "global warming" is flawed in a political context. Record-setting wind speeds as well as (directly ironically) record cold temperatures are also a consequence. Why use such a narrow term.Right, exactly. Why frame the argument around an imperfect term?

Regarding Drudge and other idiots on the right laughing at the cold weather: it's fun to call out idiots, but wouldn't we all be better off if they weren't confused?

Speaking of Drudge, he has announced that he has opted out of Obamacare for life. He will just pay the tax each year.

I will not be upset if he suddenly gets sick and goes bankrupt due to medical bills.

Senate at least seems open to extending unemployment benefits, Queen Boehner still isn't satisfied.

The Dems need to demand it be part of the farm bill. And if they want budget cuts, demand it from the farm bill part that goes to farmers.

Force it on them. Make them choose. It's their main leverage.

That was the joke.

I'm not sure everyone here is aware, though. I realize you were.



This is old but still racist

I still blame Canada for their export of this community destroying monster
Sex drugs and rock & roll = good times for all!

Sex drugs and hip-hop = the destruction of America
Speaking of Drudge, he has announced that he has opted out of Obamacare for life. He will just pay the tax each year.

I will not be upset if he suddenly gets sick and goes bankrupt due to medical bills.

You can't opt-out of obamacare unless you don't seek medical care.

Sex drugs and rock & roll = good times for all!

Not before this guy made it a little less scary that kids were listening to black music

I like land taxes I just don't don't think its wise to get rid of all of them. As you point out taxes can be used for other things than revenues (yes I know that that's not the money the government actually spends)

Absolutely. I would be loathe to get rid of income tax because it is the most effective way to regulate inequality (and therefore the most effective way to promote a harmonious, democratic society). Of course, one could structure an income tax that would result in only a relative handful of individuals actually having to pay it (e.g., the top 1%).


It will morph into mocking the fact that it snows every winter. And is hot every summer.

Changing the name isn't going to increase acceptance with the people who don't believe and its in their interests not to believe
I don't understand where you are coming from.

Are you disagreeing with the basic premise that political terminology can have varying levels of effectiveness?
Changing the name isn't going to increase acceptance with the people who don't believe and its in their interests not to believe.
What does this even mean. Do you think that most of Drudge's page views come from oil barons (/jk)?
It will morph into mocking the fact that it snows every winter. And is hot every summer.

Changing the name isn't going to increase acceptance with the people who don't believe and its in their interests not to believe

He doesn't in the article but has in other and clarified on twitter that's his idea.

I like land taxes I just don't don't think its wise to get rid of all of them. As you point out taxes can be used for other things than revenues (yes I know that that's not the money the government actually spends)

Just saw this post now. Yeah, I didn't know he wrote an article like that.

Like I said, you start with the LVT and move down from it. If it's not enough money being taxed, then you do what EV says and you can make an income tax on the wealthy (whether it's just top 1% or top 5% or whatever) and if that's not enough keep going (or tax capital gains, carbon tax, etc etc etc).

A sales/excise tax and income tax on lower levels of income should be the very last thing ever approached, and with an LVT, should be wholly unnecessary.
So gates says hillary and barack's opposition to the surge was political (he seems to be inferring Obama's admission). This is a bad thing? That they reflected the anti-war attitudes of their constituents?

I thought the whole thing was #makeDClisten
Absolutely. I would be loathe to get rid of income tax because it is the most effective way to regulate inequality (and therefore the most effective way to promote a harmonious, democratic society). Of course, one could structure an income tax that would result in only a relative handful of individuals actually having to pay it (e.g., the top 1%).

Estate tax too. Taxes are useful for stopping undesirable behavior (sin taxes, pollution) and promoting others (tax credits for kids).

They're not just to raise money.


Supposedly the DNC sent out e-mails to supporters stating that if enough Republicans take over congress that they would proceed to set up Impeachment provisions against Obama for "presidential misconduct".

Of course, when googling it, the only places I am finding this "news" are right wing websites.

So... Another chain letter gone main stream?

Oh, I found it.


Of course, it got twisted into this:

Economic FREEDOM!!!!! zones

This paragraph is amazing for it being the opening salvo of an anti-poverty policy agenda

Economic Freedom zones areas of reduced taxesare different than a government stimulus. Economic Freedom Zones encourage businesses and individuals which the market has already selected Only one out of ten small businesses succeed. Consumers vote every day on which businesses succeed. Reducing taxes in economically depressed areas is a stimulus that will work because the money is returned to businesses and individuals who have already proven that they can succeed

"Yea this only helps people that already have succeeded and most will still fail." The entire anti-poverty ideal is to help people who have been marked "losers" not success stories

How they hell does this help poor people "keep their assets" when they have none?

the entire eastern Kentucky region has m ore than 25 counties with unemployment rates above 10 percent and nearly the whole of eastern Kentucky is well above the national average. High tax rates, EPA regulations, and the war on coal
are to blame for decimating the region.

Or its the market picking these people as, in your words, 'losers'
So gates says hillary and barack's opposition to the surge was political (he seems to be inferring Obama's admission). This is a bad thing? That they reflected the anti-war attitudes of their constituents?

I thought the whole thing was #makeDClisten

I'm pretty sure Hillary's opposition in 2007 was political because she was easily the most hawkish member of Obama's first term cabinet, I don't think to this day she's admitted she made a mistake by voting for the Iraq War Resolution. Obama on the other hand was against Iraq from the beginning so I doubt he opposed if for political reasons.
Economic FREEDOM!!!!! zones

This paragraph is amazing for it being the opening salvo of an anti-poverty policy agenda

"Yea this only helps people that already have succeeded and most will still fail."

How they hell does this help poor people "keep their assets" when they have none?

But isn't this...picking winners and losers. *wrings hands*

Can't wait for someone to make the obvious 1up leap to "the entire US should be an economic freedom zone!"
But isn't this...picking winners and losers. *wrings hands*

Can't wait for someone to make the obvious 1up leap to "the entire US should be an economic freedom zone!"

It's not picking winners and losers as much as just making the winners bigger winners and the losers bigger losers.

The entire Paul family is a constipation to our nation.
Rich people are the fucking worst.

When a Citi Bike station was set up next to Bill White’s $2 million townhouse shortly before the bicycle-sharing program launched in late May, he vented his disgust to the most powerful man in the city — longtime pal Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

The station’s proximity to his home, plus the royal blue Citibank signs, spurred White — the former president of the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum — to send an appeal on May 25 to the mayor’s personal email address.

White, 46, described to his buddy of 25 years how the bikes in the racks were “hideous” and completely out of character with his block, which is part of a historic district in Chelsea. He noted that the city’s Landmarks Preservation Committee would never approve the Citibank signs if it had been given a say.

“As a fellow town house owner, you have a good idea what [my husband] and I are going through with our own house with Landmarks,” White wrote, referring to Bloomberg’s home on East 79th Street.

“We can’t change anything on the outside of the house with out lengthy FULL and very strict reviews which this signage commercialization would NEVER EVER pass ever. Can I hang a big blue Citibank sign on my house on that block or could you on 79th?”

White beseeched the mayor to remove a section of the bicycle station that was closest to his townhouse and get rid of the advertising altogether.

“Please help us Mike this would make people very happy and still keep Citi happy with the rest,” White added.

Within an hour, Bloomberg sent a one-sentence reply to White, asking him, “Why do you think Citi is paying for the bikes?” And a minute later the mayor forwarded the complaint to the city’s then-transportation commissioner, Janette Sadik-Khan.

The email, like others obtained by DNAinfo New York, highlight how Bloomberg’s personal life and relationships sometimes mingled with his public role as mayor.

This email was part of a set of correspondences DNAinfo New York requested under the state’s Freedom of Information Law. DNAinfo asked for all correspondences between the mayor's personal email address and Sadik-Khan May 1 and June 11, a span covering the weeks before and after Citi Bike’s launch. After seven months, the DOT sent the requested emails, which DNAinfo received on Dec. 30, a day before Bloomberg left office.

Nearly all the correspondences dealt with the widely popular but polarizing program.

Citi Bike has already signed up nearly 100,000 annual members, far surpassing official projections. But it has sparked outcry from block associations and co-op boards upset that stations have taken over coveted street space. At least a half-dozen lawsuits have been filed against the city over the placement of stations.

Another pal of Bloomberg's griped in a May 1 email about a Citi Bike station placed directly outside his daughter’s tony Greenwich Village co-op.

The dad, whose name was redacted in the email, told the mayor that his daughter was aghast at the 39-bike station situated directly outside her apartment at 175 13th St. He noted he had already spoken to the DOT’s policy director, Jon Orcutt, but expressed his disappointment that the city didn’t solicit more community input before picking a location for the station.

“She’s not going to be happy as she loved her apt and street and might choose to sell it now at a much lower value,” the dad wrote.

The email also included his daughter’s written grievances, which noted the station limited the movement of traffic and made it hard for her to tote her guitar and amp in and out of a taxi outside her building.

The email also included photos of the Citi Bike station.

“Here’s some photos below so you could you imagine if you got this from Emma or Georgina?” the dad wrote, referring to Bloomberg’s two daughters.

That same day, Bloomberg forwarded the complaint to Sadik-Khan and said, “Have someone call him.” Sadik-Khan replied that she would.


Theres more


Wanted to share something and I don't think it was previously posted. Willard Romney is being brought up on criminal racketeering charges. a preview:


Steven “Laser” Haas, the owner and sole shareholder of Collateral Logistics Inc. (CLI), came across a number of irregularities, unethical practices and criminal acts during his overseeing of the process of liquidating of eToys in 2001, following their bankruptcy.

These irregularities and criminal acts were clearly coming from the very top levels of Mitt Romney’s asset management firm Bain Capital, as well as Goldman Sachs, Kay Bee Toys and Stage Stores. All of these companies were involved in selling eToys for only pennies to Bain through its interest in Kay Bee Toys.

Now Haas has come forward and filed suit under a provision of the RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations) statute. This allows a plaintiff to act as a “Private Attorney General” when “Prosecutorial Gaps” must be addressed. That is, when the government won’t raise the necessary charges, a person like Haas can.

In this case, the “Prosecutorial Gap” was that Colm F. Connolly, the former United States Attorney in Delaware, was a partner in the law firm of Morris, Nichols, Arsht & Tunnell (MNAT) in 2001. He had not disclosed this important fact while he backed off of investigating the complaints Haas lodged against Romney and company. Because of Romney’s friends like Connolly, all of this stayed out of the news during the 2012 campaign.

there's a Notice of Interested Parties document here, also linked in the story. The idea that there are alleged murders to cover up an ugly liquidation sounds so...Hollywood, and bizarre. It's unbelievable. As for the perjury charges, probably.

An interesting comment I came across on another site:

LMAO! Pretty heavy duty stuff to get under RICO. RICO is no joke, RICO is the reason why the mafia has been curtailed these past 30 years or so so much. This could be some serious stuff for he old presidential candidate. But lets be real here, every politician is a racketeer. Romeny was just dumbenough, MAYBE, to get caught.

Estate tax too. Taxes are useful for stopping undesirable behavior (sin taxes, pollution) and promoting others (tax credits for kids).

They're not just to raise money.

I think that the behavioral part is most important about taxing. And on Estate taxes, don't properties have to be absurdly high in value before they're even subject to taxing?


I've seen elsewhere that at least for the greater part of the 00's estate tax money taken in has plummeted.

Economic FREEDOM!!!!! zones

(High tax rates, EPA regulations, and the war on coal
are to blame for decimating the region. )

Economic FREEDOM!!!!! zones

This paragraph is amazing for it being the opening salvo of an anti-poverty policy agenda

"Yea this only helps people that already have succeeded and most will still fail." The entire anti-poverty ideal is to help people who have been marked "losers" not success stories

How they hell does this help poor people "keep their assets" when they have none?'

Which taxes is he going to unburden people living in economically depressed areas from?
I've seen elsewhere that at least for the greater part of the 00's estate tax money taken in has plummeted.

The estate tax was "phased out" through 2002 - 2010. But wasn't renewed, so returned in full in 2011. Remember the "You better die before Obama takes your money!" stuff?


The estate tax was "phased out" through 2002 - 2010. But wasn't renewed, so returned in full in 2011.

Oh. I remember that around the tail end of 2010 or something, the Estate Tax was a prominent talking point, though I never paid much attention at the time. I guess that explains it.

The whole death taxes and all that business, I do remember that though.


Dunno, but they've made indications they might. IMO, they have to do it and if they don't, they're chickenshits.

Someone needs to stand up for the people being fucked over right now and those soon to come.
Like me.

As you indicated there are already people who got cut off and need them back. Susan Collins addresses those who have been out of work for more than a year, citing job training programs as a requirement for 1+ year. That's all fine and good (I guess, don't know how you could really make that effective) but we need to remember there are people who haven't been unemployed for even close to a year (like me) and I know some people who are going to get theirs cut off within the next several weeks if Congress does not act. Enough with the pissing contest, enough with the politics, pass the fucking extension. It takes most people at least 6 months to find another gig. Yeah there are leeches but that shouldn't justify stopping the program altogether when UE is still high. And you shouldn't let whether or not people can or cannot pay their mortgage on time be decided over if there should or shouldn't be a training program, if there should or shouldn't be "ECONOMIC FREEDOM ZONES", etc.

I am not confident in the GOP to follow through on their "we're kind of open to it" stance nor am I particularly confident in Democrats to be aggressive enough in bringing this back.

Also, apparently turtleface wants cutting Obamacare to be a justification for another extension? If that becomes the position of the House GOP we're fucked.



From 2012 but still.

36% of Republicans agree the the government should guarantee every citizen enough to eat and a place to sleep, 63% disagree.

And only 40% say it should and take care of people who can’t take care of themselves 54% disagree.

Funny, that didn't stop the GOP from extending UE benefits last time and it isn't like Republicans were in love with UE bennies then (back in 2011)

The economy improved somewhat, but realistically it isn't like we're back to booming status or anywhere close compared to the last time they extended it.

From 2012 but still.

36% of Republicans agree the the government should guarantee every citizen enough to eat and a place to sleep, 63% disagree.

And only 40% say it should and take care of people who can’t take care of themselves 54% disagree.


Republicans should be cast out into the ocean. Is it cruel? Maybe. Can they complain about it? I don't see how.

Independents, better watch your back. You're next.
Burglars Who Took on F.B.I. Abandon Shadows (Mark Mazzetti, NYT)

Can't help but note the conspicuous timing, at a time when the FBI is once again formalizing its drift away from law enforcement into national security matters.

Not sure if anybody commented on this, but I wanted to say this is an amazing story, and the burglars are amazing people who took on great personal risk to give the American people highly relevant information to self-governance.

If you ever think that there is no danger presented by American law enforcement and intelligent operations, just remember that the FBI literally tried to get MLK to kill himself.


Interesting bit from the GOP talking points memo on the minimum wage

Notice it specifically argues that republicans should cite the October unemployment rate, 7.3. Well...the current unemployment rate from December is 7%. They're good at what they do, if you aren't paying attention. Which is probably why republicans do so well on television.
People can't read. Republicans lie.
Interesting bit from the GOP talking points memo on the minimum wage

Notice it specifically argues that republicans should cite the October unemployment rate, 7.3. Well...the current unemployment rate from December is 7%. They're good at what they do, if you aren't paying attention. Which is probably why republicans do so well on television.
If unemployment drops below 7% I bet there will be a whole slew of articles alleging that Obama is 'cooking the books'.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Speaking of Drudge, he has announced that he has opted out of Obamacare for life. He will just pay the tax each year.

What an idiot. I wish people would realize that "Obamacare" is not an actual insurance plan, but rather a mechanism that all other insurance has to abide by. I mean, you can't go to a hospital and say "Excuse me, I'd like some Obamacare, pls".

The only way to "opt out" of Obamacare is to not seek medical treatment, period. Though, if that's what he had in mind, hey godspeed.

I will not be upset if he suddenly gets sick and goes bankrupt due to medical bills.

Sadly, I doubt that'll happen. Pretty sure Drudge makes a pretty good mint from his site. And even if he didn't, he's famous and respected enough in right-wing circles that he'll easily be able to get them to pay for any bills he might incur.


No Scrubs
They're already claiming that last year's October and Novembers were fraudulent.

And anyone that knows anything about how the unemployment numbers are created knows that such an allegation is complete and utter bullshit and anyone alleging such things needs to not only be ignored but driven out of the news business with extreme prejudice.


Yes, Facebook finally came through! Someone I hadn't seen since high school just posted this:


An economics professor at a local college made a statement that he had never failed a single student before, but had recently failed an entire class. That class had insisted that Obama’s socialism worked and that no one would be poor and no one would be rich, a great equalizer.

The professor then said, “OK, we will have an experiment in this class on Obama’s plan”.. All grades will be averaged and everyone will receive the same grade so no one will fail and no one will receive an A…. (substituting grades for dollars – something closer to home and more readily understood by all).

After the first test, the grades were averaged and everyone got a B. The students who studied hard were upset and the students who studied little were happy. As the second test rolled around, the students who studied little had studied even less and the ones who studied hard decided they wanted a free ride too so they studied little.

The second test average was a D! No one was happy. When the 3rd test rolled around, the average was an F. As the tests proceeded, the scores never increased as bickering, blame and name-calling all resulted in hard feelings and no one would study for the benefit of anyone else.

To their great surprise, ALL FAILED and the professor told them that socialism would also ultimately fail because when the reward is great, the effort to succeed is great, but when government takes all the reward away, no one will try or want to succeed. Could not be any simpler than that. (Please pass this on) These are possibly the 5 best sentences you’ll ever read and all applicable to this experiment:

You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.
What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it!.
When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of any nation.
Can you think of a reason for not sharing this on Twitter or Facebook? Neither could I.
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