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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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sean hannity was in complete meltdown mode on his radio show today. was absolutely hilarious.

and look at this. http://www.buzzfeed.com/johnstanton/someones-been-sending-gop-lawmakers-a-bizarre-threat-over-th


dibs on which member is using a sockpuppet to threaten other members? goehmert? bachman? i mean, the list goes on and on...
They make it seem like its super hard. If you have a true believer staffer I'd imagine you could get it easily. Its not hard.
sean hannity was in complete meltdown mode on his radio show today. was absolutely hilarious.

and look at this. http://www.buzzfeed.com/johnstanton/someones-been-sending-gop-lawmakers-a-bizarre-threat-over-th


dibs on which member is using a sockpuppet to threaten other members? goehmert? bachman? i mean, the list goes on and on...
“It’s got to be another member. Probably one of the crazy ones,” said a Republican who had seen the email, which was sent from an anonymous email address, unrepresentative1@gmx.com.

Uh . . . that is still way too vague. Gotta narrow it down more.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery


I think Biden will run, just to help Hilary win. He's going to pretend he wants to win and then say "alright Hilary is so much better, she's the best, let's vote for her!".

Might as well pretend your friend is your worst enemy, so your real enemies will lazy it out and back the friend who is really a friend and not an enemy. I think Biden would agree.

Republicans will fall for it.

sean hannity was in complete meltdown mode on his radio show today. was absolutely hilarious.

and look at this. http://www.buzzfeed.com/johnstanton/someones-been-sending-gop-lawmakers-a-bizarre-threat-over-th


dibs on which member is using a sockpuppet to threaten other members? goehmert? bachman? i mean, the list goes on and on...

Must have been Biden. Good way to push them to vote for the debt increase "There's a crazy guy threatening you! Don't let the crazies tell you what to do!".


I think Biden will run, just to help Hilary win. He's going to pretend he wants to win and then say "alright Hilary is so much better, she's the best, let's vote for her!".

Might as well pretend your friend is your worst enemy, so your real enemies will lazy it out and back the friend who is really a friend and not an enemy. I think Biden would agree.

Republicans will fall for it.

Must have been Biden. Good way to push them to vote for the debt increase "There's a crazy guy threatening you! Don't let the crazies tell you what to do!".

Would him running, rather than just endorsing Hillary right from the get-go, really be more beneficial for her?


Would him running, rather than just endorsing Hillary right from the get-go, really be more beneficial for her?

Well someone will run against her and will be hyped up by the media. Why let an actual contestant try to beat her? Might as well take all the attention. Flip flop, gaffes, yahoooooooo! and then "Go Hilary!".


Well someone will run against her and will be hyped up by the media. Why let an actual contestant try to beat her? Might as well take all the attention. Flip flop, gaffes, yahoooooooo! and then "Go Hilary!".

I don't think there really will be any actual contestants, just people building national profiles. My guess is this is a way more cordial primary than 2008, which was all kinds of claws out. Debates are going to be boring as shit because of it.


Unconfirmed Member
Polling in Colorado is wacky. Like Nevada it has a high population of Hispanics who don't respond to polls.

Obama led Romney by an average of 1.5 points in the polls in CO. He won by 5.4%.

Well even if you take off 4 percentage points that still puts Clinton neck and neck with Ryan and Paul, which goes against what people were saying about Colorado longer being a swing state.


No Scrubs
Well even if you take off 4 percentage points that still puts Clinton neck and neck with Ryan and Paul, which goes against what people were saying about Colorado longer being a swing state.

It's beyond way too early for polling like this, the numbers we get now are absolutely meaningless. No one has actually started running yet, when they do I guarantee these numbers will look different. I'd make a bet of it.


Unconfirmed Member
It's beyond way too early for polling like this, the numbers we get now are absolutely meaningless. No one has actually started running yet, when they do I guarantee these numbers will look different. I'd make a bet of it.

Of course. I'm just proving the possibility to get people to prepare themselves in case the democrat takeover doesn't manifest.


aka andydumi
Man, out of all the excuses I hear from people who say racist shit and get called out on it, the most infuriating one is probably the "I don't hate black people, I just hate the culture!" excuse.

It's not like this is a new excuse. I remember being told by an elderly relative when I was a kid that she "[didn't] have a problem with black people, just n****rs" :/

I see that here in Tennessee in some of the rural parts I go to. I mean the hate for "thug" culture. But its definitely not always a racial thing. It seems to stand for the meth/crack/drug culture which certainly affects all races and seems to be predominantly a white problem in rural areas.

If the other Republicans in the Rust Belt are trying to moderate their message, Mr. Walker in Wisconsin argues that independent voters do not want Republicans to move to the center.

It is the lesson he draws from the unusual 2012 electoral year in Wisconsin. In June, Mr. Walker won his recall election by 7 percentage points. A few months later Mr. Obama carried the state by the same 7 points. The governor calls these “Obama-Walker voters,” independents who voted for both.

“I argue the way you win the center, which is key to winning battleground states, is not to run to the center; it’s to lead, it’s to be bold,” he said.

Ms. Burke, his opponent, has a different view of the Obama-Walker voters: they lean Democratic but thought Mr. Walker deserved to complete his term. “We’re fair-minded in Wisconsin,” she said. “There used to be more working across the aisle, finding common ground. I believe we can get back to that.”

Why is Wisconsin letting Walker destroy the state, WHY?


Polling in Colorado is wacky. Like Nevada it has a high population of Hispanics who don't respond to polls.

Obama led Romney by an average of 1.5 points in the polls in CO. He won by 5.4%.

To be more precise, Latino voters are generally underreported by pollsters who don't offer a Spanish language option, which is basically all of them except Latino Decisions.

Wisconsin's average age is rapidly becomming older. Pay is crappy compared to a number of other states, so younger people are fleeing the state. They remain here just long enough to get through college (the UW system is, for now, still a decent public Universtiy system). So we have rural voters (who tend to be older and far more conservative) becoming more and more powerful in state elections. The union busting and shift in manufacturing in this state didn't help matters.

If you look at the the original election vs the recall election...more people voted in the recall election. If the same number had voted, there's a good chance that Walker would have lost. There were a number of people who admitted that they didn't like Walker, but didn't think he'd done a bad enough job to warrent a recall. It didn't help that there wasn't a very good Democratic opponent for him.
because their economy is doing well? get ready for Scott Walker, 2016 GOP nominee.
PD do you just believe if you repeat something over and over it'll eventually be true?

Wisconsin's economy is positively below average.

You want a good economy, look at Minnesota. 4.6% unemployment, big surpluses, everyone has health insurance.
You want a good economy, look at Minnesota. 4.6% unemployment, big surpluses, everyone has health insurance.

Speaking of Minnesota how's Dayton looking for re-election?

Dayton being such a good governor would make him a good candidate in 2016 , but I think the reason he quit the Senate in 2006 was because of Washington politics so I'm pretty sure he'll never run.
To be more precise, Latino voters are generally underreported by pollsters who don't offer a Spanish language option, which is basically all of them except Latino Decisions.
We need better services for Spanish speakers.
I've had a few calls from consitutents that start with ¿hablas español? But in an exasperated tone like the expect the person not to be able to respond. Luckily im able to try and help them but so many are given the run around because we don't provide services in a language they understand.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery

If George W. Bush had done that, Dan Rather would be marching on the White House with a pitch fork. Tom Browkaw would be calling for his head on a platter. Andrea Mitchell of that anti-Bush site would be calling for his impeachment.

No they wouldn't you idiot. Unlike conservatives, liberals have a slightly higher standard for impeachment than just "decomrats are poopyheads".

Also, here's another brilliant piece from him arguing about how on people like him are "true" christians:

Speaking of Minnesota how's Dayton looking for re-election?

Dayton being such a good governor would make him a good candidate in 2016 , but I think the reason he quit the Senate in 2006 was because of Washington politics so I'm pretty sure he'll never run.
Nah I don't think he's cut out as a national candidate. He's got too much personal baggage (drug abuse, depression, divorce) which he's always been open about, but would weigh him down in a presidential level. He's also pretty old and I don't think particularly charismatic.

He's been an excellent governor and he'll probably be re-elected easily, but he was an awful senator. After Wellstone died he became very withdrawn and eccentric which only contributed to his personal issues and his approval ratings were catastrophically bad. He stepped down in 06 mainly so Klobuchar could hold the seat.
Workers try to Unionize in the South.

Carpetbaggers try to stop them


The ads seem to have changed at least one mind. “We’re in the South. We have a lot of religion. I don’t want my money going to those causes,” Travis Finnell, a 39-year-old maintenance worker at the plant, told The Wall Street Journal.

I love how the GOP supports the free market by demanding businesses do something they don't want to do.
Other locals opposed to the union seemed to wish the Center wasn’t alone in the fight. Republican politicians have criticized Volkswagen for essentially allowing the union to walk into the plant.

“You have this unique situation where the UAW is being able to come in and say here’s why you should do it, and the company saying we’re going to be completely neutral, and there’s really nobody making the other side,” he said.

But Volkswagen and the UAW both say they aren’t seeking to set up a traditional union. Instead, the goal is to form a “works council” — a concept that’s virtually ubiquitous in Germany but untested in the United States. Works councils consist of both workers and middle management and give executives advice on how to best run the plant.

“It’s the way they’ve become the most profitable automaker in the world. We want to continue that,” Walden said. “We’re ready to move forward. We’re ready to have a voice in the Volkswagen system just like every other Volkswagen factory in the world.”

King said in a statement last week that a council would “set a new standard in the U.S. for innovative labor-management relations that benefits the company, the entire workforce, shareholders and the community.”

It could also point a way forward for the UAW. Volkswagen’s decision not to resist the union was heavily influenced by the powerful German steelworkers union, IG Metall, which holds seats on the company’s board of directors. The German union also has seats on the boards of Mercedes-Benz and BMW, which own plants in Alabama and South Carolina.

And this guy pretty much sums up the GOP
“I think there are very wealthy right-wing people out there who don’t want workers to have better wages, who don’t want workers to have health care,” he said. “Anything that helps workers, they’re against.”
No they wouldn't you idiot. Unlike conservatives, liberals have a slightly higher standard for impeachment than just "decomrats are poopyheads".

Also, here's another brilliant piece from him arguing about how on people like him are "true" christians:


People like him always seem to forget a) the King James (a favored translation amongst fundamentalists) is not a particularly accurate translation, b) Matthew 25:31-46, c) Revelation 22:18-19, and d) the 1st amendment of the United States.


No Scrubs
Workers try to Unionize in the South.

Carpetbaggers try to stop them


I love how the GOP supports the free market by demanding businesses do something they don't want to do.

And this guy pretty much sums up the GOP

This story just shows how absolutely insane the GOP is these days. Both management and labor WANT a union. They both want to come together to form a work council, nothing is being pushed on anyone and yet here we are.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery

-One outgrowth of Chris Christie's declining poll numbers over the last month is that Hillary Clinton now leads all of her potential Republican opponents for 2016 in North Carolina. She's up 3 on Chris Christie and Rand Paul at 45/42 and 47/44 respectively, 4 on Jeb Bush at 47/43, and 5 on Mike Huckabee at 48/43.

Huckabee is now the preferred choice of North Carolina Republicans to be their candidate in 2016. 20% say he'd be their top pick to 15% for Jeb Bush, 14% for Rand Paul, 11% for Chris Christie, 8% for Ted Cruz and Paul Ryan, 7% for Marco Rubio, 4% for Scott Walker, and 3% for Bobby Jindal. Huckabee leads with both conservatives and moderates, the first person we've seen in our 2016 polling who can really bring together both factions of the party.



Workers councils seem neat and perhaps a much needed update to the union system.

Our family has had a terrible history with unions, but here's a thought: I wonder if the GOP ever realizes the cognitive dissonance between being anti-union and contracting an entire company to do a certain job for your corporation. You're hiring a company (collective) that determines the rate (bargaining) and the only people that can do that job for your company have to work for the other company (union job).

So really, a union should just rebrand themselves as AmeriStrong LaborWorks Job Solutions Corporation. Then a Republican can't see you anymore.


Of course. I'm just proving the possibility to get people to prepare themselves in case the democrat takeover doesn't manifest.
Right. Colorado is still a swing state. Probably. It might lean slightly Democratic, but I don't find the evidence overwhelming. Obama won the state in consecutive elections, but it's not unprecedented for a state to flip from its historical trend in the short term. The strongest evidence is the demographic shift towards Democratic constituencies. That has certainly bolstered the Democrat's position in the state, and their advantage should increase gradually. But there's too much uncertainty to conclude anything beyond Colorado being competitive for both parties.
Also, here's another brilliant piece from him arguing about how on people like him are "true" christians:

The Levitical rules were designed for the Israelites to show then how far they were from leading a Godly life. It was designed to show them how much they needed God.
Matthew 5:18 "For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth pass away, not one letter, not one stroke of a letter, will pass from the law until all is accomplished."
Get ready to join us heathens in the lake of fire, Erick.
2 Timothy 4:3,4 "For the time is coming when people will not put up with sound doctrine, but having itching ears, they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own desires, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander away to myths."


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Workers councils seem neat and perhaps a much needed update to the union system.

Our family has had a terrible history with unions, but here's a thought: I wonder if the GOP ever realizes the cognitive dissonance between being anti-union and contracting an entire company to do a certain job for your corporation. You're hiring a company (collective) that determines the rate (bargaining) and the only people that can do that job for your company have to work for the other company (union job).

So really, a union should just rebrand themselves as AmeriStrong LaborWorks Job Solutions Corporation. Then a Republican can't see you anymore.

Republicans have long claimed that they don't dislike the idea of unions, as long as they remain in the private sector. Shocking to learn they don't like unions in the private sector either!

Seeing shit like this, I honestly have no idea how anyone could delude themselves into thinking Republicans care about workers.


Republicans have long claimed that they don't dislike the idea of unions, as long as they remain in the private sector. Shocking to learn they don't like unions in the private sector either!

Seeing shit like this, I honestly have no idea how anyone could delude themselves into thinking Republicans care about workers.

They like to pretend unions are some boogeyman that's going to turk ur jerbs when they're really just overbloated middlemen these days. If you treat your workers right, then they have zero incentive to unionize.

I'd much rather get much better work protections installed at the legislative and constitutional level, at any rate. Modern unions do a shit job of protecting their own workers.
I'd much rather get much better work protections installed at the legislative and constitutional level, at any rate. Modern unions do a shit job of protecting their own workers.

Well Unions are constitutionally protected by the 1st amendment. At least that's my understanding. But they can't compel
Workers councils seem neat and perhaps a much needed update to the union system.

Our family has had a terrible history with unions, but here's a thought: I wonder if the GOP ever realizes the cognitive dissonance between being anti-union and contracting an entire company to do a certain job for your corporation. You're hiring a company (collective) that determines the rate (bargaining) and the only people that can do that job for your company have to work for the other company (union job).

So really, a union should just rebrand themselves as AmeriStrong LaborWorks Job Solutions Corporation. Then a Republican can't see you anymore.

My young Republican self, back in the 80s, wrote an essay about this and won a $300 prize. Only it was about replacing unions with private companies (which has basically happened ever since). I think the issue is that the outsourcing company gives no power to its workers and is likely to be even less worker-focused and friendly than actual employees of a company. Any benefit goes to the principals of the outsourcing company, not the worker.
Workers try to Unionize in the South.

Carpetbaggers try to stop them


I love how the GOP supports the free market by demanding businesses do something they don't want to do.

And this guy pretty much sums up the GOP

Yeah, this story has been really bothering me. Those "small government" Republicans are really showing their 'small government' ways by sticking their noses into the private affairs of a private corporation. Go Figure.

Do they even see the irony?
They like to pretend unions are some boogeyman that's going to turk ur jerbs when they're really just overbloated middlemen these days. If you treat your workers right, then they have zero incentive to unionize.

I'd much rather get much better work protections installed at the legislative and constitutional level, at any rate. Modern unions do a shit job of protecting their own workers.

Why can't we have worker protections and strong unionism? Repeal Taft-Hartley and repeal right to work?
Yeah, this story has been really bothering me. Those "small government" Republicans are really showing their 'small government' ways by sticking their noses into the private affairs of a private corporation. Go Figure.

Do they even see the irony?

Its not ironic. They're not small government, they're pro-moneyed interests


Yeah, this story has been really bothering me. Those "small government" Republicans are really showing their 'small government' ways by sticking their noses into the private affairs of a private corporation. Go Figure.

Do they even see the irony?

It's only ironic if people think they only care about small goverment. Not ironic when you consider their true aims...
Yeah, those are pretty much my feelings. Workers definitely need a say, and we should give them more protection in laws, but I don't see how much unions can really contribute to that. Unions seem ill-adapted to a world where work is increasingly about intellectual contributions rather than hours spent on an assembly line.

But, I do find it kind of ironic that the party of supposed free enterprise is trying to penalize a company for deciding to allow a vote on unionization.

Unions allow workers to collectively have a say. Its hard for someone by themselves to have any leverage over management but together they can. That doesn't only apply in factories. It took off there because they're more unsafe and one of the first things workers demanded was a safer workplace.

There's no reason white collar workers can't unionize. Look at Hollywood and the actors union, directors union, writers union. Look at sports. Look at government employees. look at teachers. I hate this idea that Unions are only for menial or blue collar jobs.
Unions allow workers to collectively have a say. Its hard for someone by themselves to have any leverage over management but together they can. That doesn't only apply in factories. It took off there because they're more unsafe and one of the first things workers demanded was a safer workplace.

There's no reason white collar workers can't unionize. Look at Hollywood and the actors union, directors union, writers union. Look at sports. Look at government employees. look at teachers. I hate this idea that Unions are only for menial or blue collar jobs.

It does happen occassionally. Wisconsin Physicians Service, for example, I believe has a union. http://www.wpsic.com/careers/index.shtml

You're right, though...there's no reason it couldn't/shouldn't be more widespread.
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