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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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Even though the CBO released information to clarify their report, Fox News already caused damage with their base and the GOP, so it's not like it matters to the common person now, anyway.
Communist Barack Obama

I was gonna go with Chicago Barack Obama but yours works better.

I don't get this. Is the point here that Crist is the devil because he hugged Obama? Just like people that are whacked out because Chris Christie worked with Obama?

I mean it seems so racist . . . just hugging Obama makes a person completely unacceptable? I mean he is the president and he does work across the aisle to help people no matter what party they are in .. . but if you touch Obama then you are bad?

I don't see it racist but its just the insanity of their modern day ethos that you associate with the other side you become toxic to the base.

But we have to remember both sides do it /sarcasm
Even though the CBO released information to clarify their report, Fox News already caused damage with their base and the GOP, so it's not like it matters to the common person now, anyway.
Well it's a damn shame Democrats can't count on the support of the average Fox News viewer.
Shocking News: Looks like Boehner can't get his caucus to agree on any debt limit hike deal.

Looks like he'll have to pass it clean. Again. lmao.
The only difference between arguing on Facebook and arguing with a farm animal is you might shift the farm animal's opinion with a well reasoned argument.

At least he admitted that he thinks voter fraud is rampant due to those wacky Mexicans trying to game the system rather than to continue to beat around the bush.


Unconfirmed Member
At least he admitted that he thinks voter fraud is rampant due to those wacky Mexicans trying to game the system rather than to continue to beat around the bush.
The reason there is no voter fraud is that there is a ton of voter fraud. We just can't catch the rascally brown people without being called racists!
Too bad he can't do that on immigration too.

Nevada's governor (a Republican) is dropping defense of their gay marriage ban. Nevada, Virginia, Ohio, Michigan, and Oregon should have gay marriage by the end of 2014 at this rate.

Unless it gets to POTUS I'm really intrigued how the GOP primary is gonna tackle this. I can see Paul or Walker not really caring but if you have a Huckabee or Santorum they're gonna make it an issue.

Also Michelle Obama continues desecrating the white house.

I honestly wish illegals would vote constantly. It would only be fair since the government does everything in its power to not grant them legal status.

Also Michelle Obama continues desecrating the white house.

Typical. One black/white dog to represent Obama's mixed race heritage and one fully black dog to represent Michelle.
I don't get this. Is the point here that Crist is the devil because he hugged Obama? Just like people that are whacked out because Chris Christie worked with Obama?

I mean it seems so racist . . . just hugging Obama makes a person completely unacceptable? I mean he is the president and he does work across the aisle to help people no matter what party they are in .. . but if you touch Obama then you are bad?

The hug is literally what killed him in the GOP Senate primary against Rubio in 2010.
Because that would be illegal. SCOTUS case on the matter allows for delays, but also stated it can't be indefinite.

There's always wiggle room for the executive, but I think because of how much of a stink it would make, they can't just ignore/repeal it forever.

Congress has to do it.

And boy does that rustle the right's jimmies. Guess what, the executive branch has somewhat wide discretion in terms of implementing laws. Just as Bush delayed some aspects of Medicare Part D, as have most modern presidents, Obama has done the same. Another case of republicans being outraged that Obama is using his executive power.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
My brain's not working right now, so forgive the possibly dumb question, but how does someone who's not eligible for medicare or medicaid, quit their job to say, stay at home with the kids, and still keep their health insurance?
Off topic but can you imagine a group of artists singing a song this political today?

Sun City:

It is pretty rare but when an issue is pretty clean cut, there are people who do things. Like Lady Gaga doing "Born this way" and other pro-gay rights songs.

I suspect there are some people who may have regretted doing the the "No Nukes" album

I think nuclear power certainly has some significant problems . . . but EVERY energy source has some problems. Nuclear's problems are expense, no good way to deal with the waste, risk of accidents, water usage, etc. But in view of climate change, I think we should build some nukes in appropriate places (but the primary focus should be on wind, solar, geothermal, etc.).
My brain's not working right now, so forgive the possibly dumb question, but how does someone who's not eligible for medicare or medicaid, quit their job to say, stay at home with the kids, and still keep their health insurance?

I don't think you can. But it is easier to buy private insurance now.

For example, perhaps a person only has a couple years before he is eligible for Medicare . . . they might choose to quit and pay for private insurance for a couple years until they can switch over to Medicare.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I don't think you can. But it is easier to buy private insurance now.

For example, perhaps a person only has a couple years before he is eligible for Medicare . . . they might choose to quit and pay for private insurance for a couple years until they can switch over to Medicare.

Yeah, that's how I figured it would work. So that being the case, then the Republican talking point of the "makers" subsidizing free insurance for the "takers" makes no sense (shocking) because these people are paying for insurance on their own.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Rubio was asked if he ever smoked week and tried to change the subject.

Why are Republicans so weak willed?
It is pretty rare but when an issue is pretty clean cut, there are people who do things. Like Lady Gaga doing "Born this way" and other pro-gay rights songs.

I suspect there are some people who may have regretted doing the the "No Nukes" album

I think nuclear power certainly has some significant problems . . . but EVERY energy source has some problems. Nuclear's problems are expense, no good way to deal with the waste, risk of accidents, water usage, etc. But in view of climate change, I think we should build some nukes in appropriate places (but the primary focus should be on wind, solar, geothermal, etc.).

I guess I was meaning a group of artist who are on the top of their game and huge stars or an artist who stakes their integrity on an issue and who release a song for a political reason not just have a song that contains a message that's not universally popular.

Yeah apartheid was unpopular but there was Reagan's whole 'constructive engagement' which gets him called out by name in the song. You saw what kanye got for saying what he said. It just seems that in the popular sphere politicians are now above reproach for the positions they take. telling them their choosing the immoral way is now 'impolite'

The issues I think would be equivalent wouldn't be gay marriage but things like the Drone Program, israel/palestinian, Syria, Drug war, Congo. Not that they're all equal in injustice just that they are issues that people don't take much of a stand on at least publicly and forcefully.

the last actually I can see this one working the best. Yeah artists have constantly referenced it and made a focus of their art but there could be power in a bunch of artists coming together to call out the president for inaction.

Edit: I'm not saying they're isn't political music but its by and large not 'political music' and usually not in top40 songs or by popular artists.

Rubio was asked if he ever smoked week and tried to change the subject.

Why are Republicans so weak willed?

Because he's gonna position himself opposite Rand in the primary.
I had to sit through 90 minutes in my Intro to American Government class of people talking about what they believe both parties stand for.

I...I didn't think people could be so misinformed about the political positions of the parties, someone even said the Democrats were socialist and half the class murmured in approval.

But basically at the end of the lecture I was about to rip my hair out because the prof kept going on and on about how both parties are both comprised of very smart and very very very serious people who both want the best for our country but just disagree on how to do it.
Randian fetishists are actually pretty OK with pot. It's the bible thumpers that get their panties bunched up about it. Not really sure where Rubio falls on the spectrum.

Rubio is absolutely clueless about where to stand on a lot of issues so most likely he'll take a position that he thinks will appeal to moderates and conservatives but will end up making him look like the idiot he is.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Randian fetishists are actually pretty OK with pot. It's the bible thumpers that get their panties bunched up about it.

Well, yeah but I don't recall Rubio ever having remotely any non-economic libertarian positions (I could be mistaken, but hell, even Rand Paul hasn't come out in favor of legalizing weed. Or at the very least, his support for that is far more muted than his dad). I'm pretty sure he's a proud Bible thumper.

Speaking of Bible thumpers:

A pastor affiliated with the American Family Association has accused religious broadcaster Pat Robertson of “blasphemy” for mocking creationism.


Looks like we're due for another Reformation.
I had to sit through 90 minutes in my Intro to American Government class of people talking about what they believe both parties stand for.

I...I didn't think people could be so misinformed about the political positions of the parties, someone even said the Democrats were socialist and half the class murmured in approval.

But basically at the end of the lecture I was about to rip my hair out because the prof kept going on and on about how both parties are both comprised of very smart and very very very serious people who both want the best for our country but just disagree on how to do it.
The worst part of college.

The sad part is that a vast majority of students don't really have differing opinions. If you ask all of them what the income distribution of the country should be, how long unemployment should last, how much money in welfare people should get, etc. they will all agree. The problem is that most Americans feed into the propaganda that we all live in a rampant welfare state in which someone can live on unemployment, welfare, and food stamps making $30,000 a year. That there is rampant voter fraud because dirty browns and blacks constantly game the system. That we have millions of open jobs that pay well that nobody wants to take because welfare pays more. That most Americans are liberal and that they are the exception. The United States has been held hostage by the right wing constantly playing their fears of ghetto welfare queens, gang banging beaners, and terrorists in every corner. It is sad because when I talked to France, Germans, and Australian exchange students they all seem very similar political views compared to the American students. The only difference is that they don't like war and our healthcare. The average American sees two boogeymen: the rich CEO making billions and the welfare queen with eight kids making close to six figures. To them it's the middle class that is getting squeezed out. The Republicans prop up the CEO while the Democrats prop up the Welfare queen. If only there was a moderate candidate looking out for the real Americans.

East Lake

My last political class was actually filled with liberals. We even at one point invited our debate club in and one of the guys in it identified as a libertarian. But he read the entire ACA bill and was essentially trolling the few conservatives in my class lol.


The worst part of college.
Yeah most disappointing part about uni (despite how much I love it) is how most of my peers don't give a shit about politics.. or are completely ignorant about it. Best part is most of my professors and teachers are all pretty left-wing and always bring up social justice and inequality issues when it's relevant to the topic at hand (I'm studying education here). It's a bit of a shame because the stuff you learn in academia is exactly the kind of your thing you should be applying to your political viewpoints.

Had a amusing conversation with a academic at a book launch that he has always found that the one "bright" student that always puts their hand up in lectures and tutorials is usually always incredibly political.. which I found funny because I'm totally "that" guy at uni.
GOP Throws In The Towel: The End Of Debt Limit Extortion

Wrapped inside House GOP leaders' proposal to extend the debt ceiling was a subtle concession that the days of debt limit extortion were over.

But on Tuesday morning, they abandoned even that. A Republican source in the room during a meeting confirmed to TPM that "we will be bringing up a 'clean' debt limit bill tomorrow. [Speaker John] Boehner made clear the GOP would provide the requisite number of Republican votes for the measure but that Democrats will be expected to carry the vote."

The proposal that surfaced Monday evening, only to be ditched by Tuesday morning, was as bipartisan as it comes: the plan reversed recently enacted cuts to military retirement benefits, which both parties overwhelmingly support. It's paid for by extending the mandatory sequestration cuts to Medicare providers for an extra year, which Democrats have also supported.

The military cost-of-living adjustments in the Ryan-Murray budget deal could be undone at a later date. A standalone bill to do just that moved forward in the Senate by a vote of 94-0 on Monday. The only question is whether that'll happen in conjunction with -- or independently from -- raising the country's borrowing authority.

It became clear Tuesday morning what many suspected all along: House Republicans don't have nearly enough votes to pass their debt ceiling bill on their own, and the debt limit bill will pass with Democratic support
. Reps. Devin Nunes (R-CA) and Mo Brooks (R-AL) admitted as much to reporters in the Capitol after a special conference meeting on Monday evening. Many hard-right members don't want to vote for any borrowing limit hike.


Unconfirmed Member
Yo dawg, I heard you like concessions, so i put a concession in your concession so you get nothing while you get nothing.
Yeah most disappointing part about uni (despite how much I love it) is how most of my peers don't give a shit about politics.. or are completely ignorant about it. Best part is most of my professors and teachers are all pretty left-wing and always bring up social justice and inequality issues when it's relevant to the topic at hand (I'm studying education here). It's a bit of a shame because the stuff you learn in academia is exactly the kind of your thing you should be applying to your political viewpoints.

Had a amusing conversation with a academic at a book launch that he has always found that the one "bright" student that always puts their hand up in lectures and tutorials is usually always incredibly political.. which I found funny because I'm totally "that" guy at uni.

Most people don't give a shit about politics until it starts affecting them. Owning a house, paying bills and taxes, working 40 a week etc etc. Most college age kids have barley any sense about how politics have affected them. It's why the they care more about the NSA crap than about welfare, unemployment extensions, and possible social security cuts. At college age they're mostly just spouting crap their parents told them anyway.

Even then too many people are oblivious when it starts to affect them.


No Scrubs

As does anyone else with a brain. Our own actions during the Cold War and beyond show that this strategy will fail. We should be doing in Cuba what we're doing in China.

Wow, there wasn't even a tiny fight. I guess someone finally explained to Boehner what would happen if the debt ceiling didn't get raised.


So does Wendy Davis realistically have a shot? I'm turning 18 this year so I'll be voting, but I'm wondering if I'll be wasting my time convincing my friends/family to vote.

Despite what the majority will say, I still believe she has a shot, albeit a very small one. I believe Rick Perry (R) beat out Bill White (D) at 55%-42% in 2010. Texas is the Republican stronghold, but take into consideration that it still has one of the lowest voter turnouts in the nation at around 36 percent. The Wendy Davis campaign is being spearheaded by Battleground Texas, an organization that hasn't been too shabby at mobilizing voters, garnering support and raising a boatload of campaign money. They need to hit the grassroots hard and get a high Hispanic voter, young voter, and larger turnout in general. Most of the Texas major cities like Austin, San Antonio, Houston, etc. are largely democrat. The real problem is the rural areas and the powerhouse of Texas evangelicals. Not to mention the endless amount of attacks from the Texas Republican party.

I say: vote. I've heard many nasty attack ads against Wendy ranging from her being a promiscuous woman to a baby-murder, so yes, voting is never wasting your time.
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