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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
I got a little confused since congress decides how much money is spent every year, but the fed has the power to increase the money supply, right?

Yes, Congress granted the federal reserve the authority to contract or expand the money supply as part of the Federal Reserve Act, which created it.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Let's be fair, it's not just Obama. Bush Derangement Syndrome was also a very real phenomenon back in the day -- "Bush is an idiot who reads books upside down and leaves the lens cap on binoculars" vs. "Bush is an evil mastermind who was is behind 9/11 and is going to re-institute the draft"

That pushed me to the right back that just as the Tea Party pushes me to the left now :p

And every person of any respectable position associated with the democratic party ran far away from those types, while the GOP base IS the ~30% of the country that approved of Bush when he left office, the ~30% of the country that approves of the tea party, the 30% of the country that thinks Obama is un-american/socialist/whatever other buzzword or dogwhistle they can throw out.


lol, fucking Ben Carson? Has he ever been elected to anything? (don't get me wrong, this didn't stop the Cain Train in 2012).

Also, Christie being behind him is laughably bad. Bridge-gate has forever made him unelectable as a national figure.
Keep in mind these straw polls rarely reflect reality. The Paul's always seem to win a few of them, but they're always the first ones to get eliminated in the primaries.

They may hate Christie now, but they also didn't like Romney, and were constantly shifting away from him to the other Candidate of the Week. When the time comes they're going to vote for whoever has the best chance of winning, regardless of how they feel about the candidate.
Keep in mind these straw polls rarely reflect reality. The Paul's always seem to win a few of them, but they're always the first ones to get eliminated in the primaries.

They may hate Christie now, but they also didn't like Romney, and were constantly shifting away from him to the other Candidate of the Week. When the time comes they're going to vote for whoever has the best chance of winning, regardless of how they feel about the candidate.

Romney won the CPAC straw poll FOUR times, believe it or not.


This is semantics, and nothing more
Keep in mind these straw polls rarely reflect reality. The Paul's always seem to win a few of them, but they're always the first ones to get eliminated in the primaries.

They may hate Christie now, but they also didn't like Romney, and were constantly shifting away from him to the other Candidate of the Week. When the time comes they're going to vote for whoever has the best chance of winning, regardless of how they feel about the candidate.

"They're"? Rand's never run in a presidential primary.

EDIT: And Ron didn't even end active campaigning in 2012 until mid-May, and was the last candidate not named Romney to do so. Cain imploded in December 2011. Bachmann, Huntsman, and Perry dropped out in January. Santorum called it quits in April, and Gingrich withdrew about two weeks before Paul. And even after that, Paul continued to work to maximize his influence at the Republican National Convention.

So, you're just misremembering.
Not an Onion article:

Palin fires up CPAC, crowd chants 'Run, Sarah, Run!'

"I do not like this Uncle Sam. I do not like his health care scam," she began, to big applause. "I do not like these dirty crooks, or how they lie and cook the books. I do not like when Congress steals. I do not like their crony deals. I do not like this spying, man. I do not like 'Oh yes we can.'"

"I do not like this kind of hope, and we won't take it - nope, nope, nope," she finished.

The big crowd, hanging on her every word, eventually erupted into chants of "Run, Sarah, Run!"

"I should. I didn't get to run this morning. I was so busy, man," she said to big laughs.
I don't even know what to think about Sarah Palin these days.

I mean, that's probably the most blatant statement of outright hatred for the poor that I've seen in a while.



Conservative Ben Carson let loose on gay marriage during his Saturday CPAC speech, reinforcing his belief in traditional practices.

"As you know, I am not a fan of political correctness," Carson told onlookers, drawing cheers. "I still believe that marriage is between a man and a woman."

Carson went on to add that the political world is full of "ideologues" and the only people that can stop them are the American people. While he believes gay people are entitled to their rights, Carson drew the line at "extra rights" that alter the institution of marriage.

"Of course gay people should have the same rights as everyone else, but they don't get extra rights," Carson said. "They don't get to redefine marriage."

Back in April 2013, Carson stepped down as commencement speaker for Johns Hopkins University's School of Medicine after making some gay marriage comments that sparked outrage from students and faculty.

"It’s a well-established, fundamental pillar of society, and no group, be they gays, be they NAMBLA, be they people who believe in bestiality -- it doesn’t matter what they are -- they don’t get to change the definition," he said in a Fox News appearance at the time.
"They're"? Rand's never run in a presidential primary.

EDIT: And Ron didn't even end active campaigning in 2012 until mid-May, and was the last candidate not named Romney to do so. Cain imploded in December 2011. Bachmann, Huntsman, and Perry dropped out in January. Santorum called it quits in April, and Gingrich withdrew about two weeks before Paul. And even after that, Paul continued to work to maximize his influence at the Republican National Convention.

So, you're just misremembering.

Ah, you're a PaulBot. That explains a lot.

Paul kept on running 'til Mid-May because that meant he could continue to bilk money out of his supporters like the grifter he is. Every other candidate realized by March they couldn't win the nomination and let's be blunt, the Republican platform is no different than it was if Paul hadn't run.


This is semantics, and nothing more
Paul kept on running 'til Mid-May because that meant he could continue to bilk money out of his supporters like the grifter he is. Every other candidate realized by March they couldn't win the nomination and let's be blunt, the Republican platform is no different than it was if Paul hadn't run.

Do you believe this contradicts anything I said?

Or were you just commenting so you could call me names?

EDIT: One thing bothers me every time I see the term "Paulbot" or "Paultard."

What idiot, when trying to think up a disparaging term for the supporters of Ron Paul, would think to replace re and ro with "Paul"? Whoever that person is, he has done a great disservice to clever internet discourse.
Do you believe this contradicts anything I said?

Or were you just commenting so you could call me names?

Well, your point just didn't make any sense. The previous poster was right. Every time Ron Paul ran for the nomination of the GOP, he was "eliminated" on caucus night in Iowa. Sure, he ran for a few more months to grift people, but he was done the moment he registered.


This is semantics, and nothing more
Well, your point just didn't make any sense. The previous poster was right. Every time Ron Paul ran for the nomination of the GOP, he was "eliminated" on caucus night in Iowa. Sure, he ran for a few more months to grift people, but he was done the moment he registered.

You would only use the term "eliminated" in that sense if you had already imprudently committed yourself to the truth of the proposition that Ron Paul was eliminated first in the 2012 primaries. Otherwise you'd interpret it using a more natural meaning under which the statement is obviously false.
You would only use the term "eliminated" in that sense if you had already imprudently committed yourself to the truth of the proposition that Ron Paul was eliminated first in the 2012 primaries. Otherwise you'd interpret it using a more natural meaning under which the statement is obviously false.

he had no chance after Iowa


Setec Astronomer
Ron Paul was never a serious contender. Being eliminated was a formality no matter when it occurred.

Pretty much like Kucinich in his many futile attempts.


This is semantics, and nothing more
Ron Paul was never a serious contender. Being eliminated was a formality no matter when it occurred.

Pretty much like Kucinich in his many futile attempts.

This argument is both defensible and true. Arguing that Ron Paul was the "first eliminated" or "eliminated by the Iowa results" is neither.


Unconfirmed Member
I love how all CPAC, everyone made a point to act like the sole reason for republican economic policies are to help the poor, and then Sarah Palin ruins it by complaining that poor people just don't get that welfare programs cost money, and that money comes from "people like you" pointing out to the sea of white men in rich suits.

Well, your point just didn't make any sense. The previous poster was right. Every time Ron Paul ran for the nomination of the GOP, he was "eliminated" on caucus night in Iowa. Sure, he ran for a few more months to grift people, but he was done the moment he registered.

I think he kept running for the same reason that Bernie Sanders is talking about running, not to win but to push his agenda on the biggest political platform available to him, and that's something I think he ended up being pretty successful with. I can only hope Bernie Sanders garners the same type of following among the youth of the party that Ron Paul did.


Setec Astronomer
I love how all CPAC, everyone made a point to act like the sole reason for republican economic policies are to help the poor, and then Sarah Palin ruins it by complaining that poor people just don't get that welfare programs cost money, and that money comes from "people like you" pointing out to the sea of white men in rich suits.
And then that money quickly gets spent in places owned by such people. The horror!


why is it that conservatives think the solution to Russia is missile defense systems? They keep going on and on about that today on Face the Nation, Cheney and now Paul Ryan, that Obama's big flaw was not building missile defense systems in surrounding countries. This isn't rhetorical, i don't get it. Russia hasn't even fired a shot in Crimea, let alone a missile...how would this have solved the Ukraine problem?
Wasn't Ben Carson mentioned in the Wire as someone the kids of Baltimore could look up to, and wasn't his story turned into some Lifetime TV movie?

He's one of the greatest surgeons of our lifetime, and an inspiring story. However his political views are quite ridiculous.

On one hand I want to believe he's too smart for this: it's just a cynical ploy for attention, money, etc. but he already has all the money he could want. He's not like many other cynical conservative personalities who basically troll for money because that's how they feed their family.

But on the other hand I'm familiar with Baltimore enough to know he has clashed with local politicians for over a decade. Naturally people want to give him various awards, have him speak at events, etc; he has turned some down due to not being able to express his political beliefs, and has also pissed (mainly black) politicians off by attacking their views.

Yet all that stuff was local or behind the scenes. I guess now the whole country gets to hear his views. Now, does he want to run for office? He was born in Michigan, there are plenty right wing districts he could move to and run in if he wanted. Or will he run for president as the ultimate Washington outsider? Or is this just a Palin-esque troll job for money, including flirting with running but never doing it.

I'm not upset he's conservative. I'm disappointed he is another far right black conservative who capitalizes off Obama hatred by being as extreme as possible. If Hillary wins in 2016 just watch how many far right agitators arise to say things a man couldn't get away with.


why is it that conservatives think the solution to Russia is missile defense systems? They keep going on and on about that today on Face the Nation, Cheney and now Paul Ryan, that Obama's big flaw was not building missile defense systems in surrounding countries. This isn't rhetorical, i don't get it. Russia hasn't even fired a shot in Crimea, let alone a missile...how would this have solved the Ukraine problem?

It makes them feel manly and a bad ass, and takes them back to the time of Reagan where he 'stood up' to them and they 'flinched'. They care more about that than doing something that might do something about that clusterfuck
why is it that conservatives think the solution to Russia is missile defense systems? They keep going on and on about that today on Face the Nation, Cheney and now Paul Ryan, that Obama's big flaw was not building missile defense systems in surrounding countries. This isn't rhetorical, i don't get it. Russia hasn't even fired a shot in Crimea, let alone a missile...how would this have solved the Ukraine problem?
It frees up our choice of actions. If we have missile defense Russia can't counter with ICBMs. In essence they want to be able to threaten war more openly or act with impunity with out Russia being able the threaten retaliation.

It wouldn't have solved the Ukriane crisis but it would give us the option of openly confronting Russia.

IMO its incredibly destabilizing and counter productive. It would encourage new conflicts. People forget the AntiBalistic Missile treaty wasn't anti-balistic missiles it was anti-antibalistic missiles. It said you can't develope missile defenses so no state could think they'd have an advantage in nuclear war. Bush withdrew us unilaterally in 2002 though. Stupid decision IMO
why is it that conservatives think the solution to Russia is missile defense systems? They keep going on and on about that today on Face the Nation, Cheney and now Paul Ryan, that Obama's big flaw was not building missile defense systems in surrounding countries. This isn't rhetorical, i don't get it. Russia hasn't even fired a shot in Crimea, let alone a missile...how would this have solved the Ukraine problem?

It's dumb because even a fully functioning missile defense system couldn't stop a full onslaught of nuclear missiles, even if they took out most of them there would still be enough to destroy the US and Western Europe.
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