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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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Wow, you guys have to see tonight's Daily Show. Aasif Mandvi just broke this Fox News guy's brain. Like you could literally see it shatter at one point during the interview. Plus it really shows how fucked up healthcare is in some places in the US.

I endorse this (for slightly different reasons). RAM is a great volunteer healthcare organization - I was actually working there at Knoxville as a volunteer when they were filming the interview. I would encourage people to volunteer if they get a chance (www.ramusa.org)

As a side note, it was crazy to see Mandvi in person.
PD predicting doom for Brian Schweitzer?

Sounds like we know who our next president is.

The article he posted actually does make a good point. If Schweitzer really wants to distance himself from Obama he shouldn't do it by attacking Obama directly. It will alienate minority voters and cost him in the primary.


No Scrubs
I endorse this (for slightly different reasons). RAM is a great volunteer healthcare organization - I was actually working there at Knoxville as a volunteer when they were filming the interview. I would encourage people to volunteer if they get a chance (www.ramusa.org)

As a side note, it was crazy to see Mandvi in person.

They really are, it's shocking that they were created to parachute drop into third world countries and do work there and somehow wound up doing most of their work in the United States. That is just incredibly sad for us.
The article he posted actually does make a good point. If Schweitzer really wants to distance himself from Obama he shouldn't do it by attacking Obama directly. It will alienate minority voters and cost him in the primary.
Oh sure, Schweitzer has no chance at winning the nomination.

Unless something really drastic changes in US politics that would turn Democratic voters away from Obama/Clinton.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Got a massive noob question that I'm sorta embarrassed to ask, but which branch of the government actually "prints money", the treasury or the fed?


Unconfirmed Member
Got a massive noob question that I'm sorta embarrassed to ask, but which branch of the government actually "prints money", the treasury or the fed?

Well the US Mint answers to the treasury dept. And the Treasury Dept is also in charge of handing out the unpaid IOUs that effectively creates money in the form of debt. But the Treasury doesn't really have much say in the matter for the most part.

The fed does have a say in the matter since they can specifically ask the treasury to give them any number of IOUs that the fed feels like, which basically amounts to telling the treasury dept to "print money" for them.

Still, the fed doesn't always make the treasury print money depending on if they want to stimulate the economy, while the treasury must always be creating money in order to pay the bills.
I like Schweitzer. He's pro public option and liberal on a variety of issues. I'm not going to knock his stance on guns, as it has nothing to do with gun crime. His environmental views are a wash to me. I couldn't care less if Keystone was approved; in fact I'd take the jobs over the negatives, and am baffled that this has become some holy grail quest for environmentalists.

He would be popular in Iowa and perhaps NH, but all this Obama bashing would doom him in Nevada and SC. You can disagree with your party's president without being direct. Obama did that a lot against Bill Clinton during the primaries and it worked (while only pissing off Bill and his camp). Schweitzer is directly speaking to moderates and whites right now, who don't like Obama, but who knows how things will be in a couple years.

I'd bet money right now that Mark Warner will be Hillary's VP, and his senate seat will be given to Tom Perriello. Him not running for governor is the only reason Terry won, and I think the Obama and Clinton camps exchanged favors.


What I don't understand is I am pretty sure, in 2010, Dems could have passed the ACA with a public option via reconciliation. So why not do it? They had a commanding majority in both houses. Senators like Baucus definitely trolled the entire process but they could have told him to fuck off. They probably would have been able to get enough votes for a simple majority without their stubborn asses.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
What I don't understand is I am pretty sure, in 2010, Dems could have passed the ACA with a public option via reconciliation. So why not do it? They had a commanding majority in both houses. Senators like Baucus definitely trolled the entire process but they could have told him to fuck off. They probably would have been able to get enough votes for a simple majority without their stubborn asses.

Of the five committees in the House and Senate which addressed health care reform, only the senate finance committee's draft excluded the public option.

For some reason, any time the senate finance committee is involved in legislation in the senate, Max Baucus automatically becomes the dominating force for the legislation, even if the legislation only involves the finance committee because of somewhat significant financial impacts, such as most educational, health, and infrastructure legislation. These types of legislation should primarily be driven by the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions committee, or, in the case of infrastructure, the appropritate committe for that area of infrastructure (Probably one of the following four: Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; Commerce, Science, and Transportation; Energy and Natural Resources; or Environment and Public Works )

I don't know if it's because Max Baucus has naked pictures of Harry Reid, or if it's because of seniority, or because Max Baucus is just a political genius, but he's the poison pill through which nearly all democratic legislation in the senate gets watered down (with Reid's blessing, of course)


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Pew Released a huge study about political attitudes. Millennial are a bunch of politically independent socialists.

Biggest thing for me?
Huge racial gaps. Whites dislike government. Non-whites like it.

Link to all data at the end

I find that our generation (millennials) are either libertarians who think government has no business in protecting anyone's social, political, or economic interests unless there's a written contract involved, or the Al Franken/Bernie Sanders (with a pinch of John Kerry) type of liberal.
Well Baucus is out of the Senate now thank fucking god.

I find that our generation (millennials) are either libertarians who think government has no business in protecting anyone's social, political, or economic interests unless there's a written contract involved, or the Al Franken/Bernie Sanders (with a pinch of John Kerry) type of liberal.

Those libertarians would've been College Republicans ten years ago but are now to embarrassed to admit it because they don't want to seem regressive on social issues in front of their socially liberal friends.


Lol. Rutgers University is having Condoleeza Rice do the commencement this year. Little reason for me to walk at graduation at this point. Lol @ getting a war criminal to speak.
CPAC had an actually really good Criminal Justice reform panel. With Perry, Norquest and two other dudes I didn't know.

Well, isn't Norquist not that bad outside of his "no taxes" crap?
dunno about Perry though lol

Pew Released a huge study about political attitudes. Millennial are a bunch of politically independent socialists.

Biggest thing for me?
Huge racial gaps. Whites dislike government. Non-whites like it.

Link to all data at the end

yeah it's what I thought, the surge of independents among millennials correspond mostly with a drop in Republican affilation
raise your hand if you were shocked


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
New Hamshire just expanded medicaid, woo!

Well the US Mint answers to the treasury dept. And the Treasury Dept is also in charge of handing out the unpaid IOUs that effectively creates money in the form of debt. But the Treasury doesn't really have much say in the matter for the most part.

The fed does have a say in the matter since they can specifically ask the treasury to give them any number of IOUs that the fed feels like, which basically amounts to telling the treasury dept to "print money" for them.

Still, the fed doesn't always make the treasury print money depending on if they want to stimulate the economy, while the treasury must always be creating money in order to pay the bills.

I got a little confused since congress decides how much money is spent every year, but the fed has the power to increase the money supply, right?


interesting article on the recent min. wage push.

really puts into perspective how strong a hold voodoo-economics has over the political elite. reading these guys justifying their decisions is like reading the arguments out of a gaf thread about minimum wages.

the article also works as a reminder that movements matter: without the fastfood worker strikes and protests, I bet this would not have happened.

Oh good. Daily Show calling out the massive GOP cock sucking of Putin.

This one is great. Fantastic to see someone call out the conservative pundits on their Putin love. The "weak, ineffectual, rutheless tyrant dictator Obama" is almost as confusing a contradiction as "socialist, crony capitalist Obama" or "Sneaky, conniving, bumbling idiot Obama."


Oh my God... his brain literally shatters. You can see if flying out of his ears followed by smoke.

But this one is just flawless. Aasif Mandvi sets everything up just perfectly. I'm always suspicious about The Daily Show's interviews being edited for comedy, but that is one long, continuous pause. And it's amazing. Just trying so hard to figure out the spin


People like Schweitzer are irrelevant to the Dems' current winning coalition. Clinton should pick Gillibrand as her running mate.

Gillibrand used to be a blue dog democrat but lunged a bit to the left when she became a Senator. She almost reminds me of Mittens in how strongly she changed her tune. Makes me wonder what shape she would take in the White House. But honestly, I rather have her as VP than Mark Warner.

Although this would then be an all woman, NY ticket. Don't see that happening!


And yet according to Pew (and the OT forum), Millennials are the least likely to report seeing major differences between the party that wants to shut down the government completely and the party that wants a living wage and voting rights.

The numbers on this aren't terrible, but I'm having a little trouble wrapping my head around it. It is a lack of perspective?
Lol. Rutgers University is having Condoleeza Rice do the commencement this year. Little reason for me to walk at graduation at this point. Lol @ getting a war criminal to speak.

I'm actually really happy that Rutgers got Condi to speak...

A university should be about the free exchange of ideas. Condoleeza Rice is a very accomplished individual whose major flaw seems to be coming from the other side of the aisle. She's going to speak at a liberal northeastern United States university. One of the major things students should learn is how to listen to individuals from the other side, who aren't antagonistic blowhards - the first African American female Secretary of State.

This isn't Dick Cheney or Donald Rumsfeld we're talking about here...

It's also far more prestigious than who I got for my commencement speaker - Jane Goodall.
Bureau of Printing and Engraving prints physical dollars The mint mints coins. Treasury requests the money and I think officially issues it. The Fed also creates money by crediting banks.


The Federal Reserve Board makes an annual printing request and the Bureau of Engraving and Printing ships directly to the Reserve Banks around the country. The Federal Reserve Act authorizes the regional Reserve Banks to issue notes to depository institutions. Physical dollars are for small transactions like an ATM withdrawal. Large-scale transactions are done via check, electronically, or by phone. There's 1 trillion + physical cash in circulation that's mostly held by foreigners. Fedwire Funds Service can individually process millions of payments that equate to (as an example) $450 trillion in total value over the course of a year. Printing money is a very small part of what's done each day. Banks create deposits for the public on their own along with the Treasury Department. The Fed maintains a desired price for reserve balances via the federal funds rate. The Desk staff at the NY Fed conducts open market operations to control it.

New York Fed

Fed functions and purpose can be found here

Oh good. Daily Show calling out the massive GOP cock sucking of Putin.

It's straight Obama Derangement Syndrome that's taken over conservatives. It's sad, really.

In another forum I just had a discussion where a poster argued Putin is awesome and Obama is weak. He argued Obama retreated in Iraq/Afghan and Syria and the world noticed and he's a weak leader doing weak things abroad. and won't commit to invading Iran/Russia.

Two posts later he argued Obama's foreign policy has been terrible because he illegally went into Libya and he violated the sovereign borders of Pakistan with drones and spied on our allies.

These people are simply anti-Obama and will always counter his position no matter what. It's what happened when a black man became the most powerful person in our nation.
It's straight Obama Derangement Syndrome that's taken over conservatives. It's sad, really.

In another forum I just had a discussion where a poster argued Putin is awesome and Obama is weak. He argued Obama retreated in Iraq/Afghan and Syria and the world noticed and he's a weak leader doing weak things abroad. and won't commit to invading Iran/Russia.

Two posts later he argued Obama's foreign policy has been terrible because he illegally went into Libya and he violated the sovereign borders of Pakistan with drones and spied on our allies.

These people are simply anti-Obama and will always counter his position no matter what. It's what happened when a black man became the most powerful person in our nation.
Yeah, I keep reaching this conclusion as well. And I understand it irritates many conservatives that just view as a knee-jerk response. But it is not a knee-jerk response, it is just an attempt to explain the contradictory thinking. One often gets these completely contradictory arguments . . . Obama is a pussy for not invading but is a dictator for attacking Libya and threatening Syria. Obama is an indecisive non-leader who wears mom jeans but he's a constitution-shredding tyrant.

When your arguments against Obama contradict themselves then they can't be taken seriously. And thus once is forced to look for other reasons as to why there is such a strong hatred of Obama that gets expressed in illogical contradictory arguments. So racism is an obvious potential explanation. And I definitely think it does apply to a subset of his detractors.

However, I also think many others have other issues why the hate him such as abortion, guns, gays, etc. but when they get into more complex matters like foreign policy they are just in over their heads and thus make these stupid illogical arguments.
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