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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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He had one job at CPAC and still apparently blew it. McConnell can't seem to do anything right this campaign.

Anyone else think this is being blown out of proportion? Bevin has gotten a couple interviews about this (The Hill and TPM) but ultimately I don't see this changing his fate. McConnell is weak...but he's also the senate minority leader. He has quite a war chest and list of people to call in favors from.
Speaking of which, there is one thing that bothered me about the Bush admin's 8 year reign. We were fighting TWO wars during that time. Why didn't the increased spending stimulate the economy like it did all the other times we went to war?

It did, relative to where it was. However, Bush's spending did nothing but reverse Clinton's negative spending. The spending was not significant. In Bush's last few years before the crash, however, the government was sharply reducing net spending.
Ben Carson is an elite level medical practitioner who doesn't believe in evolution.

Seriously, how the fuck does that even work?

I've always found it amusing how Reagan "defeated" communism by relying on socialism.

That's what it always does, though.

I'm sure he believes in evolution but doesn't even know it.
The whole field of modern biology doesn't even make sense anymore without evolution.

He's just too balls deep into being a conservative troll that it skews basic thought.

Also, it's important to note the difference between a practitioner and a researcher. A neuroscientist is going to have a fundamentally different understanding of the brain and the evolution of the brain as a whole compared to a neurosurgeon who largely just has proficient clinical skills such as surgery, physiology, anatomy, etc.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
A good business cycle? Increased credit and the growth of the stock market? Good international conditions? Depressed spending finally untapped thanks to the recession in the 70s?

Those sorts of government policies really don't have a huge impact on the short term growth of the economy. They definitely have an impact on inequality, quality of life, etc, but not the overall economy. Of course, The massive spending increase thanks to WWII is the exception since that was spending on a scale pretty much unseen in the US

Most historians agree Pres. Reagan should be credited with giving Volcker authority to break inflation even though in the short term it caused a deep recession. When macro conditions did improve, there was a lot of pent up demand from the stagflation era, and the baby boomers were coming into their prime consumption years. International conditions did improve from the 70s and not all of that is credited to Pres. Reagan of course, but he did project executive competence for the first time since pre-Vietnam LBJ and that settled markets and encouraged investment.




He had one job at CPAC and still apparently blew it. McConnell can't seem to do anything right this campaign.

I did notice him holding it wrong, but then again, you'll see most teapers and muh guns people holding their guns wrong, setting a gun against a table or wall with it's barrel on the ground, etc, so I assume he's just like the rest of them, and it it for the show.
Survey: Uninsured Rate Drops As Obamacare Takes Effect

WASHINGTON (AP) — With just three weeks left to sign up under President Barack Obama's health care law, a major survey tracking the rollout finds that the uninsured rate keeps going down.

The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index, released Monday, found that 15.9 percent of U.S. adults are uninsured thus far in 2014, down from 17.1 percent for the last three months — or calendar quarter— of 2013.

That translates roughly to 3 million to 4 million people getting coverage.

Gallup said the share of Americans who lack coverage is on track to drop to the lowest quarterly level it measured since 2008, before Obama took office.

Gallup found the biggest drop in the uninsured rate was among households making less than $36,000 a year — a decline of 2.8 percentage points.

Among blacks, the uninsured rate was down by 2.6 percentage points. It declined by 1 percentage point among whites. But Latinos saw a drop of just eight-tenths of a percentage point.

good luck repealing this
btw the Alex Sink v. David Jolly special election is tomorrow.


National Republicans threatened to pull out of the high profile Florida 13th Congressional District special election after the Republican candidate, David Jolly, said he disagreed with an ad the national GOP was airing in support of his candidacy.

After Jolly (pictured above) said he disagreed with a National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) ad hitting Democratic opponent on her use of a state plane, a senior NRCC official lashed out.

"Are you f---ing kidding me?" the official said, according to Politico. The official then wondered if Jolly's campaign would rather the NRCC stop spending money in the race.

The new details about internal problems with the Jolly campaign come a day before the special election for the late C.W. Bill Young's (R-FL) House seat.

In the same write-up, Politico also reports that Jolly's campaign managed to tick off House Speaker John Boehner's (R-OH) staff after he suggested that he might not support Boehner's re-election as speaker (criticism of Boehner on the campaign trail isn't unheard of among Republicans this cycle). Twice Jolly refused to say whether he would back Boehner. After the second refusal Jolly tweeted out that he would support Beohner. But there were still hard feelings among Boehner's staff.

"After all that was done to help Jolly, his noncommital statements on if he supports the speaker made Boehner advisers furious," a GOP official with close ties to Boehner said according to Politico.

Dem pickup?


For some reason, reading the NK election thread and then that up there gave me a small sense of similarity between the two. Go against the current GOP and they will destroy you. Go against Un and you'll die.


Most historians agree Pres. Reagan should be credited with giving Volcker authority to break inflation even though in the short term it caused a deep recession. When macro conditions did improve, there was a lot of pent up demand from the stagflation era, and the baby boomers were coming into their prime consumption years. International conditions did improve from the 70s and not all of that is credited to Pres. Reagan of course, but he did project executive competence for the first time since pre-Vietnam LBJ and that settled markets and encouraged investment.

The Fed is independent. Why would Volcker need special authority to do that? Sure, Reagan Reappointed him, but he didnt give him any special power or authority beyond his office.

Personally, I think the whole President being a confidence fairy is a bunch of horseshit


No Scrubs
That doesn't stop the house from voting on it 50 times. Better hope Dems keep the senate, because if not, the votes will ramp up to the crazy levels come January.

No but it allows Dems to change the narrative and put all those votes to repeal in the worst possible light.


No but it allows Dems to change the narrative and put all those votes to repeal in the worst possible light.

Honestly, do you really think the Dems will do that, though? The GOP has been giving them fodder for years and the Dems barely seem to use that ammunition against them.


No Scrubs
Honestly, do you really think the Dems will do that, though? The GOP has been giving them fodder for years and the Dems barely seem to use that ammunition against them.

It would be so easy to do at this point that if they don't, they deserve what happens to them.


I hope Sink wins tomorrow. I don't think it really means much, as of right now, but it will set the tone and messaging the news channels will use for the coming months.

Brown's election in MA set the tone for 2010.

Hopefully, if Alex Sink wins tomorrow, it'll do the same for this year.


I hope Sink wins tomorrow. I don't think it really means much, as of right now, but it will set the tone and messaging the news channels will use for the coming months.

Brown's election in MA set the tone for 2010.

Hopefully, if Alex Sink wins tomorrow, it'll do the same for this year.

Whoever wins, Kay Hagen is doomed.

Joe Molotov


It's not over till Cruz says it's over.

KARL: We can acknowledge that that's not going to happen while Barack Obama is president, right?

CRUZ: Yes, I'll give you one scenario where it could. If there's one things that unifies politicians of both parties, you know, their top priority is preserving their own hide. And if enough Congressional Democrats realize they either stand with ObamaCare and lose, or they listen to the American people and have a chance at staying in office, that's the one scenario we could do it in 2015. If not, we'll do it in 2017.

KARL: So you honestly think there's a chance that you can get ObamaCare repealed, every word, as you say?

CRUZ: Every single word.

KARL: With Obama in the White House?

CRUZ: You know, what's funny, Jon, is the media treats that as a bizarre proposition.

KARL: Well, it is.
Cool beans.

I've heard conservatives try and talk about how Reagan's policies helped oil prices come down, but that always seemed like one of those things that was just lucky enough to happen on his watch.
Yeah, he really had a lot of luck on his watch. Of course, the same can be said of Bill Clinton who enjoyed the internet boom of the late 90's.

Look at the price of oil during the Reagan years . . . he got in office at the perfect time to end up looking good.


All that oil started coming online starting in 1980 and the price dropped & dropped. Then in 1986, the Saudis capitulated and flooded the market with oil. All that cheap oil really gave the economy a huge shot in the arm. That probably had just as much if not more of an effect than the tax cuts.

And I know I'm going to sound like I think oil controls everything (it doesn't) but the very low oil prices of the late 1980's are also a major unsung hero in the collapse of the Soviet Union. The Soviet union was an economic basket case but it was propped up by the oil exports. When the oil price crashed, they lost a major source of hard currency which accelerated their collapse.


Because where there is God, there is always guns. Because, that what Jesus would do. He would carry a gun.

Kentucky Southern Baptists Draw Crowds With Gun Giveaways

It's an hour before suppertime, and the line outside Lone Oak First Baptist Church in Paducah, Ky., is wrapped around the building. The people are waiting for more than a Bible sermon; there's a raffle tonight. Twenty-five guns are up for grabs.

There's nothing new about gun raffles in Kentucky, even at a church. Last year, there were 50 events like this one in the state. The Kentucky Baptist Convention says it's a surefire way to get new people through church doors.

Sunday school teacher David Keele says everyone he knows has a gun. The church giveaways, he says, are a rallying point.

"We're doing two things here. One, we're going to talk about the Second Amendment to bear arms. But that isn't the primary thing," Keele says. "The primary thing is who Jesus is."

And I find this particular portion hilarious.

While deer rifles are the big draw here, there are Bibles available, too. They're stacked up on tables by the stage. Some even come with waterproof pages and camo covers. Unlike the guns, the Bibles aren't free — they're for sale.

Well give you the right to kill people for free, but if you want to learn about Jesus... Sorry, you gotta pay for that.


Wait, selling bibles and giving away guns seems to be sending a weird message.

If there's one thing that's usually free from churches, it's bibles.


Wait, selling bibles and giving away guns seems to be sending a weird message.

If there's one thing that's usually free from churches, it's bibles.

You pay more for the camo and waterproofing I am sure. Because Lord knows you'll need the waterproofing when God decides to flood the world again, and you'll need that camo so deer won't see you reading scriptures before you kill them.
You pay more for the camo and waterproofing I am sure. Because Lord knows you'll need the waterproofing when God decides to flood the world again, and you'll need that camo so deer won't see you reading scriptures before you kill them.

Naw . . . he promised he wouldn't do that again.

But some people use that as a reason as to why climate change is obviously false . . . God promised that he wouldn't flood us again so there is no way the sea levels can rise. I wish I was kidding.
Naw . . . he promised he wouldn't do that again.

But some people use that as a reason as to why climate change is obviously false . . . God promised that he wouldn't flood us again so there is no way the sea levels can rise. I wish I was kidding.

God said He wouldn't...never said anything about circumstances where we could do it to ourselves.


This is semantics, and nothing more
If Jesus and his disciples had been packing, Pontius Pilate would never have dared fuck with them.

Oddly enough, they were packing when Jesus was arrested--though not guns, of course.

Luke 22:36-38 said:
36 He said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one. 37 It is written: ‘And he was numbered with the transgressors’; and I tell you that this must be fulfilled in me. Yes, what is written about me is reaching its fulfillment.”

38 The disciples said, “See, Lord, here are two swords.”

“That’s enough!” he replied.

Matt. 26:47-56 said:
47 While he was still speaking, Judas, one of the Twelve, arrived. With him was a large crowd armed with swords and clubs, sent from the chief priests and the elders of the people. 48 Now the betrayer had arranged a signal with them: “The one I kiss is the man; arrest him.” 49 Going at once to Jesus, Judas said, “Greetings, Rabbi!” and kissed him.

50 Jesus replied, “Do what you came for, friend.”

Then the men stepped forward, seized Jesus and arrested him. 51 With that, one of Jesus’ companions reached for his sword, drew it out and struck the servant of the high priest, cutting off his ear.

52 “Put your sword back in its place,” Jesus said to him, “for all who draw the sword will die by the sword. 53 Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and he will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels? 54 But how then would the Scriptures be fulfilled that say it must happen in this way?”

55 In that hour Jesus said to the crowd, “Am I leading a rebellion, that you have come out with swords and clubs to capture me? Every day I sat in the temple courts teaching, and you did not arrest me. 56 But this has all taken place that the writings of the prophets might be fulfilled.” Then all the disciples deserted him and fled.
I've been counting fl-13 as a Dem pickup for a while. It and Ca-31 cancel out Ut-4 and Nc-7 which would be definite Dem losses.

From there Dems would have to win 17 more seats without losing anymore, the latter of which is plausible but the gains are a steep hill up. Off the top of my head Dems could nab Il-13, Ne-2, Co-6, Mi-1, Fl-2, Ca-21, Ca-25, Nj-3, Ia-3, Pa-6, Va-10, Ny-11, Ny-19, and Nv-3 at which point they'd be only three seats short (all of those are districts that were only won by smallish margins either way in 2012 and have decent Dem candidates running). They could then win Ar-2, Wv-2 and Mi-11 to reach 218 but that would require a bit of a perfect storm. There are other seats that would be vulnerable if the incumbents retire but I think the field is more or less set.

Good news for John McCain
I've been counting fl-13 as a Dem pickup for a while. It and Ca-31 cancel out Ut-4 and Nc-7 which would be definite Dem losses.

From there Dems would have to win 17 more seats without losing anymore, the latter of which is plausible but the gains are a steep hill up. Off the top of my head Dems could nab Il-13, Ne-2, Co-6, Mi-1, Fl-2, Ca-21, Ca-25, Nj-3, Ia-3, Pa-6, Va-10, Ny-11, Ny-19, and Nv-3 at which point they'd be only three seats short (all of those are districts that were only won by smallish margins either way in 2012 and have decent Dem candidates running). They could then win Ar-2, Wv-2 and Mi-11 to reach 218 but that would require a bit of a perfect storm. There are other seats that would be vulnerable if the incumbents retire but I think the field is more or less set.

Good news for John McCain


John Tierney's district, MA-8, is especially vulnerable this year, he only won by one percent in 2012 against a "socially liberal, fiscally extreme right" libertarian douchebag who's coming back for a rematch.

John Tierney's district, MA-8, is especially vulnerable this year, he only won by one percent in 2012 against a "socially liberal, fiscally extreme right" libertarian douchebag who's coming back for a rematch.
Meh he was presumed to lose in 2012 too (check out his opponent's last ad, it's pretty hilarious) and he pulled it out. From what I understand GOPers aren't supporting him as much this year, so they probably figure they blew their chance.



Washington — A Dexter cancer patient featured in a conservative group’s TV ad campaign denouncing her new health care coverage as “unaffordable” will save more than $1,000 this year under the plan, The Detroit News has learned.

Julie Boonstra, 49, starred last month in an emotional television ad, sponsored by Americans for Prosperity, that implied Democratic U.S. Rep. Gary Peters’ vote for the Affordable Care Act made her medication so “unaffordable” that she could die. Peters of Bloomfield Township is running for an open U.S. Senate seat against Republican Terri Lynn Land.

Boonstra said Monday her new plan she dislikes is the Blue Cross Premier Gold health care plan — which caps patient responsibility for out-of-pocket costs at $5,100 a year, lower than the federal law’s maximum of $6,350 a year. It means the new plan will save her at least $1,200 compared with her former insurance plan she preferred that was ended under Obamacare’s coverage requirements.

A Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan spokesman said the insurer welcomes to chance to help members understand their benefits and alleviate concerns.

“We are here to help people like Ms. Boonstra to work their way through adjusting to the health plans we are now offering them,” the Blue’s Andy Hetzel said. “If there are questions ... they should call.”

Boonstra’s old plan cost $1,100 a month in premiums or $13,200 a year, she previously told The Detroit News. It didn’t include money she spent on co-pays, prescription drugs and other out-of-pocket expenses

By contrast, the Blues’ plan premium costs $571 a month or $6,852 for the year. Since out-of-pocket costs are capped at $5,100, including deductibles, the maximum Boonstra would pay for all of her cancer treatment is $11,952 for the year.

When advised of the details of her Blues’ plan, Boonstra said the idea that it would be cheaper “can’t be true.”

“I personally do not believe that,” Boonstra said.

She said she still fears her costs will be unaffordable because she could be hit with large out-of-pocket bills in the early months when she wouldn’t have the money to pay. She also said her out-of-pocket maximum could be higher than advertised because there’s one prescription that was previously covered by her old plan that she says she must now pay for out of pocket.

Hetzel said he understands patients may be confused by their benefits as they adjust. On the chance of being assessed a full out-of-pocket maximum in the first month or so of a health plan, he said: “It is possible, but it’s highly unlikely.”
Yes, that's one of the stock responses. "Do you really think us insignificant humans could have any real impact on this huge and amazing planet? My goodness, such hubris!"

And my stock response to this is that lowly single-celled plants massively changed this planet . . . there used to be very little free oxygen on the planet but lowly single-celled plants literally completely changed the composition of the atmosphere with photosynthesis. So you don't think we can do more than single-celled plants?



How can something even Ted Cruz, Mitch McConnell, David Vitter, Chuck Grassley and Rand Paul see is right can be killed off by so many Democrats?

The only angle I see on people killing this is the ones that are desperately trying to keep the military court system as isolated as possible from the civilian court system. The Republicans that voted against it all to seem to be right wingers. Fischer (a woman!) voted against it in Nebraska. She's a teaper, and right wing as fuck. Johanns voted for it, and I wouldn't say he's very right wing.
The only angle I see on people killing this is the ones that are desperately trying to keep the military court system as isolated as possible from the civilian court system. The Republicans that voted against it all to seem to be right wingers. Fischer (a woman!) voted against it in Nebraska. She's a teaper, and right wing as fuck. Johanns voted for it, and I wouldn't say he's very right wing.

what, so the Republicans that did vote for it suddenly aren't right wingers?
especially the ones listed here
Strange vote indeed. Well, a lot of them are the usual suspects from red-leaning states. But Sheldon Whitehouse and Jack Reed from Rhode Island? Is there some local angle?

There's not a single person who voted nay that's in a tough re-election campaign unless you're on the doomwagon and want to count Warner as vulnerable. Pryor, Landrieu, Hagan and Begich all voted for it.

People like Whitehouse, Reed, Carper and Kaine aren't going to face any serious re-election battles so I have no idea why they would vote against it.
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