Broken clock's right once a day.
PoliGAF |OT| A broken clock is right once a day
I know the next title decision has already been made, but I still love this comment.
Broken clock's right once a day.
What's creepy about it?
casting couch
casting couch
PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| And some of us, I assume, are good people.
PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| What a world, where Metaphoreous isn't juniored, but benjipwns is!
PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Hating Republicans since William McKinley.
PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| You can marry my lawnmower.
I came up with this several pages ago. I demand royalties!
From the PPP poll.
Women (53%):
Clinton 48 - Trump 39
Biden 51 - Trump 36
Sanders 46 - Trump 37
Men (47%):
Trump 49 - Clinton 43
Trump 47 - Biden 42
Trump 50 - Sanders 39
Democrats (43%):
Clinton 79 - Trump 17
Biden 78 - Trump 15
Sanders 71 - Trump 19
Republicans (33%):
Trump 77 - Clinton 8
Trump 74 - Biden 11
Trump 76 - Sanders 8
Independents (23%):
Trump 46 - Clinton 37
Trump 42 - Biden 39
Trump 44 - Sanders 38
Hispanic (10%):
Clinton 65 - Trump 27
Biden 66 - Trump 26
Sanders 66 - Trump 26
Black (12%):
Clinton 83 - Trump 13
Biden 78 - Trump 11
Sanders 70 - Trump 10
White (73%):
Trump 52 - Clinton 36
Trump 49 - Biden 38
Trump 51 - Sanders 34
Other (5%):
Clinton 53 - Trump 37
Biden 57 - Trump 34
Trump 48 - Sanders 41
18-29 (12%):
Clinton 67 - Trump 20
Biden 62 - Trump 18
Sanders 57 - Trump 22
30-45 (24%):
Clinton 47 - Trump 42
Biden 46 - Trump 41
Trump 46 - Sanders 41
46-65 (42%):
Trump 46 - Clinton 44
Biden 47 - Trump 42
Sanders 44 - Trump 42
65+ (21%):
Trump 55 - Clinton 36
Trump 52 - Biden 40
Trump 55 - Sanders 33
What are the Fox News talking points about low gas prices?
Needs a Brazzers logo.![]()
Why was everyone terrified of Perry in 2012? Maybe I don't quite get it since I'm a Texas D.
PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| What a world, where Metaphoreous isn't juniored, but benjipwns is!
PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Hating Republicans since William McKinley.
PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| You can marry my lawnmower.
I came up with this several pages ago. I demand royalties!
PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| What a world, where Metaphoreous isn't juniored, but benjipwns is!
Meta doesn't start dumb threads, to his credit.
Withdrawing my candidate for consideration and endorsing this one. Mine is still on the printed ballot in Ohio though.PoliGaf 2015 |OT2| Pls print.
Tell ya what, I'll tie you in for 70% of the gross profits if you let me keep credit.
New York Times said:Mrs. Clintons Southern strategy shows in sharp relief the imprint of the data-driven, organization-focused nature of the Obama 2008 campaign on the Clinton operation.
Casting couch studio^^I see Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, and Charlie Cook on the wall there. I wonder where that is.
He was the major fundraiser, at one point he had more cash stashed than Romney. (campaign wise) He always polled at the top in hypotheticals. The not-Romney staffers were lining up for plum posts in his campaign, etc. When he entered he shot to first in the polls by a large margin.Why was everyone terrified of Perry in 2012? Maybe I don't quite get it since I'm a Texas D.
I'll always have the first "true" TRUMP 2016 thread.Benji's threads aren't dumb. In fact, they're probably too clever by half. That's rather the problem, really.
casting couch
random question:
does anyone think any of the politicians running for president are on any type of antidepressants or mood medications?
random question:
does anyone think any of the politicians running for president are on any type of antidepressants or mood medications?
NBC/Marist polls
Trump 29
Carson 22
Bush 6
Trump 28
Kasich 12
Carson 11
Bush 8
NH Senate
Ayotte 48
Hassan 45
Dunno where all the talk of "Oh Trump will implode and all his supporters will get soaked up by Bush" comes from. Bush would need a lot more than that to win, most likely.
I don't think can tell that at all from someone's personality. I'm on antidepressants and people are pretty shocked by that.
I think Perry is on pain meds though.
Bush and Walker have seen their support in each state fade. Bush is down to single digits, overall, and among most key groups in each state. Walkers support has collapsed in both states. In Iowa, his support dropped from 19% in July to 5% now, and from 12% to 4% in New Hampshire.
NBC/Marist polls
Trump 29
Carson 22
Bush 6
Trump 28
Kasich 12
Carson 11
Bush 8
NH Senate
Ayotte 48
Hassan 45
Dunno where all the talk of "Oh Trump will implode and all his supporters will get soaked up by Bush" comes from. Bush would need a lot more than that to win, most likely.
Was just about to post this. Glorious!General election matchups from the Marist polls:
Trump 48
Clinton 43
Bush 50
Clinton 39
New Hampshire:
Clinton 46
Trump 45
Bush 48
Clinton 43
Ben Carson says vaccinations R4 the good of everyone. Did U know pharmaceutical companies reward doctors 4their speaking engagements & RX's?
I don't think anyone can either. I'm just curious if any of them are super depressed or anxious underneath because politicians wear so much armor. I mean like really hopped up on some antidepressants and some adderall to balance it all out.
so he is all doped out on oxycontin?
Oops. That was back in 2012. My bad. I don't think he is currently on pain killers now.
A terrifying proposition:
"If I were head of that, I'd get rid of it," the former Alaska governor and Republican vice presidential nominee said in an interview aired Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union," referring to the Department of Energy.
We need you, uncle joe. The world needs you.Biden's Marist numbers:
Biden 49
Trump 45
Biden 44
Bush 46
New Hampshire:
Biden 50
Trump 41
Biden 45
Bush 46
this week fuckabee is going to go visit that clerk in kentucky that's in jail
Nice to see Huckabee support a democrat
so, how many times have you seen people try this on GAF
Was just about to post this. Glorious!
Yesterday, someone asked why the media are still covering the emails scandel. Because it's tanking her. It's a little early, but....she's done for.
It's about ethics in journalism journalismHoly shit, it's the GamerGate playbook, surprised they got it from Rove.
(My school still bears the L of Karl Rove having attended).