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PoliGAF 2016 |OT| Ask us about our performance with Latinos in Nevada

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Everybody will still hate Ted Cruz because he's awful. Biggest liar. HaTED.

From Ralston's site, apparently this has been circulated by some Republicans.
Please forward to family and friends and fellow GOP caucus goers.

I was able to confirm through a former Secretary of State elections official as well as a former County Clerk. Both said and confirmed that Republicans can show up on Saturday, February 20th and register as a Democrat if you have a burning desire. Then still be eligible to participate to caucus on Tuesday for GOP candidate of choice.

What was also confirmed. The caucuses are NOT a state sanctioned election, the caucus is conducted by both parties. So this is NOT illegal and you will [not] be arrested or fined. So put that rumor to rest.

Some call this idea silly but the reality is, with low turnout the Democrat caucus is going to close and every little bit is going to help.
Panic. Disarray.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Oh shit can lurk just fine again. Glad the mods put their foot down on that thread shitting. Good riddance.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
*wakes up*

What a beautiful morning! I will check PoliGAF this morning!


Yeah I wasn't kidding when I said he was stark raving mad a month ago. You guys have to got learn to stop responding to anarchomarxracists.
*wakes up*

What a beautiful morning! I will check PoliGAF this morning!


Yeah I wasn't kidding when I said he was stark raving mad a month ago. You guys have to got learn to stop responding to anarchomarxracists.

But anarchocapitalists are okay right?

Pls don't ban Benji again, I love that guy.




Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
That's a ton of undecided at this point.
Late response, and holy shit I just got to page 129 and no wonder disastermouse is banned right now:

21% and %14 are not insignificant numbers. This concerns me. That isn't good for Hillary or Bernie.

Just gonna remind everyone that those numbers were damn near 40% at the end of the 2008 primary cycle.



The Supreme Court upheld voter ID laws even while recognizing that there was NO evidence voter fraud in Indiana. The court said the laws are OK simply to remove the appearance of fraud. Any burdens on people's right to vote is worth it.

BUT according to the Court ANY regulations of political spending over companies are irrational because there's no way that money corrupts! And there's no way that money in politics even creates the APPEARANCE of corruption!

This is the kind of absurd result that a liberal Court would reverse.

Thinking about it: we have 40+ years of really big conservative 5-4 decisions that suddenly are on very shaky ground if either Democrat wins in November. If the states and/or feds are able to set-up test cases for immediate challenge, the following decade or two would see decent number of reversals from SCOTUS.

Winning the White House + Senate this time would be probably the biggest win for liberalism in a generation.


Regardless of that one poll that's closer, the averages point to a pretty comfortable Trump win in SC. However, every other poll has a different leader for second place, and it's going to be pretty interesting to watch it play out.
Don't screw this up, Cruz

Anyone see that PPP question about gays? 31 percent of Trump supporter want to ban gay people. Girl.....

Sorry, ban? Like deport them all?
Late response, and holy shit I just got to page 129 and no wonder disastermouse is banned right now:

Just gonna remind everyone that those numbers were damn near 40% at the end of the 2008 primary cycle.

Were they really? Well I guess the current numbers aren't so bad by comparison then, though it's always better to have them as low as possible.
Regardless of that one poll that's closer, the averages point to a pretty comfortable Trump win in SC. However, every other poll has a different leader for second place, and it's going to be pretty interesting to watch it play out.
Don't screw this up, Cruz

Sorry, ban? Like deport them all?
It reads as though it's a ban on allowing us into the country. Only 20% of the GOP supports that but it's 31% of Trump people. Carson and Kaisich are the lowest at 7% each.
Were they really? Well I guess the current numbers aren't so bad by comparison then, though it's always better to have them as low as possible.

At least if CNN was any indication:

Sixty percent of Clinton supporters said they would vote for Obama, but 17 percent said they would vote for Sen. John McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee and Obama's rival in the general election. Nearly one-quarter, 22 percent, said they would not vote at all if Clinton were not the Democrats' nominee.

The poll's margin of error was plus or minus 7.5 percentage points. The poll was conducted after Obama clinched the Democratic nomination Tuesday.


It reads as though it's a ban on allowing us into the country. Only 20% of the GOP supports that but it's 31% of Trump people. Carson and Kaisich are the lowest at 7% each.

Disgusting. I hope Trump gets hit hard on this assuming he makes it to the general. What a great debate response Hillary could turn that into. "Let's talk about the kind of support that Mr. Trump has gained with his positions..."


So it would be painful loss. But as we wrote earlier this week, a Sanders loss could even be more impactful because it would set up Hillary Clinton to start running the table over the next two weeks in South Carolina and the southern March 1 states. And if that's the case, come March 2, she might have a delegate lead that's impossible to catch up to given the proportional nature of all of the Democratic races. So Sanders needs a win to keep the pressure on Clinton, and Clinton needs a win to finally start pulling away.

Come on Hillary you can do it. Win NV for us.


User 406

Just gonna remind everyone that those numbers were damn near 40% at the end of the 2008 primary cycle.

It bears repeating, the amplified internet "MY CANDIDATE OR I WON'T VOTE!!!" noise isn't a new thing, and it's still nowhere near as bad as 2008. People need to calm down.

Also, privileged dudes getting antsy because minority and womens' issues are getting time is a good sign of progress, not some growing flaw in the Democratic party. Anyone who seriously thinks identity politics is a "problem" because it's alienating some straight white men should really take a step back and do some deeper self-examination as to why exactly this bothers them, and why it should be necessary that straight white men remain the axis around which all politics revolve.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
If the Queen loses NV I'm jumping on the Jeb Bush train hoping he stays in for at least another debate so we get more videos.
It bears repeating, the amplified internet "MY CANDIDATE OR I WON'T VOTE!!!" noise isn't a new thing, and it's still nowhere near as bad as 2008. People need to calm down.

Also, privileged dudes getting antsy because minority and womens' issues are getting time is a good sign of progress, not some growing flaw in the Democratic party. Anyone who seriously thinks identity politics is a "problem" because it's alienating some straight white men should really take a step back and do some deeper self-examination as to why exactly this bothers them, and why it should be necessary that straight white men remain the axis around which all politics revolve.

Yep. It really just comes down to them being out of touch due to their privileged status. Simple as that.


Watching some Bernie town hall videos. He yells so much. Like his voice goes from 0 to 150 in two seconds. It's really annoying and not too charismatic.


It's going to be less than a percent again, just to annoy the shit out of everyone.

Nothing starts this train.

Gonna Diablos if its like IA. She starts off with a 6 pt lead that just evaporates over time. I really want her to starting blowing him out. I wish the SC primary was tomorrow for the Democrats. Why did you do this to us Reid?


My predictions:

1. Trump
2. Rubio
3. Cruz
4. Bush
5. Carson
6. Kasich

1. Bernie
2. Hillary

I think NV will be Iowa like but will break for Bernie.

Just to check, we should have the NV Caucus results around 1PM PST right?


Rubio says he'd end deportation relief for the DREAMers on day one. That's a flip flop, and a push even further to the right.
That sound you hear is Nevada turning deeper blue right now, with Colorado close behind.

Thank you, Donald Trump. Thank you for teaching us about how to laugh about love, again.
I seem to recall the Bern campaign mngmt bro mentioning a coupla months ago that they was looking at not much more than 30 something percent in SC as "good enuff" because reasons. Anyone got any recollection of that?

Also mad props to the bro that left the broccoli.
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