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PoliGAF 2016 |OT| Ask us about our performance with Latinos in Nevada

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I just love what Trump is doing to the GOP. All that pandering to the racist base of the party during the Obama years is coming back to fuck them over.

Quite a bit longer than that. TP and FC wouldn't have happened if the elements weren't put in play and nurtured for so much time.

To be fair to them, the southern strategy worked very well indeed. Thankfully they do have a habit of electing grotesquely incompetent folk, and that ended up undermining everything else (gross generalization obv. was a demographic dead end anyway. just hitting a wall sooner than expected).
Real talk, if some shitposting on Twitter is enough to make you go from Bernie in the primary to Trump in the general then you probably aren't a liberal. Actually you're probably an idiot.

RIP I guess.


Quite a bit longer than that. TP and FC wouldn't have happened if the elements weren't put in play and nurtured for so much time.

To be fair to them, the southern strategy worked very well indeed. Sadly they do have a habit of electing grotesquely incompetent folk, and that ended up undermining everything else.

Yea they might have started this long before, but when Obama won in 2008 it just pushed them right off the edge.
Real talk, if some shitposting on Twitter is enough to make you go from Bernie in the primary to Trump in the general then you probably aren't a liberal. Actually you're probably an idiot.

RIP I guess.

I don't think it's particularly prudent to suggest that someone's an idiot solely based on their presidential voting tendencies, however erratic they may seem, but maybe that's just me.
I don't think it's particularly prudent to suggest that someone's an idiot solely based on their presidential voting tendencies, however erratic they may seem, but maybe that's just me.

I think it depends, if you going forgo your own ideology because of what someone over the internet says then something isn't right.

I don't fully get as to why some of these so called liberals who act that way unless they are single issue voters or weren't liberal to begin with. But it could be just that some of these people just have acute self-serving ideologies.


Yet she still was polling at 50-60% nationally, in polls that polled both Democrats and Republicans. Trump has been attacking Bernie at his rallies, and although they don't mention him by name all the time they certainly have been beating the drum about him being a Socialist. I believe I heard a ton of references to "one that wants to give everyone free stuff" or something of that nature.

The little they've mentioned Bernie is nothing compared to the attacks Hillary has received over the past 25 years. I'm much more confident with Hillary's GE support being a floor, because there isn't a negative thing you can say about Hillary that hasn't been said a million times. Bernie has good policy ideas, but so far he hasn't been an impressive debater. Hillary seems to be able to think on her feet quite a bit more, and I'm confident she would wipe the floor with the GOP nominee in the debates.

If Sanders wins the primary, the real barrage will start, and it won't be limited to his socialism. No Democrat would go after his out-of-wedlock child because it's a low blow, but low blows are the Republicans' bread and butter. And yes, sadly, it'll work on some of the voters that Bernie is trying to attract.


Oh neat I can lurk this thread again without wanting to scoop my eyes out :)

I don't think it's particularly prudent to suggest that someone's an idiot solely based on their presidential voting tendencies, however erratic they may seem, but maybe that's just me.

I think "person who has political views I'm not inclined to respect" is both more accurate and less inflammatory


Holy shit Disastermouse went off the deep end.

I really hate it when people pull the "I'm such a victimised straight white guy" card. Cry me a fucking river. Institutionalised and systematic discrimination > The fact that your feelings are hurt when people point out you don't have direct experience of oppression.
I think it depends, if you going forgo your own ideology because of what someone over the internet says then something isn't right.

I don't fully get as to why some of these so called liberals who act that way unless they are single issue voters or weren't liberal to begin with. But it could be just that some of these people just have acute self-serving ideologies.

I mean, you're not wrong, but people can vote for whatever reasons they want. I think it's even fine to say that their reasoning (in that specific instance) is idiotic. However, personally attacking them is going a bit over the line.

Oh neat I can lurk this thread again without wanting to scoop my eyes out :)

I think "person who has political views I'm not inclined to respect" is both more accurate and less inflammatory

Yeah, that works.
Wow, I was gone for two days and I tried catching up but the last few pages were something. Seeing a meltdown of some sort in almost real time was a sight to behold. disastermouse was probably partially trolling but you can read the moment where he snapped.

Really Bernie lol

Wow, I was gone for two days and I tried catching up but the last few pages were something. Seeing a meltdown of some sort in almost real time was a sight to behold. disastermouse was probably partially trolling but you can read the moment where he snapped.

Let me dispel with this notion that disastermouse didn't know what he was doing, he know exactly what he was doing.


Friend saw Barney Frank give a talk in Sydney tonight. Apparently (unsurprisingly) he has some things to say about Scalia when he gets back to the States. When he ruled against women and racial minorities at least he'd disguise it with constitutional considerations most of the time. Felt it was just raw hatred with LGBT people.

Said with Rubio there even less going on than appears on the surface. A little frustrated with Sanders because he doesn't remember him having a problem with Dodd Frank when it was being written.
Sanders' apparently picked up the backing of Nevada's Clark County Black Caucus? Not sure how much of an effect that well have.

EDIT: Just read more on Wisconsin's Voter ID law, the fuck is this shit? Married women (or Men as the case may be) who changed their last names need to present their original birth certificate with their original name?
"How is it a chore?" "That's not a lot to pay."


This was sort of interesting from Morning Consult.
In selecting a candidate, is it important to you whom your friends are supporting?
Women 	18-29 	 	30% 	 	62%
	30-44 	 	24 	 	67
	45-54 	 	17 	 	78
	55-64 	 	8 	 	83
	65+ 	 	8  		90

Men 	18-29 	 	43 	 	52
	30-44 	 	33 	 	63
	45-54 	 	15 	 	80
	55-64 	 	14 	 	80
	65+ 	 	7 	 	91
Men overall, and particularly younger men, are more likely to be influenced by their friends voting preferences.
Just read more on Wisconsin's Voter ID law, the fuck is this shit? Married women (or Men as the case may be) who changed their last names need to present their original birth certificate with their original name?

Seeing this kind of shit makes me think that we'll we're at least a half-century away from online voting. In other words, I'll probably never see it in my lifetime.
Hey guys.. What's going..

And he's gone

Thank goodness (or probably bish)

Bish 2016
if Ted Cruz can run why not Bish
If Sanders wins the primary, the real barrage will start, and it won't be limited to his socialism. No Democrat would go after his out-of-wedlock child because it's a low blow, but low blows are the Republicans' bread and butter. And yes, sadly, it'll work on some of the voters that Bernie is trying to attract.

If north-american demographics are mimicking south american movements in that regard, i'd say that anyone that goes after such a thing is commiting political suicide.

Much like how no one will much care that voting for clinton would put a lying adulterer and possible sexual harasser in the white house.

Im kinda thirsty for that data about how people react to sanders after the ussr ads tho
If north-american demographics are mimicking south american movements in that regard, i'd say that anyone that goes after such a thing is commiting political suicide.

I agree. There's no way something like that comes up considering I imagine a lot of American's have children out of wedlock these days.
Seeing this kind of shit makes me think that we'll we're at least a half-century away from online voting. In other words, I'll probably never see it in my lifetime.

Its also why replacing Scalia with a liberal is absolutely vital. There's no reason we have to allow shit like this. It's just happening now because the Supreme Court places the concept of 'federalism' above individual rights. I'm almost certain that it would be thrown out if even a moderate like Srinivasan was on the court.
Bish/Cyan 2016 Make GAF Great Again
Y2Kev/Shinra A Big Fat Mess


Its also why replacing Scalia with a liberal is absolutely vital. There's no reason we have to allow shit like this. It's just happening now because the Supreme Court places the concept of 'federalism' above individual rights. I'm almost certain that it would be thrown out if even a moderate like Srinivasan was on the court.

I completely agree, but I'm not sure if [the bolded] is going to happen. We'll see.
For PolliGAF. Marist SC. Not sure if posted.
Donald Trump is now leading Saturday's South Carolina Republican primary by 5 points — down from his 16-point lead in the state a month ago
That's down slightly from Clinton's 64 percent to 27 percent advantage last month.
Sanders leads Clinton among white Democrats, 51 percent to 46 percent. But Clinton crushes him among African Americans in the state, 68 percent to 21 percent.
The Supreme Court upheld voter ID laws even while recognizing that there was NO evidence voter fraud in Indiana. The court said the laws are OK simply to remove the appearance of fraud. Any burdens on people's right to vote is worth it.

BUT according to the Court ANY regulations of political spending over companies are irrational because there's no way that money corrupts! And there's no way that money in politics even creates the APPEARANCE of corruption!

This is the kind of absurd result that a liberal Court would reverse.
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