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PoliGAF 2016 |OT| Ask us about our performance with Latinos in Nevada

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Clinton at least mentions non-banking financial institutions. But I don't see either talking about, for example, capital requirements.

I recall she mentioned something about this in a debate. Here is a (different?) reference made in an article:

Clinton also says she would "call on regulators to impose higher capital requirements if she determines that such a step is a necessary complement to the fee."


User 406

The real question is, did Jeb's staffers bother to include their stint in his campaign on their resumes? :X



@realDonaldTrump I use both iPhone & Samsung. If Apple doesn't give info to authorities on the terrorists I'll only be using Samsung until they give info.

Trump nooooo. You can't pick a Korean company over an American company!


Megyn Kelly: "there's some talk from politico that you won't resume your campaign if you don't do well in SC."

Jeb!: "I don't read politico, I think it's trash."
@realDonaldTrump I use both iPhone & Samsung. If Apple doesn't give info to authorities on the terrorists I'll only be using Samsung until they give info.

Trump nooooo. You can't pick a Korean company over an American company!

He loves the Koreans. He gets along great with them. He gets along with everybody. They make a good product. Small hands, like him. Good people. Work hard. Very good people. Something about a wall between North and South Korea. Two Corinthians.



So in the past week Trump has gotten into feuds with George W Bush, the Pope and Apple. And we're only half way through February.


Megyn Kelly: "there's some talk from politico that you won't resume your campaign if you don't do well in SC."

Jeb!: "I don't read politico, I think it's trash."

Damn Jeb! doing Politico raw.

Wouldn't be surprised to see 10 more articles about Jeb! sinking, Rubio soaring...


The Luntz focus group vs Rubio on FNC is brilliant. This guy has rebounded hard after that big fat mess known as Chris Christie.

Will post vidya when available.
GOP is really that desperate and willing to stoop so low as to plant fake voters in an effort to switch a caucus - obviously to Bernie..?

The fuq?????


What's up with Bernie?

That memo came two days after the Sanders campaign released a slightly inaccurate video laying out the caucus process in the state. The video said that the viability threshold for candidates is 15 percent support of caucus-goers, but that's not always the case.
The video also encourages Republicans to caucus for Sanders, pointing them to fill out a form to register as a Democrat. The video does not explicitly encourage Republicans to register to vote twice, but neither does it warn them against doing so.
A person holding a stuffed animal asks, "I'm a Republican, can I caucus for Bernie?" The little girl hosting the video, Monteserrat Guerra, responds, "No problem! You just have to fill this form! We'll help you register as a Democrat.


I've been doing some reading on Bernie this evening, and I ran into some interesting articles.

First, a really good piece on his personality behind the scenes that also outlines his impressive executive performance as mayor of Burlington. This is a really good article that has a mix of unflattering and flattering information in it: Bernie Sanders - Cold as Ice

And this piece about Bernie's legislative accomplishments in the house and Senate. Despite his reputation for being an uncompromising ideologue, he has been very effective in his own way. During the period between 1994 and 2006, Bernie passed more amendments than any other member of the house, despite the fact that the house was controlled by republicans.

Finally, this piece on why Bernie wanted someone to primary Obama in 2012. A lot of people may have forgotten how badly the president caved to republicans during his first term. I remember being really disappointed in him during this same time period. I think the democratic party is trying to Reaganize him now, and I think it's a mistake to do so. I also think Hilary's insinuation that she will be Obama's third term is her weakest argument. She has her own record, and her own unique style. If she wins, she will be a totally different kind of president than Obama, and she needs to do a better job of telling voters what she's really all about.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
MSNBC - Trump hails torture, mass killings with ‘pigs blood’ ammo in SC
The standout topic, however, was terrorism and national security. Trump repeated – favorably – an apparent myth about how General John Pershing summarily executed dozens of Muslim prisoners in the Philippines with tainted ammunition during a guerilla war against the occupying United States.

“He took fifty bullets, and he dipped them in pig’s blood,” Trump said. “And he had his men load his rifles and he lined up the fifty people, and they shot 49 of those people. And the fiftieth person he said ‘You go back to your people and you tell them what happened.’ And for 25 years there wasn’t a problem, okay?”

The story appears to be a hoax spread via e-mail forwards, according to rumor tracker Snopes.com, with no evidence it occurred.

The moral of the tale, according to Trump: “We better start getting tough and we better start getting vigilant, and we better start using our heads or we’re not gonna have a country, folks.”
Is this the first time he's cited this myth as an example of how we should handle enemies around the world?

What a sociopath.
When you want to primary an INSANELY popular democratic president, the reasoning doesn't really matter, it will be perceived as negative. Which explains why he's having such difficulty trying to justify it
The Luntz focus group vs Rubio on FNC is brilliant. This guy has rebounded hard after that big fat mess known as Chris Christie.

Will post vidya when available.
It's propaganda brah. It's illusory, like Frank Lutz chin's ever losing battle with gravity. They had him winning after the New Hamoshire debate. It's propaganda. Follow the money.
If there is any mess because of this I wonder if this will be the last time Nevada has a caucus and if they'll switch to a primary with more solid rules. This isn't a good look for Sanders at all.

Why, exactly? "Republicans for [insert democrat]" and things of that sort are very common in campaigns.

Here's the video in question. I think it would take a pretty cynical person to say this video is an intentional ploy to encourage republicans who don't actually support Bernie to vote for him.


I'd say a Trump blowout, but turnout favored Cruz in Iowa, it's going to be really interesting to see how this plays out.
Turnout also favored Trump in New Hampshire. I think people really either want to vote for him or against him, along with the fact that the SC GOP primary is more competitive than the Dem one and a whole week earlier, Indies are probably more interested in voting in the GOP primary.


I think it's bad timing with all these Republican groups calling for Republicans to caucus for Sanders and then caucus for their own party 3 days later.
If you're a Republican and want to switch to the Democratic Party and vote in the caucus, that's fine. It's disingenuous to do it and still vote in the Republican caucus.
That these Trump comments are getting no traction in the media (three hours old now) is fucking sad. Nobody cares that Trump fantasizes about killing brown people.


SCOTUS denies stay to NC's big fat mess of a gerrymander. The three judge panel will now review the maps that still give a 10-3 advantage to the GOP. It's possible even this new map could be denied.
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