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PoliGAF 2016 |OT| Ask us about our performance with Latinos in Nevada

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TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
“The pundits now start talking about lanes, like we’re little widgets in a narrative that’s all part of a play that we’re all supposed to play our part, right,” Bush riffed to the crowd of about 150 in the backroom of Wade’s, a restaurant in a strip mall here.

To Jeb Bush’s right sat his mother, Barbara Bush, who beamed proudly as Graham called her “America’s mom” and addressed her as “Miss Bush,”

“Well here’s my lane, my lane is one of being a disruptor.”

Jeb is a big fat waste.
Go Fuck Yourself, Bernie - Obama isn’t just the President of Black people.
So do I actually mean it when I say Go Fuck Yourself, Bernie? No. Everyone’s allowed to have a bad day. Everyone makes mistakes when every word is captured on tape. If Bernie wins the nomination, I’ll be knocking on doors for him in Cleveland.

But for today, and for that comment, and for anyone that tries to diminish Obama’s presidency to “He’s popular with black people,” Go Fuck Yourself.
Big, fat mistake?
^Not Bernie's best moment, certainly. While he's right that Clinton hypes up Obama for political reasons, appealing to black voters among them, you can't just, like... say that. You have to wrap up a comment like that with praise for Obama prefacing and following it.

Also, I'm just catching up on the town hall last night and these answers are not as doom and gloom as you guys were suggesting. I seriously thought Bernie's response to the racial justice question was going to be "Go to my website" and nothing else based on what you all were saying.
I mean the post makes valid points.
It's pandering when you talk about minorities and try to win their votes. It's just plain old campaigning when you try to appeal to the normative or privileged.

Although, he's one of those establishment black people (English works for the DCCC).
political posturing for endorsements is part of the game as it is courting certain demographics

but the Sanders campaign have been clumsy on their handling of Hilary's Uterus and Obama's significance as the first non-white President.

Isn't the Sanders campaign also trying to convince certain demographics to vote for him, for sure he is.... he courted gun nuts by voting against the Brady Bill and stuff like that
Yeah Bernie, Clinton just started "cozying up to Obama" now, not when she was, you know Secretary of State or anything. Lol

Ya, but of the two, she's the only one who ran against him. Bernie only just hinted, wink wink nudge nudge, someone should run against the sitting President. So it's all okay. Because reasons.


Is he wrong? It's pretty obvious. Clinton is doing the smart thing, tying herself to the president and running as his heir. This is even more important for her to do in African American states where he is even more popular. She is also running against someone who has distanced himself from the president, thus making her embrace even more of an advantage.

I don't believe Sanders is saying the "only" reason Clinton is doing this is to attract black voters. She was doing this in Iowa and NH as well.
Only in Quinnipiac.

e: Like, literally, they're the only ones showing that.

Got a friend saying she is losing to all the gop and bernie is winning.

She's losing a lot. But just like the hypothetical Bernie matchups, the truth is that the race hasn't happened yet. Once people start paying attention, Clinton will likely dominate all of them. For instance, Kasich Having such a huge spread is obviously wrong.
I think they both need to appeal to minority voters given the remaining primary electorate is basically half minority. But I do see that last point in that post as particularly notable - pandering v. campaigning.

But President Obama is still immensely popular with Democrats in general, and she was already hugging him for dear life and trying to become his heir-apparent before. She has a pretty valid link to him as a former member of the Administration.

It's just become even more obvious now in the run up to SC and Super Tuesday.

I think the problem arises more in how Sanders has tried to turn this into a negative against her. Like it or not, his statements do come across as if he's saying it's the only reason and she's only doing it now.
His tenuous ties and past statements to the sitting President don't help him here.


My friend is saying hillary is politics as usual and that we need Bernie for radical change.

Will Bernie actually be able to change anything, thougb?
Is he wrong? It's pretty obvious. Clinton is doing the smart thing, tying herself to the president and running as his heir. This is even more important for her to do in African American states where he is even more popular. She is also running against someone who has distanced himself from the president, thus making her embrace even more of an advantage.

I don't believe Sanders is saying the "only" reason Clinton is doing this is to attract black voters. She was doing this in Iowa and NH as well.
Is sanders pandering to liberal whites by promising to turn us into Europe, put their desires for Wall Street reform above all else and subtlety saying Clinton is prioritizing minoritiy interests over theirs in his statement?


I don't think Bernie should have said that, but I would be lying if I said I like how Hillary brings up Obama and the tone she uses. She uses the topic in a very malicious way. She certainly doesn't sound authenticate or genuine whenever she brings him up either. Or perhaps I'm reading her wrong.

In a way, Clinton may want to be President, but it's kind of touching of how protective she's become of Obama, almost like he's a sacred cow.

I'd like to believe that she's both loyal to both the man and his accomplishments.
I don't think Bernie should have said that, but I would be lying if I said I like how Hillary brings up Obama and the tone she uses. She uses the topic in a very malicious way. She certainly doesn't sound authentic or genuine whenever she brings him up either. Or perhaps I'm reading her wrong.
Bringing up a popular president, especially when you were involved in the administration, is malicious?


Re; cozying up to Obama. It's half Sanders' campaigns fault anyway.

You can't portray someone as being part of the political establishment for months and months when its beneficial in states with lots of skeptical independents then expect the label to fall away when you hit the bigger states where the voters actually quite like the establishment and the person leading it.

Or, maybe it is possible but the Sanders campaign never figured out how to do it. There was never a significant change in rhetoric after New Hampshire.


What little merit Bernie's comment might have held is completely diminished by the fact that it came from him of all people, a senator from a state where the black community is openly critical of his inaction, and possessing such a dearth of modern relevance to the plight of black folk nationally that he himself had to fall back on the "Remember I matched with King" talking point at last night's town hall.

His comment was uncalled for because, for all her faults, Hillary Clinton has done more in support of black people, and in supporting black democrats, than he has.
FYI. Just a heads up

If your supervisor asks you how in the hell you (as an American) know who the PM of Canada is the correct answer is not "Because I want to bang him." Just putting that out there.

I was also thinking that we should set up some kind of schedule in the event of a Hillary loss tomorrow. That way, we can all take turns rending our garments and howling at the moon. I think we should take turns, you know.


What little merit Bernie's comment might have held is completely diminished by the fact that it came from him of all people, a senator from a state where the black community is openly critical of his inaction, and possessing such a dearth of modern relevance to the plight of black folk nationally that he himself had to fall back on the "Remember I matched with King" talking point at last night's town hall.

His comment was uncalled for because, for all her faults, Hillary Clinton has done more in support of black people, and in supporting black democrats, than he has.
Yah more to hurt us.
Edit:from my perspective


I was also thinking that we should set up some kind of schedule in the event of a Hillary loss tomorrow. That way, we can all take turns rending our garments and howling at the moon. I think we should take turns, you know.
I'm more worried about my Trump investment tbh.
I mean to further note why it was an ill-advised comment to make.
They're both visiting HBCUs.
They're both attending church services with black congregations, prayer breakfasts and so forth.
They're both going on Al Sharpton's show and talking to the leadership of the National Urban League.
They're both talking about racial crime, poverty, morbidity and mortality statistics.
They're both bringing in DREAMers as surrogates.

And they're both praising a Democratic President who's highly popular across the board in the party, to the degree they're able.
Because MA is not NH. Look at the polls - when Bernie was ahead in NH he was still way behind in MA.

I get the impression that Hillary will do well in the South and Bernie will do well in New England throughout these primaries. The only southern states I think Bernie has any chance in are Kentucky and West Virginia (if you consider WV southern). As for New England, Massachusetts is probably Hillary's best shot but I think it'll still swing toward Bernie.


The stuff with The Onion has to be some of the most conspiratorial this cycle, especially considering two of their last three articles about Hillary have been about her looming evil HQ above New Hampshire and leaving a volunteer to die because the volunteer is too weak.


I get the impression that Hillary will do well in the South and Bernie will do well in New England throughout these primaries. The only southern states I think Bernie has any chance in are Kentucky and West Virginia (if you consider WV southern). As for New England, Massachusetts is probably Hillary's best shot but I think it'll still swing toward Bernie.

It might be true but it is a huge 1 month swing so iwannaseetherecipts.gif
The stuff with The Onion has to be some of the most conspiratorial this cycle, especially considering two of their last three articles about Hillary have been about her looming evil HQ above New Hampshire and leaving a volunteer to die because the volunteer is too weak.
That's driven purely by greenwalds hatred of sabens Israel support.
FYI. Just a heads up

If your supervisor asks you how in the hell you (as an American) know who the PM of Canada is the correct answer is not "Because I want to bang him." Just putting that out there.
Should i also answer that if they ask me how i know who the 64th mayor of Toronto was?


Bringing up a popular president, especially when you were involved in the administration, is malicious?

It just her tone. It sounds really fake. Its as if she's using it to score points. Theres more meaning to what people say than just words.

She went on about her continued support of Obama and tried attacked Bernie regarding that. At the end of the exchange, it just left a bad taste in my mouth. She always comes off as a strong and independent individual, and she personally hanged on to that Obama card for a little bit too long during that exchange, to the point where it got me asking if she's running a campaign for herself or for Obama.

I was born and raised in the bronx, so perhaps its more of a culture thing. We say someones a good leader/boss and thats it. She was on the border of pandering. Even my own mother started laughing and she's undecided.
She went on about her continued support of Obama and tried attacked Bernie regarding that. At the end of the exchange, it just left a bad taste in my mouth. She always comes off as a strong and independent individual, and she personally hanged on to that Obama card for a little bit too long, to the point where it got me thinking that she should just run her campaign.

She tried that once. It didn't work out so well.


If Bernie is stopped by the race angle people are getting at him with, he probably wasn't built to be president.
I still think it's an incredibly lowbrow angle of attack though.
It just her tone. It sounds really fake. Its as if she's using it to score points. Theres more meaning to what people say than just words.

She went on about her continued support of Obama and tried attacked Bernie regarding that. At the end of the exchange, it just left a bad taste in my mouth. She always comes off as a strong and independent individual, and she personally hanged on to that Obama card for a little bit too long during that exchange, to the point where it got me asking if she's running a campaign for herself or for Obama.

I was born and raised in the bronx, so perhaps its more of a culture thing. We say someones a good leader/boss and thats it. She was on the border of pandering. Even my own mother started laughing and she's undecided.

Her tone might be different because she's using it as a line of attack, but that doesn't necessarily mean she's insincere about it, or that she would talk about it differently *still for political gain* in a completely different tone if she were not going against sanders
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