if there is video of this
Just donated to Hillary. Does my clock reset for the general? I want her to have all my money that she is legally entitled to have.
Just donated to Hillary. Does my clock reset for the general? I want her to have all my money that she is legally entitled to have.
45% Repubs decided in last week.
Rubio incoming folks
To be clear, my ire is not against Bernie or Bernie supporters but falls squarely on the media and their very frustrating need to create a narrative.
I think you can be fabulous again later as well.Just donated to Hillary. Does my clock reset for the general? I want her to have all my money that she is legally entitled to have.
Wow if true...
Feels like the toxic subset of supporters Clinton had in '08 are now supporting Sanders in '16.I mean he can't control his supporters' every move... But hashtag optics.
A bit patronizing, no? Your woman's probably going to win, that doesn't mean you can talk down to us like we're all berniebros or white young college males or whatever the dumb joke is.Unlikely.
But there are going to be a boatload of meltdowns today and I hope people here treat Sanders supporters with kid gloves for a while. I've never felt Sanders was actually interested in being President, so I never saw him as a threat, but there are a lot of people out there who will justifiably feel a deep sense of loss and disappointment at his [inevitable] loss.
What are you quoting?
Yeah I didn't mean to come off like I was accusing you of anything, I was moreso speaking to the wider thread now that the "threat" is essentially over.
Today, the revolution died.
Today, the revolution died.
What the hell, Hillary comes out and paints a county, then leaves, but Bernie comes out and paints a county and stays there and won't shut up about millionaires and billionaires. They need to do some bumper car shit, we want blood you weenies!
I'm going to say this as nicely as I can muster: can you stop being ridiculous, thanks.CNN Exit Polls first wave
The meltdown would be deliciousrubio is going to win SC
trump hackfraud
Today, the revolution died.
Rubio camp getting ready for the spin room,
That's a nice way to spin the 3-2-1 strategy to 3-5-3 strategy
He's still got a chance with the rest of the states. I feel like Karl Rove doing republican math.
Hold me, poligaf
The meltdown would be delicious
LOL, if a county goes 50-50, a girl in a striped shirt comes out and paints it gray.
Why does this not surprise me?...
He's still got a chance with the rest of the states. I feel like Karl Rove doing republican math.
Hold me, poligaf]
[SPOILER]Get it? MELT down. Also, Terminator[/SPOILER][/QUOTE]
More like
A bit patronizing, no? Your woman's probably going to win, that doesn't mean you can talk down to us like we're all berniebros or white young college males or whatever the dumb joke is.
When you talk down to people who have a difference of opinion with you you'll end up with a big fat mess, yasss queen echo chamber.
Nate Cohn twitter said:In 5 majority black precincts, Clinton has an 84 to 4 delegate lead over Sanders
if there is video of this
Why does this not surprise me?
The whole lot of that campaign is a fucking fraud.
Black still don't crack.
Tell you what.. I feel a helluva lot better about pushing Trump here in Louisiana now, especially since every vote counts (proportional delegate awarding).Thank fuck for today. It puts my mind at ease.
Black still don't crack.
Hey Bernie fans: is that Bern feeling like an infection now?
Nate Cohn ‏@Nate_Cohn 24m24 minutes ago Washington, DC
Based on the results in Clark, the precincts in ELV, and the overall entrance poll error, I do not believe Sanders won the Hispanic vote.