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PoliGAF 2016 |OT| Ask us about our performance with Latinos in Nevada

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As pointed out on CNN, Kasich is last Gov. standing.

And that is pretty much his main argument for staying in. He's trying to take the narrative of "I know how to get things done, I'm a governor" and rub it in Rubio and Cruz's faces. I don't think it's gonna work though.


Trump wants to "put this thing away" but the GOP isn't hearing it. I really think we are looking into the face of a brokered convention, starting tonight.
I'm worried about Florida now that Jeb is out because it's winner take all. Even if Trump can win there by 1% I'll be happy because he takes it all. If Rubio pulls through... argh.

I'm not going to diablos about it though. It's in a bit less than a month.

I can see Trump taking most, if not all, of the panhandle region and North Florida. Further down, it will become solidly Rubio country. But if he still has to compete with Cruz at that point, Rubio might have a hard time.


Sanders after New Hampshire:


Sanders after Nevada:

Jeb dropping out is big for Rubio in that it should ensure he stays over the 20% delegate threshold in the coming states, but it alone isn't going to propel him ahead of Trump.


force push the doodoo rock
I don't buy Nate Silver's narrative talking about how Jeb leaving puts Rubio over.

Just because you liked Jeb doesn't mean you will vote for Rubio because Jeb is no longer an option. People had their reasons for picking Jeb over Rubio, those reasons don't just disappear.

I think people in the media are glossing over the pretty glaring differences between the two candidates. Jeb's lack of support for a wall being a big one.

User 406


Please clap
Hillary Clinton would be a national security disaster
The simple fact is that the world has been torn asunder
America's leadership in the world is required for peace and stability
My mom finally told me I was her favorite
I'm not sure we need half a billion dollars for women's health issues
I would repeal Obamacare
I live in Miami, I'm outside of Washington
I've never worked in Washington. It's just not part of my DNA
What we need is someone who is serious about keeping us safe, just as my brother did
My dad is the greatest man alive, in my mind

Feel the Bern!
It's a political revolution!
Enough is enough. The billionaire class cannot have it all!
This is a rigged economy
We have got to change the political culture in America
I don't represent large corporations and I don't want their money
I have a D-minus voting record from the NRA
In terms of polling, guess what, we are running ahead of Secretary Clinton in terms of taking on my good friend, Donald Trump
I do not want Wall Street's money
The American people will not continue to accept a corrupt campaign finance system
Democrats and progressives win when voter turnout is high
The people want real change
It's too late for the same old establishment politics
I do not have a Super PAC, and I do not want a Super PAC
You know what that average contribution was? $27
Are you guys ready for a radical idea?
They're throwing everything at me except the kitchen sink, and I have the feeling that kitchen sink is coming pretty soon as well
We need to pass a Medicare-for-all single-payer system

We're going to fight for every vote in every state
I'm a progressive. But I'm a progressive who likes to get things done
It's time the entire country stood up against the NRA
If I want to knock a story off the front page, I just change my hairstyle
The American people are tired of liars and people who pretend to be something they're not
They may not support me now, but I support them
We need to break down that highest, hardest glass ceiling in American politics
I'm not a scientist, I'm just a grandmother with two eyes and a brain
I am still standing
Americans have a right to be angry, but we're also hungry for real solutions
It's time for equal pay for equal work
I don't think President Obama gets the credit he deserves

Make America great again!
It's going to be terrific
We're going to win so much
I'm very rich
Tiny children are not horses
There's nobody bigger or better at the military than I am
Ted Cruz is a liar
Ted's a really nasty guy
Jeb is a lightweight! A complete disaster
I'm going to be the greatest jobs president that God ever created
Global warming was created by and for the Chinese
I will build a great wall on our southern border – and I will have Mexico pay for that wall
Nobody builds walls better than me, believe me
I will absolutely take a database on the people coming in from Syria

This is just nuts. Jeez, oh man
The Republican party is my vehicle, not my master
I don't look at polls, I pay no attention to them
America is a miracle country
I've always been underestimated. It's happened throughout my entire career
We will beat Hillary Clinton
We're going to win every state if Bernie Sanders is the nominee
I'd be the worst vice president anybody could ever imagine, I'd be worse than Biden
I've never been establishment, but I can work with the establishment
If you don't have a seatbelt, go get one
The debates are the dumbest thing going
Folks, we've got to wake up
I expanded Medicaid

Let's dispel with this fiction that Obama doesn't know what he's doing
And let's dispel once and for all with this fiction that Obama doesn't know what he's doing
Barack Obama is undertaking a systematic effort to change this country

Morning is coming
There are more words in the IRS code than there are in the Bible, and not a one of them is as good
The nice thing about the mainstream media, they don't hide their views
Climate change is the perfect pseudoscientific theory for a big government politician
President Obama is the most radical president this nation's ever seen
The scientific evidence doesn't support global warming
We will repeal every word of Obamacare
Donald comes from New York and he embodies New York values
If I am elected president, we will utterly destroy ISIS
We will carpet bomb [Isis] into oblivion
I will rip to shreds this catastrophic Iranian nuclear deal
We've got to get serious about securing the borders
There are far too many in the Washington cartel that support amnesty
Ronald Reagan did not spend the first 60 years of his life supporting Democratic politicians
Socialized medicine is a disaster. It does not work
Nothing against Canada, but I'm an American by birth

Putin is a one-horse country
Please visit my website, bencarson.com
My own personal theory is that Joseph built the pyramids to store grain


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
It's even more amazing that Kasich outperformed Bush at every turn. A no name governor with no money did better than GOP Savior Bush with 150 million dollars.

Sure sign George W tarnished the name.
Okay, Rubio having only three quotes, all about Barack Obama, is hilarious. But Carson only having three? The man has said so many crazy things. At the very least, one of the quotes should have been, "Zzzzzzz..."


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Really? Why?

They pick the RNC darling which would be Rubio.

I would argue that the republicans would lose, though, because that would be the start of Trump's third party run.


Also Trump is now ahead of his delegate count that he needs to win the nomination on the first ballot.

This isn't going to be a brokered convention.


If Trump is broadly ahead, even slightly, by mid-March he'll grab most or all of the winner take all states. I don't see how the GOP Primary calendar can lead to a brokered convention. They changed it this year specifically to wrap up the nomination early.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Again: where does Rubio get the delegates to win the nomination?

South is out. Michigan is out. Nevada is out. Florida? That's one state.


If Trump is broadly ahead, even slightly, by mid-March, he'll grab most or all of the winner take all states. I don't see how the GOP Primary calendar can lead to a brokered convention. They changed it this year specifically to wrap up the nomination early.

And it'll be easier for him when there are more states to compete in where campaigning isn't laser focused on one state.
If Bernie gets destroyed in SC and on Super Tuesday and drops out shortly after, would we still call him a serious primary challenger? Because that's one key to the White House I'd like back.


It's feeling like if Trump wins Florida it will be all over and he will get his majority.

Thankfully, Kasich has stated that he's in until Ohio.. which is on the same day as Florida.

I think that the pressure on him to drop out before then is going to be absolutely incredible.
Trump wants to "put this thing away" but the GOP isn't hearing it. I really think we are looking into the face of a brokered convention, starting tonight.

I'm not so sure they'll be able to force a brokered convention if he keeps this up.

You think the GOP would try to find a way to screw him or just roll with it knowing that either way they may be boned?

Sanders after New Hampshire:


Sanders after Nevada:


That is awesome :jnc
Also doesn't Rubio have to win at least 8 states to make the first ballot? Did I make that up?

Apparently that rule isn't set in stone and the GOP can easily change it before the convention. It won't block Rubio, they'll change it for him like they changed it to block Paul.


And it'll be easier for him when there are more states to compete in where campaigning isn't laser focused on one state.

That's where Rubio's RNC money comes into play. He's going to need every $ from those Super PACs.

Thankfully, Kasich has stated that he's in until Ohio.. which is on the same day as Florida.

I think that the pressure on him to drop out before then is going to be absolutely incredible.

Oh yea he's going to burn a shit load of bridges just staying in.


Regardless of this being a great night, the looming shadow of horribly racist rhetoric from certain circles when the black vote wallops Bernie in SC and beyond is not a pleasant feeling.

Prop 8 reactions will pale in comparison.


If Bernie gets destroyed in SC and on Super Tuesday and drops out shortly after, would we still call him a serious primary challenger? Because that's one key to the White House I'd like back.

If he gets destroyed on Super Tuesday then I don't think we should consider him a serious contender. But if he does well, then no matter what happens after, he would be a serious contender.
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